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Recycling truckWaste Collection

Collecting and disposing of waste in the Borough responsibly and sustainably is an important part of making sure we all enjoy a good quality of life. It includes a careful mix of recycling and re-using, and disposing of what's left to Energy Recovery. The good news is that this means very little of the Borough's household waste is sent to landfill.

Our current recycling and composting rate is more than 32% a month – one of the highest rates in Hampshire. In this part of the website, you can find out more about collection, recycling, re-using and disposal.

Fareham Borough Council is beginning its preparations to introduce 'Simpler Recycling' to Fareham from 31 March 2026.

Find out more here



 Find your bin collection dates

You get a collection every week, alternating between recycling and refuse. Find out your collection dates here.

Domestic refuse & recycling search 

 Read and download your bin calendar

Collection dates differ for the East and West of Fareham. Download and print your bin calendar for easy reference.

Bin calendar  

 What can you recycle?

Using this handy A - Z guide, you can find out what items can and can't be recycled.

A - Z recycling guide

 If your bin was missed

Report your bin being missed via our online forms, or find out why it may not have been collected here.

If your bin was missed

 Love Food Fareham

If you find you often throw away food, why not try some of our recipes to use up leftovers? If you have a favourite recipe you would like to share please email us.

 Myth Busters

Check out the answers to some common myths about what we can recycle.


Recycling is not just the Council's responsibility - everyone has a role to play. We provide and deliver facilities, such as kerbside recycling and bring banks, but we need you to use them to recycle as much of your waste as possible. In this section, you can find out how you can do that and what we're doing to help. It includes handy tips, collection dates, what happens when items are recycled and how we are doing.


Although we do our best to ensure that the Borough has a high recycling rate, some things have to be disposed of as general waste. Here you can see dates for collections in your area, how to order a bin, what to do if your waste isn't collected, how you can get help lifting a bin and what you should include in your general waste bin.

 Bulky waste / old furniture

Many household items, such as furniture and large appliances, can be used by someone else when you no longer want them. If they are beyond re-use, we provide a chargeable service for bulky items from homes in the Borough. In this section, you can find out more about where to pass on unwanted items, and the service to collect waste items - how much it is likely to cost you and how you can arrange it.

 Garden waste and composting

When it comes to garden waste, such as grass cuttings and other clippings, you have a choice in the way you dispose of it. While we can collect it, you might prefer to take it to a household waste recycling centre or try to compost at home. Here, you can find out more to help you decide what's best for you.

 Household Waste Recycling Centres

Hampshire County Council requires visitors to book a slot before arriving at HWRC to dispose of their waste.

 Business waste

We have more than 40 years experience of helping companies in the Borough to remove their waste. As well as helping you meet your legal obligations, we do this in a way that is sustainably and competitively priced. If you have a business, you can find out more about our services in this section.

 What happens to my waste? External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Find out how your household waste and recycling are treated.

 An A-Z of recycling refuse

You can use this handy alphabetical list to find out more about how to recycle or dispose of items to help make sure we take a responsible approach to the way we all manage our waste.

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