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HA4 - Downend Road East, Portchester


What provisions have been discussed regarding the extra pollution 750 new vehicles queuing on Down End Road will cause? Has anybody considered the lack of capacity and the negative effect on current residents quality of life?



We like to strongly object to the planning proposal though we know it will do no good! What plans do you have for improving the infrastructure of services as the ones in place are not coping. What plans do you have to ensure the quality, or to improve, the air quality with 300+ new homes with possibly 600 cars (based on most homes having two or more cars) What plans do you have to safeguard the peacefulness of the Thicket, from traffic noise and noise from the proposed development as it is developed and the noise of the 600 to 900+ residents (based on families living there) What social housing are you proposing and where within the development site are they? Why spoil the end of the South Downs, encroaching on another piece of green area? What proposal are there to protect wildlife and endangered species? What proposals are there to reimburse the people who live in the Thicket etc if house prices go down due to the development? Yes , this could be a NIMBY view. But we have worked extremely hard for years to get to where we are and we do not wish all that hard work to be wasted due to this development. We know that you'll reply with a usual letter/email type - but wouldn't it be great for Fareham council to take note of all the objectees and act on their views.



The roads do not support the amount of traffic this build would generate. The schools are already over subscribed.



Having only recently moved to The Thicket I am quite surprised with the number of vehicles that use the road as a cut through, especially at peak times. Being someone who accesses the road during these peak times, I am concerned at what is already a delay on access/egress will become worse. Noting the other areas for development, this will only cause longer delays on the A27.



Why? It will turn the thicket into a rat run. A proposal would be to turn the thicket and the spinney into a one way system. Why? Why destroy the South downs , the nature , the beauty ? Why?



I write in connection with the above planning application. I have examined the plans and I know the site well. I wish to object strongly to the development of these houses in this location for the following reasons: - The only access road for possibly an additional 700 cars for 350 homes is Downend Road. This is already a very difficult road to cross for pedestrians and cyclists and this will only get worse. It is extremely dangerous at present. - The bridge on Downend Road cannot possibly sustain the extra traffic. - The impact on infrastructure will be horrendous. Schools are already over subscribed and Doctors' surgeries are at breaking point as it is. - The A27 already experiences extensive delays at peak times. This will inevitably get worse with traffic using The Thicket as a rat run



Both sites have poor infrastructure, The roads will merge into AD7, and already overloaded area. Alternative will be to travel East to wards Portceshter using very minor roads, then marking traffic problems at Castle St. Round about and problem at railway apch, which is restricted , The Romsay rd site will conquest the minor road Quintrell- Hatherley crescent and local schools. This will merge from another site at Wicor. There does not appear to be any planning for this excess traffic in any direction which should be decided before any bricks layed.



Downend Road is already busy and narrow in places with traffic going to and from the top of Portsdown Hill. To have 350 houses with say 700 cars, (2 per person) will aggravate a road already under pressure especially the rail bridge and corner of The Thicket and Downend Road which is semi blind. If one is leaving The Thicket as cars come down from the right (Portsdown Hill) it can be difficult and dangerous (see attached Ref 0005) Also besides the traffic safety aspect can local, schools, doctors, community nurses, take-on extra capacity? I thought with Welbourne being built it would stop "infill" building locations- leaving green space-buffer zones between existing housing.



Down End Road does not have the suitable infrastructure to accommodate significant extra traffic. The whole are becomes very clogged with traffic travelling up and down the hill, particularly during the morning ( 7am-9am) and afternoon/evenings (4pm-7pm). There are already lorries travelling on the road when there should be, which is not enforced properly and constant speeding when the traffic is not clogged up, which is also not enforced. The road infrastructure is more like a country road and not suitable to the amount of traffic it has. If this development were to go ahead, it must be accompanied by road and path improvements, with improved speed control measures (road layout that slows traffic, such as a slalom). There should also be enhanced pedestrian crossing and proper footpath on the bridge. Why is Portchester suffering a disproportionate amount of new buildings, whilst areas in the West of Fareham are left virtually untouched? This does not seem fair or equitable, is it purely political? Also, has consideration also been given to traffic impact? The whole area around Cams School, leading to the town centre is completely congested. Also pollution levels in the vicinity must be high, how will you protect residents for additional pollution in the area?



"The impact on the Portchester infrastructure will be disastrous to the local roads, school places, doctor's appointments, wildlife and residents. Pedestrians and cyclists using the proposed cycle/pedestrian way to access the Winnham Farm site from The Thicket across the Cams railway overlooks the rear of mine and adjacent properties. Currently there is only minimum traffic along this farm track to the garage workshop adjacent to the Winnham Farm office. The proposed change in use of the farm track into a cycle/pedestrian way for access to the Winnham Farm development will greatly increase the use of the track and will be a major infringement to the privacy and the security of our and adjacent properties Crossing the narrow railway bridge on Downend Road is currently a hazardous event, particularly so on foot. To ""paint"" a footpath on the road surface on the west side of the bridge will not overcome the problem. The additional pedestrian and traffic from the Winnham Farm development making use of the bridge will be disastrous, an accident waiting to happen. Traffic congestion on Downend Road at peak times is already a problem, and will only get worse. Traffic travelling south along Downend Rd planning to go east on the A27 will turn left into The Thicket to avoid the Traffic lights at the A27 junction. Traffic travelling east on the A27 from the Delme roundabout planning to go north on the Downend Rd will turn left into Cams Hill/St Catherines Way/The Causeway to avoid the same set of Traffic lights. These are all narrow residential road never designed to take high levels of traffic and would not be able to cope. The Thicket is a narrow residential road with three sharp bends, which makes it difficult for two cars to pass side by side. The palliative solution to change the traffic light sequence at the A27/ Downend junction will not improve the situation and could adversely affect the safety of the pupils and pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. Currently at peak times the traffic on A27 between Portchester and Fareham is at a standstill, an increase in traffic volume from this, and other proposed developments will aggravate this serious problem, increasing the already unacceptable levels of air pollution which this borough is currently experiencing. Local doctor's surgeries are already struggling to provide the required service to their patients. A waiting time at the Westland's Medical Centre of 3 weeks for a routine appointment to see a Doctor is the norm. The proposed increases in the population from Downend Road/Romsey Avenue/ Cranleigh developments will place a crippling burden on our already stretched medical resources. Before any proposal is even considered all infrastructure issues should be addressed, costed and fully resolved. The Developers should be made to contribute to the investigation/studies and implementation of all necessary changes."



"The impact on the Portchester infrastructure will be disastrous to the local roads, school places, doctor's appointments, wildlife and residents. Pedestrians and cyclists using the proposed cycle/pedestrian way to access the Winnham Farm site from The Thicket across the Cams railway overlooks the rear of mine and adjacent properties. Currently there is only minimum traffic along this farm track to the garage workshop adjacent to the Winnham Farm office. The proposed change in use of the farm track into a cycle/pedestrian way for access to the Winnham Farm development will greatly increase the use of the track and will be a major infringement to the privacy and the security of our and adjacent properties Crossing the narrow railway bridge on Downend Road is currently a hazardous event, particularly so on foot. To ""paint"" a footpath on the road surface on the west side of the bridge will not overcome the problem. The additional pedestrian and traffic from the Winnham Farm development making use of the bridge will be disastrous, an accident waiting to happen. Traffic congestion on Downend Road at peak times is already a problem, and will only get worse. Traffic travelling south along Downend Rd planning to go east on the A27 will turn left into The Thicket to avoid the Traffic lights at the A27 junction. Traffic travelling east on the A27 from the Delme roundabout planning to go north on the Downend Rd will turn left into Cams Hill/St Catherines Way/The Causeway to avoid the same set of Traffic lights. These are all narrow residential road never designed to take high levels of traffic and would not be able to cope. The Thicket is a narrow residential road with three sharp bends, which makes it difficult for two cars to pass side by side. The palliative solution to change the traffic light sequence at the A27/ Downend junction will not improve the situation and could adversely affect the safety of the pupils and pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. Currently at peak times the traffic on A27 between Portchester and Fareham is at a standstill, an increase in traffic volume from this, and other proposed developments will aggravate this serious problem, increasing the already unacceptable levels of air pollution which this borough is currently experiencing. Local doctor's surgeries are already struggling to provide the required service to their patients. A waiting time at the Westland's Medical Centre of 3 weeks for a routine appointment to see a Doctor is the norm. The proposed increases in the population from Downend Road/Romsey Avenue/ Cranleigh developments will place a crippling burden on our already stretched medical resources. Before any proposal is even considered all infrastructure issues should be addressed, costed and fully resolved. The Developers should be made to contribute to the investigation/studies and implementation of all necessary changes."



The provision of 350 homes and the impact to the local infrastructure is inconsistent with the current layout. The Bridge over the Railway on Downend Rd is small and narrow and already is a 'pinch-point' for traffic during peak times and is not able to take large vehicles (those over 7.5 Tonnes) but as a resident I regularly see 16 Wheeled lorries coming down and up the road, these are generally foreign registration vehicles who are following SatNav instructions to avoid the large volumes of traffic already on A27 and M27. Adding to this burden will undoubtedly cause greater stress to the local traffic situation. Assuming each household will have a minimum of 1 car (the majority of households have 2 or more) would see significant traffic increase on Downend Road. Currently each evening sees significant traffic build up along the A27 and subsequently along Downend Rd. An additional 700 vehicles wishing to use the Downend Road would create regular traffic chaos. The proposal to 'improve' the Downend Rd junction with the A27 will only alleviate that local spot will not remove the issue with traffic on Western Way or the A27. Improvements to the Delme Roundabout would not, in my opinion be worthwhile if there are no improvements to the A32 Quay Street roundabout as well as Western Way itself and I believe the cost of that would be prohibitive even with private investment, notwithstanding the impact to the area while the work is in progress. Provision of cycle routes and walkways is all very good but the real impact will be vehicle traffic and Downend Road is not suitable for such volumes. Improving junctions and access only moves the problem to another spot and doesn't address the basic infrastructure requirement. In Summary: 1. What is the plan for improving the rail bridge on Downend Road 2. What is the plan for improving the A27/Downend Rd junction specifically impact to properties and land around that junction (i.e. is there consideration for compulsory purchase action) 3. What is the plan for improving traffic flow along the whole of Downend Road as there is only a single pedestrian walkway and narrow road and the provision of 700+ more potential pedestrians using the pathway as well as additional vehicles this could become a very congested area. 4. What contingency plan is in place to repair the small bridge if damage is found especially to the main rail route that it would impact - I assume you have consulted with the rail authorities and considered this as a risk? [redacted] I have been approached on 2 occasions by a representative of Miller Homes offering to buy some or all of my property in order to improve the junction layout, but I have not pursued this as I do feel this is a flawed plan given the local area layout and the large number of established homes that are characterful and fit in extremely well with the surrounding area.



Downend Road is already congested and the road too narrow. I recently got knocked off of my bike trying to turn into The Thicket. A car couldn't wait - the road was too narrow for us both and he hit me causing me to fall into oncoming traffic. The railway bridge is unsuitable for the volume of traffic and its too narrow. The infrastructure is not in place nor the road layout adequate for such a large increase in traffic. The GP surgeries are full. Why must we lose even more green space. Bicycles use the road over the top of the hill and the council already have signs in place warning us to be aware of them. More traffic just increases the chances of an accident. The Thicket is already a rat run, and is dangerous as it meets the Spinney near the main road, the curve is too narrow. Until the highways department sort out the severe traffic congestion caused by the traffic lights on the corner of Downend Road and associated problems down to the viaduct use should forget any more housing in this area.



We have lived in The Thicket for 36 years.Since moving here the traffic has become heavier. The Thicket is more like a rat run for traffic to access Down end road and A27 causing danger for children and older people in this area. The railway bridge at Downend Road is very narrow frequently causing problems. The doctors & schools in Portchester and Downend area will find it hard to cope with extra families moving into the area.



We have lived at this address for all most 15 years, uring this time The Thicket has become increasingly busy with traffic. There are frequently waits to drive on to the A27, with cars lined up at both exits, particularly at the traffic lights in Down End Road. Recently there has been a lit sign to reduce speed to a maximum of 40mph, which we understand is now altered to 30mph. If the proposed is granted, we can envisage The Thicket being used as a diversion, particularly at peak times. We are concerned about the safety issue at The Thicket and also at the bridge in Down End Road. Indeed during peak times we could have a problem getting a car from our driveway. Trades people would cause traffic flow problems. At the very least, if planning permission was granted we consider entry to The Thicket should be restricted for vehicles to residents, visitors or trades people.



I object to this proposed development as I do not feel the infrastructure is in place to cope with such a large number of new dwellings in this area. Downend road is already busy at peak times causing delays and having this as the main access road to the development is only going to exacerbate the problem. Many of the local schools are already over-subscribed and I anticipate with such a vast number of new homes this situation will get worse. I fully appreciate the need to build new homes and if the number of suggested dwellings was reasonable I would not have any objection but I feel the proposal for such a large number in this location is just not practical.



"Have the council thought about the impact of traffic going over the railway bridge on Down End Rd?. It is just wide enough at present for two cars to pass, it is dangerous if a pedestrian is trying to walk by as well, have you informed South West Trains/ Southern of your plans? Have they informed you of the compensation you will have to pay if the train line, is taken out of action? I would have thought that with the Welbourne mini town being build there is enough development around Fareham but obviously not, it must come down to money for the council again! I wonder which council lots are receiving ""brown envelopes""? I know that no matter what ordinary tax payers object to they are not listened to, and Fareham council instead of listening to the people who voted for them will do as they are told!!!"



Lack of infrastructure...roads, GP surgeries and schools with no room the expansion, or recruitment.



One of your own reports says that given the loss of 187 hectares of grade 3 agricultural land for Welborne, any future changes to defined urban settlement boundaries should seek to avoid loss of more agricultural land, yet you want to build on another 18 hectares of grade 2 and 3 land at Winnham Farm. This is also next to a SSSI site where you now allow the storage of old fridges! We should be growing more food, not less. Your report is also critical of development creeping up the sides of Portsdown Hill, which this would do. This would mean one huge block of houses from Portsdown Road to Delme roundabout. With the other proposed development sites in your draft plan for Portchester it means that you want to put 22.5% of all allocation into 3 square miles out of a total of 30 square miles in Fareham Borough. So, 22.5% into 10% of the area. Why is this so? Why can Titchfield and Stubbington have strategic gaps but not Portchester? Why, despite 14 developers showing interest in sites in Sarisbury are there no proposed developments there? Your report also says that Portchester is the least tranquil part of the Borough, due to its highly urbanised nature, and yet you want to make it more urbanised – Portchester is not a city – yet. The present farm buildings can be seen from the M275, so the houses would also be a blot on the landscape just below Nelson's monument. Infrastructure – Schools. Already Portchester Northern infants is having to expand as there will be a shortfall of 12% for places in 2018. That is without any new housing being built. Wicor Primary and Cams Hill secondary school would need to take the children from the Winnham Farm development. They are already full to capacity and having to turn children away. So where would they go? Off in a car to somewhere else. This leads to traffic. Even if the new houses only had 1 car, which is unlikely, it would mean 350 extra cars getting out on to Down End Road, which is unclassified. Down End Road is a rat run with traffic coming from Delme roundabout and the A27 to the Rusty Cutter roundabout with people trying to avoid both the A27 and M27 at peak times. It also takes all the traffic for QA staff park and ride, traffic for DSTL and for the driving test centre, as well as traffic for the NHS offices at Fort Southwick. At the moment traffic from Down End Road traffic lights to the Delme roundabout traffic is blocked solid at peak times. The A27 just cannot take any more traffic due to the problems caused by the quay street roundabout and junction 11 of the M27. Fareham Borough Councils own report says that many key roads suffer from severe congestion and long journey times which also affects local public transport. The Down End Road bridge is very narrow and has a weigh restriction of 7.5 tonnes on it and yet you want to put a junction right next to it! There have already seen a lot of accidents there due to speeding traffic. The thicket is now a rat run at peak times and blocked when there are problems elsewhere. [Ref photos]. Your plan also says that half the borough falls within the countryside, providing a well-established visual and physical separation between settlements, ensuring a sense of place and reinforcing local distinctiveness. If all these houses are built at Winnham Farm there will be none of this. As you well know FBC has been told by the government to do something to reduce the levels of nitrogen dioxide from above the legal level of 40%. At present, it is 43% on the A27 corridor from Quay street to junction 11 of the M27 – This is where many of these extra cars would go. Up to 1160 vehicles use this A27 at peak times and you want to add to this. I do not believe that FBC would insist that infrastructure is in place before any building would begin, as they have not demonstrated this is any previous developments. Where would the extra places for doctors and dentists come from? Everyone knows that QA hospital is very stretched at the moment, let alone coping with even more patients from this development. Southern Water has also said that it's sewage system is at full capacity. The houses proposed by Miller Homes at Winnham Farm are supposed to be similar to that south of the railway. All of our houses and bungalows are detached with good sized gardens and parking for cars on drives. What looks like a block of flats on the Miller Homes plan is proposed for just above the Cams Bridge near us. We would not want social housing and all of its associated problems, but would welcome affordable housing. The track over Cams bridge from the Thicket is proposed to be a pedestrian/ cycle way, and this idea came from FBC. You do not seem to be aware about who owns this. Only the bit above the bridge and the bit below the gate is owned by the farm. The rest is owned by Network Rail. They need to have 24-hour access to their electrical and signalling equipment. No one seems to be thinking of this. Opening up this track to the public would have an adverse effect on our security and privacy. How would you stop dogs mess, rubbish, anti-social behaviour, as in at Thames Walk, Fly tipping, graffiti and mopeds. Answer – you wouldn't, so our quality of life goes right down. CCTV would be the only answer to stopping it being another suicide hotspot, as at Portchester station. What shops would people be walking to? No emergency vehicles should be allowed to cross this old and weak bridge. It should not be opened to vehicles when people realise that they cannot get out on to Down End Road, as has happened at Whiteley with the removal of bollards. This track is held up by an earth compartment, part of which is our garden. We have a legal right in our deeds to grow plants on this. Any work on the track, which is only rough tarmac over gravel, with no proper base may have a detrimental effect on our land, causing it to move. Miller homes propose to put soakaways on the Southern boundary next to the railway line. I enclose a map which shows the surface water flooding areas which should be taken into account. I don't think NetworkRail would be happy to think that there may be a potential problem with water draining down onto their cutting, so destabilising that area next to the railway. It also shows a moderate risk for flooding on the land where the houses are to be built. There are also unstable areas of land i.e. pits on the land above and next to the railway line. Why has no one on FBC taken this into consideration? We also have a lot of wildlife around the railway line, including Tawny Owls, slow worms, bats, squirrels, foxes and numerous birds including greenfinches. These would all have their habitats disturbed. For all of these reasons I do not think that the land at Winnham farm should be included in FBCs draft plan for housing.



