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Measuring plans in Adobe Reader DC

Getting started

These instructions relate to using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (free version) to measure and scale plans. This software is not supplied by Fareham Borough Council, nor does Fareham Borough Council take any responsibility for its use or functionality.

You can download software from Adobe External Hyperlink (opens in new window). PLEASE NOTE: For the measuring tools to be available, the PDF file must be opened in Adobe Acrobat (not in a web browser such as Edge).

Open measure tool in Adobe Reader DC

Measuring plans

Change the scale ratio

Measuring types

Screenshot showing measuring toolbar with measurement types highlighted

If you are measuring scanned PDF plans, please make sure that the Orthographic Measurements is on. To turn this on, right click on the plan and select Turn Ortho On. You can do this in reverse to disable.

With the scale set, the measuring of the plan can take place. There are 3 different ways to measure:


You do not need to use the snap tools to measure. The snap tools allow you to snap directly to a line that is drawn on the plan. They toggle on and off by clicking on each snap type.

Screenshot of measuring toolbar showing snap types highlighted

Colour of the measuring line

To change the colour of the measuring line:


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