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Closed consultations, surveys and feedback

This page lists closed consultations that have been run by Fareham Borough Council since 2011. Feedback to each consultation will be published on this page when ready. To help us decide what we should install, residents were asked to complete an online survey and choose their favourite designs.

2018 Consultations

2017 Consultations

2016 Consultations

2015 Consultations

2014 Consultations

2013 Consultations

2012 Consultations

2011 Consultations

2016 consultations

Have we got our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) right?

We asked for people's comments on our Draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and received 87 responses in total.  The comments received were taken into account to form the final version of the SCI which was adopted in March 2017.

Hill Head Promenade Phase 2

The Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership, together with Fareham Borough Council held several public exhibition events in November which presented the preferred option to construct a new seawall and gave visitors the opportunity to comment on the plans.

For further information please visit External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Help us make Newtown play area better

Newtown play area is being improved as part of the Council's play area improvement programme and we asked people what new play equipment should be installed to complement what is already there.

51 people took part in the consultation. Additional equipment was added to the play area in summer 2017 including a junior multi-climbing unit, roundabout and play panels. Exiting equipment was re-painted and new floor graphics were installed.

Help us improve Sarisbury Green play area

Sarisbury Green Play Area is one of the latest play areas which has been identified for improvements. We asked people to choose what additional play equipment should be installed to make the play area better. 

The play area was updated in summer 2017. New equipment was installed including a multi-play unit, roundabout, play panels and existing equipment was repainted.

What drives your choice of car park?

Over 1000 people have taken part in this consultation to let us know what's important to them when choosing where to park in the town centre.  The results of this survey have fed into the draft Vision 'Planning the future of Fareham Town Centre'. PDF (29 MB)

Tell us what you think of our Council Tax Support Scheme

We asked people what they thought of the current Council Tax Support Scheme and some small changes we proposed.

The general view is that working age claimants should pay more towards their Council Tax, rather than cutting Council services.  The Council Tax Support Scheme from 1 April 2017 will incorporate some amendments to include a reduction in the number of weeks a claimant can request a claim to be backdated along with allowances reflecting those as outlined in Government Regulations.  For more information visit our dedicated webpage.

Anti-social behaviour in your area

74 people completed the questionnaire which was sent to people living in the roads immediately surrounding the Gillies in September. The feedback formed part of the evidence to support the Public Spaces Protection order and was used to commence talks with the commissioners of 101 Gosport Road (hostel).

Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) - Fareham Town Centre

544 people took part in the consultation during August and September.  Respondents were asked a number of questions relating to the introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). A large majority expressed their support for more powers to tackle various anti-social behaviours. The decision was taken to introduce the PSPO in November.

National Play Day

National Play Day took place on Wednesday 3 August at Holly Hill Woodland Park and an online survey was used to collect feedback. 17 people took part and the feedback was extremely positive. Entrants who had their say were entered into a prize draw where they could win a pair of tickets to the opening night for the panto 'Sleeping Beauty' at Ferneham Hall.

Portchester to Paulsgrove

The Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership held a drop in exhibition at Castle Street Day Centre on Thursday 28 July where an update was given on the Portchester to Paulsgrove Defence Scheme. The exhibition presented the leading options for coastal defence improvements for the area and gave visitors the opportunity to comment on the plans. An online survey collected feedback until Thursday 18 August.

For further information, please visit the Coastal Partnership's dedicated Portchester to Paulsgrove Defence Scheme webpage External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Fareham Town Centre Parking

During the summer, Enforcement Officers carried out a survey of parking patterns in the town centre. This evidence is feeding into the draft vision for the town centre.   

Funtley Governance Review Second Phase Consultation

After reviewing comments we had received both for and against a Parish council in the first phase consultation, our recommendation was that arrangements should stay the same, but residents should have a greater say through the work of ward councillors and the Funtley Village Society.  The response rate to this second consultation was very low and only 32 residents (5.6% of the population of Funtley) said they were against the Council's recommendation.

A meeting of the Council was held on 28 July and a report on the Governance Review was presented. This summarised the results of both resident consultations and set out other considerations that Councillors would need to take into account, such as whether a decision would have a negative impact on community cohesion.  The decision also had to be representative of all people living across Funtley and not just a small subsection.

Deputations were made at the meeting by two local residents, one of whom was representing the Funtley Village Society, and there was a detailed debate amongst Councillors followed by a vote.  The outcome was that a Funtley Parish Council would not be established.  It was felt that there was not a clear and sustained level of support for a Parish as this had decreased significantly throughout the period of the Community Governance Review. 

The Council also believes that the needs of the Funtley Village Society and Funtley residents, identified in the consultations, can be met by existing arrangements, without the need for imposing any additional costs on residents, some of whom may be already struggling financially. 

You can read the report and decision notice *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** PDF *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** to find out more.

Portchester Business Parking & Travel Questionnaire

As part of the vision for the future of Portchester District Centre, a questionnaire was created that focused on the parking needs of local businesses in the area and established the current demand for parking by local businesses and assist in developing future services and travel planning. The survey finished on 15 July and received 25 responses.

Shopping Survey

Our Planning Department has commissioned NEMS Market Research to carry out a telephone shopping survey. Over 1,000 randomly selected people from Fareham and the surrounding areas are being phoned and asked questions about their shopping habits. The information provided will help develop regeneration plans for the town centre.

If you have received a call and have some questions you can visit  External Hyperlink (opens in new window)NEMS' website External Hyperlink (opens in new window) to find out more.

IFA2 Planning Application

A planning application from National Grid has been submitted in respect of their planned energy infrastructure project, IFA2 (reference number P/16/0557/OA).

IFA2 has been granted planning permission. You can find out more on the dedicated IFA2 webpage.

The Household Waste and Recycling Centre Service Consultation

Hampshire County Council ran a public consultation on proposals for changes to the Household Waste and Recycling Centre service (HWRC) until Wednesday 25 May.

For further information, please visit the public consultation page External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Portchester to Paulsgrove

The Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership (ESCP) held an exhibition on Thursday 17 March where the public could see the proposed designs for coastal flood defences between Portchester and Paulsgrove. The consultation ran until Friday 25 March.

Flood Risk PDF (2 MB)

High Tides and Flooding PDF (8 MB)

Existing Defences PDF (9 MB)

Defence Options PDF (6 MB)

Castle short list PDF (7 MB)

Sailing Club short list PDF (3 MB)

Southampton Rd short list PDF (5 MB)

Environment and Heritage PDF (11 MB)

You can see feedback from the exhibition  External Hyperlink (opens in new window)here External Hyperlink (opens in new window). For further information, please visit the Coastal Partnership's dedicated Portchester to Paulsgrove Defence Scheme webpage External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Revised Newlands Farm application

Two CAT meetings were organised to discuss the revised Newlands Farm application which was submitted by Hallam Land Management. These took place on Monday 29 February and Tuesday 8 March, and the consultation ran until Friday 25 March.

Hill Head Promenade

An exhibition and CAT meeting to discuss the future of the Hill Head Promenade was held on Tuesday 29 March at Holy Rood Church, Stubbington by the Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership.

The exhibition ran from 1.00pm to 7.00pm and was followed by a meeting between 7.00pm and 8:30pm.

For further information, please visit the Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

National Grid IFA2 Consultation events

National Grid UK held consultations for the public to view updated plans and give feedback for a proposed high voltage electricity link between England and France.

For further information, please visit the dedicated IFA2 webpage at the National Grid External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Help us improve Priory Park Play Area

We asked residents what additional play equipment they thought should be installed in Priory Park Play Area. The consultation ran from 2 February to 22 February 2016.

The park now features:

Work is now complete at Priory Park and is open to the public.

Help us improve Fareham Park Play Area

We asked residents what pieces of equipment they would prefer to be installed in Fareham North Play Area. The consultation ran from 2 February to 22 February 2016.

The park now features:

Work is now complete at Fareham Park and is open to the public.

Help us improve Drake Close Play Area

We asked residents what pieces of equipment they would like installed at Drake Close Park. The consultation ran from 2 February to 22 February 2016.

The park now features:

Work is now complete at Priory Park and is open to the public.