"We would like to register our concerns about proposed housing developments east of Fareham, and in particular the one at Winnham Farm, which is just north of our home in The Spinney, Down End. We have lived here for more than 30 years, so have witnessed the increasing traffic congestion around the area, as well as longer waits to access health support facilities. It's not hard to envisage the cumulative and severely detrimental impact of another 350 new homes in this location. Traffic 350 extra dwellings could conceivably mean the daily movement of up to 700 more vehicles in the immediate area, many of which are likely to be active during 7.30 am and 9.30 am, then again between 4.30 pm and 6.30 pm. In order to access the A27 from the planned development, traffic would need to travel south over the narrow, weight restricted railway bridge in Down End Road, a route which already suffers from heavy use and consequential long queues of traffic at peak times. During the late afternoon rush ""hour"", vehicles are frequently unable to join the A27 when they have a green light, because the main road is gridlocked. It is logical therefore that improvements to the so-called "inefficient" traffic light sequence at the Down End Road / A27 junction (claimed to be the solution at the developer's presentation on 2/5/17) would hold no advantage whatsoever. The extra pollution from many more idling engines would be considerable, and there is a high probability that even more drivers than now, would use The Spinney and The Thicket as "rat runs" to join the A27 east of the Down End traffic lights. Anyone who knows our area will be aware that Down End Road is a frequently used primary route for emergency ambulances to and from Queen Alexandra Hospital. An increase in queuing traffic here would mean even more delays in reaching a patient, which may be critical. Motorists from the proposed development wishing to access the M27, would need to travel along Swivelton Lane, a narrow and winding thoroughfare, already overused due to current traffic volume. Returning from the motorway entails a right turn on a blind corner into Swivelton Lane, then onto the already heavily used Down End Road, another junction with restricted visibility, especially when the grass verges need cutting. Pedestrians Due to it's restricted width, the railway bridge in Down End Road has no footpath or designated pedestrian area, so it is a matter of waiting for a break in the traffic before crossing the bridge on foot. Increased vehicle movement here represents an ""accident"" waiting to happen. The proposed pedestrian and cycle route down the existing lane south onto The Thicket is an obvious hazard at its junction. Some drivers (especially those using The Thicket as a "rat run") take this 90 degree blind corner too fast, and often well over the centre of the road. Children going to, or returning from school, particularly when cycling, would meet an extremely dangerous situation on this corner. Health Facilities There are already insufficient doctors, practice nurses and facilities to provide G.P. surgery appointments in a reasonable timescale, so many more people in our area would definitely exacerbate this problem. Despite massive enlargement of Queen Alexandra hospital in recent years, it is well known that it is constantly overwhelmed by current demand for both out-patient appointments and admissions. This in turn has the "knock-on" effect of delaying emergency ambulances. Even more people in our area who may need these facilities, would clearly make the situation substantially worse. Schools We are aware that Cams Hill school has been enlarged on numerous occasions over the years, but wonder how staff and facilities would be able to cope with an influx of several hundred more children. I know that (unsurprisingly) there is enormous opposition to building 350 dwellings on the Winnham Farm site, as well as around 400 in total at 3 locations just a short distance away. It is clear that existing public services in our area would be unable to cope efficiently with what could easily be another 3,000 adults and children (calculated on an average 4 people per household in the total 750 new homes proposed locally). We realise you have a difficult balance to achieve between central government requirements, developers who want to achieve maximum profits, and existing residents who have a very real fear of further degradation of our environment, facilities and quality of life. I would be grateful if you would take into account the entirely valid facts listed above, when considering the consequences of allowing such a huge increase in the number of homes in our area. Thank you. "



We object to the housing developement because of the high impact this will have on the Downend Road and The Thicket. A certain times of the day it becomes difficult to exit The Thicket. If there has been a traffic accident on M27 the area becomes gridlocked already. 350 homes means at least 350 more cars using the Down End Road. Is the railway bridge structurally able to cope with even more traffic? Has any thought been given to medical resources locally. Even if there were funds available to provide additional GPs, nurses etc where will they be recruited from, most surgeries spare already under staffed.

PO16 8


We wish to comment on the proposed development on Winnham Farm. Our concerns are; Increase of traffic using Downend Road causing more traffic jams and polution. Queuing back to the sports club is common. Overload of A27 particularly at peak times . A real danger is the one narrow footpath over the rail bridge for pedestrians and cyclists. An increase of a possible 700 vehicles using the road daily will only be dangerous. While we understand the need for more homes this plan is completely impractical.

Postcode not provided


I am writing to complain about the proposed development on Winnham Farm. My main concern is how ridiculous the infrastructure is! In one of the proposal documents I read from Miller Homes they suggest that there will be no additional traffic as people can walk to a school or a shop!! I can tell you after 12 years of living here (32 Downend Road) I am not able to walk to any primary school or shop with ease from this address. They even suggest people will use bicycles! My husband works in London & I have 2 children to drop to school & nursery before going to work so there's no chance of cycling to work, which is much the case for the many other professional families that live in this lovely area. They also suggest that site traffic won't be a problem but assuming they work from 8-6pm, their figures suggest a truck rattling past every 20 minutes. Also during peak hours Downend Road is absolutely choca-bloc with traffic coming down it to access A27 or M27. If you allow these houses to be built there will be a permanent traffic jam outside my house which will significantly devalue it and also the pollution - both noise and emissions - will significantly affect the health of my young children! Even forgetting Downend Road and other local residents, the 350 families that move into the proposed site will suffer miserably trying to get to work or school as they will be attempting to join an already busy road through a bottle neck! The narrow railway bridge won't support the volume of traffic you suggest so it seems likely to me you'll be putting traffic lights directly outside of my house. Ridiculous. You appear to have discounted other much more appropriate sites. I beg of you to reconsider this lunacy and how it will affect residents. If you do end up going ahead I would expect a considerable reduction in council tax given the considerable reduction in value your development will have on the property prices and prestigious area of Downend.

Postcode not provided


[redacted] Throughout Portchester it is suggested that around 624 new houses could be built. All Portchester Primary schools have a waiting list. I have read no plans for new schools in this area. Tacking on temporary classrooms to existing purpose built schools would adversely affect the quality of education in the area. Therefore, where are the extra school aged children going to go for a school place? New housing should not be shoehorned into small green spaces in an already crowded environment which suffers from frequent traffic congestion, etc.



The proposal to develop this site will require to look at the Downend Road railway bridge. The present bridge has no pavement, it has been removed to cope with the increased stream of vehicles and to allow two cars to pass. It has now become very dangerous for pedestrians to use at busy times. This bridge needs to be made single/file at a time and pavements restored. Building the 300+ houses on the site will increase the traffic and pedestrian use even more thereby making it even more dangerous unless it is widened. Because of its weight restriction heavy Construction traffic will need to be banned from using the bridge. Suggest steel bollards are placed both sides of the bridge to restrict the width of vehicles crossing the bridge similar to those in other towns. It is a regular occurrence for large laddened tippers and foreign registered articulated lorries ignoring the warnings and using the bridge (I have reported this on numerous occasions to Hampshire Highways). Will the developer pay for improving the bridge and will they ensure their construction traffic do not use it?



The biggest complaint against this development has got to be traffic control and integration of new cars onto existing roads. One way is via a very narrow road i.e. Down end Road. this road can't be widened due the ancient railway bridge, houses property going right up to the roads edge. The ques at end of working day are enormous on this road, they start at the bridge over the motorway all the way down to the traffic lights at Portchester road. The other way is via the residential road the Thicket, once again this is a small road with a lot of children using it when walking to and from the Cams school. The added cars on the Portchester road will cause more accidents and health issues along the main road, especially at the Oysell gardens/Condor Avenue roundabout. The road markings at this roundabout are wrong! they were marked when Oysell gardens was a proposal and now don't show the correct markings. When we come out of Oysell we run the gauntlet of getting hit by vehicles travelling at speed heading west. this will be compounded by frustrated drivers who have had difficulty getting onto the West bound Portchester road from The Thicket. Then there is the schools that are full, the doctors that you have to book to be ill two weeks in advance because they are already over subscribed. The added pollution in a residential area due to so many more cars all coming down a small thin road, revving their engines in frustration because the council hasn't thought it through.



I live on Portchester Road and the volume of traffic at the moment already makes it almost impossible for me to leave my driveway during rush hours. A new housing development on Downend Road East will increase the flow of traffic heading towards Portchester Village to an unacceptable extent. The local GP surgery in Portchester is also at the limit of the number of new patients it can accept (I am confident this is correct because I am a local pharmacist and often talk to patients and newcomers to the area). I also understand that local schools are at their limit of how many new children they can accept. Also, I object strongly to the loss of green fields that support local wild life. Once these fields have gone, they will never be replaced. Finally, I would like to ask why 700 of the proposed new homes on greenfield sites have been assigned to Portchester. This is completely unacceptable.



This is typical of this incompetent council, we are already at breaking point , why do you think we can cope with all the proposed development in Portchester and Fareham. There are too many cars on the road already , with poor public transport, there are inadequate school places , GP surgery and QAH are not coping with modern demand due to relentless cut backs, I should know working in the NHS for the last 30 years. Access to Winnham Farm is poor Downend road is blocked most days and there is no public walk way across the small birdge, may be you will just wait for an accident to happen. All the development planned for are area is due to panic thinking and little more, Wellbourne was promised and handled badly, the problem with you lot is you think we are all stupid and unable to see it and constantly tell us we have it wrong and you no better, which s very sad .



I think this proposal, and in fact all of your draft plan fails completely to consider infrastructure. We are already at Gridlock twice a day, and on an Ambulance emergency route. The impact of further housing (and subsequent increased vehicles) will cause yet poorer, more congested roads, adding further to a lowering of living standards and raising of dangerous pollution levels. No consideration has been given to those who are already forced to endure 25 minute travel times to reach the Delme viaduct! No thought is given to those who already reside along the A27 or Down End Road and breath the increased toxic pollution from idling vehicles. No care is being show to those whose roads and lanes will be clogged by rat run traffic desperate to avoid ever increasing journey times. This desire to infill the entire district with housing without first addressing the already massive infrastructure failings, to me, shows a council devoid of competent reasoning.



We wish to lodge our objection to this development as we feel it will adversely impact on the local community due to: 1. Increased traffic/parking difficulties in an area already quite congested. 2. Impact on local schools which are already at almost full capacity 3. Disruption to people's home life/privacy due to heavy plant vehicles & prolonged building works 4. Loss of already disappearing 'green spaces' 5. Impact on already stretched local health services



The plan calls for all traffic access to/from this development to use Downend Road. I live in the Downend area and my only way in/out of my road is via Downend Road. The traffic in the area during peak times can only be described as chaotic. Even after getting out onto Downend Road progress towards Fareham along to A27 is extremely slow at peak times. The current plan could add several hundred more cars into this congested area. Having looked at the area covered by the Winnham development I cannot see any other obvious ways to get traffic into or out of the area and on that basis I believe that this area should be removed from the development plan.



You are destroying the village and the wellbeing of the people. There are plenty of homes for sale in Portchester – and plenty of derelict properties which could have a new lease of life. Why build on green space? I have taken living in Portchester for granted. I thankfully enjoyed a childhood where I could roam around the fields, woods, cycle on my bike and walk to school listening to the birds singing and watching the deer in the distance. This is why I moved my family back to Portchester - to enjoy what I experienced. To say that others could enjoy the same experience when the new houses are built – will not be true. It will never be the same place again. It will become a crushed and dirty town. To say I am sad about the proposal for more housing is an understatement. It actually brings me to tears. The noise of traffic will elevate, the air will be thick with car smog and the wildlife will no longer be spotted. I know this as fact - as it has happened already. The traffic is so bad along the A27. Most evenings, I have to park my car in the Birdwood Grove or in the Causeway and walk to Shearwater in order to get home. I collect my car later in the evening when the traffic has dissipated. It took 2 years to get my daughter into Wicor and we are in the catchment area. They are full. I have zero faith in democracy which is evident every time the people's objections get rail-roaded. I do not even want to live in Portchester anymore. It has been my home, solace and community for 40 years. It is now to be a dirty, busy, overcrowded, polluted town. Schools cannot accommodate (and even if children from outside the catchment were omitted – it would still be too many). Doctors surgeries – I have to wait 4 weeks for an appointment Air pollution increased! Traffic increased to tremendous levels which is dangerous, noisy and unhealthy. Wildlife destroyed! Ancient land destroyed! All these points cause frustration and anger. Who would want to live hemmed-in to their neighbours?



I bring to your notice two concerns that I have, both involving Downend Road? 1. I frequently walk up Downend Road as far as the M27, and back, for my daily exercise. Crossing the railway bridge, on either side of the road, is nearly like taking one's life into one's own hands. The bridge is narrow, on a slight bend, so it is very difficult for walkers to see much beyond the bridge itself (especially going north). If traffic crosses the bridge from both directions at the same time, and one is walking across the bridge also, heaven help the walker! I avoid this walk at rush hours, for obvious reasons. The proposed building of some 350 homes at Winnham Farm, with Downend Road as the only entry and exit for vehicular traffic, puts the fear of God into me! I am not against the building of new homes (we certainly need them). but I would just like your assurance that this likely problem is fully looked into before any planning permission is granted.

Postcode not provided


I would like to express my concerns about the above development. I am very worried about the amount of traffic that could be using The Thicket to bypass the jamming of traffic trying to access Portchester Road at the traffic light junction with Downend Road. It is not easy to pull out onto the A27 (Portchester Road) at peak times at the moment. Another concern is the narrow railway bridge on Downend Road, which is already difficult for pedestrians and traffic to negotiate. Are there any proposals for schools, doctor's surgeries or public amenities to cope with the influx of new residents and where will these be located?



My understanding is that 325 new houses are proposed for this site, this is no way compatible with the open area housing available in Portchester, where will the children be taught? where will people get their Medical care? There is NO infrastructure to support this density of building. The houses would back on to the Memorial gardens (presently a haven of peace) and Crematorium gardens. Assuming each house can accommodate at least 4 people, consideration has obviously NOT been given to the number of cars that need parking and access. Presume at least 3 cars to every two homes and you have a potential nightmare as in other badly planned estates where cars are parked on pavements access and corners, double parked and reagitating the area is horrendous, not to say dangerous. Would you happily buy one of these houses? I think NOT with the building going ahead in Cranleigh Road and Romsay Ave where will the new school and Medical centre be situated? Are there enough places in Cams Mill school and Portchester Secondary school to take and absorb the number of new pupils who will require places? From the 2 sites above and Downend Road?.



I reside in The Causeway and am extremely concerned about the volume of traffic an extra 300 plus homes will generate. Between 8 am & 9am and 5pm & 6pm traffic in Downend is horrendous. I have to queue simply to join the queue of traffic on Downend road into Fareham. It will mean that the residents of The Causeway and Ridgeway will be traffic bound and unable to enter or leave our homes in rush hour. The queue of traffic at these times already extends from the traffic lights at A27 to beyond 24/7 fitness - an extra 700 cars will make it impossible to access our homes. The Causeway/St Catherines way/Ridgway route is already used as a short cut by people trying to jump the queue and makes access even more difficult for residents.The plan to have one access road to these additional new homes is ridiculous - two access roads are needed for 700 cars to enter and exit. The impact on Portsdown Hill Road will be enormous as people try to find the quickest routes out/in to Fareham. Again at peak times, and with cyclists, this narrow road is inadequate to absorb more traffic. This plan is poorly thought through and managed



no where enough infrastructure to cope with anymore housing.



The large amount of housing proposed will put so much pressure on doctors, schools, fire & emergency services. Portchester well decline we have been so lucky to live here in a smaller , caring community, If all the green spaces are lost Portchester will be lost along with wild life and its community. Damage will be caused and I don't think this Roman/ Nothman stronghold will services.



"1-Housing ! many schemes have NO genuinely affordable properties,and those which do exist are bought by ""by to let "" investors depriving many of their First steps on the ladder. 2- Housing needs: today airbus and Honda have been explaining to parliament that they may have to exit the UK because of uncertainty relating to Brexit, with many multi national companies in the area in the same situation, who can say what housing needs are until the times of Brexit are known."



1- Increased traffic-Portsdown Hill rd is already busy & winnham Farm traffic will only exacerbate this. 2- Romsay Ave will have to be accessed from A27 and surrounding roads, increasing danger, noise and nuisance in a residential area. 3- Portchester Infrastructure cannot support these developments - putting further pressure on Fareham recourses. 4- I am concerned about additional traffic using Shear water Ave to access the facility ( dog walking area) , it can be dangerous and busy at times with existing people using it.



These sites are totally unsuitable for housing. The infrastructure is not in place. Doctors surgeries are already overstretched without these additional properties. The access roads are inefficient in size to allow the volume of traffic likely to be generated. The wildlife in the area is already being peeled away. Emergency services cannot achieve their response time, to do already gridlocked roads and this site would add to this already dire situation. Portchester's open spaces, thanks to this pathetic planning is slowly being swallowed up.



