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Planning Application at Newlands, South of Longfield Avenue, Fareham

Update February 2020

We have received instruction from Hallam Land Management to withdraw their outline planning application P/15/1279/OA for the above site.

Update October 2017

We have received a further revised application from Hallam Land Management for the above site.   Overall, the number of homes has reduced by 73; from 1,100 to 1,027 and there is an increase in the amount of green space in the development overall.  The other amendments include (numbers correspond to the plan enclosed):

Most recent updates are available below in further detail via the links:


Illustrative Masterplan

Parameters Plan
Parameters Plan 

Phasing Plan
Phasing Plan 

Country Plan Layout
Country Park Layout 


You can view the whole revised planning application on our website, alternatively a paper copy of the application and all the supporting plans and documents are available for viewing at the Civic Offices in Fareham

You can give us your views on the application by leaving a comment online, emailing

To ensure I am able to take your comments into account I will need to have received them by 3rd November 2017.

Update February 2016

We have received a revised application from Hallam Land Management for outline planning permission for the above site (the original application was withdrawn in March 2016). The revised application reduces the number of proposed homes from 1550 to 1100, and also includes plans for:

How do I view the revised application?

Application Form Certificate
Application Form

Design and Access Statement
Design and Access


Site Location Plan
Site Location

Parameters Plan

Illustrative Master Plan



What comments can be taken into account?

Your comments should concentrate on the different aspects that the applicant has specifically sought planning permission for. This includes the different uses proposed, the amount of development and the proposed access arrangements. The types of comments that the Council can take into account include:

Issues that cannot be considered include:

What happens to my comments?

We will send you acknowledgement of receipt of your comments and take them into account when the Council is assessing the planning application. Given the large amount of letters that we receive on applications, we will not be able to enter into direct correspondence with individuals. Once we receive your comment, we will keep you informed if we receive any further plans or information from the applicant and also notify you of any relevant public meetings, such as the Planning Committee.

What is an outline planning application?

Outline planning applications are submitted to establish whether the uses  and the amout of development proposed is acceptable, before a fully detailed development proposal is put forward.

When an outline planning application is submitted, the applicant can also apply to have one or more of the detailed matters of the development considered. In the case of the Newlands outline planning application, Hallam Land Management have applied for the access arrangements to be considered in detail. The access details include the position and design of vehicle, cycle and pedestrian routes in the development and how they fit in with existing highways.

At the outline planning application stage, the Council cannot consider things such as the design and layout of buildings on the site, the height of buildings proposed or the detailed landscaping arrangements. These matters can be decided on, separately,  at a later date and local residents will be informed if this happens.

How can I find out more information about this?

Below are links to some useful information.

How to find and contact us

Civc Offices opening times

How to look at Planning Applications Online including Terms and Conditions

Community Action Team Meeting

Information about the Planning system External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

National Planning Practice Guidance External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Fareham Borough Local Plan

The Planning Committee


Past updates

Newlands Planning Application Update – 10 September 2015

We are aware that Hallam Land Management has contacted residents asking them to take part in a consultation on amendments to their proposed development at Newlands Farm. 

Please note that this is not a Council consultation and we have not received an amended planning application.  If we receive one in the future you will have an opportunity to comment on it before the Council makes a decision on the application.

Newlands Planning Application Update - February 2015

Following consultations on the planning application last year, a number of questions were raised by statutory consultees (the organisations we have to consult with by law) and local residents.  Questions raised included concerns about the impacts of the proposed development on matters such as the local road network and wildlife. Key organisations such as the Highways Authority and Natural England, advised that further information and work was required from the applicants before a decision could be made.

Due to the size of the planning application proposal and the complexity of the issues involved, Hallam Land Management have been working over the past year, to provide the additional information that is required for a formal decision to be made. They have told us that they will be in a position to provide all the necessary information towards the end of May 2015.

We will update the website if this situation changes. If we receive further plans and information we will notify all interested parties (this includes anyone who wrote or emailed us about the application) and give them the opportunity to review the information and respond to us with further comments.


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