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HA6 - Cranleigh Road, Portchester


I don,t at all but poor website input meant that I had to tick fictitious intentions in order to enter my comments which are really of a very general nature. I trust that my views will be respected and that they won't just be ignored as being against the local plan proposals. Inviting members of the public to comment must allow for view that don't entirely fit your questionnaires.



The access for this site is poor. The schools and health services are already over subscribed and do not support this build. The land is home to sky larks, Brent geese, deer, foxes and badgers.



I object to the proposed housing development on Cranleigh Road site.



This will cause congestion on already congested roads and put strain on local facilities such as waste recycling, library, schools and shops.



The impact on the Portchester infrastructure will be disastrous to the local roads, school places, doctor’s appointments, wildlife and residents. Traffic in and out of both Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh developments will be via Beaulieu Avenue and Hatherley Crescent. Both are narrow residential roads never designed to take the high volume of today’s traffic. Hundreds of additional vehicles from these two developments attempting to travel along these roads will create a complete traffic gridlock and make life a misery for local residents, emergency services will have great difficulty accessing the area. The palliative solution to change the traffic light sequence at the A27/ Downend junction will not improve the situation and could adversely affect the safety of the pupils and pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. Currently at peak times the traffic on A27 between Portchester and Fareham is at a standstill, an increase in traffic volume from this, and other proposed developments will aggravate this serious problem, increasing the already unacceptable levels of air pollution which this borough is currently experiencing. Local doctor's surgeries are already struggling to provide the required service to their patients. A waiting time at the Westland's Medical Centre of 3 weeks for a routine appointment to see a Doctor is the norm. The proposed increases in the population from Downend Road/Romsey Avenue/ Cranleigh developments will place a crippling burden on our already stretched medical resources. Before any proposal is even considered all infrastructure issues should be addressed, costed and fully resolved. The Developers should be made to contribute to the investigation/studies and implementation of all necessary changes.



The impact on the Portchester infrastructure will be disastrous to the local roads, school places, doctor’s appointments, wildlife and residents. Traffic in and out of both Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh developments will be via Beaulieu Avenue and Hatherley Crescent. Both are narrow residential roads never designed to take the high volume of today’s traffic. Hundreds of additional vehicles from these two developments attempting to travel along these roads will create a complete traffic gridlock and make life a misery for local residents, emergency services will have great difficulty accessing the area. The palliative solution to change the traffic light sequence at the A27/ Downend junction will not improve the situation and could adversely affect the safety of the pupils and pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. Currently at peak times the traffic on A27 between Portchester and Fareham is at a standstill, an increase in traffic volume from this, and other proposed developments will aggravate this serious problem, increasing the already unacceptable levels of air pollution which this borough is currently experiencing. Local doctor's surgeries are already struggling to provide the required service to their patients. A waiting time at the Westland's Medical Centre of 3 weeks for a routine appointment to see a Doctor is the norm. The proposed increases in the population from Downend Road/Romsey Avenue/ Cranleigh developments will place a crippling burden on our already stretched medical resources. Before any proposal is even considered all infrastructure issues should be addressed, costed and fully resolved. The Developers should be made to contribute to the investigation/studies and implementation of all necessary changes.



I oppose the development of Cranleigh Road, Portchester as listed below: 1 Portchester is full to capacity; 2 GP surgeries are full to room to expand; problems with recruiting GPs and staff; 3 Cranleigh Road and White Hart lane will become more congested as will the A27 towards Fareham and towards Portsmouth. The A27 can not cope now when there is a problem on the M27. Other roads joining the A27 will become congested. 4 Bus services will be affected due to increased traffic. 5 Schools have no spare capacity or means to expand. Anyone can with a modicom of common sense can see what will happen. The council should listen to the people they represent. Why not hold a referendum.



I am a governor at a Portchester Primary School. Throughout Portchester it is suggested that around 624 new houses could be built. All Portchester Primary schools have a waiting list. I have read no plans for new schools in this area. Tacking on temporary classrooms to existing purpose built schools would adversely affect the quality of education in the area. Therefore, where are the extra school aged children going to go for a school place? New housing should not be shoehorned into small green spaces in an already crowded environment which suffers from frequent traffic congestion, etc.


[redacted]. Throughout Portchester it is suggested that around 624 new houses could be built. All Portchester Primary schools have a waiting list. I have read no plans for new schools in this area. Tacking on temporary classrooms to existing purpose built schools would adversely affect the quality of education in the area. Therefore, where are the extra school aged children going to go for a school place? New housing should not be shoehorned into small green spaces in an already crowded environment which suffers from frequent traffic congestion, etc.



I live on [redacted] and the volume of traffic at the moment already makes it almost impossible for me to leave my driveway during rush hours. A new housing development on Cranleigh Road will increase the flow of traffic heading towards Portchester Village to an unacceptable extent. The local GP surgery in Portchester is also at the limit of the number of new patients it can accept (I am confident this is correct because I am a local pharmacist and often talk to patients and newcomers to the area). I also understand that local schools are at their limit of how many new children they can accept. Also, I object strongly to the loss of green fields that support local wild life. Once these fields have gone, they will never be replaced. Finally, I would like to ask why 700 of the proposed new homes on greenfield sites have been assigned to Portchester. This is completely unacceptable.