I object to any development of land at Romsey Avenue and Winham Farms Fields. This is in regard to the detrimental affect on: 1) Transport Issues 2) Lack of green space 3) Lack of school, doctors facilities 4) Additional traffic 5) Impact on wildlife 6) Danger to vulnerable members of society (children/elderly) 7) Loss of Grade 1 agricultural 8) Detrimental effect on vast majority of Portchester residents



Portchester has enough housing already. The roads cannot take any more traffic and most importantly we must conserve the wildlife on these sites.



no money allocated for extra schools places needed, No money allocated for extending present schools to accommodate extra children . All roads rear to take new housing areas will be jammed with cars going to & from schools, roads are already very busy at schools opening/closing times congestion will be paramount. Parking of cars outside new homes & nearby roads will cause further congestion of the neighborhood. No Provision for new surgeries or expansion of existing surgeries. These surgeries are already at bursting point, WHERE will new home owners go when they ill.? Why is Portchester & surrounding areas of grass and farmland green sites being targeted for housing which will destroy wild life/natural habitats/ open spaces. Once gone they will never return. Residents of Portchester were not consulted or even informed of local plans. This is not good practice . we as residents, deserve the right to be fully informed /consulted & allowed to offer their opinions before any plans are drawn up.



Not enough access roads. Not enough schools in that area.



Draft Local Plan – The Portchester Civic Society's Response The Portchester Civic Society is struggling to agree with the draft plan for proposed housing developments at Romsey Avenue, Winnham Farm East and Moraunt Drive. These are all greenfield sites and we would be going against our Constitution if we agreed to these sites being developed. However, we do realise there is a need for housing, especially affordable properties. Our problem is the high quantity allocated to Portchester, which will struggle to cope unless the infrastructure is first put in place. Roads, doctors' surgeries, schools, etc. are already at capacity and pollution is rising. In addition the impact on wildlife on these sites must be fully investigated before any development is allowed.

Anonymous submission


All these are 'technically' greenfield sites and should remain as such. In the FBC area there are hundreds of derelict buildings and sites that are all 'Brownfield' and should be used first, e.g. Wickham House school – now derelict.



Roads are insufficient to support existing traffic in Downsend area, also along A27 into Fareham. I do nor se any improvement for existing traffic {not known} (800-900 + 1600-1800 weekdays) so what is envisioned for additional traffic resulting from these developments. eastern approach to Fareham will be brought to a stand still !!!!



This development along with the other Portchester developments would cause an excess addition to an already congested road network in this area. Traffic already queues from the A27 junction back to the railway bridge (which is very small) in Downend Road With Traffic built up from the Delme Roundabout back to Condor Avenue and beyond only one or two cars are able to exit Downend Road heading West because the traffic on the A27 is not moving away from the traffic lights resulting in a long wait to exit Downend Road from Portsdown hill. With up to 500 to 700 extra cars (well over 1500 with all the Portchester developments) using this road, the congestion would be completely horrendous The schools in the area would not cope with the extra 1500 or more pupils from all 3 sites (that is a 50+ classroom school !!) The Doctors surgeries would not cope with the extra 2000 or more patients ( they cannot recruit new doctors now !!) We all know houses need to be built, but surely that was why the concept of Wellborne was so good in that it would have its own schools and doctors etc to cope with peoples needs and also give near direct access to the M27. Why has the Wellborne development been so watered down when it would have covered all the local housing needs??. Could it be the developers did not want to put in the infrastructure ?? I object very strongly to all the Portchester developments and ask that you seriously reconsider your strategies and consider the lives of the current populace



I understand the need for more housing but would like answers to the following issues raised in the Sustainability Report of the Draft plan. Although my comments here relate to Downend Road, I would also like to question the disproportionate total amount of greenfield development in Portchester. 1. The report stated that 'appropriate highway solutions have not been confirmed'. The railway bridge on Downend Road is narrow with no pavement for pedestrians. Traffic already comes quickly round the corner after the bridge down towards the traffic lights and it can be difficult crossing safely for elderly people or with a pushchair. In addition, there is only pavement on one side of the road between the Thicket and the traffic lights on to the A27. What are the intended solutions to these dangers? 2. Page 74 of the report states that Fareham East is one of the locations which tend to have the longest travel times to key services. How will this be addressed? 3. The Sustainability report raised issues regarding air and noise pollution due to the proximity of the M27; Page 76 refers to concerns over levels of Nitrous dioxide caused by the M27. In addition, there were questions raised about possible soil contaminants which would require 'design measures to mitigate historic landfills'. What guarantees will developers give to safeguard the health of families living on this proposed development?



[redacted],Downend Road long ago reached the limits for the amount of traffic that uses it.At certain times of the day [redacted]  then try to get on the A27 which is gridlocked every evening. Another four hundred plus cars a day with their only access to other roads being Downend Road should not even be contemplated,especially with the added problem of where the road narrows over the railway.This part of the road is dangerous to pedestrians now, I know as I have tried walking it,any extra cars will only add to this problem, also I doubt that the bridge is strong enough to cope with this volume of traffic. The schools and doctors surgeries are also at capacity, I have not seen any proposals for new schools etc to cope with this influx.



[redacted] and the volume of traffic at the moment already makes it almost impossible for me to leave my driveway during rush hours. A new housing development on Downend Road East will increase the flow of traffic heading towards Portchester Village to an unacceptable extent. The local GP surgery in Portchester is also at the limit of the number of new patients it can accept. I also understand that local schools are at their limit of how many new children they can accept. Also, I object strongly to the loss of green fields that support local wild life. Once these fields have gone, they will never be replaced. Finally, I would like to ask why 700 of the proposed new homes on greenfield sites have been assigned to Portchester. This is completely unacceptable.



[redacted] the junction of Downend Road and A27. Morning & evening gridlocks affect the A27 from the Delme roundabout to Birdwood Grove.. At the same time traffic is often at a standstill from the A27 traffic lights to the top of the hill towards Portsdown Hill Road. The narrow railway bridge is already a hazard affecting traffic flow. Toxic emissions are a health hazard to residents in the lower part of Downend Road.


The railway bridge in Downend Road is narrow causing slow movement of traffic. Heavy articulated goods vehicles already contravene the weight restriction signed for Downend Road. Additional traffic of up to 600 cars will not only enhance congestion but add to the health risk of residents in the lower reaches of the A27 junction. (Fumes also from M27)



"The construction of these properties are going to cause unacceptable pressure on the infrastructure and facilities in the area. All schools and doctors surgeries in the area are currently struggling to meet the needs at present. To get a routine appointment at the doctor currently takes in the region of two weeks. Another major concern is the vehicular access to in the development. There will be more traffic using a narrow bridge that is a hazard as it is. More traffic will be going to the traffic lights at Downend Road which often queues back to the bridge and beyond at peak times. This road is also a main route for ambulances The Thicket and The Spinney will be used as a ""rat run"" by traffic going towards Portchester. These roads are narrow with tight corners and cars and vans go too fast. Traffic going past the golf course always queues at peak times. If there is an accident on the M27, the area becomes gridlocked. This will deter people coming into Fareham Town Centre - why would you when could bypass Fareham and go to Whitely which offer many of the same shops!! Add to this all the extra cars and people from the proposed Cranleigh and Romsey Avenue sites, is hardly going to encourage companies to invest in the area."



It would appear that these houses will bring a lot more traffic to roads that are already struggling to cope and are unfit for purpose. The bridge which will be the main access route is weak and narrow an unsuitable for lorries, meaning any deliveries will need to be routed along the top of the hill, causing more pollution. At peak times traffic sometimes queues back past the access road to the development. Emergency services will be delayed. The Thicket and The Spinney will see an increase in traffic that are unsuitable for heavy traffic as they are designed for use as residential roads with tight corners. Traffic turning into Portchester Road from The Thicket junction will be met by more traffic coming from Beaulieu Avenue (practically opposite) from the planned developments at Cranleigh and Romsey Avenue. Extra pressure on doctors surgeries and schools that are oversubscribed.



We object to the proposed development of Winnham Farm for housing based on the following:- The increase in traffic using Downend Road would be extremely dangerous. This road is already narrow, especially at the bridge over the railway which is already dangerously narrow. It also has a weight limit which is frequently not observed. Downend Road is used by emergency vehicles travelling in both directions to & from QA Hospital. Increasing the volume of traffic on this road would cause delays to these vehicles which could be catastrophic. The exit from Downend Road on to the A27 is controlled by traffic lights & the queues of slow-moving traffic on both the A27 in both directions & Downend Road, particularly at peak times, are already horrendous. Once again this will only get worse with an increase in cars from the proposed development using Downend Road. Those of us who live in The Spinney & The Thicket have already seen an increase in the volume of traffic using these roads as a rat-run to avoid these lights &, again, this can only be made worse. A further point to consider is the adverse effect on the health of the pupils of Cams Hill School from the pollution cauused by the increased slow-moving & stationary traffic at the lights which are in close proximity to the school. In addition to these concerns regarding traffic, there is also the impact on the local infrastructure. The GP surgeries in Portchester are already struggling to cope with waits of, typically, 3 weeks for routine appointments. There would also be pressure on local school places at all levels should the proposal go ahead. Finally there is the impact on the green belt & the open spaces between Portchester & Fareham. We firmly believe that this should be preserved for future generations. While we understand the need for housing we believe that Portchester, with proposals for develpoments at Winnham Farm, Romsey Avenue, Cranleigh Road & Moraunt Drive is being asked to shoulder more than its fair share of the burden. We, therefore, urge Fareham Council to oppose these proposals.



Really concerned about infrastructure, especially roads. [redacted] and at peak time it can take over 15 mins to feed onto Down End road as traffic over railway bridge and no-one will let you feed out. An additional 500+ cars feeding onto the road will be impractical. Will there be access on the other side of the estate towards Dore Avenue? If not, why not? What is going to be done to ease current congestion on the A27 with the proposed development around Portchester?



Very narrow railway bridge on Dowend Road. No public pavement for pedestrians only one entrance in and out. We have enough hold ups already at peak times 7:30 - 9:30am 3:30 - 7pm onto A27. Local schools and doctors already unable to cope.



There is a lack of infrastructure including schools, doctors and access to and from the proposed new development. The development will result in a number of extra cars. This will make access to the A27 difficult a lot of the time. The additional pollution of cars stuck in traffic waiting to get onto the A27 is a massive concern to me!



I wish to object because of the lack of infrastructure on these new proposed developments. At the moment you have wait 3 weeks or more to see a doctor and the extra people will only make matters worse. Traffic is already gridlocked and this is already causing pollution. The schools are full to capacity already. There is also the issue of some areas in Portchester being within the Bedenham blast area.



The entrance to this site is too small. The traffic will be horrendous as it is already a problem in this area. The pollution will be greatly increased because of the queuing - this will impact on the health of the community in Portchester. I cannot understand how they would come up with this plan it just seems foolhardy to me! This is a green field and of local natural beauty, in my opinion it should be kept as such. The doctors are full and cannot cope already and neither can the schools.



The loss of natural habitat and species of animals that are being disturbed is not acceptable. The wildlife and its habitat have been established for many years. The need for this type of farmland will be essential in the post Brexit era when we need to grow more of our own food. The number of cars will add to the already congested roads, the size of the roads are not big enough to cope. The local services are not ready to cope with the extra people this will bring to the area. It concerns me that these houses will not end up affordable and will not be offered to local people. It concerns me that there may be a domino effect where if we lose this green space we will continue to lose green spaces from Portsmouth to Southampton!



Traffic is bad enough down this road and the bridge isn't wide enough to cope with the infrastructure.



when we brought our house in Fareham it was a lovely place to live. Countryside & coast, now we have to fight out way down country lanes ( Try Pook lane at 8.30am) down the A27 along the M27. Fareham has become a traffic nightmare we don't need all these houses. You have Whitley , Knowle and the dreaded Welborne. We keel trapped I a concrete jungle, dictated to by the volume of traffic as to when we can go out. Why should we build more & more to accommodate the millions of new comers let in by last government uncontrolled migration. Put the existing residents of Fareham just we don't need these hundreds of houses here . Ensure the houses youre building in the town centre are low cost or low rent (even Council houses)- now there's an idea.



I am very concerned about the additional traffic that will be created with the additional homes being built. Traffic is already very busy at peak times at the junction of Downend road and Southampton Road.



Development allocation HA4 – Downend Road East, Portchester I OBJECT to this site being included in the Draft Local Plan for the following reasons: Infrastructure and Air Quality ROADS – Portchester should not have to bear the brunt of so much extra housing when no thought whatsoever has been given to road improvements to a road system that is already overloaded and is in gridlock situation, especially now that the Cranleigh Road (HA6) site has been given planning permission for 120 houses. SCHOOLS – All the Portchester primary schools are filled to capacity, and again there is no provision for all the extra children that this development would bring. AIR POLLUTION – This site is sandwiched between the M27 and the A27. It is a fact that this area already suffers from poor air quality due to the volume of traffic. This proposed development, along with Cranleigh Road (HA6), Romsey Avenue (HA5), and Moraunt Drive (HA12), will only exacerbate this situation. This is a genuine health consideration that must not be ignored by Fareham Borough Council



This is a very large proposed site-350 houses. My main concern is the amount of traffic this will generate. We know that this could mean at least another 700 vehicles accessing Downend Road. This road is heavily congested at peak times as it is . Access from The Thicket is already compromised and we know that everyone will be trying to get to the Delme Arms for access to motorway. If you've ever tried to get into Fareham at 5-5.30pm you will know what I mean. I also feel that it would be put the young people attending Cams Hill School at further risk of the increased traffic. I urge you to re-think these plans due to the huge impact increased traffic will have on the area.



I OBJECT to this site being included in the Draft Local Plan for the following reasons: All my comments are based on the TOTAL LACK of Infrastructure of even the PLANNING for Improved Infrastructure in Portchester by either Fareham Borough Council, Hampshire County Council or even proposed Developers, for both the Road network and the provision of school places. In reality NO ONE has got any idea what to do to fix or alleviate the problems that WILL occur, and it always seems that the problems raised are always the responsibility of someone else. All the Proposed Portchester sites (HA4, HA5, HA12) 624 Dwellings (This is on top of the Approved HA6 plan of 120 dwellings at Cranleigh Road) – this give 744 dwellings There are NO plans to do anything about the traffic congestion There are NO new Roads other than those integral to the planning proposals There is NO widening of the Roads The is NOTHING Only the developers may be asked to make a financial contribution The are NO Plans, as neither Fareham nor Hampshire Councils have any clue how to fix the problems. There is NOTHING in the Draft Local Plan to even suggest how these problems could be fixed The A27 westbound towards the Delme Roundabout is currently gridlocked morning and evening and often around midday It is common for the Gridlock to stretch back along the A27 as far as the Condor Avenue mini roundabout This Delme junction feeds directly on the Slip Road to the M27 Junction 11 which in itself is also totally gridlocked, particularly late afternoons at the finishing of school / work finishing times There are No New Roads nor any planned improvements Airborne Pollution The A27 between Portchester and Fareham has currently very poor air quality These 3x proposals for Portchester will add around another 1500 cars that would use the road and this will greatly increase air pollution. This is a serious health problem, for which Fareham Borough Council will be wholly responsible if it goes ahead with these plans. [redacted] . [redacted] who approved the Cranleigh Road development, in his report estimated that for the 120 dwellings at Cranleigh Road that this would require 31 primary and 22 secondary school places. Working on a pro-rata from his numbers in his report this will mean that the addition 624 dwellings would require: For Primary School 624/120 x 31 = 161 extra places For Secondary School 624/120 x 22 = 114 extra places These are both over and above the Cranleigh Road development school numbers According to Hampshire County Council Schools latest Strategic Plan for 2017 to 2021, the only plan for changes at any schools in the Portchester area is for 2 extra classes in Portchester Northern Junior School in 2019. This will give 60 extra places at Years 3, 4, 5, 6. These extra places are to accommodate children already in Years R, 1, and 2 and NOT for numbers over and above that from the proposed developments.. There are NO extra planned places in Years R, 1, 2, which according to the HCC Strategic Plan shows 0 places available by 2021 Secondary Schools The Winnham Farm and Romsey Avenue development proposals are in the catchment area of Cams Hill School. This school is always over subscribed Cams Hill School is its own Admissions Authority, so HCC cannot allocate pupils to Cams Hill These are no plans for Cams Hill to increase the pupil admissions number Portchester Comprehensive is the next nearest school. According to its Strategic Plan, HCC has currently NO plans to extend this school to increase the pupil admission numbers to accommodate the estimated additional 136 pupils that the proposed developments will bring. Comments About Development Proposal HA4 – Downend Road East Portchester Sorry, I have to say this The Local Plan Proposals have been put out as the Fareham proposals HA4 is NOT Fareham Councils proposal. It is 100% the proposal which Miller homes have TOLD Fareham Council to put into the Development allocation. If you look at the Miller Homes website you can clearly see that all the Fareham Council Officers have done is to have plagiarized Miller Homes plan by purely cutting and pasting into the Fareham Plan with NO input whatsoever. Looking at the Miller Homes proposal, the Fareham Plan is 100% the same, even down to the proposed footpath to Upper Cornaway Lane. So much for an unbiased input from Fareham Council Officers.



We would have more congestion on our roads with people travelling along Downend Road & the Spinney. There would be more cars on these roads as people have two cars each in the family. Travelling to and from the hospitals , which would make it more difficult.



The possibility of building 350 homes on the above site would lead to around 700 household cars try to access and leave Downend Road causing more congestion on an already busy road. Downend Road is at peek times backed-up beyond the Thicket causing pollution levels to rise and stress to the car drivers and pedestrians trying to cross the road. The small railway bridge on Downend Road is hazardous particularly for walkers and ch8ildren en route to school. Pedestrians and cyclist using the proposed narrow lane on route to Winnham Farm, from the Thicket over the Cams railway, can overlook the rear of several gardens. At present this track is only used by users of the garage workshop, next to the Winnham Farm Office. Security for these homes is a concern plus noise and lighting levels. Wildlife on the farm would be disturbed. There are owls, badgers, birds of prey and we also have bats flying in front of our front room window at dusk in the springtime. All this wildlife would be gone if this development takes place, plus there are slow worms in our area. Local doctors are struggling to provide service to their patients and there are long waiting lists to get treatment at our local hospital. Our road system for Portchester is now inadequate too for the large amount of traffic, if the developments of Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh Road go ahead there could be up to more than one thousand extra vehicles on the A27. Before any of these plans are considered the infrastructure issues need to be addressed by the Developers plus costing.



