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A personal search is an alternative way of obtaining information from the Local Land Charges Register instead of requesting an official search through the local authority. Unlike the official search, there is no charge for a personal search.
Anyone can make a request for a personal search, but they are usually carried out by personal search companies. We will process any request for information in the same timescale as for official searches, normally within 3 working days. We will e-mail the result back and at the same time supply the planning history for the property from 1 August 1977. It is then up to you or the search company to produce the search report, not the Council.
We do not operate an appointment system and you will need to book your search request using a dedicated link for use by you and / or your company. If you do not have this link, please request one by either e-mailing or by telephoning the Land Charges Officer on 01329 824705.
We will need to have the full postal address of the property and a location plan showing the area to be searched.
Once we have received your request, we will e-mail the result back to you. Please ensure you provide an e-mail address which your colleagues can access in your absence, such as a generic address.
There are also a number of standard questions about the property which are contained in a form known as the Con29R.
If you require information in order to respond to the CON29 form you will need to follow this procedure and follow the links:
Q.1.1(a) – (i) – Planning, listed building and conservation area consents, certificates of lawfulness, heritage partnership agreements and listed building consent orders – Those approved with conditions are shown as part of the Local Land Charges Register and will be shown in a search of it. The full planning history of a property from 1 August 1977 is automatically sent back at the same time as entries in the Local Land Charges Register when a personal search is carried out.
Q.1.1 (J) – (L) - Building Control information - Please e-mail with your request. The result will also be e-mailed back to you and they will also respond to Questions 3.7 (a) and 3.8 if requested.
Q1.2 – Planning Designations and Proposals - An interactive map and details regarding the Local Plan can be found at
Q.2 – Roadways, Footways and Footpaths – Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
The extent of the public highway does not fall within the scope of this question, but should you need to know this you should contact Hampshire County Council at the above e-mail address. A fee will be payable.
Q. 2.2 – 2.5 - Public Rights of Way – Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
Q3.1 – Land required for public purposes can be found at /planning/local_plan/interactivepropmap.aspx
Q.3.2 – Land Required for Road Works – Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
Q.3.3 – Drainage Matters – Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
Q. 3.4 – Nearby Road Schemes – Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
Q.3.5 – Nearby Railway Schemes – Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
Q.3.6 - Traffic Schemes – Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
Q.3.7 – Outstanding Notices:
Q.3.7 (a) - Building Works – E-mail the Building Control Partnership at
3.7 (b) (c) (d) and (f) – Environment, Health and Safety, Housing and Public Health notices – Please contact the Council's Environmental Health Partnership on 01329 824366
Q3.7 (e) – Highway notices – Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
Q.3.7.(g) – Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Notices - Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
Notices served by the Environment Agency (4 KB)
Q.3.8. - Contravention of Building Regulations – E-mail the Building Control Partnership at
Q.3.9 – Notices, Orders, Directions and Proceedings under Planning Acts:
Q.3.9 (a) – (f), (k) (l) and (n) – Enforcement Notices, Stop Notices, Listed Building Enforcement Notices, Breach of Condition Notices, Planning Contravention Notices, Breaches of Planning Control, Revocation and Modification Orders, Discontinuance Orders, Proceedings Enforcing Planning Agreements or Contributions – Information can be obtained by viewing the Council's website at /internetlookups/search.aspx?list=ocellaplanningenforcementnoticesregister.
You will need to search the planning enforcement register by entering the property address for each property required and it will reveal past and current notices.
Q.3.9 (g) – (j) Relevant information regarding Notices, Orders, Directions and Proceedings under Planning Acts (51 KB)
Q.3.9 (m) - Tree Preservation Orders - New orders are normally served in response to an urgent issue and served under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 S198 – 201. This gives the order immediate effect and as such is entered on the Local Land Charges register and will be shown on a search of it.
Q.3.10. Community Infrastructure Levy (10 KB)
Q.3.11(b) - Proposed new conservation areas or alterations to existing ones. (124 KB)
Q.3.12. – Orders or decisions by Fareham Borough Council to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property. (80 KB) Hampshire County Council should also be contacted as they also have powers to compulsorily purchase or acquire land.
Q.3.13 – Contaminated Land information - Details can be found on the Council's website at /licensing_and_inspections/contaminated_land/intro.aspx. Details of notices served will be shown on these pages.
Q3.14. - Radon Gas - Fareham Borough Council does not hold any information relating to radon gas. To determine if an individual property is in a radon affected area, a search of the dataset may be carried out at .
Q.3.15 - Assets of Community Value (59 KB)
4. Road Proposals by Private Bodies
(a) - (b) Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
5.1. Advertisements
5.1. We will provide advertisement applications in the list of planning applications if requested at the time of the search booking
5.2. Copies obtained from Department of Planning Development Control, Civic Offices, Civic Way, Fareham, PO16 7TT. Tel: 01329 236100
5.3 (a) – (e) Notices, Proceedings and Orders (50 KB)
7.1 – 7.2 Parks and Countryside (3 KB)
8. Pipelines
Please ask for this question to be answered at the time of the booking
9. Houses in Multiple Occupation (3 KB)
10. Noise Abatement - Please contact the Council's Environmental Health Partnership on 01329 824366.
11.1.Urban Development Areas (3 KB)
12. Enterprise Zones, Local Development Orders and BIDS:
12.1. Enterprise Zone (5 MB)
12.2. Local Development Orders (3 KB)
12.3. Business Improvement Districts
13. Inner Urban Improvement Area (80 KB)
14. Simplified Planning Zones (80 KB)
15. Land Maintenance Notices (80 KB)
16. Mineral Consultation and Safeguarding Areas (3 KB)
17. Hazardous Substance Consents - Please request that this question is answered when you make your booking. Applications will then be shown as part of the planning history
18. Environmental and Pollution Notices - Please contact the Council's Environmental Health Partnership on 01329 824366.
19. Food Safety Notices - Please contact the Council's Environmental Health Partnership on 01329 824366.
20. Hedgerow Notices: Please request that this question is answered when you make your booking. Applications will then be shown as part of the planning history
21. Flood Defence and Land Drainage Consents - Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at:
22. Common Land and Town or Village Green - Please visit the Hampshire County Council website at: