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Data Protection Act 1998

The Data Protection Act places safeguards on the personal information we and other organisations hold about you.

It applies to computers and certain types of paper filing systems and gives rules for the way we treat personal information about you.

We use a range of personal data to carry out our work and have a set of rules, procedures and policies to ensure we comply with the law.

Our web pages explain our policies, show our current notification (a description of purposes for processing personal data), outline the eight Data Protection principles from the Act and provide a form for you to use to make an official subject access request (for personal information about you).

The Act and the Council's Data Protection Policy - A description of how the Act applies to Fareham Borough Council and its citizens.

The Eight Data Protection Principles - The key principles of the Data Protection Act.

National Fraud Initiative - A description of how the Council is required to participate in the National Fraud Initiative and submit some of the data it holds to the Audit Commission for the prevention and detection of crime.

Our Data Protection Notifications

You can see our official notifications of "purposes" to the Information Commissioner at the Information Commissioner Data Protection public register External Hyperlink (opens in new window). Our details are Registration Number Z556962X, Data Controller and Registration Number Z6721407, Data Controller, Electoral Registration Officer of Fareham Borough Council.

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