The proposal for 350 dwellings if approved will result in between 350 and 700 additional vehicles needing to use Downend Road. Currently it is not unusual to observe traffic queued from north of the Ellerslie House Hotel on Downend Road to the traffic lights at the Cams junction with the A27. Also at peak times it can currently take half an hour to drive from the Ellerslie House Hotel to the Cams viaduct. Most evenings between 1600 and 1900 a significant number of vehicles, many exceeding the 30mph speed limit and thus illuminating the warning sign sited in St Catherine's Way, access Downend Road from the A27 via Camms Hill, St Catherine's Way and The Causeway. The number of additional vehicles that will use Downend Road if the proposed development is allowed to proceed will significantly exacerbate the existing congestion in Downend Road and the A27 westbound. It will also result in a marked increase in the volume of traffic using Camms Hill, St Catherine's Way and The Causeway to the detriment of the quality of life of those householders living in these roads.



I object to the proposed developments as they will fill in the remaining open spaces in Portchester. I do not believe that there is the infrastructure to support the increase in people. The A27 will be more grid locked. I was under the impression that Wellborne would meet the housing demands of the borough and I am disappointed that there now seems to be a free for all. Developments need to be carefully planned to provide a nice environment for people to live. I don't think any such thought is being given with these developments.



I would like to object strongly to the proposed housing on the Winham Farm due to lack of roads and footpath over the railway bridge which is already an accident waiting to happen with no pavements at all. With the proposed expansion to an already overpopulated road network which is nose to tail six days a week.



Concern that housing so close to Winham Drive will affect the value of my house. Concern also for the increased volume of traffic/access to Fareham during peak times. Access to Winham Farm site may become congested. Traffic around Fareham roundabout is already painful.



The close proximity of the houses will affect the value of property nearby but main concern is the lack of infrastructure, access to the site and the vast increase in traffic. The CAM's traffic lights get congested at peak times now and the additional traffic will impact the whole area. Air quality will be badly affected. This is one of several proposed sites and the health centres will not cope. Please think this through. It's not just a money making exercise. Thank you.



In the draft infrastructure delivery plan, it is stated that additional capacity would be needed at existing GP surgeries in Portchester at an unknown cost and with an unknown source of funding. Schools are full to bursting and GPs are stretched. The roads around the areas are already busy without additional cars adding to the existing constant congestion.



The 4 sites allocated in Portchester and Fareham is significant at peak times. Fareham Borough Council should not have allocated 4 sites so close to this road.



Congestion on the roads, particularly on the A27 between Portchester and Fareham is significant at peak times. Fareham Borough Council should not have allocated 4 sites so close to this road. School placements are hard enough to get at the moment.



Wildlife Affective pollution Traffic is a nightmare now Pollution Peak times would be doubled - A27 is so busy takes 30 mins to 1 hour to get through to Fareham Not affordable



Winnham Farm, Downend Road This proposal is totally unsuitable on grounds of road traffic, road safety, pressure on local amenities and the loss of green space. 1. The potential for an extra 700 cars exiting on to Downend Road would be hazardous and lead to further congestion. Downend Road already experiences long traffic queues at peak time. When there is an incident on the M27, A27 or A3m, motorists divert over Portsdown Hill resulting in queues the length of Downend Road for several hours 9typically 4.15-7.05pm, November 9th 2. The narrow railway bridge (weight limit often ignored) would be unsuitable for contractor's vehicles during construction. Further, this bridge has no pavement and is already difficult for pedestrians, cyclists and users of mobility scooters. Any children from the new housing, walking or cycling to school would be at risk from the traffic and the health impact of exhaust fumes. The fact that Downend Rd has pavement only on one side is additionally hazardous. 3. Local infrastructure is lacking and the nearest schools and doctor's surgeries are oversubscribed. 4. The loss of another green space is deplorable with its detrimental effect on amenity, recreation and wild life. Farehm and Porthester need lungs, not concrete.



Where will we go to breath? 350 houses onto an already congested road infrastructure. More wildlife pushed to the edge of coping with loss of habitat. Does FBC really think so little of the citizens of Portchester village? To have this quantity of new housing within a one mile radius shows the contempt the council hold us in. How you feel about where you live is so important. You are taking an area with a long history of 'village' culture and making it another urbanised arm of the Fareham town. Wildlife is already suffering with the wonton destruction of the land at Seafield/Moraunt. The continued march of ever increasing housing in such a small area means for much wildlife they face a futile and uncertain future.



1. Infrastructure including transport 2. Already schools are at max 3. Medical practice overloaded



I wish to object strongly to the proposal of new housing at Down End Road. The access is far too narrow. The bridge would be very dangerous for adults & especially children attending Cams Hill school. Residents from all local roads have great difficulty now accessing Down End road to get to Fareham & Portchester. The infrastructure does not support the volume of traffic now, let alone future traffic from new housing.



Doctors waiting list is 4 weeks now for an appointment. Schools at bursting point. There will be no open spaces for people to meet or children to play. The wildlife area will be non existent especially for the wild geese that migrate here every year.



The 4 sites allocated in Portchester and Fareham is congested at peak times. The council should not have allocated 4 sites close to this road. There are not enough facilities for this amount of people The improvements planned for the A27 and the Delme roundabout will do little to improve the situation. There is no employment here now so where are these people going to work?



I strongly object to the proposed housing development at Winnham Farm Downend Road East on the grounds of the very significant increase in traffic flow that would subsequently take place onto Downend Road, south across the very narrow railway bridge, down onto the traffic lights adjoining the A27 and subsequently along the A27 to the the Delme Roundabout. This traffic along this stretch is already severely congested around the peak morning and afternoon rush hours and at school run times, as well as many other times of the day, with traffic backing up along the A27. [redacted] and it is a nightmare trying to exit the Cams Hill estate to travel to the Fareham shops at these times, often taking over 30 minutes to travel less than a quarter of a mile. It is also very distressing having to look out of my window and observe never ending queues of slow moving, noisy and air polluting traffic nose to tail along the A27 into Fareham. I sometimes feel like a prisoner in my own house during these times as I cannot get out of the estate by car. The housing development at Winnham Farm will undoubtedly exacerbate an already nightmare traffic situation in the Cams Hill area. It represents an accident waiting to happen. I most strongly object to this development.



Totally unacceptable. 1) There is no way any meaningful Mitigation of Traffic can be initiated. Downend would become a nightmare to negotiate with side roads becoming mere rat runs. 2) Educational and Healthcare facilities expected to serve this housing allocation are already full or under strain and there is no realistic prospect of significant infrastructure coming forward. To say otherwise is just being dishonest. 3) Why should Portchester be the sacrificial lamb with regard to greenfield housing allocations when the same arguments being advanced in support of housing allocations within Portchester can equally be applied to sites which have not been allocated in other parts of the Borough. 4) The Draft Local Plan is unbalanced in that it is completely unacceptable to allocate new housing in only three key areas. Warsash Town Centre Portchester 5) Portchester is entitled to have a green buffer similar to other communities and this allocation plays an important part in giving character and essential openness to the area.



Whilst I am sympathetic to the need to develop sustainably for the future needs of the Fareham populace, I have very serious concerns about the Downend Road East (HA4) development. There is little written in the plan about the necessary infrastructure improvements that would be required in order to make such a development sensible. A visit to Downend Road at any peak travel times (e.g 5 - 6pm on a weekday) will find southbound traffic at a standstill outside all of the residential homes already on the road. A further 350 houses (possibly 700 vehicles, and possibly many journeys per vehicle) will totally overwhelm the current road infrastructure that already struggles to cope. The A27 at the bottom of Downend Road is already massively overcapacity, and contributes to the congestion suffered on Downend Road. The existing Downend Road is also constrained by the narrow railway bridge which would appear already to be overcapacity and overused by heavy goods vehicles (often inappropriately accessing diverting south rather than North to the HGV access route to M27) and sheer weight of traffic. If these infrastructure problems can't be solved, then the development would be just creating further blight for existing residents and new residents alike to suffer. Should FBC continue to pursue the development at this site, I believe they should consider routing traffic differently. The existing HGV access road at the junction between Downend Road and Portsdown Hill Road could be developed to offer a route away from the congested A27/Downend Road junction. Further closing the railway bridge access to all but local traffic or even pedestrian/cycle access only, would prevent the massive use of through traffic, allowing the existing capacity to be adopted for the residential purposes that FBC wishes to expand. Without a coherent joined up plan in place with the Highways Agency and Hampshire County Council, this development will be a blight. In detailed plans, I will expect to see much further detail on how this will be mitigated.



The Ambulances will be delayed even longer causing a risk to peoples lives. The weight limit to the riverway bridge is 7.5 tons, so the heavy worries carrying all the building materials will definitely cause stress to the bridge-the thickest will become a Rat Race, causing stress to the residents all the extra area will mean a lot more pollution if its allowed to go ahead. That means another 350 removal worries when the residents move in. Walking over the bridge is already dangerous for pedstrains, the green fields that might be needed I the future whilst gone for ever.



The proposed development at Winnham Farm would cause mayhem in Downend Road, and the developers solution to the traffic, make the bridge one way and alter the lights at the end of the road! If there is an accident anywhere on the motorway, Fareham or Gosport the traffic builds up in Downend Road and it is impossible to turn right out of The Causeway now. This happens on a regular basis both during morning and evening rush hour, a rush hour that is more like 2-3 hours in the evening. In addition motorists already use The Causeway as a rat run to avoid the traffic lights, and this would increase with motorists travelling to the Winnham Farm development. There would need to be significant improvements made to the highway to accommodate potentially an extra 600 plus motorists, and measures put in place to prevent The Ridgeway, St Catherine's Way and The Causeway becoming even more of a rat run. Residents of the Shearwater Estate cannot turn right into their road coming from Fareham so they either have to come along the Ridgeway and turn right into the Downend Road so that they can go straight across the road, or go up to the roundabout by the Bird Estate, with all the extra traffic that Winnham Farm, Romsey Road and Cranleigh Road will create it could take twice as long for these residents to get home from Fareham. Unless the developer is prepared to invest the sums of money required to improve the infrastructure including schools, doctors and roads this development should not be approved. None of the housing proposed will be cheap no matter what these developers state, and you can almost guarantee that the percentage of "affordable housing" will change once building starts because by then it will be too late!

Postcode not provided


"The impact on the Portchester infrastructure will be disastrous to the local roads, school places, doctor's appointments, wildlife and residents. Pedestrians and cyclists using the proposed cycle/pedestrian way to access the Winnham Farm site from The Thicket across the Cams railway overlooks the rear of mine and adjacent properties. Currently there is only minimum traffic along this farm track to the garage workshop adjacent to the Winnham Farm office. The proposed change in use of the farm track into a cycle/pedestrian way for access to the Winnham Farm development will greatly increase the use of the track and will be a major infringement to the privacy and the security of our and adjacent properties Crossing the narrow railway bridge on Downend Road is currently a hazardous event, particularly so on foot. To ""paint"" a footpath on the road surface on the west side of the bridge will not overcome the problem. The additional pedestrian and traffic from the Winnham Farm development making use of the bridge will be disastrous, an accident waiting to happen. Traffic congestion on Downend Road at peak times is already a problem, and will only get worse. Traffic travelling south along Downend Rd planning to go east on the A27 will turn left into The Thicket to avoid the Traffic lights at the A27 junction. Traffic travelling east on the A27 from the Delme roundabout planning to go north on the Downend Rd will turn left into Cams Hill/St Catherines Way/The Causeway to avoid the same set of Traffic lights. These are all narrow residential road never designed to take high levels of traffic and would not be able to cope. The Thicket is a narrow residential road with three sharp bends, which makes it difficult for two cars to pass side by side. The palliative solution to change the traffic light sequence at the A27/ Downend junction will not improve the situation and could adversely affect the safety of the pupils and pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. Currently at peak times the traffic on A27 between Portchester and Fareham is at a standstill, an increase in traffic volume from this, and other proposed developments will aggravate this serious problem, increasing the already unacceptable levels of air pollution which this borough is currently experiencing. Local doctor's surgeries are already struggling to provide the"

PO16 8


Please Note my objections to the propose plane HA4 1, My main objection to this proposal is the access to the estate being from Downend Road, this is preposterous as Downend road is far too narrow to cope with the present stream of traffic, let alone to add more vehicles entering and leaving the proposed estate. The railway bridge being the pinch point is already far too narrow to take two lanes of traffic and by adding some sort of footpath for pedestrians/ cyclists will increase danger to all. Access onto the A27 from Downend road during peak periods is a night mare and it only take an incident on the motorway and Downend road becomes gridlocked. Traffic from Fareham heading for downend road already use St. Catherine's way, The Rigeway and the Causeway as a Rat Run this and along with the traffic jams in Downend road and the A27 make it hard for local residents to travel to Fareham during these time as it takes on average 30 mins to get from Downend to Fareham. 2, No additional infrastructure has been planned for this estate, No schools, No Doctor surgery's or Dentist's and by not having addition infrastructure it will pace additional burden onto an already overloaded infrastructure. Cams School is running now with maximum numbers of pupils, even the local residents have problems getting their children placed there. 3, As I understand the proposed farmland for HA4 is classified as class 2 under The Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) system, with that in mind why are FBC not using brown field sites that would ot interfere with farm land, I would like to see the Original farmland kept as it is and what it was originally proposed to be used for. 4, The allocation of sites within the Draft Local Plan does not share the additional housing across the Borough equally. Sites put forward by land owners were scattered across the borough. If the number of homes needed were spread equally across the 15 wards in the Borough, each ward woud take about 150 new homes. The allocation given to Portchester in this plan is over 700 homes. 5, The Newlands Farm site (1,082 dwellings) which is at a planning applications stage but currently sits outside the draft local plan, If this was to be approved then it would fill the borough's housing requirement! If this was to be then the sites within the plan would no longer be required.



Our primary reasons for objection are based on health & safety, the inadequacy of Downend Road, the A27 and Swivelton Lane to cope with the increased traffic and the lack of proper assessment by the Council of either the safety of school children walking to the Cams school or the combined impact of each of the new developments on each other and on the current infrastructure. Access on to, and via, Downend Road is totally unrealistic, made worse by having Downend Road as the only point of entry/egress from the new development. Downend Road has seen a massive increase in traffic over recent years and is at total capacity. The road was developed as a minor road, with a railway bridge that can't handle traffic on both directions at the same time and has no opportunity for a footpath. The bridge will therefore be an increased safety hazard and bottleneck regardless of any proposed refurbishment of the bridge or a separate, singular pedestrian only access at the other end of The Thicket simply won't handle the very real health & safety issues or avoid the traffic mayhem. Observation at morning and evening rush hour will show there is a long queue of traffic up Downend Road from the A27. With more housing and vehicles this will inevitably make turning into and out of roads like The Thicket, The Ridgeway and The Causeway even more difficult than it is currently, let alone for the new development. This traffic will either feed on to the A27 which is already queued back from the Delme roundabout or otherwise cut through Swivelton Lane, a minor road not suitable or safe for such increased levels of traffic. As well as Swivelton Lane, both The Thicket and Cams Hill/St Catherine's Way/The Causeway will also become cut throughs for traffic in residential areas. Compound this with other developments around J11 of the M27, including Wellbourne and Kites Hill, the whole road system, including the M27, will grind to a halt. Any development with increased traffic feeding onto Downend Road, cutting through other residential roads as well as pedestrians walking over the bridge on Downend Road, is dangerous and unsustainable and should be rejected.



The downend railway bridge already suffers with the traffic flow. So the increase of approximately 700 extra vehicles could become a real danger. The road network especially the A27 is not adequate for all the houses that have been proposed for the Portchester area. We suffer long delays especially at rush hour as it is. The amenities are not in place for the increase population in this area i.e. schools, doctors etc.

Postcode not provided


Downend road is already heavily congested with traffic. Are you sure the small bridge is capable of handling all this extra traffic & weight. It will just get to the stage where no one will be able to move & become grid locked.



Downs End Rd just cant cope with the present traffic most days in the week. The traffic build up past and over The Railway nBridge for severl hrs some days. If there is an accident it could be many hrs and we aren't able to get out of our home.



My objections relate to: 1. Traffic congestion - the A27 and M27 are regularly at a standstill during peak traffic periods and any further residential developments in this locality will only contribute to the already unacceptable levels of traffic congestion, air pollution, road traffic accidents and related problems. 2. Emergency Services - the emergency services and local A & E facilities are at breaking point and additional pressure from an increased number of residents in the area will only add pressure to the already under resourced facilities. 3. Schools, Doctors and Dentists Practices are currently at full capacity, who will be able to serve these additional residents? 4. Wildlife and Ecology - the local indigenous and visiting wildlife will be very seriously impacted by this development



The allocation of sites within the Draft Local Plan does not share the additional housing across the borough equally. Sites put forward by land owners were scattered across the borough. If the number of houses needed were spread equally across the 15 wards in the borough, each ward would take about 150 new homes. The allocation given to Portchester in this plan is over 700 homes. There was no public involvement in deciding what sites were ruled in or out. Other sites in the borough which consist of grassland and farmland have been rejected for reasons of ecological importance or landscape sensitivity. These appear to be no better or worse than the Portchester sites. The development at Winnham farm is on farmland, as is Romsey Avenue. Development on this land will not protect farmland as stated in the Natural Environment section of the plan (9.10). The vehicular traffic generated by the proposed development (c.900 vehicle movements a day, with c.100 movements during the am/pm peak hours) would be detrimental to highway safety at two junctions which already experience repeated road safety incidents (A27 west from Delme Roundabout and the A27 Portchester Road/Dore Avenue Roundabout), generate unacceptable environmental circumstances on residential side-roads which are unsuited for the purpose and pose a particular hazard for children walking and cycling to local schools. Another concern is the very narrow bridge on Downend Road. The traffic using this road includes ambulances going to and from QA hospital , not to mention heavy lorries and farm vehicles which exceed the tonnage indicated at the start of Downend Road. The situation is already very difficult for pedestrians and cyclists, and the possibility of hundreds of additional cars crossing the bridge will make it even more dangerous. In the Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan it is stated that an additional capacity would be needed at existing GP surgeries in Portchester at an unknown cost and with an unknown source of funding. The waiting time at the local surgery is 3-4 weeks currently and the increase of approx 1,500 additional people (spread across all 4 sites) will only make it worse.