Help us decide on Council Tax in Fareham

We asked residents for their views about a possible increase in the level of Fareham's part of Council Tax from 12 January until 2 February 2016.

Overall, 685 people took part in the survey, with the following responses for each question:

Do you think the Council's approach to saving money, becoming more efficient and generating income is the right approach to take?

Which approach to balancing the books would you prefer Fareham to take?

Do you think a £5 per year increase to Fareham's part of Council Tax is a reasonable option to take?

The results were verbally presented at the at 8 February meeting of the Executive. A decision to implement the £5 increase in Fareham's part of Council Tax for 2016/17 was agreed at the 19 February meeting of Full Council.

2015 consultations

Hampshire County Council - Library Service Transformation: Draft Strategy to 2020

Hampshire County Council (HCC) has published a Draft Strategy to 2020 for the Library Service which reflects the changing needs of the community. HCC asked residents to read the Strategy which can be found  External Hyperlink (opens in new window)online here External Hyperlink (opens in new window). Deadline for responses was Saturday 16 January 2016. The completed questionnaires were processed by Opinion Research Services (ORS), an independent research company, and a summary and analysis of responses was made available on the Hampshire County Council's website before any decisions were made by April 2016. The approved Strategy can be found here External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Let's Take the Oops out of Poops

Dog Fouling within the Borough has been identified as an issue in need of attention. We asked residents whether they supported us having a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) and for help in identifying any dog fouling hot spots that we need to consider targeting.

The consultation ran from 16 November 2015 until 11 January 2016. Comments have been taken into consideration and the campaign will launch in the spring.

Comment on the draft Licensing Act 2003

The Licensing Act 2003 requires Fareham Borough Council, as the licensing authority to determine and publish its Statement of Licensing Policy at least every five years, to keep it under review and make such revisions to it, as it considers appropriate. The Policy has several aims and it sets out how the Council approaches its licensing responsibilities and aims to promote the four licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003 and will apply when making decisions about applications. We asked the public to comment on the draft document by 4 January 2016, comments are taken into consideration and The Statement of Principles will come into effect on 19th February 2016. No changes were made and it was adopted at full council in March. Find out more about Licensing here.

Comment on the draft Statement of Principle Gambling Act

The Gambling Act 2005 requires the Council to publish and review a Statement of Principles every three years in relation to its duties under the Act and to guide its work. We have taken the opportunity to rewrite the Statement for 2016-2019 to make it shorter and clearer and asked the public to comment on it by 4 January 2016. No changes were made and it was adopted at full council in March. Find out more about Gambling here.

A vision for Improving Cams Alders

Fareham Borough Council hosted an online survey which ended on 19 December to understand how they could improve the leisure and recreational facilities at Cams Alders Recreation Ground. You can find out more about these proposed plans by looking at the Cams Alders Vision Consultation boards PDF (9 MB). A consultation exhibition was held at Fareham Town Football Club on Saturday 21 November, comments from this event will be published alongside the survey report soon. The final vision will be published online summer 2016.

Governance Review - Funtley - 21 September to 14 December 2015

We ran a first phase consultation during the autumn of 2015, asking respondents if they wanted to:

(a) Create a Parish Council

(b) Make no changes to the current arrangements

And to provide reasons for their views.  The consultation identified that many Funtley residents want to have a greater say on local issues, particularly:

It also became clear however that some residents felt Parish Council status provided more power in determining outcomes than it actually would.  For example, a Parish Council would not be able to decide on local planning applications. It would however be a statutory consultee; however the Council already affords Funtley Village Society the same status.

A quarter of people who took part, did not want to make any changes to the current arrangements.  Of these, many had concerns about:

All of the responses to the survey have now been analysed. You can view this presentation *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** PDF *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** which outlines the analysis in more detail.  You can view all of the individual reasons given in support of respondent's views in the consultation comments document.

A Community Action Team Meeting on the topic was held on 24 November at Funtley Social Club. The notes from this CAT meeting are available here.

Leigh Road Tennis Courts

As part of the vision for improving Park Lane Recreation, Fareham Borough Council sent letters to local residents regarding a proposal to convert the unused and dated tennis courts into parking bays due to problems with parking in the area. The consultation ended Monday 30 November 2015. The Executive have considered the results of the consultation and agreed that the former tennis courts should be converted to provide an extension to the Leigh Road car park.

Help us make Blackbrook Park even better

Fareham Borough Council encouraged park users to have their say on what additional play equipment should be installed in Blackbrook Park (located in North West Fareham). Respondents have chosen the Inclusive Roundabout (suitable for wheelchair users), the climbing wall and the climbing sticks which will be installed in the play park in Spring 2016.

Help us make sure we have the right priorities 2017-2023

Fareham Borough Council has a Corporate Strategy which sets out the Council's main priorities. The strategy runs out next year and will be updated to cover 2017-2023. The consultation which ended on 10 November asked which priorities the council should focus on over the next 7 years. Comments will be taken into account and the finished corporate strategy will be published in Spring 2017. Find out more about the Council's strategy, policies and plans. Further consultation will take place later in the year.

Comment on the Local Council tax Survey

Fareham Borough Council asked residents what they thought of the current Council Tax Support Scheme by using an online survey that ended Monday 19th October. We proposed to make a new scheme on the same basis and the same terms as the current scheme. The replacement scheme would run from 1st April 2016. Overall there were 67 respondents to the online survey, 48 agreed that the current Council tax Support scheme is fair and 15 did not. Those respondents that do not believe the Council tax Support scheme is fair had a number of reasons for doing so: the scheme is not comprehensive enough, house size is irrelevant, those with a disability are impacted more by the scheme and non dependents should pay more. Overall 55 respondents agree that people with severe disabilities or those who receive war pensions should continue to receive the full Council Tax Support, and 8 do not.Those who answered no to this question, did so for a number of reasons including the belief that everyone should be treated equally and that just because people receive a war pension or disability allowance it doesn't mean they can't afford to pay Council Tax. The scheme is not due to go to council until 17/12/2015. Find out more about Council Tax.

Comment on the draft Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Fareham Borough Council put together the draft Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The document outlines what we consider good design and what we expect from developments such as extensions, new houses, new flats and shops in Fareham (excluding Welborne). Paper copies of both documents were available to view at the Planning Reception desk on the ground floor at the Civic Offices and at all libraries in the Borough. We are particularly interested in your views on Section 1 of the guidance: Improving and Extending your Home. The majority (84) of respondents do feel confident in extending their home after reading the design guidance document, while 9 respondents did not. To read the full report please click here and read the executive report here.

Comment on the Daedalus Vision and Outline Strategy

Fareham Borough Council has put together a draft vision which explains how we see the future for the land we own at Daedalus.

In this document you can find out about:

Daedalus Vision and Outline Strategy

Daedalus Vision Consultation Boards PDF (33 MB)

You can also read some frequently asked questions about the Vision and Outline Strategy.

Fareham Borough Council asked respondents to read the draft Daedalus Vision and Outline Strategy and comment on it using a survey. The consultation closed on 23rd September 2015. We received 42 responses from the online questionnaire, the size of the sample was small but the responses combined with conversations at the workshop and emails provided a useful indication of the residents, local community and interested parties needs from Daedalus and the airfield. The respondents were generally supportive with the Council's vision.

We will take into account your comments and make any changes to the vision before publishing the final version in the autumn 2015. You can find out more about Daedalus on the dedicated webpage.

Stubbington Bypass and Newgate Lane South Planning Applications

Hampshire County Council approved the preferred routes in July which are now being subjected to formal planning applications. To get to this stage Hampshire County Council has undergone extensive public consultations, survey and detailed design work to ensure the exact location, scheme layout and mitigation measures will meet the original objectives; to ease congestion, improve safety, and improve the area's economic prosperity. The final decision will be made later on in the year after further public consultations on the updated plans.

Find out more on the Stubbington dedicated page.

