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Self-build and Custom Build Housing

What is self and custom build housing?

Self and custom-build housing typically involves individuals and/or groups designing and physically building a house for themselves or commissioning the construction of a new house from a builder, contractor, package company, whilst having input into the home's design. Sometimes developers offer the option of a serviced plot where individuals can design and build their own home as part of a larger scheme.

What is a serviced plot?

Serviced plots are ready to build on with all the infrastructure you need to start building your own home in place - water, gas, electricity, mains sewage, high-speed broadband and telephone, as well as access.

This type of plot tends to be on a larger site which has been divided into multiple individual plots by a developer.  Sites usually have outline planning permission, but they often have detailed planning permission - with a condition of buying a plot including some parameters you must work within - usually known as a plot passport.

What are the Council's duties in respect of self and custom build housing?

The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 requires that Councils:

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 place a duty on Councils to meet demand by granting 'development permissions for the carrying out of self-build and custom housebuilding on enough serviced plots of land to meet the demand in the authority's area arising in each base period'.

What is the Self and Custom Build Register and can I join Fareham's register?

The register is a list which individuals or groups can join to record their interest with the Council that they are interested in building or commissioning their own home in the Borough. The register helps with informing the Council of the level of demand for self and custom build plots in the Borough. We shall use the information provided to explore ways in which it might be possible for people and plots to be brought together. The register is not a plot provision service however, and registration does not guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified, or become available.

The Government has issued Regulations about eligibility for entry on the register External Hyperlink (opens in new window).  An individual is eligible for entry on the register if that individual is:

If the applicant is a group or an association, each member of the association must complete the online form and fulfil the eligibility criteria.

Find Key Statistics from the Self and Custom Build Register here.


How to join the Register

To register your interest in self and custom build in Fareham, please complete the online registration form External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

We will not pass identifiable information from the Register on to anyone outside the Council without the written consent of the person who registered their details. From time to time we provide anonymised statistical data returns to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. We will provide information relating to relevant planning applications to registered applicants.

Please contact us via email at to notify us if your circumstances change or you wish to be deleted from the register.

How can I find a Plot?

As mentioned above, joining the Council's register helps us to understand the need in the Borough and provides evidence to developers to support inclusion of self and custom build in their developments and for the Council to permit sufficient permissions to meet this need. However, the register does not directly provide plots of land for self and custom build. Individual plots are often registered on websites such as:

amongst others, as well as local estate agents. 

How do I go about progressing a Self and Custom Build project?

There is lots of support and information available relating to self-build and custom build at:

Other websites also provide project advice, such as:

If you are interested in group or community self build, the following websites may be useful:

Further sources of information are available at: 

Help to Build


What has Fareham Council done so far?


For further assistance regarding self and custom build housing please contact Emma Younger, Principal Planner in the Planning Strategy team on 01329 824326 or email

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