At the developers meeting held recently they indicated that the plan would include some means of collecting rain water at the base of Portsdown Hill to feed into the water supply. They also indicated that the sewage from the 350 homes would have to be pumped up the hill and round the top of the Crematorium. Should the pump block or go wrong then the sewage would come down hill and have the ability to contaminate the water supply collection. Also the developers indicated that the bridge on the Downend Road would be wide enough for two vehicles to cross and also add a pedestrian walkway. However this bridge is already sign posted to indicate that it narrows and vehicles have the potential to be in the middle of the road. The bridge has a possibility to take another 700 car movements on a daily basis. The bridge or road is not wide enough or capable to take this amount of additional traffic. The A27 already becomes congested at peak times and whenever there is a problem on the M27 and these additional car movements is only going to add to the congestion.



The allocation of sites within the Draft Local Plan does not share the additional housing across the borough equally. Sites put forward by land owners were scattered across the borough. If the number of houses needed were spread equally across the 15 wards in the borough, each ward would take about 150 new homes. The allocation given to Portchester in this plan is over 700 homes. There was no public involvement in deciding what sites were ruled in or out. Other sites in the borough which consist of grassland and farmland have been rejected for reasons of ecological importance or landscape sensitivity. These appear to be no better or worse than the Portchester sites. The development at Winnham farm is on farmland, as is Romsey Avenue. Development on this land will not protect farmland as stated in the Natural Environment section of the plan (9.10). The vehicular traffic generated by the proposed development (c.900 vehicle movements a day, with c.100 movements during the am/pm peak hours) would be detrimental to highway safety at two junctions which already experience repeated road safety incidents (A27 west from Delme Roundabout and the A27 Portchester Road/Dore Avenue Roundabout), generate unacceptable environmental circumstances on residential side-roads which are unsuited for the purpose and pose a particular hazard for children walking and cycling to local schools. Another concern is the very narrow bridge on Downend Road. The traffic using this road includes ambulances going to and from QA hospital , not to mention heavy lorries and farm vehicles which exceed the tonnage indicated at the start of Downend Road. The situation is already very difficult for pedestrians and cyclists, and the possibility of hundreds of additional cars crossing the bridge will make it even more dangerous. In the Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan it is stated that an additional capacity would be needed at existing GP surgeries in Portchester at an unknown cost and with an unknown source of funding. The waiting time at the local surgery is 3-4 weeks currently and the increase of approx 1,500 additional people (spread across all 4 sites) will only make it worse.



This site is grossly unsuitable for development, residential or otherwise. It should be maintained as agricultural land. The proposed 350 dwellings would cause several hundred extra car movements per day onto Downend Rd. This road is already subject to heavy traffic and no amount of alteration at the Downend Rd A27 junction will remedy this. Residents trying to leave The Ridgeway, The Causeway, The Thicket and East Cams Close already experience serious difficulty exiting onto Downend Rd especially at rush hour and the start and finish of school hours at Cams Hill School. The railway bridge on Downend Rd lacks safe pedestrian access and has a weight limit (often breached.) The A27 west of the Downend Rd A27 junction is already subject to severe delays from mid-afternoon through rush hour. Air quality in the area is impaired by traffic on all sides of Downend with Cams Hill School being only a short distance from a four lane dual carriageway subject to largely stationary traffic as I mentioned above. The Local Plan must take account of the report by the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Paediatrics and Child Health in 2016 which estimated an annual excess mortality from air pollution in the UK at 40,000 per annum. This affects people of all ages causing reduced lung growth in children and increased onset of new asthma cases in children and adults. This report can be accessed at the following link:. Doctors surgeries in the area are already oversubscribed and recruitment of GPs is increasingly difficult, and not likely to improve without major changes in government policy. People need houses to live in. However as we already have had Welborne approved despite many objections,why should these additional developments be necessary?



The infrastructure and services in portchester cannot cope with all the additional homes being proposed



Access from Downend Road is not acceptable unless either the railway bridge is replaced by a wider bridge or the HGV link used to access the Waste Transfer road from Junction 11 of the M27 is upgraded to a public highway (in which case the railway bridge could perhaps be for pedestrians and cyclists only. A better alternative would be to have vehicle access from Upper Cornaway Lane, perhaps via a strip of land from the north side of the crematorium site. This would give good access to the A27ay a roundabout , and thence to the Portchester shopping centre.



There is no infrastructure in place for these additional houses. [redacted]. How will they be able to accommodate all the extra children with these additional houses? The traffic is chockablock at the moment, access to the A27 is awful at the best of times and the extra people and cars will only make it worse. Its already difficult to get a doctors appointment we wait at least 2 weeks to see one. Emergency services use our road as a through road and it is increasingly busy which I feel will potentially cause risk to life with delays in getting through.



There is no infrastructure in place for these additional houses. [redacted]. How will they be able to accommodate all the extra children with these additional houses? The traffic is chockablock at the moment, access to the A27 is awful at the best of times and the extra people and cars will only make it worse. Its already difficult to get a doctors appointment we wait at least 2 weeks to see one. Emergency services use our road as a through road and it is increasingly busy which I feel will potentially cause risk to life with delays in getting through.



My main concern is the lack of infrastructure that will be effected by all these extra houses. The issues with extra children impacting on the already full local schools. Families who require dental and doctors appointments. These services are already struggling to cope with the number of people newly arrived in the area so the situation can only get worse. The parking is an issue already as is the traffic locally. Exiting onto the A27 from Westlands Grove can sometimes take as long as 10 minutes at busy periods.



The infrastructure is already broken and this will only make it worse! The local schools are already full! The roads are already full! The doctors are already full! The dentists are already full! There will be no untouched land left for the animals to enjoy without human contact. The emergency services already struggle to get down the roads - there is potentially a risk to life already without adding additional people/cars. There are already several new housing estates being built on brownfield sites we simply cannot take any more. The pollution levels are already too high which has already been publicly stated. Further pollution could cause a risk to life expectancy. There used to be a strategic gap between Fareham and Portchester which is disappearing before our eyes. These sites contravene the NPPF ie agricultural land & SSSI's.



The infrastructure is already broken and this will only make it worse! The local schools are already full! The roads are already full! The doctors are already full! The dentists are already full! There will be no untouched land left for the animals to enjoy without human contact. The emergency services already struggle to get down the roads - there is potentially a risk to life already without adding additional people/cars. There are already several new housing estates being built on brownfield sites we simply cannot take any more. The pollution levels are already too high which has already been publicly stated. Further pollution could cause a risk to life expectancy. There used to be a strategic gap between Fareham and Portchester which is disappearing before our eyes. These sites contravene the NPPF ie agricultural land & SSSI's.

Postcode not provided


The area is far too crowded already. The infrastructure is not in place to support this many new houses and cars. The Traffic during rush hr is horrendous already. This will damage the environment and reduce quality of life for those already in the area, Please STOP.

Anonymous submission


The allocation of sites within the Draft Local Plan does not share the additional housing across the borough equally. Sites put forward by land owners were scattered across the borough. If the number of houses needed were spread equally across the 15 wards in the borough, each ward would take about 150 new homes. The allocation given to Portchester in this plan is over 700 homes. There was no public involvement in deciding what sites were ruled in or out. Other sites in the borough which consist of grassland and farmland have been rejected for reasons of ecological importance or landscape sensitivity. These appear to be no better or worse than the Portchester sites. The development at Winnham farm is on farmland, as is Romsey Avenue. Development on this land will not protect farmland as stated in the Natural Environment section of the plan (9.10). The vehicular traffic generated by the proposed development (c.900 vehicle movements a day, with c.100 movements during the am/pm peak hours) would be detrimental to highway safety at two junctions which already experience repeated road safety incidents (A27 west from Delme Roundabout and the A27 Portchester Road/Dore Avenue Roundabout), generate unacceptable environmental circumstances on residential side-roads which are unsuited for the purpose and pose a particular hazard for children walking and cycling to local schools. Another concern is the very narrow bridge on Downend Road. The traffic using this road includes ambulances going to and from QA hospital , not to mention heavy lorries and farm vehicles which exceed the tonnage indicated at the start of Downend Road. The situation is already very difficult for pedestrians and cyclists, and the possibility of hundreds of additional cars crossing the bridge will make it even more dangerous. In the Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan it is stated that an additional capacity would be needed at existing GP surgeries in Portchester at an unknown cost and with an unknown source of funding. The waiting time at the local surgery is 3-4 weeks currently and the increase of approx 1,500 additional people (spread across all 4 sites) will only make it worse.



Issues that will have an unacceptable affect on the local community if HA4 (Downend Road East, Portchester) is approved for development:- Water:- current resources under pressure to supply current demands ie Water Companies diverting rivers/streams to produce the volume required to sustain current demand. More housing, greater supply of fresh water to be supplied. Little confidence that respective private companies can deliver enough water for basic needs. Waste:- Present facilities are becoming rapidly saturated, visitors at local recycling centres now charged for discarding their own rubbish. Fly Tipping becoming increasing apparent in local area. Rubbish now deposited on highways, byways and recreational areas; obvious impact on health issues. More housing, more rubbish generated with greater risk to health issues. Drainage:- This site has been used as a landfill site for many years. Harmful by-products (materials and gases) are likely to be generated and stored underground in the limestone structure beneath the surface. Potentially harmful to owners and local habitants if disturbed. Internet:- Local facilities struggle to maintain data speeds to meet current demands. Additional housing results in additional demands upon a network infrastructure that is struggling to cope. Pollution Ecology:- Additional housing is detrimental in every aspect in these respective specialist areas. Utilities (Gas & Electricity): - Underground networks to facilitate these essential services are reaching (or have reached saturation) Additional demands place a greater burden on old and inadequate legacy systems. Additional Housing will inevitably place greater strain on current resources causing and unacceptable degree of unreliability and downtime for repair. Public Services:- Additional housing provides greater demand on already stretched and saturated Public Services ie Police, Fire&Rescue, Coastguard, Health (General Practioners Surgeries, Ambulance & Hospitals) and all facilities provided by the Local Council especially Parking. Strain is obvious at present but will clearly become more critical as publicised cuts to current budgets bite. Council Tax:- Additional housing necessitates an increase in facilities and resources, this issue alone is likely to change current thresholds that may result in increased levels of taxation. Transport Network: - A27 provides main arterial link to the M27 and beyond. The A27 is totally saturated for most of the working day, queues (bumper to bumper) are evident for the majority of the year. Not only does this show (without doubt) that there is no further capacity for additional traffic but may also generate an alarming health hazard to local residents (adults & children) when vehicles are stranded in queues for relatively long periods viz composition of Diesel & Petrol Fumes released into the atmosphere. Continuous use with little time and limited funds for repair or maintenance is visibly showing signs of severe deterioration. Crime: - New developments provide the potential for increased levels of crime (theft & burglary). With stretched resources and reduced budgets Constabularies countrywide have stated they may not have the resource to police this type of offence. Increased levels of crime effect the local area and provide a loophole for Insurance Companies to raise premiums. In short unacceptable.



Portchester is known for its Roman Castle and its green spaces where much wildlife and fauna have made their homes some of which are protected species. The castle and vast green spaces is what Portchester is renowned for destroying that will destroy its identity. The local coastal walks from the castle along past the golf course are a favourite frequent walk for us and I shudder at the thought of the threat to the landscape of so many new houses which will obliterate this. Points in addition to the above are as follows. • Schools The number of new pupils will put further pressure on the existing oversubscribed schools and remove any choice from parents as they will be forced to apply outside of the village for places. • Medical The GP surgeries are already struggling to meet their government objectives and the wait for a GP appointment is already up to as much as a month. • Traffic The new schemes will attract another 1500 cars which our local village roads will not be able to cope with along with the pollution level that they bring with them. • Agriculture The government recommendation is that urban developments should be built on brown fields and not grade 1 and 2 lands like we have in Portchester so this is contrary to the National Planning Policy. • Strategic gap Portchester is a special village with its own identity and to maintain this, it is vital that the strategic gap between it and Fareham is retained. Finally, in 2011, only 60 houses were recommended to be built in the village with a guarantee that there will be no additions to that figure till 2026. Nothing has changed by way of infrastructure or circumstances since then. The plan in its existing form is unsound and unsustainable and should be scrapped unconditionally.



1.The increase in traffic coming along Downend Road and over the weight limit small and narrow bridge. At certain times of the day the traffic backs up from the traffic light all the way back over the small bridge this is without the proposed new development. 2.The Thicket would become one of the main exit routes, increasing the noise and lack of privacy, with a large increase in both cars and an increase in the footfall of people walking to and from the A27. The very narrow Z bend in the East end of the Thicket is already a concern for the residents due to the sharp angle of this corner great care has to be taken when driving to get round this corner safely and any increase in traffic would cause further concerns. 3. Lives may be at risk if children, disabled, elderly, families pushing pram/push chairs have to walk over the narrow bridge. 4. There is no public transport in the Downend road area until you reach the A27 - how would this be resolved? 5. If the proposed footpath running along the back of the railway track was to be open up and used to exit into the East end of the Thicket - how would this be monitored to prevent motorbikes/cyclists, horse riders using this? 6. There are no other safe crossing points in this area apart from the traffic lights at the bottom of Downend Road, people's lives could be at risk with the increase in traffic and lack of safe crossing points. The school crossing patrols have already been removed at the main junction by Cams school. 7. We already have an ambulance service that can't meet it's targets - how will this be resolved? 8. Dr. surgeries, school, hospitals, police, fire service, social service are all having to save more money and they are all struggling to meet the needs of the residents now without this very large increase in population that is being proposed. 9. Hampshire County Council are proposing to make further cuts to many services in this area including the community transport, adult social services, closing some local tips and dimming of street lights to name just a few. 10. What infrastructure plan will be put into place before any of the proposed developments are started that are in the proposed plan for Portchester? 11. The loss of more 'green' space and the disturbance of the wild life in the propose development will be lost. 12. The character of the area would be changed forever from a quiet, tranquil residential area with green space nearby into a noisy, traffic polluted and over populated area with much reduced green space. 13. How will traffic be prevented from turning right onto the A27 at the East end of the Thicket to prevent bacl log along the thicket. 14. The Thicket already has a problem with speeding cars - how would this be monitored?



My objection to this proposal is simple, 1. the amount of dwellings that would be built here would have a catastrophic impact on the roads with this this area, the A27 is already at breaking point and cant take anymore traffic. 2. To lose a working farm from the area would have severe knock on effects and would result in loss of income to the local economy, loss of habitats and loss of the natural landscape that is currently separating ourselves from merging into other towns.



The traffic at rush hours on A27 is already an issue - the A27 is often gridlocked. Additional housing will bring additional cars and make the matter worse. It is important to retain green land in the locality as it provides an important habitat for a range of wildlife. This site also might have historical importance.



The roads cannot cope with the additional traffic, there is no infrastructure to support the additional places required for school places, doctors, dentists etc. The roads surrounding the proposed site are already difficult to pass through and it is difficult to get out onto the A27 from either exit route. There are insufficient school places to cope with extra families. The space between Portchester and Fareham town centre will be further eroded with such a large development.



"In addition far to large development for this area to support all the extra people need/health/transport ""Ect Etc"""



Although the draft layout of the site looks good, my main concern is the access to the new development via Downend road, the small bridge which is close to the development is far to narrow to cope with the increased traffic, and when the very large farm tractor and trailers come up and down Downend road during the harvest time, the tractor and trailer takes up the full wide of the road and they do not stop for anyone, which is a high risk for all traffic, and an even greater risk to pedestrians and cyclists. In addition the traffic regularly backs up from the traffic lights at the bottom of Downend road to well beyond the bridge, having hundreds of cars trying to turn into and out of the new estate will only make this worse. If the site is approved, would it be possible to have a one way system to the estate, with traffic entering via Downend road and exiting via the bridge into the Thicket or via the Dore Ave area, thus reducing the traffic and safety risk for pedestrians crossing the Downend bridge, especially school children going to Cams school, which is at the bottom of Downend road. If the site is approved, I believe the The Thicket, St Catherine's Way & The Causeway (roads) should be made a 20 mile an hour limit, with traffic claiming, as these roads are now used as a cut through to avoid the Downend traffic lights.



The government pledged to protect the environment. I would contend that the environment of Portchester is being devastated by over saturation of housing. Portchester is NOT an urban site, it has always provided a balance between natural habitat/shoreline and community housing. Soon the former will be a concrete wilderness and then urban decay sets it - with all that that entails – raised crime (with no adequate policing) no adequate places in the school/doctors surgery etc The biggest crime destruction of the beautiful shoreline, fields and woodland, when can people go to relax – breathe fresh air?? Where can children play naturally – not in hideous primary coloured play parks, they need wilderness – we all do! Then there is the obvious problem of the roads, the endless traffic, the grid-l;ock for at least three hours in the evening and early part of the morning – not to mention the fumes – the parking problems. Why do the greedy property developers lie about the existance of wildlife? Why does the council roll over, wake up Portchester we have reached saturation point.