Help us understand if a new Play Area is needed in Warsash

Fareham Borough Council asked residents to help identify if a new Play Area is required on the Boat Estate and where it would be required with a consultation that closed on Wednesday, 23rd September 2015. Overall 94 respondents completed the online questionnaire, 51 of which did not want a new play area in the Boat Estate due to concerns regards anti-social behaviour, limited parking, noise on weekends and loss of open space. 43 of the respondents were keen to go ahead with building a new play area as it would be closer to their homes and easier to get to so would therefore be well used. 17 respondents (majority) would prefer the play area to be suitable for all ages, and 20 respondents would prefer the play area to be in section C, 6 in section A, and 3 in section B.

The Council collated the results from the survey and discussed them with the ward councillors. The results indicate that the majority of local residents that took part in the consultation exercise did not support the proposal and that there was not a suitable location for the children's play area. It was agreed that no further consultation would be undertaken and Fareham Borough Council will not be looking to accommodate a new children's play area in the Boat Estate area.

Improving Course Park Play Area

Fareham Borough Council is proposing to make Course Park Play Area better as part of the Council's Play Area Improvement Programme. The consultation closed on Friday 21 August 2015. We received 62 responses to the online survey with the top three preferred pieces of equipment  Junior multi-play unit, a trampoline and a wheel-chair friendly roundabout as the top three pieces of new equipment. There was a varied response for other ideas to improve the park which have been taken into consideration for future improvements as part of the overall plan. Work to the play area should be completed by spring 2016.

Comment on our non-residential parking guidance until 3 August

The Council issued draft guidance PDF (2 MB) about the parking standards for new non-residential development, such as shops and care homes in Fareham. The consultation closed at 5pm on 3 August 2015.

We received 19 responses to the online questionnaire and the majority of the sample agreed with the proposal of additional parking as they find it difficult to park at busy periods of the week e.g market day and weekends.  The consultation comments were reviewed by the Executive on 7/09/2015 and they agreed to adopt the proposed Fareham Borough Non-Residential Parking Standards Supplementary Parking Document.

What's important to young people in Fareham

We wanted to know what was on offer and the types of activities young people wanted to do in Fareham.

11-17 years olds were asked to complete an online survey telling us about where they hang out and what they do in their spare time. The results will feed into a review of youth facilities available in Fareham.

From 8th May – 27th July we received 213 responses to the online questionnaire and the majority of young people said their ideal place to hang out is an outdoor facility or youth club, 58% of people said they would pay up to £2 per session to use a local youth club.  42 respondents were surveyed at SNAP disco in Ferneham Hall and 118 respondents were surveyed at Youth Clubs. The other 53 respondents accessed the online survey online and featured on social media. Local community centres, schools, colleges and FBC Youth Council were also contacted. These results will then feed into the youth review report which is expected to go to the Executive in November.

Help us to make Stubbington Recreation Ground Play Area better

We asked residents to tell us what new play equipment they would like to see at Stubbington Recreation Ground.

We received 175 responses to the online questionnaire and the majority who use the facility have children between 5-8 and younger and use the play area once or twice a week. However the majority of respondents would prefer to have the play equipment aimed towards all ages and there were plenty of suggestions that could be considered including themed equipment, assault course, water park etc. The respondents have also recommended several improvements to the site which include: new benches, soft floors, security, BMX track and moving the equipment away from trees to avoid bird mess etc which will all be considered by the leisure team. The report from 7th September 2015 states the contract for regenerating all three play areas has been awarded to the same company.The results will directly feed into the refurbishment plans for later in the year.

Help us improve Segensworth Play Area

We asked residents to help us re-design the Segensworth Play Area.

We received 54 responses from the online questionnaire and there was a varied response of ideas to improve the play park with new equipment and ideas to improve the drainage and play park surface. The results will directly feed into the refurbishment plans for later in the year. The report from 7th September 2015 states the contract for regenerating all three play areas has been awarded to the same company.

Vote on your favourite Teen Shelter

As part of the improvements to Park Lane Recreation Ground we asked residents to vote for their favourite teen shelter. We received 27 responses to the online questionnaire and the majority of the samples were in favour of providing a shelter for up to 10 people. The chosen design was installed next to the skate park at the beginning of May.

Comment on changes to the Development Sites and Policies Plan

As part of his examination into whether the Development Sites and Policies Plan is sound, the Independent Planning Inspector identified 34 areas where changes to the Plan, known as Main Modifications, should be made. The Council is proposing Main Modifications to the Plan for each of those areas.

Minor Modifications to the Plan, which do not relate to soundness or national policy, were also available for comment.

The consultation on the Main Modifications proposed to the Development Sites and Policies Plan Submission Version (DSD01) took place between Monday 16th February 2015 and 17:00 on Monday 30th March 2015.

You can find out more on the Development Sites and Policies Plan: Modifications page.

Comment on Portchester (Castle Street) Conservation Area

Friday 6 February - Friday 20 March

Fareham Borough Council made an Article 4 Direction relating to Portchester (Castle Street) Conservation Area. An Article 4 Direction makes a planning application necessary for work that was previously 'permitted development' and did not require one.

For more information see the consultation page.

Comment on changes to the Welborne Plan

The consultation ran until 5pm on Monday 9 March.

As part of his examination into whether the Welborne Plan is sound, the Independent Planning Inspector has identified 23 areas where changes to the Plan, known as Main Modifications, should be made. The Council proposed Main Modifications to the Plan  PDF (607 KB) for each of those areas, which were available for comment.

Minor Modifications to the Plan  PDF (5 MB), which do not relate to soundness or national policy, were also available for comment.

You can find out more on the Welborne Plan:Modifications webpage.

The Inspector will be given copies of all comments.

2014 Consultations

What matters to you when visiting your local play area?

Fareham Borough Council is planning how best to manage our 43 play areas over the next 10 years so that we can make sure children and families can enjoy good quality play equipment. To help us do this we asked residents to tell us:

240 residents completed the online questionnaire and the results fed into the 10 year play area refurbishment programme.

Every year major refurbishments are undertaken on a number of play areas and on occasion new play areas are provided.

Find out about the most current play area improvements by visiting the dedicated leisure page here.

Share your views on the future of the coastline in Fareham and Gosport

The Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership on behalf of Fareham and Gosport Borough Councils asked for your views on plans to reduce flood and erosion risk to homes and businesses in Fareham and Gosport.

The strategy will look at the options and preferred management approaches to help protect people and the local area from flooding and coastal erosion over the next 100 years. The strategy will cover the coastline from Burridge down to Hook Spit, at the mouth of the River Hamble, and then through to Portchester encompassing the two major towns of Gosport and Fareham.

The 3 month public consultation period included four successful drop-in events across the Fareham and Gosport area in early September 2013 where over 400 people attended. The exhibitions included information on climate change and sea level rise, the present and future flood risk across the Strategy area and the details of each of the proposed local management options.

Visitors were given a booklet summarising the key information about the Strategy and were invited to share their comments by completing a questionnaire.

The events revealed a strong interest and support amongst locals for reducing the risk to flooding and erosion across the area.

For more information click here External Hyperlink (opens in new window) or email

Help us improve King George V play area

The Council are looking to make improvements to King George V Play Area in Locks Heath and asked residents what new play equipment and facilities they would like there. The consultation ran from Wednesday 30 October - Friday 21 November 2014.

Drawing on feedback from an online questionnaire (56 respondents) completed by local residents and suggestions from the pupils of Locks Heath Junior School, the park will become more family friendly and will feature additional equipment suitable for different ages and abilities, along with further benches and picnic tables. The improvements will cost £70,000 and are being paid for out of developer contributions.

Find out more about Leisure.

Tell us what you think of our Council Tax Support Scheme

The Council proposed a new Council Tax Support Scheme from 1 April 2015, based on the same terms as the previous one. The only difference being that some of the allowances and support were going to be increased in line with Government regulations.

Before any changes were made, the Council asked the public to tell us what they thought of the current scheme with a consultation running from Monday 22 September – Monday 20 October.

101 responses were received and the results indicated that the proposed scheme was supported by the majority of respondents. The Council Tax Support Scheme will be reviewed and consulted on annually. For more information see the Council Tax Support webpage.

Find out more about Council Tax.

For more information see the Council Tax Support webpage.

