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Press Release

06 January 2017

Planning decision due on proposed Interconnector Project (IFA2) at Daedalus and Chilling

A meeting of the Council's Planning Committee will be held at 10am on Monday 23rd January at Ferneham Hall, regarding plans for a new electricity interconnector at Daedalus, Stubbington and a replacement substation building near Chilling, Warsash.

The IFA2 project proposes to create a connection between the electricity transmission systems of Britain and France. The Committee will decide whether or not the project should be granted planning permission to proceed.

Chairman of the Planning Committee, Cllr Nick Walker, said: "This is an important planning proposal and one that has led to considerable local interest. We would encourage residents to come along to the meeting to hear more about the IFA2 plans. There will also be an opportunity to have your say."

Anyone who would like to speak at the meeting should make arrangements with this Council's Democratic Services team by no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 18th January.  The team can be contacted by calling 01329 824598 and asking for a form or by visiting the Council's website at

For further information about the IFA2 project please visit: 




Editor's Notes

The electricity interconnector project (known as IFA2) is proposed to link the United Kingdom's transmission network to France. The interconnector is made up of undersea cables running for more than 100 miles between the two countries which would connect at either end to a converter station.

The converter station in Fareham is proposed to be built at Daedalus in Stubbington. The converter station would link to the electricity network at a replacement substation building at the existing National Grid site near Chilling, Warsash.

A planning application has been submitted to Fareham Borough Council to build the converter station at Daedalus, and to lay underground cables at Daedalus, Hill Head and at Chilling. The planning application also proposes an area of public open space running south of Gosport Road, from Southways to the Peel Common roundabout.

On this occasion residents from both Fareham and Gosport will be able to make deputations at the meeting.

Here is a link to a short video that briefly explains the IFA2 project and gives details of the meeting: External Hyperlink (opens in new window)


For further information contact:

Lorna Tipper, PR and Marketing Officer, Tel: 01329 824302


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