I'd like you to be in my house at school times, the traffic is terrible to get in and out, I get abuse if I want to get in or out my drive. Are you going to make another road other than Hatherley Drive? I am already worried for the safety of the children walking along the pavements and trying to cross the road. If here are already cars and lorry's parked how will the emergency services get through? All the extra cars would impact and could cause a further risk to life! Its already an issue without the extra cars.



same reasons as disclosed for romsey road site



the access to this site is on a blind corner. On a saturday morning children are walking to the football pitches past this site entrance which will be a very dangerous hazard.



As residents of Romsay Ave, we are very much against the plan to allow further developments so close to Cranlerigh road when previous inspectors have thrown out such plans.



all sites claim to be affordable housing but there are only 6 social houses marked for this development.



I object to development to Romsay Ave & wickham Farms as this will be detrimental to Traffic flow green spaces facilities. impact on doctors, dentist, schools, hospital Wild life Health (additional Exhaust fumes) Loss of grade 1 agriculture ground



These sites are totally unsuitable for housing. The infrastructure is not in place. Doctors surgeries are already overstretched without these additional properties. The access roads are inefficient in size to allow the volume of traffic likely to be generated. The wildlife in the area is already being peeled away. Emergency services cannot achieve their response time, to do already gridlocked roads and this site would add to this already dire situation. Portchester’s open spaces, thanks to this pathetic planning is slowly being swallowed up.



Portchester 's habitats are being destroyed for all this new housing, its dangerous! The green parts that are left are being destroyed! Porchester is already too busy on the roads and will be an added strain on police , schools and other services.



There is a lack of cohesive planning for the area resulting in gridlocked roads, increasing pollution levels, emergency services being unable to cope with increased demand and traffic jams preventing them from reaching their response times. There are over subscribed schools, doctors and hospitals. Consequently there is a decline in the well being of the local population resulting in illness, depression and increased demand on health services. This opportunity to plan well for the future needs to be strategic and well balanced over the whole geographic area.



Portchester has enough housing already. The roads cannot take any more traffic and most importantly we must conserve the wildlife on these sites.



There is a lot of wildlife on this field. If all fields are used where are they to go. The schools and doctors are full to capacity. How can they take on more students/patients? The roads are already very busy and this will add to the chaos. The road system for this development is ridiculous. One way in and out onto an already very busy road with a bend where everyone goes round it on the wrong side. Where this new road is going car will not be able to stop without problems when vehicles are entering or exiting this site. There seems to have been very little though given to the situation of the road into and out of the new build. On road in and out with 120 homes! The road is a busy one with cars, lorries, buses and coaches and on match day our road is clogged up by cars parking where they can. I understand the need for new housing but please there are a lot of open spaces that would accommodate this without cramming an already busy village where schools and doctors are overcrowded. I am not a wildlife enthusiast but I do enjoy seeing it. Where are the deer’s and birds going to go? We are losing our open spaces.



Have you considered all these houses you want to build, the schools and the doctors, and all the extra traffic in Cranleigh Road. The field you want to build on is home to many wildlife, look around Portchester, plenty of other green fields to build on. Hands off Romsey Road. Portchester is a village, you are trying to turn it in to a town. Our road Cranleigh is already overloaded with cars and huge lorries. You may not be aware that we have no drains in our road, we are often flooded. The road cannot take more and more traffic.



Roads are insufficient to support existing traffic in Downsend area, also along A27 into Fareham. I do nor se any improvement for existing traffic {not known} (800-900 + 1600-1800 weekdays) so what is envisioned for additional traffic resulting from these developments. eastern approach to Fareham will be brought to a stand still !!!!



This development along with the other Portchester developments would cause an excess addition to an already congested road network in this area. With Traffic built up from the Delme Roundabout back to Condor Avenue and beyond heading West,and tailing back from Port Solent heading East the traffic on the A27 becomes a car park at peak times now. With up to 250 extra cars (around 1500 with all the Portchester developments) using this road, the congestion would be completely horrendous The schools in the area would not cope with the extra 1500 or more pupils from all 3 sites (that is a 50+ classroom school !!) The Doctors surgeries would not cope with the extra 3000 or more patients ( they cannot recruit new doctors now !!) We all know houses need to be built, but surely that was why the concept of Wellborne was so good in that it would have its own schools and doctors etc to cope with peoples needs and also give near direct access to the M27. Why has the Wellborne development been so watered down when it would have covered all the local housing needs??. Could it be the developers did not want to put in the infrastructure ?? I object very strongly to all the Portchester developments and ask that you seriously reconsider your strategies and consider the lives of the current populace



This development of this area has not taken into account the infrastructure of Schools, Doctors and Transport. All of these are full as it is and 3/4 bedroom houses will only add to this congestion further. The Greenland is also the dividing line between Fareham and Portchester and should be left as this otherwise the name of historical Portchester should be changed to Farchester



I live on Portchester Road [redacted] and the volume of traffic at the moment already makes it almost impossible for me to leave my driveway during rush hours. A new housing development on Downend Road East will increase the flow of traffic heading towards Portchester Village to an unacceptable extent. The local GP surgery in Portchester is also at the limit of the number of new patients it can accept. I also understand that local schools are at their limit of how many new children they can accept. Also, I object strongly to the loss of green fields that support local wild life. Once these fields have gone, they will never be replaced. Finally I would like to ask why 700 of the proposed new homes on greenfield sites have been assigned to Portchester. This is completely unacceptable.



