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Fareham Community Safety Partnership

 Traveller incursions


Out of hours number: 0800 374 485


 Motiv8 - Right Choice External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

 PreventExternal Hyperlink (opens in new window)

 Support for domestic violenceExternal Hyperlink (opens in new window)

 Support for alcohol or drugs addictionExternal Hyperlink (opens in new window)

 Mental Health support

For adults External Hyperlink (opens in new window), young people External Hyperlink (opens in new window) or call 111

 Fire safe and well visits External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

 Access All Areas

 Fareham Police External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

 Look up your local Bobby External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Working together for a Safer Fareham

Fareham Borough Council works in partnership with:

The role of the Partnership is to work together to prevent and reduce crime.

Our current priorities

If you need to contact the Community Safety Team please ring Tel 01329 236100.

Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour covers a wide range of unacceptable activity that causes harm to an individual, to their community or to their environment. This could be an action by someone else that leaves you feeling alarmed, harassed or distressed. It also includes fear of crime or concern for public safety, public disorder or public nuisance.

Our Community Safety team is based in the Civic Offices. Their role includes:


Report anti-social behaviour

Call 101 to report anti-social behaviour. This is the police non-emergency number.

In cases where you wish to report information direct to Fareham Borough Council you can use the Report It form.


Make a complaint through the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Case Review

You can apply for an ASB case review:

Each of the incidents need to have been reported within one month of them taking place and you must apply for case review within six months of the latest incident. The victim can be a business, individual or a community group.

You may be able to escalate your complaint through the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Case Review PDF (65 KB). This was previously called the Community Trigger.

The ASB Case Review exists to review previous actions and make recommendations through an action plan if appropriate. It does not replace the need to report incidents when they happen.

Before you consider this option, please attempt to contact the Community Safety Team and they can try and resolve issues in partnership. If you wish to escalate a complaint through the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Case Review, please ring 101 and the information will be recorded and passed to the relevant authority.

We aim to acknowledge complaints within seven working days of receipt. We will see if your case meets the criteria and report back with next steps.

In 2023 there was one reported case review application, which did not meet the criteria.


Our Anti-social behaviour policy

Read the council's Anti-Social Behaviour policy here PDF (196 KB).


Report a Safeguarding incident

If you need to reporting an Adult Safeguarding incident please follow this link to Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

If you need to report a Child Safeguarding incident please follow this link Hampshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Serious Violence Pledge

Fareham Borough Council has a collective responsibility to prevent serious violence.  We will play our part in delivering Hampshire Violence Reduction External Hyperlink (opens in new window) Partnership's Response Strategy to make our communities safer. We have embedded serious violence into our existing work through the Partnership Action Group which manages risk on behalf of over 25 organisations and have a multi-agency focus in keeping residents of Fareham safe. Early intervention, a public health approach, sharing information and working collaboratively and Prevention are key to successful outcomes alongside initiatives like CCTV, one to one mentoring, detached youth work, public space guardians and a focus on multi-agency support and diversion.

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