Please find our reponse to the request for input on the 2017 Draft Local Plan. It is fortunate that early consultation with residents has been encouraged, as the housing allocations have clearly been influenced by the recent unexpected approval at Cranleigh Road which overturned Fareham Council's plan and decision. There has clearly been an over reaction to this report, as analysis shows that over 30% of housing involving greater than 100 homes falls within the Portchester boundary, this is grossly in excess of a proportional allocation within the Fareham Borough. What was really required was a follow up to the previous promise to concentrate on Welborne, and to preserve gaps between Portchester and Fareham. The plan totally misses the opportunity to create and maintain official strategic gaps, for example at Romsey Avenue and Winnham Farm. The plan actually encourages unsustainable development, by removing all greenfield gaps, and producing a totally urban enviroment. Whereas the plan is supposed to run till 2036, the desire by developers to build on greenfield sites in such attractive areas as those proposed by the council, whose duty it is to preserve them, will lead to early applications and fulfillment of the quotas long before this time is reached. The definition of countryside has been misinterpreted; most of us would define countryside as farmland and open fields, which would preclude the selection of Winnham Farm for example, if this area isn't designated as countryside then it is difficult to see why not. The concept of using Downend Road as the primary site access for Winnham Farm is quite bizarre, and the title 'Downend Road East' a gross assumption for proposal HA4. The existing link to Downend Road from Winnham Farm is widely recognised as having been built without planning application, and its use since limited for obvious reasons, such as traffic volume and safety. It is already extremely hazardous to cycle down Downend Road past the exit from the Fitness centre, without any additional road. The railway bridge at Downend Road has no pedestrian safeguards and is already extremely dangerous without being the main access for 350 extra homes. The idea that the daily A27 traffic jam between Downend Road and Fareham can be alleviated by work on the Delme Arms roundabout and the Downend Road/A27 junction is extremely doubtful, and the situation will almost certainly become even worse, with traffic backing up East of Downend Road. Furthermore almost all traffic Eastwards will be likely to take the route via The Thicket, to avoid the traffic lights. Should Downend Road become the subject of predicted traffic jams at the A27 junction, then traffic will be encouraged to travel to the motorway, and into Fareham, via Swivelton Lane, a narrow road which is already widely used as a rat run by speeding traffic. The access to the proposed Winnham Farm conglomerate could and should be split, following the example of Rockingham Way and Winnham Drive. Lancaster Close is a much more obvious choice for main access, as after all the bulk of the proposed site lies to the East of the Thicket. Exit of the traffic via the Cornaway Lane roundabout would be a much safer and more efficient way to disperse the traffic to the East and West. It is vital to consider options which serve the wishes and the needs of local people rather than to endorse an obviously hastily drawn up plan which clearly shows little forethought. To summarise, most residents expected rapid measures to be taken to protect the environment, and not to sacrifice it. The promise of Welborne, which would produced a garden village, while alleviating the need to build on the vital greenfield sites within existing urban areas, has been badly broken. Finally we have little confidence in the democratic system, whereby one of our elected councillors will be unable to represent his constituents, as he also sits on the planning committee, and while not in any way doubting his integrity, surely this helps explain the skewed number of proposals in Portchester West.



There is inadequate infrastructure to support this building. The roads are overcrowded now, school, doctors & hospitals are oversubscribed. Open spaces are needed for air quality and wildlife needs protecting.



Other sites within the borough which consist of grassland, farmland, scrub, bramble or immature self seeded trees have been rejected for reasons of ecological importance or landscape sensitivity. These appear to be no better or worse than the Portchester sites. Radian Homes already have demonstrated an arrogance to the environment. In addition to the Environmental aspects of such developments on greenfield and farmland will not protect farmland as stated in the Natural Environment section of the plan (9.10) Congestion on roads, particularly on the A27 between Portchester and Fareham is significant at 4 sites so close to the road. Schools are over subscribed.



There is no more space, too many people, too many cars, not enough roads or facilities, ie doctors/schools etc



The Residents of Fareham did not have the advantage of an issues & options stage of public consultation before the draft local plan was produced & presented to them. It is good practice & many other local councils give their residents this opportunity. In the Natural Environment section it is stated that -development may be permitted where it can be demonstrated that protected & priority species & their associated habitats, breeding grounds & foraging area are protected. They are not being protected on the Portcehster sites at the moment despite continued complaints to Fareham Borough Council & There is no confidence that they will be protected in the future.



We need to conserve all our current open spaces for natural habitat. Protect the environment from the traffic pollution which would be incurred if these builds go ahead OR DO WE INTEND to be wearing protective masks in the future like some other over populated areas.



Too many homes have been planned for Portchester. The sites are not spread evenly across the Borough. 750 homes is unacceptable for Portchester. Traffic is already at saturation point on local roads – all sites in Portchester Cornoway Lane, Cranleigh Road, Wicor Mill Lane, Westlands Grove etc A27 already congested at peak hours. No point in travelling from Portchester to Fareham after 3pm as traffic at a standstill and polluting the environment. There could be in excess of another 1500 vehicles if these applications get the go ahead. The doctors surgeries are already over subscribed with up to one one waiting lists. The sites put forward are all green sites. Not enough consideration has been given to the natural environment for wildlife and woodlands, hedgerows and open spaces. All sites are adjacent to SSS1 and Ransor sites. These Portchester sites are more environmentally important than other sites in the Borough that have been rejected for the very reason.



I am objecting to all of the proposed houses in the Porchester area we do not have the schools or doctors surgeries to cope with the proposed houses. Fareham is investing money in our air pollution and now plan to increase the amount of cars that will sit outside In traffic ques and drive past the biggest school in the area spilling out fumes into the school and up and down the road leading to the Delmi roundabout where hundreds of children are walking to and from school. The Road structure cannot cope with the extra cars the likes of the thicket will become a rat run, your cars trying to get in and out of Winnard Farm and one slight accident on the thin bridge will cause a complete grid lock up and down the hill and with an accident on the Motorway Portchester would come to a standstill as it would not be able to cope leading to move pollution on the main road that the local children use to get to and from school or any of the already over loaded amenities the schools, doctors and other amenities are already struggling to cope.



The site development allocation proposals are unevenly balanced towards Portchester. Portchester sites which are on farmland, grassland, and close proximity to Portsmouth Harbour SPA are allocated, yet other sites in the rest of the Borough have been rejected for these very reasons. Portchester is not 'highly urban' as Fareham BC states. It merits the presence of its current village status and to carry through all of these proposals in Portchester alone would severely compromise the character and landscape that Portchester currently provides.



I object to those planned buildings. we do not have the Doctors to cope with the people living in these areas as it is. No room in the schools either. How will the QA cope. I drive home from Gosport everyday from work to Birdwood Grove, the traffic, build up is getting worse and I can often be found sitting in a traffic jam from the bird estate roundabout to my Birdwood turning longer than it takes me to travel home from Gosport ferry. How Bad will this become with the extra houses.



We were told to support the Welbourne plan because it would mean all the smaller local developments would not be required. Now we are being told, just because Welbourne is now running late, all the smaller local developments have to go ahead regardless. We are being told the housing need is too urgent, and cannot wait for Welbourne. This is totally untrue. If this was the case, no house in Portchester would ever be on sale for more than 24 hours. A simple case of supply and demand. The additional pressures on local roads, schools, doctors' surgeries from these developments will bring misery to the lives of existing Portchester residents, and affect property values and quality of life. Our roads are clogged enough as it is. The residents of Portchester, and the other Fareham wards, should not be punished or have their home lives affected and properties devalued, simply because Welbourne is running late. The fact that Welborne is running late is not our fault, and we should not be expected to pay the price as a result. Hands off Portchester – wait for Welbourne!



We live in St Catherines Way. It is already difficult to exit on to Downend Road, and then to get on to the A27 and the motorway during rush hour. Much of the traffic will be going to and leaving naval establishments on the top of the hill. Others use Downend Road as an alternative to major roads. The proposed building of 350 houses will generate about 500 extra vehicles using the access roads to the site, which will make the situation much worse. Downend Road, once over the railway, and the road across the top of the hill, are both narrow, and therefore difficult when there is heavier traffic. It is particularly difficult when cyclists use the route - there isn't room to overtake with safety and queues build up. We sometimes use the alternative of the Thicket, but this is not fit for heavy traffic. No doubt this development will place a great strain on the Thicket. Since we moved here in 2000 there has been an increase in traffic using St Catherines Way as a 'rat run' - avoiding the junction with the A27 and Downend Road. This proposal would increase traffic in St Catherines Way. There appears to be no way to widen the southern part of Downend Road, or the roads around Cams Bridge. All in all, the increased congestion on the roads accessing the Downend Road East site make it a highly undesirable project.



I am writing to object to the proposed development, primarily, of HA4 Downend Road East (Winnham Farm) and secondly, of HA5 Romsey Avenue and HA6 Cranleigh Road. The main reason for my objection is the lack of transport infrastructure to cope with the likely 1400 cars that these developments will generate in a very close area. I have little faith that any promises of improved transport infrastructure as part of these developments will actually help alleviate the traffic chaos that comes with living in the Fareham area. From what I have seen, projects to alleviate traffic problems merely paper over the cracks and give residents little value for money (eg Fareham Station area roadworks). The Delme roundabout approach from Portchester is chaos most mornings and evenings and any changes that could be made to it will surely be negated by the extra traffic trying to get in/out of Fareham and Gosport from all the other proposed developments. The junction at the Down End road and A27 traffic lights often backs up beyond the railway bridge to where the proposed entry to the Winnham Farm development is. The railway bridge is not wide enough should 2 LGV's meet, especially if a footpath is to be kept. The access onto the M27 at junction 11 from Boarhunt often has a traffic queue of 50 plus cars that barely moves between traffic light changes. This will become a prime route onto the M27 with these proposed developments. I have not seen any detail about how these problem areas will be improved, merely comments that the developers will contribute towards costs of improving transport infrastructure. I find it difficult to see how, with any amount of money, the current road system in these areas can be improved to accommodate this number of extra car journeys at peak times, especially when typically there are 2-3 days a week when an incident on the M27 or A27 already causes gridlock on the local roads. The area South/West of the M27 is quite frankly full. If housing is required make Wellbourne happen, at its originally proposed capacity with proper access to the M27 at J10 and J11. Please don't make existing residents suffer further with a patchwork approach of squeezing in badly considered housing developments within an already broken transport infrastructure.



Downend Road south of the proposed site is a narrow residential road accessed across an extremely narrow railway bridge that has no footway and no space for a footway or a cycle lane. The stretch of road between the site and the A27 has a weight restriction. It is heavily used by traffic accessing the Royal Armouries museum, the workplaces along Portsdown Hill, the NHS parking on Portsdown Hill and the driving test centre. In the late afternoon the traffic queue back from the A27 traffic lights already reaches back past the railway bridge. In the late afternoon and early evening the queue back along the A27 from the Delme Roundabout stretches back past the junction with Downend Road so that traffic cannot exit Downend Road and changing the traffic lights will not address this. At this time, it is already not possible to safely turn right out of The Thicket on to Downend Road as queuing traffic makes it impossible to see whether any vehicles or cyclists are heading up Downend Road from the A27. In addition, to avoid the Downend Road/A27 traffic lights, drivers use Cams Hill, St Catherine's Way, The Causeway and The Thicket as alternative routes - these are all residential streets with parking and blind bends and do not have the capacity for the inevitable increase in traffic that would result. At the start and end of the school day, many parents use these streets to drop off or pick up Cams School pupils causing congestion - additional traffic in these streets risks the safety of the pupils.

Anonymous submission


"Comments on draft local plan as below: 1. An additional 350 new dwellings would generate an additional load on the already congested road network around Fareham east. 2. The A27 westbound is already above capacity during peak hours, with traffic at a standstill between the Condor avenue and Delme roundabouts now a constant occurrence. This will only get worse due to the proposed developments to the East of Fareham and also due to the retail outlets currently being developed at Northarbour. 3. Has a thorough survey of traffic pollution, both noise and environmental been carried out? Reference to AQMA's is made in the draft local plan, but this is primarily for Nitrogen dioxide, and does not cover the stretch of highway mentioned in 2 above. Airborne particulate contamination also needs to be addressed. 4. The core planning principles in NPPF Section 17 para 7 states "" contribute to conserving and enhancing the natural environment and reducing pollution. Allocations of land for development should prefer land of lesser environmental value, where consistent with other policies in this Framework"" I fail to see how the proposed development satisfies this statement. 4. The Bridge crossing the railway line on Downend road is not wide enough for 2 lanes of traffic and pedestrians/cyclists. I use this bridge as a pedestrian frequently and would never cross when 2 cars are approaching from opposite directions, it is just too dangerous. 5. Traffic leaving the proposed development wishing to travel east on the A27 are likely to use the Thicket as their primary route due to frequent congestion at the Downend road/A27 traffic lights. Mention is made of improvements at this junction, this will not help the situation as traffic is stationary around this junction, not due to it. This will turn the Thicket into a ""rat run"". The Thicket is already being used as a ""rat run"" for traffic heading in both easterly and westerly directions so this will only get worse. What measures can be put in place to prevent this occurring? 6. The local infrastructure cannot cope with this increasing demand for housing. Schools are full and have waiting lists 7. Doctors surgeries seem to be increasingly busy, it now being routine to have to wait 2 to 3 weeks for an appointment 8. Increased anti social behaviour is a concern in the Thicket due to pedestrian access from the proposed development into the Thicket, principally littering. This is already becoming more of an issue, with local residents being proactive in litter picking to preserve the appearance of the area"



"In the Fareham Local Plan Core Strategy 2011, it reported, ""The Council does not expect Portchester to play a significant role in providing further housing provision over the plan period. The SHLAA identifies the settlement as capable of providing limited housing development (around 60 dwellings)."" What has changed since 2011 to warrant an application for 350 properties on this one site alone? I believe this site is not sustainable, there is inadequate infrastructure and therefore it is an unsound plan for the following reasons:- 1. There is no highway infrastructure in place. 2. There are currently high levels of congestion around Downend Road and the A27 past Cams School leading to Fareham, the M27 junction and the A32 Gosport road. Traffic invariably ends up at a standstill at peak times. With the building of 350 new properties, this will obviously exacerbate the current problem. 3. The increase in traffic will result in an increase in vehicle emissions causing pollution, both at the construction stage and once the development has been built. 4. Road safety will be an issue - Wicor and Cams school children will be put in more danger as extra vehicles will be using the local roads as a result of the new development. There will also be an increase in the number of children travelling to and from schools leading to potential road safety problems. 5. There is no infrastructure in place to accommodate extra residents. There will be increased pressure on the local GP surgeries which are already over-subscribed. A fortnight wait for a GP appointment is normal at the present time and this will be further exacerbated. There will also be increased pressure on the local schools which will be unable to accommodate the increased number of children requiring school places coming into the area. 6. There will be a loss of agricultural land - poorer quality land should be sought for development rather than better quality farming land. 7. Portchester is losing its identity and individuality as a village by being gradually joined up with Fareham. 8. This development will have an impact on Portsdown Hill which is classed as a SSSI, thus spoiling this area of historical and archaeological importance."



Winham Farm is a working farm and should be protected it is part of the character of the local area and provides employment and essential food.



The A27 is regularly congested, cars from these houses would all be exiting onto the A27 and would further increase the time it takes to drive into Fareham. Local schools are already full with waiting lists and there are long waits for routine appointments to see a Doctor. Portchester has a high number of proposed developments compared to other areas in the borough, it seems to be at risk of loosing it's valuable green spaces and the wildlife that live there.



"I wish to register my objection to this proposed planning application for the following reasons. 1. There is no highway infrastructure in place. 2. There are currently high levels of congestion around Downend Road and the A27 past Cams School leading to Fareham, the M27 junction and the A32 Gosport road. Traffic invariably ends up at a standstill at peak times. With the building of 350 new properties, this will obviously exacerbate the current problem. 3. The increase in traffic will result in an increase in vehicle emissions causing pollution, both at the construction stage and once the development has been built. 4. Road safety will be an issue - Wicor and Cams school children will be put in more danger as extra vehicles will be using the local roads as a result of the new development. There will also be an increase in the number of children travelling to and from schools leading to potential road safety problems. 5. There is no infrastructure in place to accommodate extra residents. There will be increased pressure on the local GP surgeries which are already over-subscribed. A fortnight wait for a GP appointment is normal at the present time and this will be further exacerbated. There will also be increased pressure on the local schools which will be unable to accommodate the increased number of children requiring school places coming into the area. 6. There will be a loss of agricultural land - poorer quality land should be sought for development rather than better quality farming land. 7. Portchester is losing its identity and individuality as a village by being gradually joined up with Fareham. 8. This development will have an impact on Portsdown Hill which is classed as a SSSI, thus spoiling this area of historical and archaeological importance. 9. Finally, the Fareham Local Plan Core Strategy 2011reported, ""The Council does not expect Portchester to play a significant role in providing further housing provision over the plan period. The SHLAA identifies the settlement as capable of providing limited housing development (around 60 dwellings)."" What has changed since 2011 to warrant an application for 350 properties on this one site alone?"