I wish to object because of the lack of infrastructure on these new proposed developments. At the moment you have wait 3 weeks or more to see a doctor and the extra people will only make matters worse. Traffic is already gridlocked and this is already causing pollution. The schools are full to capacity already. There is also the issue of some areas in Portchester being within the Bedenham blast area.



The entrance to this site is too small. The traffic will be horrendous as it is already a problem in this area. The pollution will be greatly increased because of the queuing - this will impact on the health of the community in Portchester. I cannot understand how they would come up with this plan it just seems foolhardy to me! This is a green field and of local natural beauty, in my opinion it should be kept as such. The doctors are full and cannot cope already and neither can the schools.



The loss of natural habitat and species of animals that are being disturbed is not acceptable. The wildlife and its habitat have been established for many years. The need for this type of farmland will be essential in the post Brexit era when we need to grow more of our own food. Also the protected Brent geese which are on the red list. The number of cars (at least 500) will add to the already congested roads, the size of the roads are not big enough to cope. The local services are not ready to cope with the extra people this will bring to the area. It concerns me that these houses will not end up affordable and will not be offered to local people. It concerns me that there may be a domino effect where if we lose this green space we will continue to lose green spaces from Portsmouth to Southampton!



Due to the road is not fit for purpose to handle the amount of traffic along with being so close to the school. This road is dangerous enough coming out of orchard grove without adding an additional x number of 100 cars.



when we brought our house in Fareham it was a lovely place to live. Countryside & coast, now we have to fight out way down country lanes ( Try Pook lane at 8.30am) down the A27 along the M27. Fareham has become a traffic nightmare we don't need all these houses. You have Whitley , Knowle and the dreaded Welborne. We keel trapped I a concrete jungle, dictated to by the volume of traffic as to when we can go out. Why should we build more & more to accommodate the millions of new comers let in by last government uncontrolled migration. Put the existing residents of Fareham just we don't need these hundreds of houses here . Ensure the houses youre building in the town centre are low cost or low rent (even Council houses)- now there's an idea.

Postcode not provided


It takes nearly 3 weeks now to get a non emergency appointments. My drive is blocked most days from people picking up kids from Wicor schools. People now use our road as a Rat run from the A27 top cranleigh Rd. We need a bigger between Portchester band Fareham.



We live in Cranleigh Road and the proposed road access for both Cranleigh Road/Romsey Avenue are totally inadequate both for construction traffic and the proposed number of houses. The junction of Cranleigh Road/Cornerway Lane will be totally chaotic. People who already live in this area are being penalised for development. When football matches occur at weekends, traffic access to Cranleigh Road and Wicor Rec is totally chaotic and with the increase in local traffic with this development it is totally inappropriate to burden present residents even more. The increase pressure on local schools and medical centres is totally inconsiderate and local MPs and Councillors have let us down totally.



I am very concerned about the additional traffic that will be created with the additional homes being built. Traffic is already very busy at peak times.



In the draft infrastructure delivery plan, it is stated that additional capacity would be needed at existing GP surgeries in Portchester at an unknown cost and with an unknown source of funding. Schools are full to bursting and GPs are stretched. The roads around the areas are already busy without additional cars adding to the existing constant congestion.



The 4 sites allocated in Portchester and Fareham is significant at peak times. Fareham Borough Council should not have allocated 4 sites so close to this road.



FBC’s pathetic attempt to appeal against building on this land, having successfully defended it for 30 years, is proof that there was always a plan to allow building here because FBC could not get its act over Welborne. Cranleigh Road, along with the other 3 sites in Portchester will increase pollution and adversely affect services that are already stretched beyond breaking point. Fareham already has one of the highest car users in the County. It can take 30 minutes to travel from Cornaway Lane to Fareham centre, a distance of 2.2km. An additional 700 homes with associated vehicles will grind this area to a stand-still. It can already take me up to 3 weeks to get an appointment to see a doctor. FBC are putting residents health and safety at risk and are clearly contemptuous of the well-being of the Portchester village residents.



The road system ion this area is very tight Moraunt drive & Wicormill lane is to narrow and with all the extra traffic will cause trouble, are there to be extra money for schools extention with all the extra children also extra Doctors will be required at Westlands Health centre. It is not easy to set get an appointment now , also sewage is not to good in this area, and what about the fire services in Porchester.



We strongly object again for the proposed development of this land for the same reasons already discussed for the Romsey development. Lack of green valuable spaces for the wellbeing of the local residents fauna and flora, air pollution, schools doctors oversubscribed. Heavy traffic on the a27 and a cut through to the local wicor school. The surrouding land merging into one. More street lighting at night polluting the night sky. The impact on the local area will be devastating. The loss of this land will be detrimental to the surrounding areas also, as it will have a knock on effect to develop further adjoining land. Help us save this valuable land for future generations to enjoy. NO to cranleigh No to romsey development!



