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Stage 2 (Late-January to Mid-March 2024)

18 March: Shortlisted options approved for more detailed evaluation

A report providing an update on the progress of the development of the Town Centre Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan and a number of proposed shortlisted interventions was presented to the Council's Executive on 18th March 2024. 

The report explains how the consultant team analysed ideas generated from the Stage 1 and Stage 2 engagement activities combined with their broader regeneration experience to develop a draft list of intervention options. These interventions range from immediate and short-term ideas through to potential redevelopment options over the longer term.

The Executive agreed that the shortlisted interventions would be evaluated in more detail during Stage 3. The most appropriate options would then be included in the final Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan in the summer. 

10 to 14 February: Making Fareham Fun

We asked for your ideas on how we could help to improve the town centre and how it could provide more, and improved, multi-generational play and leisure facilities.

We invited ideas from everyone with a particular focus on young people, parents or carers of young children. We did this through an events programme which ran during the February half term. These included:

  1. Design your dream play space – A colouring workshop for youngsters to design their dream play space.
  2. Make Fareham Fun consultation – Looking at some of the themes and ideas around what facilities could be improved or added to the town centre.

Over 200 people took part in these events.

31 January to 15 February: Getting the views of Council officers and councillors

As regular users of the town centre, feedback was gathered from both officers and Councillors during focused regeneration workshops. An interactive ideas noticeboard asked for views on how to improve the Leisure and Play and Food and Drink offer in the town as well as suggestions for short term initiatives and temporary uses that could help attract more people into the town.

We also asked for peoples' favourite independent and local chains, with the aim of potentially contacting them to talk about exciting opportunities in the town.

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