"I strongly object to the proposed development on this site largely on the grounds of unacceptably large increases in traffic volumes. [redacted] and have done so for over 30 years. We have over this time witnessed increasing volumes of traffic and major queues in the Downend Road area. This development will cause a dramatic increase in traffic not only at peak times but other times during the day. The proposed site has only one vehicle entry and exit point which is onto Downend Road. You mention in the plan that the primary highway access will be onto Downend Road; in fact it is the only way for vehicles to enter and access the proposed development. ALL traffic will have to go onto Downend Road ; the only other ways of accessing the estate will be through some pedestrian walkways and through a bridge over the main railway line; with regard to the latter it has been suggested that this would could or would become a vehicle access point but this would not be feasible as the bridge isn't safe (it has a strict weight limit on it ) or large enough for regular vehicular traffic and would need a major development to replace and I would assume also there would be quite justifiable objections from neighbouring houses if this was to happen. For our part we have already seen a major increase in traffic past our house and through the Downend estate since the construction of a new housing development on the land between Birdwood Grove and Shearwater Avenue. Residents coming from Fareham turn off the dual carriageway and up Cams Hill Road then turn right into The Ridgeway and then at the end of the road they turn right onto Downend Road and enter the "Shearwater estate" through the traffic lights; they do this because they cannot be bothered to go up to the Condor Avenu/Oysell Gardens roundabout 100 yards up the road where they are supposed to double back and enter the estate off the westbound A27 as it avoids them waiting at two sets of traffic lights. This new development will see even more traffic turning off the eastbound A27 into Cams Hill close and spilling out onto Downend Road from either the Ridgeway Exit or the St Catherines' way exit. This WILL happen because residents of the proposed HA4 development will quickly realise they can cut out the Downend Road traffic lights and they will use our road (the Ridgeway ) and/or St Catherine's Way as a rat run to exit onto Downend Road and then into their estate. This will substantially, adversely, and intolerably affect the amenity that we currently enjoy and have done for over 30 years. If 350 houses are built there will be a minimum of 350 vehicles entering and exiting the estate or at least 700 extra vehicle movements per day; you should be aware that the volume of traffic going up and down Downend Road is reaching saturation point particularly at peak times from work traffic in the mornings and afternoons and at school times - [redacted]. Residents sometimes have to turn around and return home at peak times as they cannot readily get out onto Downend Road. The council should take this issue into account when considering this plan which I and others regard as unacceptable and which we will be campaigning heavily against. It is clear to me that the Council are already aware that there will be unacceptable levels of traffic associated with this proposed development as the carefully worded notes show that there is an intent to carry out "off site highway improvements and mitigation works to the junction of Downend Road and the A27 and Delme Roundabout" ; if this is intended to overcome the objections of local residents then it underestimates their intelligence, their experience and their local knowledge. There is no possibility of eliminating the impact of this development and the careful wording makes it clear here is no intention to do so but merely to "mitigate " the damage leaving the residents to put up with the inconvenience of yet another inconsiderate development as we have already experienced with the increased traffic arising from the nearby Shearwater development. Frankly we were surprised that a development would be proposed as we understood that the Welbourn development would see some 6000 houses being built but it seems that now only 3840 houses are planned and as a result other communities are faced with unexpected and unacceptable developments on their doorstep to correct what appears to be someone's error."



If this proposed development of Winnham Farm is approved, there is the potential for around 700 additional cars exiting into Downend Road – as this will be the only access road for the 350 homes – and possibly diverting on to The Thicket to avoid the traffic. Anyone who currently uses these roads will already have experienced extensive delays at peak times along the A27 towards Fareham, and this can only get worse. The traffic using Downend Road is already very heavy – particularly in rush hours. Those of us who live on The Causeway, The Ridgeway and their offshoots – St Catherine's Way, Alum Way, Ventnor Way, Tor Close, Cams Hill, Paradise Lane and Crest Close – have no other exit from the immediate area: we have to use Downend Road to go anywhere. During the rush hour, we are already dependent on a kind soul in the stream of cars on Downend Road letting us out. If another 700 cars are joining Downend Road above us, our chances of getting access onto Downend Road will diminish even further. The additional, longer bottlenecks arising from the huge increase in car numbers will no doubt result in avoidance tactics – the increased use of the rat run along Cams Hill, St Catherine's Way and The Causeway. This quiet residential area will suffer even more from speeding drivers, eager to get quick access onto Portsdown Hill. Another concern is the very narrow railway bridge on Downend Road. The situation is already very difficult for pedestrians (I walk across that bridge every day) and cyclists, and the possibility of hundreds of additional cars crossing this bridge will make it even more dangerous. Surely, for environmental reasons, we should be encouraging people to walk and cycle, not making it such a hazard that they will be taking their life into their hands to do so. Our infrastructure seems already to be buckling under the strain. Cams Hill School and other local schools are over-subscribed, and it is already a difficult task to get a doctor's appointment in local surgeries, with waiting times of up to to 3 to 4 weeks. People must have homes, particulalrly affordable homes, but this is NOT the right location.



This site proposed for development in Portchester is on farmland. In the Natural Environment section of the plan (9.10) it is stated that "There are many other habitats which are of significant environmental amenity and ecological value within the Borough which should also be conserved and enhanced. These include habitats like: river valleys, road verges, individual important hedgerows and trees (veteran and mature), urban forests, parks and gardens, and farmland." Allocating this site does not constitute conserving and enhancing farmland. As with the other two sites in Portchester access to the development is unsatisfactory. Downend Road is already congested at peak times and side roads such as The Thicket are used as 'rat runs'. With traffic generated by such a development, this would only become worse and the risk of accidents involving school children walking to and from Cams and Wicor schools would increase.



Winnham Farm site This new development will not support a vibrant and healthy community. It will impact on the quality of life for local residents every day due to traffic flow and fumes, loss of open space, increased waits at local surgeries and hospitals, difficulty accessing education choices as well as increased traffic. Traffic builds up on the A27 and the junction at the bottom of Downend Road is often difficult to negotiate. Traffic often backs up on Downend Road to the junction with The Thicket during rush hour adn this will be exacerbated with an extra 300 houses in addition to Romsey Ave 225 Cranleigh and Seafield. The railway bridge just above The Thicket is narrow with no pavement which will be dangerous for pedestrians. I believe there is a private road just above the motorway bridge which could be explored to provide direct access to the motorway junction. With increased traffic comes an increase in air pollution which will have a detrimental effect on the wellbeing of all residents. Local authorities have an obligation through Local Air Quality Management LAQM to review and assess air quality however the nearest monitoring point for PM25 is in Southampton and there are no NO2 monitoring stations in Portchester. There are limited spaces in all Portchester schools and although there are many out of catchment children in all of these schools meaning there may be places in years R and 11 this means that many families will find themselves with children at two primary schools or two secondary schools and this will increase traffic and stress for children, parents and other road users at pick up times. Paragraph 72 of the NPPF states' The Government attaches great importance to ensuring that sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing communities. It seems that there is not a proactive, collaborative or positive approach to solving this problem. There is a two week waiting list for appointments at the local surgery in West lands Grove and the chemist is always bursting to overflowing. I do not think that they have the storage facilities to cope with any more prescriptions generated by the new residents of Winham field. There seems to be a lack of infrastructure to support this and other developments in Portchester which appears not to be important to Fareham Borough Council. Combined with other proposed housing in Portchester without adequate infrastructure planning will have a detrimental effect on the safety and wellbeing of Portchester residents.



While I would not wish to see this site developed at all. Downend Road simply will not cope with all the additional traffic. There will be a huge safety issue for the Cams Hill school children. If this site goes ahead an additional exit must be considered into Danes Road or Dore Avenue to the East of the site. Whilst this will destroy yet more green open space, we have to put the safety first and consider the lives of working people trying to access the motorway which is already not fit for purpose.



"I am particularly concerned about the proposal to build around 350 new homes on the site of Winnham Farm, using the existing access point in Down End Road, just north of the railway bridge. The development would be in addition to approximately 400 new homes planned for three other sites in this part of Portchester. If this goes ahead, it would inevitably increase pressure on our already over-stretched GP surgeries, hospitals, emergency services, schools, and traffic congestion. We would expect to see even longer traffic queues on Down End Road, the A27 and junction 11 of the M27 at peak times, with a high probability of an increasing number of drivers using The Spinney and The Thicket as a shortcut to both the A27 and the M27 (via Swivelton Lane). This project will also be detrimental to the current character of Portchester (West of Downend) which is to the casual observer both coastal and semi rural. The western end of Portsdown Hill above Portchester is unspoilt by major housing developments particularly north of the M27; and maintains the sense of open green spaces. To build in this area will in brief cause: Extra delays to emergency vehicles, in particular the ambulances who use Down End Road as a primary route to and from Queen Alexandra Hospital. Additional pollution from vehicles queuing in Down End Road at peak times, and increased traffic on the narrow, weight restricted bridge over the railway. Danger to pedestrians and cyclists who would face a dangerous situation where the proposed pedestrian/cycle route meets the blind corner in The Thicket. Similarly crossing the ""bottle-neck"" bridge in Down End Road will cause severe problems for pedestrian and cyclists particularly for school children walking to school from(to) the new estate. An increase to delays in accessing GP and hospital appointments/admissions, An increase of extra pupils to local schools, again causing additional rush hour traffic problems. A complete change to the character of Portchester."



Housing Site: HA4 SHLAA Reference: 3030 Name: Downend Road East Proposed Use: Residential Location: Portchester Indicative Capacity: 350 dwellings Size: 21.1 ha Planning Status: Subject to EIA screening application: P/17/0592/EA (June 2017) Council advice The Government has changed the way future housing needs are calculated and, by following its guidance, we have determined that more than 8,000 new homes must be built in Fareham between now and 2036. Welborne is a major new community being planned for the north of Fareham which will include up to 6,000 homes, workplaces, schools, green space, shops and local community services. New roads and utilities infrastructure will also be required to support the new community. However, this means Fareham are still short of 2000 homes. Comments Planning department, please would you submit these on my behalf. Roads 1. Proposed developer Miller Homes identify themselves as a respected national homebuilder with an established reputation for building outstanding quality family homes. 350 dwellings of the standard proposed by Miller Homes on this prime site will encourage well to do people with 2 to 3 cars per family. Even 30% social housing would eventually be acquired under the 'right to purchase' and sold to the highest bidder which will result in 700 plus vehicles and far exceed the Miller Homes estimate where it anticipates the development would lead to a further 200 vehicle movements during peak hours. 2. Primary highway access will be focused on Downend Road, a road already suffering with long traffic tailbacks, especially at peak hours, where school run traffic and traffic using the Portsdown Hill road to bypass the M27 and A27 currently makes life difficult for local residents attempting to exit the adjoining estates. 3. Any financial contribution from the developers towards the delivery of the site highway improvement and mitigations works to the junction of Downend Road with the A27 and Delme Roundabout would be minimal, lodged in the Council accounts maybe and although ring fenced are very rarely enough for anything more than minor improvements. 4. East bound traffic will be using The Thicket as a short cut and finance should be guaranteed for a set of traffic lights at the junction of The Thicket and Portchester Road (A27). Alternatively, the making The Thicket after it's junction with Winnham Drive one-way in a westbound direction. 5. For westbound traffic, the developer should also finance a new road along the north side of the railway line with a connection to the Delme Roundabout running into or parallel to the motorway off slip road which is the only way to mitigate west bound traffic. Health 6. The GP surgeries in the area are unable to cope with an influx of this size. Suggest that money is provided by the developers to bolster the limited funds of the local health authority which will assist towards expansion of facilities.



These comments refer to HA$ and HA5. In the context of roads and traffic, Portchester is bounded to the north by the M27 motorway, to the south by the sea, to the west by the Delme roundabout, and to the east by the M27 motorway and the sea. A railway line runs between to the M27 motorway and the A27, the arterial route through the area. The area between where the motorway crosses the A27 at Port Solent and the Delme roundabout is in effect a tightly bounded corridor through which all local traffic has to pass. 'Rat-running' options are very limited as to traffic has to cross the railway to the north of the A27 by one of three crossing places: Hill Road, Cornaway Lane/Dore Avenue (which bring traffic back out onto Hill Road) and Downend Road. Apart from some light industrial units in Castle Trading Estate and small number of retail shops in Portchester precinct and in White Hart Lane, Portchester is essentially a residential area. There is a small amount of employment in care and education in the area. As a result, the majority of residents will travel outside the immediate area for work and most will have no option but to use the A27 during some part of their journey. The proposed developments will provide circa 650 new dwellings which implies there will be roughly 1300 additional cars. Delays on the A27 are already frequent and can occur at any point between the Delme roundabout and the traffic lights at the Marriott Hotel. A west bound journey from the latter along the foreshore, and through the traffic lights to the Castle Street Round during peak times is crawl and one that has been exacerbated by the opening on the Lidl store at the junction of the A27 and Castle Trading Estate. Further west, the traffic is nose to tail between the Downend Road traffic lights and the Delme roundabout every evening and serves only as precursor to the queue which stretches every evening from M27 Junction 11, along Gosport Road to the Quay Street roundabout and along Western Way to Station Roundabout. The additional traffic arising from the proposed development will worsen the situation significantly. Air quality in along the A27 is already poor and the additional traffic will add to pollution levels and further degrade the living environment. At a specific level, proposals to make the main entrance to development HA4 via Downend Road will result in exacerbate an already bad situation at the traffic lights at the junction of Downend Road and the A27. Similarly, proposals to make the main entrance to developments HA5 via Romsey Avenue/Beaulieu Avenue or Hatherley Cresent/White Hart Lane are ill conceived due to the width of the main access way and size of the roads. All the traffic will in any case have to join the A27 at some point. A further consideration is the availability of services in the area. Primary and secondary schools are already at or very near capacity and children from homes in the new developments will face difficult journeys to schools outside the Portchester area (which will mean travelling along the A27). Doctors and other medical facilities are also at full. Given these constraints, I believe that Portchester is unable to support the developments being contemplated by HA4 and HA5 (and HA6 and HA12) and that the Newlands Farm/Land South of Longfield Avenue (application no. P/15/1279/OA) is a better option and should be adopted.



The traffic between the Portchester Road/Dore Avenue roundabout and the Delme roundabout is already at gridlock at certain times of the day. Equally, the Down End Road is queued solid to the traffic lights at busy times. The addition of 350 houses being built off the Down End Road would just be unsustainable. The traffic lights cannot handle the amount of traffic today, without long queues in every direction. There are not enough school places or availability at Doctors' surgeries to support the population increase. The air quality will be negatively affected by the extra traffic. Looking at the overall Draft Fareham Local Plan 20136, there appears to be a larger number of houses to be build in Portchester than in other areas of Fareham. Where is the Newlands Farm/land south of Longfield Avenue site in this plan? Why is it not included? Cranleigh Road is already started, and that is in this plan.



I object to Seafield being added to the local draft plan. My reasons are at present this site is classified as countryside and open space and should remain so. The access road via Moraunt Drive is totally unsuitable, the site is and has been for many years the home to a vast variety of wildlife and is one of the last sites of it's nature in Portchester. I object to all of these proposed developments on the basis that Portchester does not have the infrastructure to support any of these developments being added to the local draft plan. The schools are already at maximum capacity, the waiting list for doctors regular appointments is currently 2-3 weeks. The roads are at peak times already congested. If an accident happens on the motorway Portchester becomes gridlocked, so yes I object because we do not have anyway of improving the infrastructure at all.






Where to start? I feel that any comments I make about the additional infrastructure that would be required in the Portchester area, if these sites are built, will be completely ignored by the council and house builders alike...It seems that FBC aren't even concerned with the already dangerous levels of pollution in the area...I can't help but feel that those people that make these disastrous decisions about our communities know nothing about the place, and display a total disregard for the residents who live in these areas... So, I'll talk in more depth about just one of the issues that I disagree with entirely...I grew up in Lancaster Close, Portchester, which sits next to the quiet, leafy footpath of Upper Cornaway Lane. Twenty years later and I now live right next to this haven of wildlife and tranquility. One of the major concerns I have with this proposed development is that Miller Homes are proposing to turn this beautiful lane into a more accessible right of way for the new housing. Residents that I have spoken to who live near this lane agree that any redevelopment or alteration would totally destroy one of the few remaining leafy havens in Portchester. I am also extremely concerned about the potential rise in late night crime/anti social behaviour that any redevelopment of this path would inevitably lead to. Unfortunately we won't see any extra policing to serve these new developments, so again, residents are left to feel helpless and vulnerable in an altered environment. For the past 40 years this path has been busy with walkers and bustling with birds during the day, where only foxes and other wild life delve at night. Miller Homes - please leave this path alone and reconsider your proposed rights of way in to this absurd proposed development...



We do not need any more houses in the fareham area now that Wellborne is finally making progress. The council had previously promised that if the residents accepted the Wellborne proposal then the rest of the green field sites would be protected. Surely the council is not going back on its word! The traffic queue on Down End Road in the morning and evening rush hours waiting to turn right at the traffic lights onto an already jammed A27 is often backed up to the motorway bridge. Further developments off Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh Road will only make it even worse. The A27 is already overloaded towards the Delme Roundabout and beyond. Child care facilities, school places and doctors surgeries are also strained. Adequate road improvements and services need to be in place before any more building. The understanding is that the Wellborne development will include all these.

Anonymous submission


This whole development plans for our area is an absolute NO NO. Our surgeries overloaded, as is schools. Traffic is a nightmare now, 740 more cars (or 1480) would cause CHAOS. Wildlife so affected by development. Emergency Services have trouble passing through traffic. The A27 is so congested now. Most housing will have 1 or 2 cars. What is classed as "Affordable". When 1 2 bedroom showing on Right Move as £299,000. Pollution is at High Level now, can only get worse. All sites within Portchester should be REJECTED. FBC & Planning have failed to support the community. Sad that our local wildlife will be gone! Community facilities not even thought about. FBC should leave Portchester out of the mass Development Plans. Asbestos and oil pipes have been noted in the past from MOD as being buried under Cranleigh site.



This is an 'unsound' draft plan to include agricultural land when other sites have not been included eg site 3017, 3109, 3036, 1341. Especially suggest putting in site 3008 Land South of Longfield Avenue Fareham when infrastructure will be in place. Poor transport links, no change in road development Delme roundabout, Cams School traffic lights. Narrow pavements danger to school children. No open space suitable to improve health and well being in the area so this has not been achieved and more development will only cause more pollution which has been identified at Delme roundabout. Local health hubs put under pressure no extra senior school places making traffic movement greater to other areas. No more employment in area to stop use of cars travelling around area. Housing allocation will not reflect type of housing needed, smaller families, single people, older person. Build well developed sustainable small housing areas which allow people to live in an environment which will improve their well being. Don't put everyone in blocks of flats with no open space give people space to grow food, feel they belong in a community that cares. That means smaller housing to support people, no large 4/5 bedroom double garage houses that please the developers for the cash returns.