The impact on the Portchester infrastructure will be disastrous to the local roads, school places, doctor’s appointments, wildlife and residents. Traffic in and out of both Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh developments will be via Beaulieu Avenue and Hatherley Crescent. Both are narrow residential roads never designed to take the high volume of today’s traffic. Hundreds of additional vehicles from these two developments attempting to travel along these roads will create a complete traffic gridlock and make life a misery for local residents, emergency services will have great difficulty accessing the area. The palliative solution to change the traffic light sequence at the A27/ Downend junction will not improve the situation and could adversely affect the safety of the pupils and pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. Currently at peak times the traffic on A27 between Portchester and Fareham is at a standstill, an increase in traffic volume from this, and other proposed developments will aggravate this serious problem, increasing the already unacceptable levels of air pollution which this borough is currently experiencing. Local doctor's surgeries are already struggling to provide the required service to their patients. A waiting time at the Westland's Medical Centre of 3 weeks for a routine appointment to see a Doctor is the norm. The proposed increases in the population from Downend Road/Romsey Avenue/ Cranleigh developments will place a crippling burden on our already stretched medical resources. Before any proposal is even considered all infrastructure issues should be addressed, costed and fully resolved. The Developers should be made to contribute to the investigation/studies and implementation of all necessary changes.

PO16 8


Will cause disturbance to important wildlife habitat Significant increase in road traffic will need consideration, two cars or more per house is likely. Is the infrastructure to be increased proportionally?



My objections relate to: 1. Traffic congestion - the A27 and M27 are regularly at a standstill during peak traffic periods and any further residential developments in this locality will only contribute to the already unacceptable levels of traffic congestion, air pollution, road traffic accidents and related problems. 2. Emergency Services - the emergency services and local A & E facilities are at breaking point and additional pressure from an increased number of residents in the area will only add pressure to the already under resourced facilities. 3. Schools, Doctors and Dentists Practices are currently at full capacity, who will be able to serve these additional residents? 4. Wildlife and Ecology - the local indigenous and visiting wildlife will be very seriously impacted by this development



The allocation of sites within the Draft Local Plan does not share the additional housing across the borough equally. Sites put forward by land owners were scattered across the borough. If the number of houses needed were spread equally across the 15 wards in the borough, each ward would take about 150 new homes. The allocation given to Portchester in this plan is over 700 homes. There was no public involvement in deciding what sites were ruled in or out. Other sites in the borough which consist of grassland and farmland have been rejected for reasons of ecological importance or landscape sensitivity. These appear to be no better or worse than the Portchester sites. The development at Winnham farm is on farmland, as is Romsey Avenue. Development on this land will not protect farmland as stated in the Natural Environment section of the plan (9.10). The vehicular traffic generated by the proposed development (c.900 vehicle movements a day, with c.100 movements during the am/pm peak hours) would be detrimental to highway safety at two junctions which already experience repeated road safety incidents (A27 west from Delme Roundabout and the A27 Portchester Road/Dore Avenue Roundabout), generate unacceptable environmental circumstances on residential side-roads which are unsuited for the purpose and pose a particular hazard for children walking and cycling to local schools. Another concern is the very narrow bridge on Downend Road. The traffic using this road includes ambulances going to and from QA hospital , not to mention heavy lorries and farm vehicles which exceed the tonnage indicated at the start of Downend Road. The situation is already very difficult for pedestrians and cyclists, and the possibility of hundreds of additional cars crossing the bridge will make it even more dangerous. In the Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan it is stated that an additional capacity would be needed at existing GP surgeries in Portchester at an unknown cost and with an unknown source of funding. The waiting time at the local surgery is 3-4 weeks currently and the increase of approx 1,500 additional people (spread across all 4 sites) will only make it worse.



This area is of great environmental concern, additional infrastructure and school space not taken into account.



The roads cannot support the level of traffic currently, the infrastructure is at saturating point. Quality of life will be affected significantly , wildlife will be affected.

Postcode not provided


There is no infrastructure in place for these additional houses. My granddaughter moving to catchment could only get a place in Wickham (10 yr old) as there are no current vacancies in Portchester or Fareham. How will they be able to accommodate all the extra children with these additional houses? The traffic is chockablock at the moment, access to the A27 is awful at the best of times and the extra people and cars will only make it worse. Its already difficult to get a doctors appointment we wait at least 2 weeks to see one. Emergency services use our road as a through road and it is increasingly busy which I feel will potentially cause risk to life with delays in getting through.



There is no infrastructure in place for these additional houses. My granddaughter moving to catchment could only get a place in Wickham (10 yr old) as there are no current vacancies in Portchester or Fareham. How will they be able to accommodate all the extra children with these additional houses? The traffic is chockablock at the moment, access to the A27 is awful at the best of times and the extra people and cars will only make it worse. Its already difficult to get a doctors appointment we wait at least 2 weeks to see one. Emergency services use our road as a through road and it is increasingly busy which I feel will potentially cause risk to life with delays in getting through.



My main concern is the lack of infrastructure that will be effected by all these extra houses. The issues with extra children impacting on the already full local schools. Families who require dental and doctors appointments. These services are already struggling to cope with the number of people newly arrived in the area so the situation can only get worse. The parking is an issue already as is the traffic locally. Exiting onto the A27 from Westlands Grove can sometimes take as long as 10 minutes at busy periods.



