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HA14 - Genesis Centre, Locks Heath


I think it appalling that on one hand we are celebrating the 20th anniversary in style of the thriving youth centre and in the same news letter we're being informed of it being closed for more housing. The children need somewhere to go, we already have seen the start of anti social behaviours and it will only escalate. We have a number of areas in locks road which already serve the retirement community. We need to invest in our future and that is by providing kids of all ages with safe areas to grow and the removal of this shows a total lack of respect for our young in a crowded area already. Where are we expecting the residents to park, it's already a busy parking area? Our doctors surgerys are at crisis point and more older generation will only add more pressures. I'm sure there will be talk of a financial contribution to the area but that never seems to alleviate our issues.



The Genesis Centre is local community centre, not sure how the council can justify turning in into housing!! And who would want to live in what is effectively a car park?? Leave the Genesis Centre alone please!!



The genesis center is an essential part of the community. Groups and charities rely on this building to hold gatherings and clubs such as GENsNYC. It's a special needs youth club which runs every week on Fridays. It is for most of our youngsters the only social outing they have outside of school, and the only way they can meet their friends and develop their social skills. For most of them, it's the only place they have, where they can truly be whoever they are, without being judged. The genesis center is at the centre of their community. And being relocated to another place further away from locks heath would prevent them from accessing the club which need to remain local to them. Also, the genesis center provides the club with storage facilities which no other facilities would be able to provide. Without the storage, the club couldn't function. We desperately need the building to remain.



"The Genesis Centre provides much needed local youth services, amongst other services used by the community. In particular, the Centre is home to the Gensnyc Special Needs Youth Club which is run by a group of volunteers each Friday night. The club has been running for approx. 15 years. A new committee was elected last year (older members were retiring) to keep the Club alive. There is NO OTHER special needs clubs in the locality - and by the very definition, the club has to be based in the locality. The Club provides a safe environment for disadvantaged vulnerable people to meet there friends and take part in a whole host of activities. In the main, this is the only activity these young people do outside of school, and they all live for their Friday night. Owing to the nature of their special needs, many of the children (ranging from 11 upwards) have severe difficulties in communicating, and are totally reliant on the volunteers and their parents/guardians to speak on their behalf. If the proposed development at this site were to go ahead, we will be severely further disadvantages these children and the social impact will be immeasurable. In most cases, the children will be stuck at home with no ability to meet friends and socialise with their peers. The building is an essential part of their lives, and that of their families. Owing to the storage facilities provided, and the layout of the building, it will be impossible to relocate the Gensnyc Special Needs Youth Club elsewhere. We must object in the strongest possible way to this proposal for the sake of these vulnerable young people who have every much right as any other young person to have some ""escape"" in their lives. We urge the local planning authority to rethink the inclusion of this site and move the proposed development on this site elsewhere within the community. The site area is in itself not very large and the impact of knocking the building down for housing is simply unacceptable on every level. There are plenty of more suitable alternative sites in the area to cater for this small section of the housing need."



The Genesis Special Needs Youth Club is a first rate facility that is enjoyed by some of the most vulnerable young people in the Borough. It must be borne in mind that this is one of very few clubs for youngsters with special needs. Let's not forget that most other young people in the area have the choice of a wide variety of social activities. The club is in an excellent location being on a bus route and having ample nearby parking for carers. It is an outstanding resource and must continue. Relocation runs the risk of fewer members attending or being able to attend as would a move to a site with less space and/or fewer opportunities to undertake the activities they do presently.



We have real concerns about removing the Genesis Centre as a facility. Already this year you have shut the Memorial Hall (with an excuse that it was barely could never book it, it was so full!). I have used this Genesis Centre since the week I moved to Locks Heath 13 years ago. I took my children to baby group there, to music groups and to discos. Now they go to the Youth club. There is so little for our children and there are no social facilities or halls at the new leisure centre...please, please think about the social costs of removing this centre. What would you replace it with and where? There is so little parking at the centre (and shops ) already that this would make it an even more congested area. Money has just been spend on a refurbishment...I am aghast that you would now waste this by replacing the building with homes. Please apply some moral ethics and consider the consequences of removing this local facility.



