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Community Climate Change Toolkit

Fareham Climate Change Toolkits

The Council has put together some information packs for our Residents, Community Groups and Businesses to help them on their carbon reduction journey.

While taking action against climate change often begins on an individual level, when people work together bigger changes can be achieved External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Across Fareham there are many thriving communities and community groups. No matter the size or budget of your group there are always things you can do to make a positive change.

Below we have outlined some of the ways you could take action against climate change together as well as links to some great resources full of expert advice.

Sketch style mind map with images representing ideas to help the planet

Planning climate change activities in your community

Step 1- Begin the conversation

Because climate change is a global issue, individuals can often feel isolated and overwhelmed when they think about how they can help.

While we can all recognise that national and international changes are required to combat climate change, we all have a role to play as members of communities.

The first step is raising the issue within your community or community group. Conversations between individuals are a good place to start, then you could hold a meeting to help focus people's minds and discuss actions that could be taken.


Step 2- Work out what your carbon footprint looks like

Once people are informed about climate change and recognise that they can do something to help, it's time to decide where to focus your community's efforts.

To begin with it's best to focus on a specific project rather than trying to eliminate carbon emissions from every corner of your community.  

Calculating your carbon footprint is a great way to see what activities have the biggest impact on the environment and therefore identify the areas where taking action can make the biggest difference.

Cartoon graphic showing people holding signs advocating for climate change action

Step 3- Get creative

There are lots of things you can do as an organisation or community to take meaningful action against climate change, we have listed some examples below of projects that have been run in other communities.

Photo of solar panels in a field

More Resources

Below are some resources that give more detailed advice on community climate change initatives: 

Funding Opportunities



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