The infrastructure is already broken and this will only make it worse! The local schools are already full! The roads are already full! The doctors are already full! The dentists are already full! There will be no untouched land left for the animals to enjoy without human contact. The emergency services already struggle to get down the roads - there is potentially a risk to life already without adding additional people/cars. There are already several new housing estates being built on brownfield sites we simply cannot take any more. The pollution levels are already too high which has already been publicly stated. Further pollution could cause a risk to life expectancy. There used to be a strategic gap between Fareham and Portchester which is disappearing before our eyes. These sites contravene the NPPF ie agricultural land & SSSI's.



The infrastructure is already broken and this will only make it worse! The local schools are already full! The roads are already full! The doctors are already full! The dentists are already full! There will be no untouched land left for the animals to enjoy without human contact. The emergency services already struggle to get down the roads - there is potentially a risk to life already without adding additional people/cars. There are already several new housing estates being built on brownfield sites we simply cannot take any more. The pollution levels are already too high which has already been publicly stated. Further pollution could cause a risk to life expectancy. There used to be a strategic gap between Fareham and Portchester which is disappearing before our eyes. These sites contravene the NPPF ie agricultural land & SSSI's.

Postcode not provided


The area is far too crowded already. The infrastructure is not in place to support this many new houses and cars. The Traffic during rush hr is horrendous already. This will damage the environment and reduce quality of life for those already in the area, Please STOP

Anonymous submission


Very concerned about the health of adults but especially children, due to traffic volume and air pollution caused by extra vehicle movements in locality. The extra traffic congestion on these fairly small, back roads will cause life-threatening hazards for pedestrians, cyclists as well as the current residents. Concerned about the pressure on the local schools and doctor's surgery which are already oversubscribed. Waiting lists/appointment times already incur a long wait. Concerned about the damage to an area of natural green space and the wildlife that would otherwise live there. Who in FBC is representing the wellbeing of the people who live in this neighbourhood?



The roads cannot cope with the additional traffic, there is no infrastructure to support the additional places required for school places, doctors, dentists etc. The roads surrounding the proposed sites are already gridlocked during school times and there are insufficient school places to cope with extra families. The site is a large wildlife habitat and the space between Portchester and Fareham town centre will be further eroded with such a large development. Cranleigh Road is already difficult to cross safely on foot with high speed traffic and large Lorraine's and cars parked on it, drivers will use Orchard Grove to avoid Cranleigh Road.



I realise the Cranleigh Road site has been approved for building but, once again, it is totally unsuitable. It is going to create harm to the people already living in this area. There will be increased traffic, harm to the environment and danger for children accessing school across side roads which will have the volume of traffic of a main road. This makes it very difficult to find a space to cross. There are other sites in other areas where they can take the increase in traffic, with more access roads and more space. This area is gradually being hemmed in and our children are losing the facility for being in touch with the environment and the wealth of opportunities it affords in terms of animals and birds being a part of their daily lives. This isn't a city and should not be just roads and houses. A park, neatly manicured and lovely is not the same as a natural environment and the children in the south of Portchester, as well as the adults, deserve to be in an environmentally aware environment. We need some space from all the cars and streets, from trying to get to work, getting children to school, getting the shopping. To have a pleasant environment in which to live is vital. The appropriate planning laws put in place to protect people and wildlife are being broken by the council. The actual planning laws have been listed by many people and I could do so, if needed. However, it should be obvious to the council that this area of Portchester should not be a part of the draft plan and should never have been approved for building. I would hope that there would be a public enquiry into the laws that are being broken here and that Fareham Borough Council would put the needs of the people and wildlife first and use sites which do not violate so many planning and environment laws.



The government pledged to protect the environment. I would contend that the environment of Portchester is being devastated by over saturation of housing. Portchester is NOT an urban site, it has always provided a balance between natural habitat/shoreline and community housing. Soon the former will be a concrete wilderness and then urban decay sets it - with all that that entails – raised crime (with no adequate policing) no adequate places in the school/doctors surgery etc The biggest crime destruction of the beautiful shoreline, fields and woodland, when can people go to relax – breathe fresh air?? Where can children play naturally – not in hideous primary coloured play parks, they need wilderness – we all do! Then there is the obvious problem of the roads, the endless traffic, the grid-l;ock for at least three hours in the evening and early part of the morning – not to mention the fumes – the parking problems. Why do the greedy property developers lie about the existance of wildlife? Why does the council roll over, wake up Portchester we have reached saturation point.



There is no more space, too many people, too many cars, not enough roads or facilities, ie doctors/schools etc



We need to conserve all our current open spaces for natural habitat. Protect the environment from the traffic pollution which would be incurred if these builds go ahead OR DO WE INTEND to be wearing protective masks in the future like some other over populated areas.



As Fareham is already one of the worst congested towns in the country. Would we not be better off solving traffic problems before introducing another 16,00 cars to roads that are already at a standstill.