Comment on the change to the location of the Secondary School at Welborne

The Council consulted on a change to the location of the secondary school to serve Welborne from that shown in the submitted Welborne Plan. The suggested change identified an alternative location for the secondary school close to the proposed new district centre near the A32 which residents and interested parties were asked to give their views on. The consultation ran from Wednesday 25 June - Wednesday 6 August. For more information see the Council's document CD-03 for the Summary of Representations and Council's Response  *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** PDF *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. ***

The change was approved for consultation at Council on 19th June 2014. Keep up to date with the Welborne plan on the Council's dedicated webpage. Find out more about schools in Fareham External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Comment on the Welborne Design Guidance

Residents and interested parties were asked to comment on the Welborne Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This explains and illustrates what the Council expects in the design of Welborne. The Design Guidance builds on the policies in the Welborne Plan and sets out in more detail the principles for development. This aims to achieve a well-designed development that fits in with the landscape and provides a high-quality place to live. The consultation ran from Wednesday 25 June – Wednesday 6 August. See the Council's planning document CD-04 for the results of the consultation PDF (1 MB). Find out more about Welborne on the Council's dedicated webpage.

Comment on Welborne's Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing document

The Welborne Planning Obligations & Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out Fareham Borough Council's approach to securing satisfactory development and essential infrastructure for Welborne, including the delivery of affordable housing. The consultation ran from Wednesday 25 June – Wednesday 6 August.

This builds upon the Local Plan Part 3: Welborne Publication Draft Plan, which introduced the Council's intention to produce a Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD to provide more detailed guidance on these matters and provide a useful Development Management tool against which planning applications can be assessed. Residents and interested parties were asked to give their views on the document.

For more information about the results of the consultation and next steps see the Council's document CD-05 PDF (921 KB).

Find out more about Welborne on the Council's dedicated webpage.

Comment on the Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Document (excluding Welborne)

Wednesday 25 June – Wednesday 6 August

The Planning Obligations & Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (excluding Welborne) sets out the Council's approach to securing planning obligations from new development to:

Residents and interested parties were asked to comment on the document.

Comment on the Community Infrastructure Levy First Review

The 'Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule' is the name given to the first stage in the setting of new CIL rates and residents and interested parties were asked to comment on it. The document has been produced as part of the Council's review of its current CIL Charging Schedule, which came into effect on 1 May 2013, and sets out:

Residents and interested parties gave their views on the document and the consultation ran from Wednesday 25 June – Wednesday 6 August. Read the report from the Director of Planning and Development.

Help us make Park Lane better

Fareham Borough Council is starting an exciting 5 year project to make Park Lane Recreation Ground better for local residents and we asked you to tell us what you think about our proposed improvements. The consultation ran from Monday 9 June – Friday 27 June.

The project will be carried out over the next 5 years. Phase one of the project, which included a new skate park, children's play area and outdoor gym area is now complete. Phase two of the project, the landscaping improvements the Council envisages commencing in 2016.

You can find out more information and view the plans on the Park Lane webpage.

Which play equipment would you like to see at Abshot Road Play Area?

Last year we asked residents how they thought the existing Abshot Road Play Area could be improved. From their comments we came up with three different design options and asked residents to vote on their favourite with a consultation running from Tuesday 25 March 2014 - Tuesday 8 April 2014. Residents chose Option 1 'XSactiv8' as their favourite design which was installed onto the site in June 2014. Improvements to the skate park were carried out in late autumn 2014. Find out more about Council run skate parks.

The Welborne Plan

Friday 28 February 2014 to 5pm on Friday 11 April

The Welborne Plan PDF (8 MB) is a site-specific plan, which sets out how the new community of Welborne will be delivered up to 2036. Any person or organisation had the opportunity to make a representation on the Plan.

Following the representation period the Plan will be submitted to the Secretary of State by early summer 2014, and an independent planning inspector will be appointed to examine the 'soundness' of the plan. The examination of the plan will include public hearing sessions, which are expected to be held in early autumn 2014. Find out about the latest news on the Welborne plan.

The Development Sites and Policies Plan

The Development Sites and Policies Plan PDF (41 MB) sets out Fareham Borough Council's approach to managing and delivering development in the Borough (excluding Welborne) to 2026.  Any person or organisation had the opportunity to make a representation on the Plan during a consultation running from Friday 28 February to 5pm on Friday 11 April.

Following the representation period the Plan will be submitted to the Secretary of State, and an independent inspector will be appointed to hold a public examination into the 'soundness' of the plan. Find out more about the local plan.

Help us to Conserve the Character of Wallington Conservation Area

Fareham Borough Council completed a draft updated Character Appraisal and Management Strategy for Wallington Conservation Area PDF (3 MB) which identifies the features that we think contribute to the architectural and historic interest of the conservation area and sets out how the Council aims to conserve its character and appearance. We asked for residents to comment on the document and tell us what they thought during a consultation running until Monday 3 March. Read the adopted appraisal here.

Help us decide how we allocate social housing in Fareham

In May 2013 the Council introduced changes to the way we allocate Council and Housing Association properties. We have been reviewing these changes for the last 6 months and we think that some of the policies should be changed.

We asked residents what they thought of the proposed changes . We asked them to read the 'Changes to how we allocate housing' document PDF (221 KB) and then complete a short questionnaire to give their views during a consultation period ending Friday 14th February.

Following the consultation, the proposed changes were agreed by Executive and the new policy went live on 01/04/2014.

Following a debate on the item, it was proposed that the Housing Allocations Policy be amended to ensure that current tenants be treated in the same way as new and existing applicants for housing.

RESOLVED that the Executive approves the amendments to the Housing Allocations Policy, as appended to the report, for implementation from 1 April 2014, subject to the further amendment of the policy to ensure that couples currently living in Fareham Borough Council bedsit accommodation being allowed to remain on the housing waiting list and considered to be in housing need; and that the policy be reviewed in six months.

The key changes made to the policy were the removal of the NO housing need band and the extension of the required residence in the Borough to gain a connection from 18 months to 2 years.

Find out more about the Housing Allocations Policy. Find out more about social housing.

Have your say on draft changes to your Tenancy Agreement

Earlier in the year the Council decided that it should update the Secure Tenancy Agreement and make them easier to understand. We have drafted changes to the Tenancy Agreement which we would like to introduce next year.

We asked residents to read the draft Tenancy Agreement PDF (1 MB) and comment on it before the end of Friday 31 January.

All comments will be considered before the final version is approved by the Council next year.

Responses on the draft tenancy agreement have been noted and where possible changes have been made. All tenants that wrote in to let us know their views have been written back to.

A report will go to the Executive on 7 April asking them to approve the revised Tenancy Agreement before it is issued to Tenants in late April/early May 2014.

To find out more about tenancy services.

2013 Consultations

Residents' Survey

In Autumn 2013, the Council carried out the Residents' Survey. Questionnaires were posted to over 4,000 randomly selected homes. The Council received nearly 1,300 responses, which represents a 32% return rate. This is good return rate for this type of survey.

Some of the questions in the survey were the same as those from the previous survey, which was carried out in 2011. Where questions has been repeated this has allowed for comparisons to be made between the two surveys. Most of the results showed an upward trend in satisfaction. An overview of the results of the survey can be found in the 2013 Residents' Survey Analysis Report PDF (2 MB). A more detailed breakdown can be found in the breakdown by Ward analysis PDF (2 MB).

Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Welborne Plan

Friday 18 October – Friday 29 November 2013

Earlier in the year the Council published the Draft Welborne Plan. Over 200 individuals and organisations responded with comments PDF (7 MB) on the Draft Plan and the Council is now working towards producing the next stage of the Welborne Plan, the Publication Plan.

The Council has undertaken a full Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Welborne Plan in order to assess the social, economic and environmental effects of its policies.

Residents had the opportunity to comment on this Sustainability Appraisal so that their views, along with the outcomes of the SA are taken into consideration in the preparation of the Publication Plan.

You can view the Sustainability Appraisal Report *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** PDF *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** and the Draft Welborne Plan PDF (7 MB) online or a hard copy is available at the Civic Offices and Fareham Library.


In autumn 2013 the Council took the opportunity to re-consult informally on the Draft Welborne Plan (unchanged from April 2013) and publish the first full Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** PDF *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** alongside it.

