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Fareham Town Centre Regeneration

The Town Centre todayLet's Talk Fareham Town Centre

Across the UK, the way people shop and what they use town centres for is changing. While Fareham town centre has a range of services and shops, there is also an increasing number of vacancies, particularly in the shopping centre itself.

Our aspirations for the town

We would like to have more homes in the town centre as well as ensuring any changes in the town centre offering of shops, services and entertainment will better serve our community's changing needs. We also want to create more interesting and high-quality outdoor public spaces and vibrant uses during the day and evening.

Our approach to regeneration

We've been making significant strategic investments in the town such as the building of a new arts and entertainment venue, Fareham Live and the purchase of the Shopping Centre. We've been working with expert consultants to develop an ambitious but deliverable Fareham Town Centre Regeneration Strategy. Click on the buttons below to find out more about our approach and how you can get involved as well as view the previous vision from 2017.

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