Too many homes have been planned for Portchester. The sites are not spread evenly across the Borough. 750 homes is unacceptable for Portchester. Traffic is already at saturation point on local roads – all sites in Portchester Cornoway Lane, Cranleigh Road, Wicor Mill Lane, Westlands Grove etc A27 already congested at peak hours. No point in travelling from Portchester to Fareham after 3pm as traffic at a standstill and polluting the environment. There could be in excess of another 1500 vehicles if these applications get the go ahead. The doctors surgeries are already over subscribed with up to one one waiting lists. The sites put forward are all green sites. Not enough consideration has been given to the natural environment for wildlife and woodlands, hedgerows and open spaces. All sites are adjacent to SSS1 and Ransor sites. These Portchester sites are more environmentally important than other sites in the Borough that have been rejected for the very reason.



I am objecting to all of the proposed houses in the Porchester area we do not have the schools or doctors surgeries to cope with the proposed houses. Fareham is investing money in our air pollution and now plan to increase the amount of cars that will sit outside In traffic ques and drive past the biggest school in the area spilling out fumes into the school and up and down the road leading to the Delmi roundabout where hundreds of children are walking to and from school. The Road structure cannot cope with the extra cars the likes of the thicket will become a rat run, your cars trying to get in and out of Winnard Farm and one slight accident on the thin bridge will cause a complete grid lock up and down the hill and with an accident on the Motorway Portchester would come to a standstill as it would not be able to cope leading to move pollution on the main road that the local children use to get to and from school or any of the already over loaded amenities the schools, doctors and other amenities are already struggling to cope.



The site development allocation proposals are unevenly balanced towards Portchester. Portchester sites which are on farmland, grassland, and close proximity to Portsmouth Harbour SPA are allocated, yet other sites in the rest of the Borough have been rejected for these very reasons. Portchester is not ‘highly urban’ as Fareham BC states. It merits the presence of its current village status and to carry through all of these proposals in Portchester alone would severely compromise the character and landscape that Portchester currently provides.



We were told to support the Welbourne plan because it would mean all the smaller local developments would not be required. Now we are being told, just because Welbourne is now running late, all the smaller local developments have to go ahead regardless. We are being told the housing need is too urgent, and cannot wait for Welbourne. This is totally untrue. If this was the case, no house in Portchester would ever be on sale for more than 24 hours. A simple case of supply and demand. The additional pressures on local roads, schools, doctors’ surgeries from these developments will bring misery to the lives of existing Portchester residents, and affect property values and quality of life. Our roads are clogged enough as it is. The residents of Portchester, and the other Fareham wards, should not be punished or have their home lives affected and properties devalued, simply because Welbourne is running late. The fact that Welborne is running late is not our fault, and we should not be expected to pay the price as a result. Hands off Portchester – wait for Welbourne!



I am writing to object to the proposed development, primarily, of HA4 Downend Road East (Winnham Farm) and secondly, of HA5 Romsey Avenue and HA6 Cranleigh Road. The main reason for my objection is the lack of transport infrastructure to cope with the likely 1400 cars that these developments will generate in a very close area. I have little faith that any promises of improved transport infrastructure as part of these developments will actually help alleviate the traffic chaos that comes with living in the Fareham area. From what I have seen, projects to alleviate traffic problems merely paper over the cracks and give residents little value for money (eg Fareham Station area roadworks). The Delme roundabout approach from Portchester is chaos most mornings and evenings and any changes that could be made to it will surely be negated by the extra traffic trying to get in/out of Fareham and Gosport from all the other proposed developments. The junction at the Down End road and A27 traffic lights often backs up beyond the railway bridge to where the proposed entry to the Winnham Farm development is. The railway bridge is not wide enough should 2 LGV’s meet, especially if a footpath is to be kept. The access onto the M27 at junction 11 from Boarhunt often has a traffic queue of 50 plus cars that barely moves between traffic light changes. This will become a prime route onto the M27 with these proposed developments. I have not seen any detail about how these problem areas will be improved, merely comments that the developers will contribute towards costs of improving transport infrastructure. I find it difficult to see how, with any amount of money, the current road system in these areas can be improved to accommodate this number of extra car journeys at peak times, especially when typically there are 2-3 days a week when an incident on the M27 or A27 already causes gridlock on the local roads. The area South/West of the M27 is quite frankly full. If housing is required make Wellbourne happen at its originally proposed capacity with proper access to the M27 at J10 and J11. Please don’t make existing residents suffer further with a patchwork approach of squeezing in badly considered housing developments within an already broken transport infrastructure.



The LA is suggesting allocating 700 new home builds within an area of approximately one square mile within the Portchester district. All of the proposed sites, including Cranleigh Road are green field sites. Portchester East only has a natural greenspace surplace of 8.5% and Sarisbury has 86.9% surplus The local plan therefore propose an undue burden of new build allocation within Portchester. If the number of required new homes was spread equally across the 15 Fareham wards then each ward would have around 150 new homes whereas the plan is that Portchester has 700. Portchester retains its 'village' character despite the leader of the councils assertions that it is hardly a village when it is current comprises 6000 + homes. The LA clearly view the residents of Portchester with contempt. The Cranleigh Road development has to be taken 'in the round' along with the housing proposed at Moraunt Drive and Romsey Road. Increased congestion on already congested roads with the increased pollution it creates and stresses on overburdened public services will bring detriment to a place that retains its friendly outlook. Increasing urbanisation of this degree will result in damage to trees and wildlife habitats through air and noise pollution and increased pedestrian activity. Other sites in the borough which consist of grassland, farmland, scrub bramble or immature self seeded trees have been rejected for reasons of ecological importance or landscape sensitivity. They appear no better or worse than the Portchester sites. There are many children who walk along Cornaway Lane to Cams and Wicor Primary and safety concerns must be an issue with the increased traffic using this road to access the A27. It is already difficult to get a doctors appointent and the council themsel;ves expect a shorfall of 12% of required primary school places. The total package of housing development in the Portchester Ward is outrageous and disproportianate to the other wards. The A27 during peak periods is a nightmare of slow moving traffic, with increasing pollution on the route into Fareham for pedestrians, cyclists and especially the youngesters attending Cams Secondary School.