If you would like to see the comments that were made during the six-week consultation or more information about how they were analysed, please see Appendix C of the Sustainability Appraisal of the Welborne Plan (January 2014) PDF (6 MB) which comprises an 'Analysis of Consultation Responses to the SA of the Welborne Plan.' The comments have subsequently been taken into account in the next stage of Sustainability Appraisal, which directly informs the Welborne Publication Plan PDF (8 MB).

Help us to Conserve the Character of Portchester (Castle Street) Conservation Area

Monday 21 October - Monday 18 November

Fareham Borough Council has completed a draft updated Character Appraisal and Management Strategy for Portchester *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** PDF *** File size not found: Contact Webmaster.. *** and asked for comments on the draft document.

The Character Appraisal identifies the features that we think contribute to the architectural and historic interest of the conservation area and the Management Strategy sets out how the Council aims to conserve its character and appearance.

Help us make Sheltered Housing better

Thursday 10 October – Friday 15 November

A few years ago the Council reviewed its Sheltered Housing accommodation to see how well it would meet the future needs of older people. From this, we  put together some proposals for allocating properties in Sheltered Housing schemes in the future and asked residents to tell us what they thought of the proposals.


Responses to the consultation showed support generally for changes to the future allocation of upper floor flats. However there was a more mixed response to further lowering the age of new tenants. You can find out more detailed feedback in the Report that was taken to the Housing Tenancy Board in January

Help us to improve Abshot Road Play Area

Monday 28 October - Friday 15 November

As part of the Councils Open Space Improvement Programme Abshot Road play area, in Titchfield Common, has been allocated £80,000 to help towards improving the play and recreational facilities it offers to children, young people and families living locally.

We asked residents for their views and asked them to fill in a short questionnaire.


From what residents said we put together 3 possible design options for how Abshot Road Play Area could be improved. This went out to consultation again, and we asked residents to vote on their favourite design. We will then analyse the results from this consultation and decide which new play equipment will be installed at Abshot Road Play Area.

Help shape development in Fareham

Monday 16 September – Monday 14 October 2013

The Development Sites & Policies Plan will guide development and decision making on planning applications within the Borough (excluding Welborne) up until 2026.  We have been working to finalise the plan, taking into account the comments made during last year's consultation on the draft version.

Since last year, some new development sites within the existing built up areas have come forward:

Development at these sites will help to meet the housing and employment needs of the Borough.

We have included a new draft policy on Fareham College, and development site briefs PDF (1014 KB) on the other three sites listed above and asked residents to comment on them.

Want to find out more?

If you have any queries about the plan please contact:

William Nichols, Planning Strategy Team Leader, Planning Strategy and Environment, Fareham Borough Council, Civic Offices, Civic Way, Fareham, PO16 7AZ

Or by email to

You can read the Technical Note on the combined Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment  PDF (307 KB) on the sites identified above.


Following the consultation, the representations received were considered, and where necessary and appropriate, amendments made to the Development Sites and Policies Plan.  The Publication version of the Plan that the Council intends to submit to the Secretary of State (incorporating these amendments), was published on 28 February, 2014.

For more information you can also read the Feedback paper from the consultation PDF (761 KB).

Help shape our Council Tax Support Scheme

Monday 9 September – Friday 4 October

Fareham Borough Council asked residents to have their say on how best to provide Council Tax Support to some people on a low income from April 2014.

Why are we asking?

Last year, the Council asked residents what they thought about the changes to Council Tax Benefit and how working age claimants should be supported. Using the feedback we received, the Council developed a Council Tax Support Scheme, which was put in place from 1 April 2013 and will run until 31 March 2014.

The Council is now looking at how best to support people from 1 April 2014. The Government will be giving us less money to provide Council Tax support, so some difficult decisions need to be made. The answers you gave will help us make these decisions, and will help shape the new scheme.

To find out more about the changes to Council Tax Support and why we are suggesting them, we have put together the following:

Changes to Council Tax Support Consultation Booklet PDF (779 KB)

Summary of the proposed new Council Tax Support Scheme PDF (1 MB)


Following consultation the Executive agreed that the following will apply:

For more information you can read the Report that was taken to the Executive in December.

Help us make community buildings better in the Western Wards

Monday 8 July - Tuesday 1 October

The Council carried out a review of its community buildings in the Western Wards and asked residents what local facilities community groups, clubs and organisations they use in the area and how they could be improved

Hook Conservation Area - Article 4 Direction

Friday 16 August - Friday 27 September

Fareham Borough Council made an Article 4 Direction relating to the demolition and alteration of walls in the Warsash Conservation Area.

What is an Article 4 Direction?

An Article 4 Direction means that a planning application must be made where a development may be considered harmful and may affect the character and appearance of the conservation area. The direction does not necessarily mean that the development cannot occur; it just needs planning permission.

Representations could be made for a period of 6 weeks.

Warsash Conservation Area - Article 4 Direction

Friday 2 August – Friday 13 September

Fareham Borough Council made an Article 4 Direction relating to the demolition and alteration of walls in the Warsash Conservation Area.

What is an Article 4 Direction?

An Article 4 Direction means that a planning application must be made where a development may be considered harmful and may affect the character and appearance of the conservation area. The direction does not necessarily mean that the development cannot occur; it just needs planning permission.

Representations could be made for a period of 6 weeks.

Have your say on Stubbington bypass

Monday 8 July - Monday 9 September

Hampshire County Council asked residents for their views on proposals to improve Newgate Lane and the western access to Gosport including a Stubbington bypass.

The proposals aim to help address existing traffic problems on the Gosport peninsula to improve strategic east west and north south routes and to enhance access to the Solent Enterprise Zone.

To find out more about the proposals please visit the Hampshire County Council webpage External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Help us plan sites for Gypsies, Travellers, and Travelling Show people

Monday 24 June - Monday 22 July

The Council has drafted a new policy for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show people PDF (1 MB) and asked people to comment on it.

Why is there a Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show people Policy?

The Government require us to set a target for how many pitches for gypsies and travellers we are going to have, and how many plots for travelling show people. These targets are based on an assessment of local need. We are also required to find places for these pitches and plots.

The Travellers Accommodation Assessment for Hampshire 2013 set out permanent pitch requirements for Fareham. It also recommended that we work with neighbouring councils to deliver transit pitches and plots.

In light of this new evidence, we are now planning to replace our existing policy for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show people, in order to make it more up-to-date.

What is in the Policy?

The new policy explains our new approach to Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show people. It also identifies two sites in the Borough, which already have temporary planning permission for a small number of pitches. These sites include proposals for:

How can I find out more?

If you have any questions about this policy, please call William Nichols (Planning Strategy Team Leader) on 01329 824152 or email


88 people took part in the consultation and officers made minor amendments to the policies in response to their comments. The plan has now been sent for independent examination.

Have your say on Titchfield Town Centre Improvements

Hampshire County Council and Fareham Borough Council are making improvements to Titchfield Town Centre including the replacement of the cobblestone paving in the High Street (cobblestones were removed by the Highways Agency in 2012) and road maintenance work on Southampton Hill.

A public exhibition was held to allow residents to to view the proposals and speak to officers. Residents also had the opportunity to let give their views by email, post and telephone.

Find out more on Hampshire County Council Consultations webpage External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Help us make community buildings better in Titchfield

Friday 26 April - Friday 28 June

The Council carried out a review of its community buildings in Titchfield to see which local facilities are used by community groups, clubs and organisations, and how they can be improved.


Feedback to follow.

Have your say on Portchester Park

Monday 13 June - Friday 21 June

The Council asked for residents' views on whether they would like the land formerly covered by the community centre at Portchester Park, developed to incorporate a multi-use games area (MUGA).

On Friday 14th June we also held an event at Portchester Community Centre to give residents an opportunity to look at the projected images of how the changes to the area will look, and talk through the proposals with a member of the Leisure Development Team.


We had 131 responses overall on this consultation.

A report was taken to the Leisure and Community panel in July to discuss the outcome. It was decided that a MUGA would not be built on the site of the former Portchester Community Centre.

