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Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour covers a wide range of things. It is defined as acting "in a manner that caused or was likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household." It includes nuisance families, youth disorder, verbal abuse, violent behaviour, drug, solvent and alcohol abuse, nuisance from vehicles, harassment and intimidation, nuisance from pets, damage to property, sale of alcohol to under 18s, abandoned vehicles, noise nuisance, graffiti, litter and dog fouling.

You can help solve problems in your area by reporting incidents with the anti-social behaviour report it card PDF (221 KB) or You can report anything to us by completing and submitting this form or texting us on 07860 098627.

Fareham's Community Safety Partnership

Everyone wants to feel safe in their own homes and neighbourhoods. Fareham's Community Safety Partnership brings together a number of organisations who are working together to keep the Borough a safe place to live, work and visit. They include Hampshire Fire and Rescue, Fareham Borough Council, Hampshire County Council, Hampshire Probation Trust, Hampshire Youth Offending Team, Fareham Youth Council, NHS and Neighbourhood Watch.

By listening to our communities and looking at information about crime and disorder across the Borough, we prioritise geographic areas and types of crime. Every two weeks officers meet up to share information and decide what action needs to be taken.

The Partnership also looks at crime patterns and decides what types of crime need our efforts to reduce them. Our current priorities are:

You can see more at saferfareham.

Vandalism and criminal damage

Criminal damage refers to crimes where someone intentionally or recklessly destroys or damages any property belonging to someone else. It is often referred to as vandalism and includes graffiti, arson and damage to property, including vehicles. If you see damage to any Council property such as bus shelters, parks and children's play areas, including graffiti on walls and buildings, please report it using the forms below.

Dangerous structures

If you wish to report a dangerous structure or need information about our Dangerous structure service, please do so via the building control page External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Report it

You can report anything to us by completing and submitting this form or texting us on 07860 098627.

You can see more information about our graffiti and our graffiti removal policy.

You can report incidents to our community safety team on 01329 824495, 01329 824496, 01329 824334, 01329 824520 or email

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