Portchester has a high number of proposed developments compared to other areas in the borough, some of which eg Sarisbury Green have none at all. The areas you can select on the map to comment on highlight this. Portchester seems to be at risk of loosing it's valuable green spaces and the wildlife that live there, the Cranleigh road site was in particular full of wildlife before the bulldozers moved in to start clearing the site. The local infrastructure is not suitable to cope with all these developments so close together.



This development should not be given permission to go ahead. Environment, roads, schools and doctors surgeries are already at full capacity. This will only make th8ngs far worse.

Postcode not provided


Totally against building on this land, it is a beautiful open space and needs to be kept as such.



I completely object to this development. It will destroy natural wildlife habitats and will result in over crowding and over development. The existing infrastructure cannot cope with the existing volume of traffic; the roads are already congested and the A27 is regularly heavy with traffic and congested. There are no plans for new schools or doctors surgeries or any other social facilities to support the new residents in the houses. The development should not be allowed to go ahead.



Firstly I am disappointed as a resident of White Hart Lane that our household did not receive the special copy of Fareham Today, so we were unaware of the intended plans until a local parties leaflet was delivered. Secondly, the schools and medical facilities are already oversubscribed and we see not plans for supporting infrastructure to accompany any of the Portchester developments. Lastly, The A27 into and out of Portchester is already queued from 4pm each day and White Hart Lane which is already busy will have significantly increased traffic. We do not think the volume of houses is appropriate for Portchester and will have a detrimental affect at the planned levels.



What is the point? The Government Inspector has already overidden the FBC decision and work has already started on the site. All the arguments put forward are still the same over traffic, the environment, wildlife, schools and doctors. The fact that this building is already happening makes it even more important that the other two sites in this part of Portchester should not go ahead.



To Fareham Borough Council I do think that it is a very bad idea to build on Cranleigh field because there are many creatures in there like slow worms, badgers and foxes who have made their habitats there. The noise would distract lots of the children in Wicor, particularly the year 6s who are doing their Sats and they are right next to it. The dust will also get in our eyes and noses when we are playing outside. Also the people in the houses near Cranleigh and Romsey will be disturbed by the noise.



This whole development plans for our area is an absolute NO NO. Our surgeries overloaded, as is schools. Traffic is a nightmare now, 740 more cars (or 1480) would cause CHAOS. Wildlife so affected by development. Emergency Services have trouble passing through traffic. The A27 is so congested now. Most housing will have 1 or 2 cars. What is classed as “Affordable”. When 1 2 bedroom showing on Right Move as £299,000. Pollution is at High Level now, can only get worse. All sites within Portchester should be REJECTED. FBC & Planning have failed to support the community. Sad that our local wildlife will be gone! Community facilities not even thought about. FBC should leave Portchester out of the mass Development Plans. Asbestos and oil pipes have been noted in the past from MOD as being buried under Cranleigh site.



Large Format Response - Ref0027



The extra traffic in Portchester from hundreds of extra homes. Will add immensely to the pollution particularly outside school as the traffic creeps down to Delme roundabout it’s bad enough now. There are many sites put forward for development on the other side of Fareham which have good road systems, and room for improvement. The provision of 48 houses on a site which will put a strain on already busy roads, Maurant, Wicor Mill Lane , Sissinghurst. There are already 24 dwellings being constructed on Windmill Grove, near Wicor mill lane. Schools are full and Doctors overstretched. Cranleigh Road site will also put strain on local roads and schools and doctors. Increase in slow traffic will also cause pollution near schools.



FBC quite clearly stated that with Welborne being built there would be no need to build on other sites, it matters not that Welborne may be late. In the current local plan Winnham Farm is designated as countryside and is outside of the urban fringe. This status should not be changed. The access proposed for Winnham Farm into Downend Road is totally unsuitable. To narrow the bridge in Downend Road and create a virtual footpath (as proposal by Miller Homes) is exceedingly dangerous for pedestrians. Also, to reduce each carriageway to some 2.4m is narrower than a parking space at the local supermarket. It also has a weight limit (bridge). When motorists realise that The Thicket is a convenient throughway it will become a rat run. Downend, namely The Thicket and The Spinney, is currently a very pleasant, quiet residential area, the proposed development of 350 houses on Winnham Farm will detroy this. It is exceedingly cruel to thrust this development on Downend. The increased traffic will cause untold mayhem on already heavily congested roads. FBC has not included any changes to the current infrastructure, eg: doctors, schools etc, as these are already stretched to their limit. To re-sequence the lights using the Puffin system (as proposed by Miller Homes) will have little impact on an already overloaded junction at Downend Road/A27. The congestion at the Delme Arms roundabout is already at crawling pace during peak times and will suffer further from any of the proposed housing developments at Winnham Farm, Downend Road, Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh Road.