Help to conserve the character of Titchfield Abbey

Monday 13 May - Monday 10 June

Fareham Borough Council completed a draft updated Character Appraisal and Management Strategy for Titchfield Abbey Conservation Area PDF (3 MB). We asked residents for their views and also invited people to attend a number of public exhibitions where they could see a display and talk to officers.


Feedback to follow.

Help shape the plan for Welborne

Monday 29 April to Monday 10 June

Fareham Borough Council produced a Draft Welborne Plan and asked for residents views on it. There were a number of public exhibitions where residents could view the draft plan and speak to officers, as well as filling in a survey to let us know what they thought.


You can read summaries of the consultation responses below:

Summary of Representations by Major and Minor Landowners, Specific Consultation Bodies and Other Key Organisations PDF (696 KB)

Summary of Representations by Residents, Private Individuals and Community Groups  PDF (639 KB)

Detailed Summary of Representations  PDF (1 MB)

What happens next?

The consultation responses which were submitted on the Draft Welborne Plan, together with additional and on-going evidence gathering work are being used to inform and where appropriate, revise the next version of the Welborne Plan, which will be known as the Publication Plan.

The Publication Plan will be subject to further public consultation during late 2013 and early 2014, which will enable communities and organisations to view and comment on those aspects of the Welborne Plan which changed between the Draft and Publication versions.

Following the Publication Plan consultation, only very minor further revisions can be made before the Plan is submitted to the Secretary of State in spring 2014.

If you have any queries about the consultation summary documents then please call 01329 236100 and ask for the  Welborne Planning team or email

You can find out more on the dedicated Welborne webpage.

Help shape development in Solent Breezes

Fareham Borough Council asked people to comment on the draft Policy for Solent Breezes which is part of the draft Development Sites and Policies Plan.

Residents were asked to read the draft policy PDF (629 KB) and comment on it by completing a short survey.

Solent Breezes is located in the open countryside to the south of Hook, overlooking the Solent. It covers an area of about 11.5 hectares (10.5 football pitches) and can be reached by a narrow and roughly surfaced private lane from Hook.

Why are we asking?

Solent Breezes has been developed as a holiday home park bit by bit through various planning applications and has a long and complex planning history. Some of the planning applications relating to how long people are able to use the holiday homes during the year have been determined by planning appeals.  In the most recent appeal decision, the Government Inspector said that Solent Breezes is not a suitable place for people to live permanently.

Related documents can be viewed below:

Report to the Council's Executive meeting on 7 January PDF (340 KB)

Draft Development Sites and Policies Plan


Feedback to follow

Name the New Community North of Fareham

Friday 1 February - Sunday 31 March

Fareham Borough Council asked people to help decide the name of the New Community North of Fareham. Residents were asked to take a look at the choices and the history behind each one and then simply vote for the name they like best.

If you would like to find out more about the New Community North of Fareham please visit its dedicated webpages.


The new town will be called Welborne.

The result was announced by the Executive Leader of the Council on Monday 15th April.  In total the council received over 5,000 votes and Welborne won with nearly half of the total votes.

Help us improve clothing and textiles recycling

Monday 14 January until Sunday 10 March

We asked residents their opinions on ways to improve clothing and textile recycling in Fareham, including ways to best use the money raised.

What are the changes?

From April 2013, textile recycling banks on public land in Fareham will be managed by the Council. There will be no changes to the way people use them. Over 750 tonnes of old clothing and textiles, worth over £200,000, were put in the Borough's household waste bins in 2011. We want to encourage more recycling, and get the extra clothing and textiles out of the waste bins and recycled.


Over 50% of respondents suggested that putting more textile recycling bins in easily accessible locations would help to make recycling easier.

From April 2013 there'll be an extra 15 textile recycling bins around the borough. Please see our webpage for the locations of the textile banks.

FBC agreed at a meeting of its Executive that 90% of the proceeds from clothing and textile recycling will go to good causes. The remaining 10% will be used to help keep Council Tax bills down.

How we allocate housing is changing

Since the introduction of the Localism Act 2011 and in response to changes being introduced through the Welfare Reform Act, Fareham Borough Council has been looking at how we allocate housing to people. We are proposing a number of changes and asked residents what they thought about them.

What are the changes?

You can find out about the changes by reading the 'Changes to how we allocate housing explained' leaflet PDF (132 KB). You can also read the full draft housing allocations policy PDF (2 MB).

We asked residents to fill in a short survey to tell us what they thought about the proposed changes to the way we allocate housing in Fareham.


Once the new policy is approved we will then begin to re-register existing Housing Waiting List applicants. The new policy should be up and running by next summer.

Help shape Fareham's Tenancy Strategy

Friday 21 December until Monday 11 February

What is the draft Tenancy Strategy?

Fareham Borough Council published a draft Tenancy Strategy which provides an overview of how we want to see all Registered Providers (RPs), such as Housing Associations and the Council, make best use of affordable housing in the Borough.

You can read the draft strategy in full PDF (831 KB).

We asked residents to fill in a short survey to help make sure that we have got the strategy right.


We are currently analysing the results and will publish the feedback shortly.

 Help us provide better services to you

The council are looking at the types of services that residents use in Fareham and how we could make life easier for you by possibly having some of them under one roof. We asked residents to fill in a survey to help us decide on the best services to have.


We will be running further consultations later in the year based on the results from this one.

2012 Consultations

Solar Farm Consultation

The Council organised three public exhibitions where people could find out more about and comment on the planning application submitted on behalf of IB Vogt for a new solar farm on land between Fareham and Stubbington.


The planning application was withdrawn by the applicant on 13 February 2013.

Council Tax Support Consultation

Tuesday 2 October to Friday 30 November at 5pm

Council Tax Benefit is changing

Help for people of low income with paying council tax is currently called Council Tax Benefit. From 1st April 2013, the Government will end Council Tax Benefit. In its place, every Council must develop its own local Council Tax Support scheme.

The Government will also be giving about 10% less money to Councils to provide this new scheme. Fareham Borough Council has to make some tough decisions about how to make up for the shortfall in funding.

We carried out an extensive consultation exercise on the proposed rule changes during October and November, and over 600 responses were received.  We also asked about certain discounts and exemptions for Council Tax relating to empty properties and second homes.


The results of the consultation and two equality impact assessments were taken into account when designing the final scheme for Council Tax Support and Council Tax discounts.  You can read the report PDF (198 KB) outlining the consultation results and suggested Council Tax Support scheme which was presented to the Council's Executive on 7 January.

The Executive agreed PDF (83 KB) to the scheme outlined in the report run the proposed Council Tax Support Scheme from April 2013.  The Executive also agreed to using a 1 year transitional grant which will help ensure that low income households do not face an extensive increase in their Council Tax liability in 2013-14.

The Council Tax Support Scheme and the use of the 1 year transitional grant was approved by Full Council on 24 January 2013.  You can read the report PDF (108 KB) taken to the Full Council meeting.

What happens next?

The new scheme will start from April 2013.  Your Council Tax bill and enclosed benefits letter will let you know how much Council Tax support you are entitled to.

Help us to Conserve the Character of Titchfield

Monday 29th October - Friday 23rd November 2012

The Council asked for comments on a draft updated Character Appraisal and Management Strategy for Titchfield Conservation area.

The Character Appraisal identifies the features that we think contribute to the architectural and historic interest of the conservation area and the Management Strategy sets out how the Council aims to conserve its character and appearance.

The Council contacted local residents by letter asking them to get involved in the consultation and set up a permanent display with a number of manned sessions during the consultation period.  Online and paper response forms were also available.


39 responses were received which raised a wide range of issues.  These helped to shape the character assessment which was presented to the Council's Executive in January. You can read the Titchfield Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Strategy report PDF (150 KB) which outlines each comment received and the Council's response to each.

It was agreed PDF (81 KB) during the meeting that the Titchfield Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Strategy be adopted by the Council.

The adopted Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Strategy for Titchfield Conservation Area can be found on the dedicated webpage.

You can find out more at the Conservation Area Character Appraisals webpage.