My objection is as follows: 1. There is very little 'green space' left in the area as it is without concreting that which remains. 2. The road infrastructure is inadequate as it is and Welbourne as yet to rear its ugly head. Any further development will overwhelm the road layout. Downend Rd with its narrow rail bridge will cause problems for vehicles and pedestrians alike. 3. Medical facilities within the Portchester area are overstretched. QA hospital is nigh at saturation point without Welbourne let alone any other development. 4. The current schools would appear to have any spare capacity and no magic wand will cure that. 5. I am not convinced that the Portsmouth Water Company has additional reservoirs to satisfy future needs let alone extra houses. 6. The state of the drains in the area is at best poor and more houses will not improve matters. 7. The police in the area are stretched and more people having a demand on their services will not improve matters. 8. The comments re the police applies equally to the Fire & Rescue Service. 9. The residents were informed that with the Welbourne development would safeguard what green remained. This would appear to be a lie!! 10. The M27 has difficulty coping with the current loading so more houses (more cars etc) will not help. 11. Please wake up & listen to the electorate for once!



The development proposed for WINNHAM FARM and other proposed plans for Portchester will have a severe adverse impact on the road network and schools in the area. WINNHAM FARM has only one road in and out proposed. Already DOWNEND ROAD is a bottleneck and cars at 0800-0900 – 1600-1830 queues at traffic lights 20 deep along the A27. If we are to have 700 new homes in Portchester we will require more schools and doctors. I have to wait 2 weeks to get an appointment at present and with more families in the area this surgery will not cope. The DELME ROUNDABOUT that has access to residents from PORTCHESTER to M27 motorway is very congested at peak times and cars park everywhere at the school and close to the school. I find it unconceivable that no road infrastructure has been put forward not only because of the foreseeable amount of traffic, but also the pollution in and around the area. This will seriously affect the area and I believe the M27 will not cope. I do not believe these proposals especially WINNHAM FARM should go ahead and strongly object to this proposal. Why should Portchester and Fareham have such a high percentage of houses proposed (700). The council have not thought or consulted local residents no schools, doctors, dentist, parking has been considered. The council needs to speed up WELBOURNE.



You are proposing to build about 700 homes around the Portchester area. This without any thought to the impact on infrastructure = schools, roads, access to doctors etc – traffic on the A27is already awful at peak times, traffic jams all the way up to the Delme roundabout and also on Down End Road leading to the A27. Pollution in Fareham is at a high, impacting on the health of our children and elderly people especially who are weaker. Before proposing a site allocated to housing you should have a detailed plan, on what you are proposing in terms of infrastructure, ie. budget & that will be allocated. How many more doctors, teachers and school places have been budgeted for – where is the money coming from? Will the new housing developments benefit the people living in Fareham or will people from other areas flock to Fareham in which case our young people will not benefit. What happened to the Welbourne project???

Anonymous submission


I am objecting to the above development. The obvious impact on traffic, schools and surgeries is of little interest to anyone in Planning unless you live here, so I will not waste my time complaining about these issues. HOWEVER, I am concerned about the 'pedestrian access' onto Upper Cornaway Lane. This is a narrow unmade up lane which has been used for decades by dog walkers and horse riders up to the motorway. It would ruin the environment and local habitat if it were to be tarmaced and street lighting installed, which would be 'required' by the new residents of Winnham Farm to accommodate the flow of mums to local schools and worse people returning from local pubs in the evening.



Down End Road is narrow over railway bridge and has no pavements extra traffic will use The Thicket to avoid the traffic lights.



Winnham Farm Planning Application P/17/0592/EA Recently we read from the Road Safety Foundation that the: A32 - From the M27 junction 10 to Delme roundabout, Quay Street roundabout to the Gosport Ferry terminal is on the top ten list of the UK's most dangerous/high risk roads. Should we be adding to this by encouraging even more vehicles down off Portsdown Hill along Downend Road and over the narrow railway bridge. While travelling northwards cars attempt to save time by avoiding the traffic lights at the bottom of Downend Hill, at the junction to the A27, and driving far faster than is acceptable for a residential area, through Cams Hill, St. Catherine's Way and The Causeway, but even worse is the motorist who tries to avoid the lengthy downward queue on the hill by veering right through The Causeway, along St. Catherines's Way and out via The Ridgeway at an even faster speed. It appears the only way in and out of Winnham estate will be onto the Downend Road. Traffic at peak times at this junction will be substantial - what sort of a junction will be there. A roundabout or traffic lights? The existing railway bridge is narrow with no pedestrian segregation. Has any consideration been given to add an independent pedestrian crossing ie a bridge? I was under the impression that if Welbourne proceeded no housing infill would be carried out in Fareham/Gosport area. This though does not flag up the valuable farmland we would be loosing. Please think about our future.



1. Portchester cannot cope with any more traffic, rush hours, am & pm, jams the roads. The A27 being the only through road. This also happens any time there an accident between Junctions 9 & 12 of the M27. 2. Schools & surgeries are already full to capacity-any builder should be obliged to build school/extensions/surgeries not just give money to the County Council which will not be spent in Portchester. 3. Landscape sensitivity? The hill covered in more bricks. People have moved into Portchester and stayed because it is a village community. Any more housing will change this completely. 4. With only 2 buses going through Portchester, and one of those only on A27, cards will inevitably be used.



The extra traffic in Portchester from hundreds of extra homes. Will add immensely to the pollution particularly outside school as the traffic creeps down to Delme roundabout it's bad enough now. There are many sites put forward for development on the other side of Fareham which have good road systems, and room for improvement.



FBC quite clearly stated that with Welborne being built there would be no need to build on other sites, it matters not that Welborne may be late. In the current local plan Winnham Farm is designated as countryside and is outside of the urban fringe. This status should not be changed. The access proposed for Winnham Farm into Downend Road is totally unsuitable. To narrow the bridge in Downend Road and create a virtual footpath (as proposal by Miller Homes) is exceedingly dangerous for pedestrians. Also, to reduce each carriageway to some 2.4m is narrower than a parking space at the local supermarket. It also has a weight limit (bridge). When motorists realise that The Thicket is a convenient throughway it will become a rat run. Downend, namely The Thicket and The Spinney, is currently a very pleasant, quiet residential area, the proposed development of 350 houses on Winnham Farm will detroy this. It is exceedingly cruel to thrust this development on Downend. The increased traffic will cause untold mayhem on already heavily congested roads. FBC has not included any changes to the current infrastructure, eg: doctors, schools etc, as these are already stretched to their limit. To re-sequence the lights using the Puffin system (as proposed by Miller Homes) will have little impact on an already overloaded junction at Downend Road/A27. The congestion at the Delme Arms roundabout is already at crawling pace during peak times and will suffer further from any of the proposed housing developments at Winnham Farm, Downend Road, Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh Road.



1. This added to other Portchester sites does not provide for any additional infrastructure upgrades ie doctors, schools, hospital, roads etc. 2. Doctors surgeries at Portchester are already oversubscribed resulting in up to 3 weeks for a routine appointment. 3. The proposed development is on a green field site, brown field should be considered first. 4. The area at Winnham has serious implications for adverse impact on wildlife within the area. 5. The roads around Downend / Winnham are already congested, 350+ homes equals an extra 700 cars to already congested roads. 6. There was no advantage of the residents to have a public consultation to the modified draft local plan. 7. If the development does go ahead there is an obvious requirement to have an east and west vehicular access to the proposed development. 8. The Winnham Farm area should be a strategic gap area between Portchester and Fareham. 9. All of the proposed sites within Portchester should be taken as a whole and an environmental impact statement issued to determine the impact on local "life" and environment. 10. The Miller Homes impact statement is obviously "swayed" in their favour. 11. ALL Portchester sites should be re-considered for development as Portchester has not seen any infrastructure improvements for over 40 years! 12. I believe that the draft local plan and its amended version is UNSOUND as there has not been a robust and reasoning dialogue with Fareham residents in the decision making.



Large Format Response - Ref0043



Our objection to this development are the same as the Romsey Road one:- We object to this development because:- 1. The surrounding road will not cope with all the extra traffic. 2. The schools haven't spaces for large amounts of extra children. 3. Doctor surgeries are always busy, how are they going to manage. These problems never seemed to be addressed. The Downend Road is busy most of the day, at peak times it can be queued back to The Thicket, waiting for the traffic lights to change at the bottom. Changing the sequence of the lights is not the answer. Also will the narrow railway bridge just before The Causeway cope, and we all know The Thicket will be used as a rat run to avoid part of the A27.



1) This added to other Portchester sites, does not provide for any additional infrastructures upgrades, i.e. Doctors, Schools, Hospital, Roads etc. 2) Doctors surgeries at Portchester are already over- subscribed resulting in up to 3 weeks for a routine appointment. 3) The proposed development, is on a green field site, brown field should be considered first. 4) The area at Winnham has serious implications for adverse impact on wildlife within the area. 5) The roads around Downend/Winnham are already congested, 350 + homes equals an extra 700 cars to already congested roads. 6) There was no advantage of the residents to have a public consultation to the modified draft local plan. 7) If the development does go ahead there is an obvious requirement to have an east and west vehicular access to the proposed development. 8) The Winnham Farm area should be a strategic gap area between Portchester and Fareham. 9) All of the proposed sites within Portchester should be taken as a whole and an environmental impact statement issued to determine the impact on local "life" and environment. 10) The Miller Homes impact statement is obviously "swayed" in their favour. 11) All Portchester sites should be re-considered for development as Portchester has not seen any infrastructure improvements for over 40 years. 12) I believe that the draft local plan and its amended version is UNSOUND as there has not been a robust and reasoning dialogue with Fareham residents in the decision making. 13) [redacted] I am well aware of the extent of wildlife in the Winnham area notably deer, snakes, badgers and numerous bird species. This are should be set aside as a wildlife conservation area. 14) Should this development go ahead will the trees have preservation orders on them, thus giving some wildlife a chance or will Miller homes be allowed "carte blanche" to ruin this landscape.



Large Format Response - Ref0050

Anonymous submission


Southern Water is the statutory wastewater undertaker in Portchester. Housing Allocation HA4 allocates 350 dwellings at Downend Road East. In line with paragraph 162 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG), we have undertaken an assessment of our infrastructure and its ability to meet the forecast demand for the proposed development. That assessment reveals that additional local sewerage infrastructure would be required to accommodate the proposed development (involving making a connection to the network at the nearest point of adequate capacity). Southern Water has limited powers to prevent connections to the sewerage network, even when capacity is insufficient. Planning policies and planning conditions, therefore, play an important role in securing the necessary local sewerage infrastructure in parallel with the development. Specific policy provision would be in line with the NPPF. For instance, paragraph 157 of the NPPF states that Local Plans should 'plan positively for the development and infrastructure required in the area to meet the objectives, principles and policies of this framework'. Also paragraph 177 of the NPPF outlines that it is important to ensure that planned infrastructure is deliverable in a timely fashion. Accordingly, infrastructure and development policies should be planned at the same time in the Local Plan. Insufficient capacity is not a constraint to development as extra capacity can be provided. However, it is important to give early warning to prospective developers regarding the need for local sewerage infrastructure. Early warning will facilitate delivery of the necessary infrastructure as it can be incorporated early in the planning process. If the requisite infrastructure is not delivered, the sewers would become overloaded, leading to pollution of the environment. This situation would be contrary to paragraph 109 of the NPPF, which requires the planning system to prevent new and existing development from contributing to pollution. Accordingly we propose that the following criterion is added to policy HA4 (new text underlined): Planning permission will be granted provided that detailed proposals accord with the policies in the Local Plan and meet the following site specific requirements: [...] i) Provide a connection at the nearest point of adequate capacity in the sewerage network, in collaboration with the service provider.



Downmead Rd towards A27 junction and A27 Portchester-Delme roundabout already suffer server gridlock at peak times. This is already a health hazard for residents in the Downmead area. Please don't make it any worse ! Health of residents needs to be a higher priority for FBC.



Road already overloaded used as a Rat Run, approx. 900 extra vehicle movements daily. Children will need to travel out of the area for schooling. Fields producing grade 1 crops will be lost to housing more suitable sites, Subbington ,lockheath, swanwick. Wildlfe would be lost forever including deer, woodpeckers, water born animals at shoreline.



There would need to be major improvements to the rail bridge in Downend Road. Also Junction with the A27 is too busy to handle any more traffic. In the rush hours the traffic already queues past the proposed site.



we wish to have a recorded our objection to the proposed development of Winnham Farm, and the potential number of houses to be built. Our reason for objecting is not merely a selfish NIMBY response (not in my backyard); as we are fully sympathetic and in agreement with the Government's aim to build more houses in the countryside. Our objection is based on the proposal's aim of trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot with regard to existing infrastructures, needs and facilities available. It is also compounded by the unacceptable increase in the volume of road traffic that of road at the railway bridge is one point in question and the rush hour queues down onto the A27 and via The Thicket. We therefore, trust that due cognizance and consideration will be given to the proposed development, taking account of the already overburdened demands already currently placed on the area.



My first objection is due to building on Farm Land. My second is due to the increase in traffic on Downend Road. At certain times of the day it is impossible for us to enter or leave our drive. An increase in traffic will cause problems at the railway bridge and the junction with the A27.


The increase of population (plus 1000 more people) will overload all aspects of healthcare which is bad enough in this area. No bus to Park Gate hospital neither.



The impact of this development will further impact on the A27. Again no infrastructure is in place an no comment for highways. The density of this housing not sustainable. Air quality in Portchester is continually being eroded with constant noise and dust from development in Windmill Grove and now the building of 2 bungalows at the back of the old co op in White Hart Lane. My quality of life is being seriously affected from the noise near my home. I have walked many times through the woods down by the shore to enjoy the peace and quiet. Not any more. When will the situation stop. Once these sites are built on we have lost them forever.



At peak times the traffic on Downend road and the A27 (from beyond Birdwood Grove to the East of the viaduct roundabout to the West) is at a standstill. A considerable sum of money has recently been spent on trying to improve the flow of traffic in the avenue and yet this proposed development will cause greater problems. Not only would this cause considerable delays but would also increase the amount of air pollution - particularly worrying for houses that would support this development. Can barely cope at the moment and also applies to the local schools. The congestion in Downend road would likely increase the difficulties for traffic emerging from the ridgeway and the causeway. The thicket would also become more of a Rat Run than it is at the moment.



As I understand that this land is classified as country and open space. On that basis, it should not have been included in the local draft plan. I have lived overlooking this site for 30 years and have walked my dog over this area 1000s of times and I have seen the abundance if wildlife. Further the infrastructure (Doctors, schools, dentist etc). Cannot support the development nor can this road's further this additional pollutions, due to increased traffic is a major concern. The Council have already said they need to reduce pollution on this development contradicts that statement, I strongly object to this site being included in the draft local plan. Further to my comments RE: Seafield and Moraunt drive, this same is objections would be comments here. I would add in support as I understand it this local schools have no spaces they have waiting lists and no real possibility of increase class rooms or having the teaching staff for those class rooms, where will the children of these families on those new developments go to school? 'Gosport?' which means more traffic, more pollution, more grid lock at peak times 'a nonsense' this last times I wanted to see my Doctor I had to wait 3 weeks! There must be other sites which would not cause overcrowding with better access and spaces to provide a school doctors surgery etc. If you are going to allow a development do it properly and full with plenty of planning in all areas including protection of Wildlife Brownfields first not greenfield sites first. I strongly object on every count.



Portchester is known for its Roman Castle and its green spaces where much wildlife and fauna have made their homes some of which are protected species. This is what attracted me to the village and why I chose to make my home here more than 35 years ago. The local coastal walks from the castle along past the golf course are a favourite frequent walk for us and I shudder at the thought of the threat of the blight of the landscape of so many new houses which will destroy this. Points in addition to the above are as follows: *Traffic The new scheme will attract another 1500 cars which our local village roads will not be able to cope with along with the pollution level that they bring them. *Schools The number of new pupils will put further pressure on the existing oversubscribed schools and remove any choice from parents as they will be forced to apply outside of the village for places. *Agriculture The government recommendation is that urban developments should be built on brown fields and not grade 1 or 2 lands like we have in Portchester so this is contrary to the National Planning Policy. Medical *The GP surgeries are already struggling to meet their government objectives and wait for a GP appointment is already up to as much as a month. *Strategic gap Portchester is a special village with its own identity and to maintain this, it is vital that the strategic gap between it and Fareham is retained. *To conclude, in 2011, only 60 houses were recommended to be built in the village with a guarantee that there will be no additions to that figure til 2026. Nothing has changed by the way of infrastructure or circumstances since then. The plan in its existing form is unsound and unsustainable and should be scrapped unconditionally.



Large Format Response - Ref0106



I am writing to object to the proposed development, primarily, of HA4 Downend Road East (Winnham Farm) and secondly, of HA5 Romsey Avenue and HA6 Cranleigh Road. The main reason for my objection is the lack of transport infrastructure to cope with the likely 1400 cars that these developments will generate in a very close area. I have little faith that any promises of improved transport infrastructure as part of these developments will actually help alleviate the traffic chaos that comes with living in the Fareham area. From what I have seen, projects to alleviate traffic problems merely paper over the cracks and give residents little value for money (eg Fareham Station area roadworks). The Delme roundabout approach from Portchester is chaos most mornings and evenings and any changes that could be made to it will surely be negated by the extra traffic trying to get in/out of Fareham and Gosport from all the other proposed developments. The junction at the Down End road and A27 traffic lights often backs up beyond the railway bridge to where the proposed entry to the Winnham Farm development is. The railway bridge is not wide enough should 2 LGV's meet, especially if a footpath is to be kept. The access onto the M27 at junction 11 from Boarhunt often has a traffic queue of 50 plus cars that barely moves between traffic light changes. This will become a prime route onto the M27 with these proposed developments. I have not seen any detail about how these problem areas will be improved, merely comments that the developers will contribute towards costs of improving transport infrastructure. I find it difficult to see how, with any amount of money, the current road system in these areas can be improved to accommodate this number of extra car journeys at peak times, especially when typically there are 2-3 days a week when an incident on the M27 or A27 already causes gridlock on the local roads. The area South/West of the M27 is quite frankly full. If housing is required make Wellbourne happen at its originally proposed capacity with proper access to the M27 at J10 and J11. Please don't make existing residents suffer further with a patchwork approach of squeezing in badly considered housing developments within an already broken transport infrastructure.


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