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Garden waste service

Privacy notice

Processing your data is necessary for the performance of this service/contract to which you are party. The Council (The data Controller) will only use the personal details that you have provided to obtain this service to deliver this service or contact you either by letter, telephone, or email for matters related to the garden waste subscription service.

It should be noted that the data you have provided will need to be shared with a number of third party organisations in order for this service to be delivered as agreed. Your address will be shared with the Council's Bin Delivery contractor 'Jett Distribution' to ensure your bins are delivered to your household.

Your personal data will also be stored on the Council's back office software provided by 'Bartec Municipal Technologies Ltd' to enable the administration of the service.

If you elect to make recurring payments, the Council use a third party contractor, 'Pay 360 by Capita' to process and securely store your card details. Your personal data will be held by 'Pay 360 by Capita' and will only be used in connection with this agreement. Your personal data will only be held whilst you receive this service.

We will also use your information for analysis purposes in order to improve our service. This will be anonymised prior to any disclosure. As a data subject you have the right to cancel your subscription at any time by contacting the Council. We will ensure your data is deleted both at the Council and all third parties. You also have the right as the data subject to contact the Information Commissioner if you are unhappy with how we are handling your personal data. You can contact them using the address: The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


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