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Business Climate Change Toolkit

Fareham Climate Change Toolkits

The Council has put together some information for our Residents, Community Groups and Businesses to help them on their carbon reduction journeys.

The Council is keen to support local businesses on their journey to reduce their carbon footprint. Below we have compiled some great resources to help businesses in the Borough to reduce their carbon footprint.


What is the role of businesses in tackling climate change?

In the UK businesses are responsible for 17 percent of Co2 emissions, just ahead of residential emissions which account for 15 percent.

graph showing the percentage share of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions per sector. Transport is 27%, Energy Supply is 21%, Business is 17%, Residential is 15%, Agriculture is 10%, Other is 5% and Waste Management is 4%.

It's not just big businesses either, SMEs account for 61% of total employment. Therefore, SMEs will play a big role in reducing the carbon footprint of the business sector.

The Benefits of taking action

We all recognise the environmental benefits of taking action against climate change however it can also benefit your business too.

Carbon Footprints 

If you want to reduce your business's impact on the environment, understanding the impact it already has is a good place to start.

The links below will help you understand your carbon footprint, how to calculate it and the things that should be included.

Diagram outlining the three different scopes used when calculating your carbon footprint

What businesses can do 

Once you have established your baseline carbon footprint you can begin taking action to reduce it. These changes can start small and become more significant over time.

Below are some carbon reduction ideas you could get started with.




Both landfill and waste incineration produce greenhouse gases, therefore the less you put in the bin, the better for the planet.

Picture of fields with two wind turbines

More Resources

Below we have complied a list of climate change resources specifically targeted at businesses

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