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Interconnector Project (IFA2)

To find out the latest information about the interconnector project visit the IFA2 website External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

What is IFA2?

Latest News

Issues raised by residents

National Grid is planning a major new energy infrastructure project, known as IFA2 (Interconnexion France-Angleterre 2), linking the United Kingdom's electricity transmission network to France. The link will help enhance the security, affordability and sustainability of energy supply to both countries

What is IFA2?

IFA2 will be an electricity interconnector. This is a connection between the electricity transmission systems of different countries. The Interconnector will be capable of exchanging 1,000MW of power between Britain and France, enough to run around over 1,000,000 homes.

How does IFA2 work?

The interconnector is made up of undersea cables running for more than 100 miles between the two countries which would connect at either end to a converter station.

The Convertor

The converter station in Fareham is proposed to be based at Daedalus in Stubbington. The map below shows the approximate underground cable route and approximate site area for the convertor station.

The converter station would convert the forms of direct current electricity (DC) that can be used for transmission between the countries into alternating current (AC) electricity used domestically in Britain and France. You can see a possible design option for the proposed convertor in the two images below.

Connecting to the National Grid

Once the electrical current has been converted, Interconnectors then have to link to the national electricity grid. The interconnector would link to the electricity network at a replacement substation building at the existing National Grid site near Chilling, Warsash. You can see a map showing the possible option for the National Grid development at Chilling below.

There will be a need for undersea cables to run from Daedalus to Chilling to connect the two sites rather than running the cables over or under the land.

Latest News

4 December 2017 - Lease for Land Granted Subject to Conditions

Recommendations enabling National Grid's IFA2 development to proceed to construction stage were agreed at last night's Executive Meeting of Fareham Borough Council.

The report to the Executive may be viewed here.

The press release can be viewed in full.

The Arcadis reports are broken down into three parts:

Interim Safety Justification Report PDF (2 MB)

Hazard Log PDF (2 MB)

Technical Assessment PDF (5 MB)

25 September 2017 - Permission Granted Subject to Conditions

When outline planning permission was granted for the electrical interconnector in April 2017, a number of planning conditions were put in place. The Council has now received details from the applicant to satisfy some of these conditions. These have been submitted under two applications:

Application ref: P/16/0557/DP/A can be viewed via links below:

Application ref: P/16/0557/DP/B can be viewed via links below:

24 July 2017 - CAT Meeting on IFA2

A CAT meeting on the topic of the two planning applications took place at Holy Rood Church on 24 July. Around 160 people attended the meeting. A presentation provided information on the applications PDF (2 MB) and the ways that people can have their say.

19 July 2017 - Reserved Matters Planning Applications Submitted

Two detailed planning applications have been submitted by the National Grid.

You can view and comment on the applications using the links above. The final date for comments is 8 September.

23 January 2017 - IFA2 Outline Planning Application Permitted

A meeting of the Council's Planning Committee took place on Monday 23rd January at Ferneham Hall. They resolved to grant outline planning permission for a new electricity interconnector at Daedalus, Stubbington, with cables connecting to the substation near Chilling, Warsash. 

Issues of interest raised by residents

From comments received online and at the recent CAT meeting, there are some particular areas which people would like more detail on. The following information has been provided by National Grid on possible noise levels and Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). The Council is independently reviewing the information provided.

Noise Levels

Both national and local planning policies state that noise levels from a development should not have a significant impact on surrounding homes, businesses and land. National Grid has conducted a number of assessments to calculate the potential noise and vibration effects during the construction and operation at the sites, in the areas surrounding the proposed underground cable routes and Converter Station.

Daedalus Landfall and laying of underground cables

Chilling landfall and cables

Converter Station

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

How can I find out more?

You can look at the dedicated IFA2 website External Hyperlink (opens in new window) which explains gives more information about the project. National Grid have also put together exhibition boards PDF (11 MB) that give a good overview of the project.

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