Locks Heath Masterplan

Monday 15 October – Monday 26 November

Fareham Borough Council put together a number of options for the redevelopment of Locks Heath District Centre. We asked people to comment on them. You can look at the options at the Locks Heath District Centre options PDF (4 MB) online. The comments received are now being analysed and will feed into a report to the Executive Council in the spring.

Development Sites & Policies Plan

Monday 15 October - Monday 26 November

We asked people to comment on the draft Development Sites & Policies Plan which looks to allocate sites and land for housing, retail, economic development, leisure, recreation and community uses, whilst also recommending areas for protection such as green spaces and conservation areas. We ran a number of public exhibitions where people could look at and comment on the draft plan. We are now analysing the responses.

Councillors' Allowances

Thursday 25th October - Wednesday 14th November 2012

The scheme of allowances payable to councillors was reviewed by an Independent Panel. Fareham Borough Council asked for comments for the Panel to take into account. You can view the current scheme of Councillors' Allowances online.

Locks Heath Youth Facility Consultation

3 September 2012 - 21 September 2012

Fareham Borough Council considered making improvements to the youth facilities at Locks Heath House Park. Residents were invited to an outdoor event to share their ideas and opinions about how the youth facilities could be improved and questionnaires were sent to households in the surrounding area.


The council listened to what residents said and improvements will be made to the Locks Heath Youth facility. Four pieces of outdoor gym equipment will be installed suitable for young people aged 14+. The existing skate ramp and shelter used by young people will be cleaned and repainted and a metal rubbish bin will be installed. The football goal post will also be replaced and repositioned. Improvements will be carried out in Spring 2013.

Laurel Gardens Play Area Consultation

3 September 2012 - 21 September 2013

Fareham Borough Council asked local residents how Laurel Gardens play area could be improved.


Following the consultation Laurel Gardens play area will have new safety surfacing installed, existing play equipment will be upgraded, a new bench will be installed and a small football goal post will be installed. Improvements are due to be carried out in Spring 2013.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule

31 July 2012 - 11 September 2012

Fareham Borough Council is invited representations on the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule.

The purpose of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) examination was to consider whether the Draft Charging Schedule meets statutory tests in accordance with sections 212(4) and 221 of the Planning Act 2008.

Following this representation period, Fareham Borough Council intends to submit, the Draft Charging Schedule for Examination. View the Draft Charging Schedule and supporting evidence.

Next Steps

An indicative timetable for the introduction of a Community Infrastructure Levy is outlined below:

Collection and Recovery Policy Consultation

Monday 16 July until Monday 10 September (5pm)

Fareham Borough Council published a draft policy for the collection and recovery of debts owed to the Council. The policy aims to make sure there is a professional and timely approach to recovering debts that is consistent across the Council's services. You can find out more by reading the full Collection and Recovery Policy PDF (854 KB).

We wanted to know what people thought about the Collection and Recovery Policy and asked them to complete a consultation form.


A total of 10 people and organisations responded to the consultation. The feedback was generally positive and every respondent felt that the key aims of the policy were right.

The policy was presented in a report to the Executive PDF (157 KB) in December 2012. It was agreed PDF (79 KB) at the meeting that the policy would be adopted.

New Community North of Fareham Options Consultation

Monday 2 July until Tuesday 31 July

Fareham Borough Council has prepared a number of options for the New Community North of Fareham. We asked residents to comment on these options by completing an online survey. The options are also set out in the options consultation document PDF (19 MB). The deadline for survey responses was 31st July 2012.

What are the options?

There are a number of options which we asked about. The first of these were Masterplanning Options. These do not provide a detailed layout, but show the broad location of uses on the site, including schools, district and local centres and areas of open space e.g.. parks. They try to balance what we would like the new community to be like, with constraints on the site such as the High Pressure Gas Pipeline. Each Masterplan Option has an accompanying Transport Option. In addition, you can also comment on the following options:

Please note that the details in the options maps you will see are not fixed at this point and can change.

You can find out more about what has influenced the different Options by looking reading the Introductory Text PDF (3 MB).


We wanted as many people to comment on the Masterplan and other options as possible. The options are set out in the options consultation document PDF (19 MB). People could also download and print a copy of the survey response form or contact us if you they required a paper copy. The deadline for survey responses was 31st July 2012.


You can read the in-depth feedback report PDF (2 MB) from the Options Consultation.

Next Steps

The results of this options consultation will help us to develop a first draft of the Area Action Plan (also called a 'Preferred Options Draft'). This will be published for consultation this coming Winter.

Following this consultation, we will take into account what you tell us about the first draft of the plan to produce a second draft, called a 'Pre Submission Draft'. There will be a further opportunity to make representations on this second draft in the Summer/Autumn of 2013.

The Pre-Submission draft Area Action Plan will then be considered at an 'Examination in Public' by an independent government inspector, in early 2014. Finally, after the Council has taken account of any changes recommended by the inspector, the Area Action Plan is likely to be adopted by the Council in mid 2014.

We anticipate that planning applications for the new community will be ready for submission to the Council at about the time the Area Action Plan is undergoing examination. Following submission, the Council will determine these planning applications in accordance with the policies within the adopted Area Action Plan and following this, the development work could commence, potentially in early 2015.

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more about the new community and how you can give us your views or get involved you can:

Oriel Drive Open Space Consultation

25 June 2012 - 20 July 2012

The Council considered making improvements to the Oriel Drive Open Space and wrote to local residents to ask how they would like the area to be developed.


We invited over 120 local residents to fill out a questionnaire to identify whether they supported the idea of putting in items of play equipment on Oriel Drive open space. The results have concluded that most residents do not want the play equipment put back in.

Improvements to the Western End of West Street Consultation

Wednesday 11 April to Friday 29 June

Fareham Borough Council is planning to make improvements to the footway on the north side of West Street between Aldi and the railway station roundabout. The proposed improvements include new paving and kerbs, selected and detailed to match the existing improved footways, and a new bus shelter. The improvement works on the north side are scheduled to start in Autumn 2012.

Your views and comments are important to us. We asked people to look at and comment on the proposed improvements by completing a short consultation form. We also walked the route with a number of access groups and asked them to tell us what could be done to make the pathway easily accessible for all.


There will be an item in the next issue of Fareham Today, which will feedback on the West Street Consultation.

Business Rate Discounts Policy for the Solent Enterprise Zone at Daedalus

Monday 16 April to Tuesday 22 May

Fareham Borough Council and Gosport Borough Council published a draft Solent Enterprise Zone at Daedalus Policy for Granting Business Rate Discounts. This sets out the criteria for granting business rate discounts to potential occupants and businesses as well as those that are already located in either the Enterprise Zone or Fareham and Gosport. We wanted to know whether people thought the policy was suitable and asked them to complete a short online consultation form. Paper copies were also available at the Civic Offices or could be requested by phoning 01329 236100. The closing date for comments was Tuesday 22 May 2012 at 5pm.

Comments received will be brought to the Executive at its meeting in June, so that the policy can be formally adopted, for implementation.

The policy will then be implemented, and applied retrospectively with effect from 1st April 2012, so that eligible existing tenants and new tenants taking occupation during the intervening period, can benefit fully from the relief where they meet the policy criteria. This timeline is summarised below:

Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Consultation

Monday 19 March to Monday 30 April 2012

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new system that requires development to contribute towards infrastructure, such as local community facilities, schools and transport improvements, which are needed to support the growth of the Borough. Fareham Borough Council published a preliminary draft charging schedule for CIL and were keen to ensure that the widest possible range of developers, landowners and members of the public were able to comment on the document.

Youth Conference and Schools Consultation

Youth Conference - Tuesday March 27

Schools Consultations - March and April

The Borough Council and Fareham Youth Council hosted a youth conference in March to explore two issues for the new community: sustainable travel and green spaces. All secondary schools in the Borough and Fareham College were invited to send delegates.

