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Historic Environment

Topics covered on this page:

Address Search

This interactive mapping tool enables you to search an address to find out whether it is a Listed or Locally Listed building, a Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) or if it is in a Conservation Area. For more information about these types of designation, please see the dedicated sections further down this webpage.

Important Note: The shading on the interactive map indicates the footprint of the main building in the listing; other structures, such as walls and outbuildings, that are within the curtilage or that are fixed to the main building may also be included as part of the listing . These structures are not shaded on the map and you should contact the Council's Conservation Officer to clarify the actual extent of the listing for any particular site.

Terms and Conditions (Opens in new window)

I accept the terms and conditions and wish to proceed to the map External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Listed buildings

Listed buildings are buildings of national importance that have been identified by Historic England as having special architectural or historic interest. Listed buildings and other nationally designated heritage assets, including Scheduled Ancient Monuments, can be viewed on The National Heritage List for England External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Locally Listed buildings

Locally listed buildings are designated by the Council. Although not of national interest they have been identified as having local heritage significance and this is taken into account by the Council when making planning decisions.

Scheduled Ancient Monuments

Scheduled Ancient Monuments are nationally designated heritage assets designated by Historic England which can be viewed on the The National Heritage List for England  External Hyperlink (opens in new window)External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas are areas that have been designated by the council because of their architectural and historic interest. The council has a duty to conserve their character and appearance when making planning decisions.

Fareham has 13 Conservation areas as listed below. Each of these hyperlinks will take you to a dedicated page complete with an overview of the Conservation Area, a PDF of it's 'Character Assessment Document' and a site plan.

Historic Properties Planning Guidance 

As listed buildings and conservation areas are protected for many different reasons there are no universal rules when it comes to what alterations are permitted. Historic properties planning guidance has been created to help residents understand what the Council must consider when assessing a request to modify or alter a historic building. 

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