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Strategic Design Code and Street Design Manual

Buckland Development Limited submitted the Strategic Design Code for Welborne in March 2023. This sets out the design principles that will dictate the design, look and feel of Welborne Garden Village.

Exceptional design has always been at the heart of Fareham Borough Council's vision for Welborne so that it is developed with a unique character and identity.  Once approved by the Council, these documents will set the exacting urban and landscape design requirements that all future development at Welborne should adhere to and ensure that all areas of the new community belong unmistakably to Welborne, no matter who the housebuilder partner is or what phase it belongs to.

All aspects of the development, whether residential, commercial, employment or educational, will be required to adhere to these principles.  The guidance includes architectural, landscape and technical requirements and sets the framework to enable further Neighbourhood Design Coding so that each if the 14 distinct Neighbourhoods of Welborne create and maintain their own character and identity.

The Welborne Streets Manual has been submitted alongside the Strategic Design Code. This sets out the proposed approach to the street network elements such as signage, street widths, junction form, block form, parking, lighting, materials etc as well as the adoption strategy and a timescale for delivery. This will help underpin the quality of the public spaces that are to be created and give certainty to developers and councils that these elements can be delivered. The Welborne Streets Manual was approved and adopted by Hampshire County Council External Hyperlink (opens in new window) on 9 March 2023.

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