Large Format Response - Ref0043



This was a site for nature – it had slow worms, and badgers, and a supply of insects for birds. It is now badly damaged, but will return to nature if left. The access, from cornaway lane will increase the traffic on the A27, and also traffic by Wicor school. There are no plans for more schools, and no room for school expansion. All the local schools are full. It is also a strain on the doctors’ surgeries, and will increase waiting times to a difficult extent. Portchester will simply become a huge corridor between Fareham and Portsmouth, instead of a pleasant place to live. Fareham Borough has better, less inaccessible places to put more, smaller developments.



Portchester is known for its Roman Castle and its green spaces where much wildlife and fauna have made their homes some of which are protected species. This is what attracted me to the village and why I chose to make my home here more than 35 years ago. The local coastal walks from the castle along past the golf course are a favourite frequent walk for us and I shudder at the thought of the threat of the blight of the landscape of so many new houses which will destroy this. Points in addition to the above are as follows: *Traffic The new scheme will attract another 1500 cars which our local village roads will not be able to cope with along with the pollution level that they bring them. *Schools The number of new pupils will put further pressure on the existing oversubscribed schools and remove any choice from parents as they will be forced to apply outside of the village for places. *Agriculture The government recommendation is that urban developments should be built on brown fields and not grade 1 or 2 lands like we have in Portchester so this is contrary to the National Planning Policy. Medical *The GP surgeries are already struggling to meet their government objectives and wait for a GP appointment is already up to as much as a month. *Strategic gap Portchester is a special village with its own identity and to maintain this, it is vital that the strategic gap between it and Fareham is retained. *To conclude, in 2011, only 60 houses were recommended to be built in the village with a guarantee that there will be no additions to that figure til 2026. Nothing has changed by the way of infrastructure or circumstances since then. The plan in its existing form is unsound and unsustainable and should be scrapped unconditionally.



Portchester is known for its Roman Castle and its green spaces where much wildlife and fauna have made their homes some of which are protected species. This is what attracted me to the village and why I chose to make my home here more than 35 years ago. The local coastal walks from the castle along past the golf course are a favourite frequent walk for us and I shudder at the thought of the threat of the blight of the landscape of so many new houses which will destroy this. Points in addition to the above are as follows: *Traffic The new scheme will attract another 1500 cars which our local village roads will not be able to cope with along with the pollution level that they bring them. *Schools The number of new pupils will put further pressure on the existing oversubscribed schools and remove any choice from parents as they will be forced to apply outside of the village for places. *Agriculture The government recommendation is that urban developments should be built on brown fields and not grade 1 or 2 lands like we have in Portchester so this is contrary to the National Planning Policy. Medical *The GP surgeries are already struggling to meet their government objectives and wait for a GP appointment is already up to as much as a month. *Strategic gap Portchester is a special village with its own identity and to maintain this, it is vital that the strategic gap between it and Fareham is retained. *To conclude, in 2011, only 60 houses were recommended to be built in the village with a guarantee that there will be no additions to that figure til 2026. Nothing has changed by the way of infrastructure or circumstances since then. The plan in its existing form is unsound and unsustainable and should be scrapped unconditionally.



This site for Cranleigh Road Portchester will not be able to cope with extra people, traffic, doctors, water and sewage and especially the local school which hathereley crescent and romsey will be a cut through for main road. Children's lives will be at risk it will only be a matter of time before an accident will happen.



I am writing to object to the proposed development, primarily, of HA4 Downend Road East (Winnham Farm) and secondly, of HA5 Romsey Avenue and HA6 Cranleigh Road. The main reason for my objection is the lack of transport infrastructure to cope with the likely 1400 cars that these developments will generate in a very close area. I have little faith that any promises of improved transport infrastructure as part of these developments will actually help alleviate the traffic chaos that comes with living in the Fareham area. From what I have seen, projects to alleviate traffic problems merely paper over the cracks and give residents little value for money (eg Fareham Station area roadworks). The Delme roundabout approach from Portchester is chaos most mornings and evenings and any changes that could be made to it will surely be negated by the extra traffic trying to get in/out of Fareham and Gosport from all the other proposed developments. The junction at the Down End road and A27 traffic lights often backs up beyond the railway bridge to where the proposed entry to the Winnham Farm development is. The railway bridge is not wide enough should 2 LGV’s meet, especially if a footpath is to be kept. The access onto the M27 at junction 11 from Boarhunt often has a traffic queue of 50 plus cars that barely moves between traffic light changes. This will become a prime route onto the M27 with these proposed developments. I have not seen any detail about how these problem areas will be improved, merely comments that the developers will contribute towards costs of improving transport infrastructure. I find it difficult to see how, with any amount of money, the current road system in these areas can be improved to accommodate this number of extra car journeys at peak times, especially when typically there are 2-3 days a week when an incident on the M27 or A27 already causes gridlock on the local roads. The area South/West of the M27 is quite frankly full. If housing is required make Wellbourne happen at its originally proposed capacity with proper access to the M27 at J10 and J11. Please don’t make existing residents suffer further with a patchwork approach of squeezing in badly considered housing developments within an already broken transport infrastructure.


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