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Portchester (Castle Street) Conservation Area - Article 4 Direction

In January 2014, after a period of public consultation, Fareham Borough Council adopted a revised Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Strategy for the Portchester (Castle Street) Conservation Area. This recommended that permitted development rights that might affect the character and appearance of the conservation area should be managed with the use of an Article 4 Direction. On the 4th February 2015 the Council has made an Article 4 Direction relating to Portchester (Castle Street) Conservation Area.

When does the Article 4 Direction come into force?

After a period of public consultation and consideration of any comments received the council will decide whether to confirm the direction. If it is confirmed it will come into force on 18th June 2015.

What are Permitted Development Rights?

Permitted Development Rights apply nationally and allow some minor alterations and demolitions to be undertaken without making a planning application to the Council. The council has no control over changes that are permitted development or the impact, which may be harmful, that may result to the character and appearance of the conservation area.

What is an Article 4 Direction?

An Article 4 Direction makes a planning application necessary for work that was previously 'permitted development' and did not require one. Making a planning application necessary allows the Council to properly consider the impact of proposed changes on the character and appearance of the conservation area and to decide whether any particular alteration should go ahead. This does not necessarily prevent changes occurring but it does allow proposals to be properly considered, discussed and maybe amended, and for neighbour consultation to take place. There would be no fee for the planning application.

How does the Article 4 Direction affect a property?

The Article 4 Direction makes a planning application necessary for the works specified. The permitted development rights and the properties affected are set out in the article 4 direction which can be viewed by following the link below.

How can I make a Representation to the Council?

If you wish to comment on the Article 4 direction representations can be made for a period of 6 weeks beginning on 6th February until 20th March 2015. All comments received will be considered by the Council in deciding whether to confirm the Direction. Representations can be made by email to or by post to Legal Services and Democratic Services, Southampton City Council, Civic Centre, Civic Centre Road, Southampton SO14 7LY. For further information concerning the Article 4 Direction please contact Mike Franklin, Conservation Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Way, Fareham, PO16 7AZ, 01329 824380, or by email at


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