Young people discussed the most and least sustainable forms of transport. Many were prepared only to walk for up to 10 minutes to get to local shops and bus stops, up to 30 minutes for school/college and longer for social activities. They thought the most popular 'smart' travel choices at the new community should be:

Young people discussed and voted for one of three approaches to laying out green spaces in the new community. The two most popular options received equal numbers of votes, so a network of green spaces which brought together the best of both was designed. All groups opted for a central park as the main feature; several planned smaller pockets of green space throughout the development for wildlife and for children to play near their homes. They suggested that a sports ground should be shared with a secondary school for maximum school and community benefit. They were keen to make the most of existing woodland with walks, trails and wooded play areas.

What young people thought should be included in a park:

Fareham Borough Council also visited four local schools to get pupils' views about the new community. They were asked what they liked or disliked about certain places. Working in small groups, they planned where features should go in the new community. They thought it was important to:

Pupils were keen for different types of homes to be available - with gardens for families, bungalows and retirement homes for the elderly, and flats for young people with good access to open spaces. They were very concerned about feeling safe and suggested ways to promote road safety and personal safety, including an on site police presence.

Improvements to Park Lane Recreation Ground Consultation - Local Residents' Questionnaire and Public Events

Wednesday 8 February to Saturday 7 April

Fareham Borough Council is planning to make improvements to the leisure and recreational facilities it provides at Park Lane Recreation Ground. The aim is to:

Residents were asked what they thought about the proposed improvements at a number of public consultation events that took place between February and April. Questionnaires were also sent to around 400 households living close by to the park.

A brand new play area was built at Park Lane. The old play area was moved from under the trees and relocated to a more suitable place. Various equipment was installed which is suitable for all ages. A new skate park and gym equipment was also built on the site.

New Community North of Fareham Area Action Plan (AAP) - E-Panel, Online and paper surveys

Monday 23 January to Friday 2 March (12pm)

This survey covered a range of topics relevant to the Area Action Plan and asked questions about open space and recreation, community facilities, what people would like in a new home and what people think about environmental friendly homes and power. The results from the survey will feed into planning for the new community. A special edition of Fareham Today published in July will provide give a more in depth look at the results. However, the feedback below outlines the main results from the survey and other consultation activities:


Recreational facilities

We asked which recreational facilities people would like to see in the new community. The most popular outdoor choices were public parks, natural areas and children's play areas. Sports areas and allotments were also popular. Other suggestions included water features, outdoor performance space, woods and orchards.

Community buildings

We asked what type of facilities people thought should be offered in community buildings. A meeting hall was the most popular choice, with indoor sports facilities, a library and a police office also thought to be important. People also suggested other facilities, such as a swimming pool, a place of worship and performance space. There was support for different services sharing buildings from 87% of respondents.

Affordable homes

As 30 – 40% of the new community's homes will be affordable, we asked about the balance between the two main types of affordable housing – shared ownership and affordable rent. 48% of respondents wanted a balance between them. More than half of respondents preferred an even balance of houses and flats. The most popular choices for who should live in affordable housing were local people and families. More than three quarters of respondents thought that being able to adapt your home to meet your needs as you get older was important.


Half of respondents work from home some of the time, with 30% doing this at least once a week. 61% of respondents said they would be prepared to pay more for an environmentally friendly home. More than half thought energy efficiency was the most important feature, 10% thought generating your own electricity was important and 2.5% thought water efficiency was desirable.

Draft Equality Objectives Consultation - E-Panel, Online and paper surveys

Monday 30 January until Friday 2 March

Fareham Borough Council prepared a number of draft equality objectives and asked for resident's views on them. To help ensure the right objectives were chosen, residents and interested parties were invited to complete a short survey.


355 responses were received and they were on the whole, very supportive:

The objectives and the consultation responses were approved by the Executive Committee on the 2nd April 2012. The Council has published the final objectives along with a plan of how the Council will make those improvements. The plan will be reviewed each year to make sure we are on target, and that the Council is still dealing with issues relevant to the community.

The objectives along with the plan can be found on the Council's Equality and Inclusion webpage.

2011 Consultations

Town Centre Health Check - Online Survey and Face-to-face surveys

21 November 2011 - 16 December 2011

Fareham Borough Council ran "retail health checks" to find out the strengths and weaknesses of Fareham Town Centre and help us plan for the future. Your opinion was an important part of the health checks. The Council set up an online survey, paper surveys and held a number of public events in Fareham Shopping Centre where a display stand was set up and people were asked to map what they liked and what they thought could be improved.


The results of the retail health checks fed directly into the Retail Health Checks Summary Paper Autumn 2011 PDF (4 MB). This summary paper provides evidence to support the development of policies and plans linked to the town centre. For example, the report will feed into the new Town Centre Action Plan that is currently being put together and which the Council will consult the public on during the Summer.

Parking Strategy Consultation - Online, Paper E-panel Survey

8 November 2011 - 16 December 2011

The Council asked for views from residents and people who parked in Fareham on the future of parking within the Borough. Fareham Borough Council is preparing a revised parking strategy, due to be published in the Autumn of 2012. To help ensure we get the strategy right, the Council set up online and e-panel surveys to gauge opinion on a number of parking related issues. Local interest groups such as residents associations were also asked what they think.


The Council received an excellent response to this consultation. The information provided by responses to the survey will be used to inform the development of the new Parking Strategy. For example, the results of the consultation were used as part of an evidence base in a report PDF (242 KB) from Officers to the Executive, along with two petitions from the public, to inform their decision PDF (84 KB) to continue the existing policy of not charging for parking in any of the Borough's coastal or district centres for at least the next 5 years.

Crossfell Walk Play Area Consultation - Public Consultation Event

November and December 2011

Local residents (youngsters and their parents) living close by to Crossfell Walk Play Area, Fareham were invited to take part in a consultation to share their ideas and opinions about improvements to the play area.


The Council listened to what residents said and in response created design illustrations detailing how Crossfell Walk Play Area will look after it has been refurbished. The illustrations can also be viewed online or alternatively contact the Leisure and Community Team on 01329 824440 and request a copy to be sent to you.

Public Consultation - Conservation Area Character Appraisal - Hook and Warsash Conservation Areas - Residents contacted by letter

7 November until 5 December 2011

Residents were asked what they thought about the draft of the new Conservation Area Character Assessments for Hook and Warsash. There was also a static exhibition at Victory Hall, Warsash where people had an opportunity to leave their comments. Local residents and interested parties were also written to and asked to comment.


A number of comments were received. These were analysed and fed into the final Conservation Area Character Assessments, which were agreed by the Executive on 9 January 2012. You can find a list of all the comments and Council responses in the Hook and Warsash Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Strategies report PDF (191 KB). The new Conservation Area Character Assessments can be found below:

2011 Residents' Survey - Paper Survey

During October and November 2011, Fareham Borough Council sent out its Residents' Survey to over 4000 randomly selected households in the Borough. The questions in this year's survey were based around Fareham Borough Council's top priorities PDF (8 MB) for the next six years which have been set following previous wide consultation.


The results have been analysed and presented in a report to the Council's Executive PDF (148 KB) on 5 March 2012. The Executive agreed that the results of the 2011 Residents' Satisfaction Survey be noted and be used to measure performance and inform future planning. A more detailed analysis of the results can be found in the 2011 Residents' Survey Report PDF (295 KB).

The results of the 2009 Survey can be found in the 2009 Residents' Satisfaction Survey report PDF (866 KB).

Friday 28 October 2011 (11am to 3.00pm) - 'Jubilee Joy' Outdoor consultation event

Fareham Borough Council are making improvements to the Town Centre play facilities in West Street, Fareham. The Play Rangers asked around 100 children and their families how they though the are could be made better.


The Council listened to what children and their families said during the consultation and are currently working on an improved play area. The upgraded West Street Play Area was be opened by The Princess Royal on 20 March 2012.

Site Development Brief - Coldeast Site

6 June 2011 - 18 July

The Coldeast Hospital Development Brief sets out the planning, design and infrastructure requirements for a mixed use development at the Coldeast Hospital site in Sarisbury and was adopted on 24 October 2011.


A number of consultations took place during the preparation of the Development Brief. The Statement of Community Involvement PDF (602 KB) outlines the activities that took place and the main issues that emerged from them.

Residential Parking - Six Month Review

Closed 13 May 2011

The six month review of the residential parking was initially implemented in September 2010. Residents were asked to comment on the review during May 2011.

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