I understand that this centre will be demolished and as a replacement, a new community facility will be built on land at the back of Waitrose. Given that 'The current centre is modern and well-equipped, is home to a wide variety of clubs and has a professional music studio' (quote from the Conservatives InTouch - Locks Heath Autumn 2017 pamphlet) why is this unnecessary proposal and expense being considered/taken? [redacted] one of the clubs at the Centre which has been running for 17 years and I have grave concerns over the club's ability to continue in such a new building from a safeguarding perspective. The club currently has sole use of the centre on a Friday evening, each of the adult attendees are DBS checked and use of the toilet facilities is carefully monitored so that none of our vulnerable young people are put at risk. At a recent yCAT meeting Cllr Woodward indicated the new facility would have a number of rooms which would presumably be concurrently hired. With a situation of unknown people and shared facilities being in existence how could such safeguarding measures continue to be put in place and effectively monitored? Unless such assurances are made to this effect, currently as I see it, if this proposal goes ahead the council is as good as causing the club to close down. For a great number of the members this is their only social outlet to mix with their friends and peers and is a fundamental contributor to their wellbeing. On this basis I object to the proposal to demolish the Genesis Centre.



The Geneses Centre is a vital resource for the young people in this area. [redacted] there are regular attendees to the Friday night Youth Club at the Genesis Centre for the last 10 years. It is the highlight of his week as there is no other club here for his benefit in Fareham. We opposed the closing of the bowling alley as that was the one other facility that he enjoyed nearby but that too was closed. What do you intend to do about another disabled Youth Club if you close this one?? This is not a brown field site it is a well used centre.



Too much housing being built locally

SO31 9


As a new Mum this facility has been invaluable. I find myself at a various group or another 2-3 times per week! It would be a travesty to loose this brilliant community asset.



This site is used by many from baby groups to youth clubs band practices and lots more. It is a central location for people to get to as on main bus route. The area desparately needs this facility for the young people of the area. It is the only youth club that is not run by a church in the area ( which is needed for those with no religious beliefs). I realise we need housing for the elderly , as shaun Woodward commented recently the genises centre wouldn't be demolished until a similar facility was built ( as Fareham own lots of land) my question is why can't the retirement flats be built on this said land?. This area is struggling with the amount of traffic, doctors , School places etc as it is without adding more homes to the equation.



This is an excellent facility for local young people, It is well located and fit for purpose and to mark it for redevelopment is utterly crass.



Really that small area of land being used for more housing! The Genesis Centre is a fantastic place for all sorts of groups including a youth club. There is not enough for teenagers especially to do in this area and here we taking another facility away. More should be done to provide places for children/teenagers in this area. Once again traffic will increase in an already extremely busy area. Locks Road is already a very busy and dangerous road with no policing of speed motorists do along here. More houses more traffic! Ridiculous.



Particularly with respect to HA13 & HA19 , Hunts Pond Road has already has massive recent development with the huge estate at the southern end. The road is already very busy & the sites are the last green areas in the whole of this long & busy road. With regard to all the proposals I do not see any new surgeries, School facilities, it already takes 3 - 4 weeks to get an appointment with a GP. No more houses without extra facilities PLEASE.



How can you fit that many houses on such a small area. It's difficult to park at the centre as it is at most times without extra housing adding to the traffic



I am objecting to the Genesis centre being knocked down and used for housing instead. This is well utilized centre for parents , babies and toddlers. All groups would have to re-locate and it may prove difficult. This is the only place on Locks Heath where they hold Mother & Baby groups for the local residents.



I am strongly agianst the proposed devlopment as our roads are completley full . There is nowhere to park, and teh local rodas A27 and M27 are at the state of the grid lock most of the time. Local councellors should be trying to improve the existing infrastructure , not to make it worse by putting hundres new houses in this laready densely populated area.



Please do not build this or any of the other 750 homes proposed for this small area. The infrastructure roads schools doctors surgeries and other amenities cannot cope and the houses will not be for local people particularly the young who cannot afford to buy in these villages. Getting around the area is increasingly difficult. 35 minutes to drive less than a mile to work because there is an accident on the motorway and the A27 is the only alternative means that locals can't even reach the A27 and are pretty much stuck on the south side of the road. The road into which I moved in 2001 had 136 houses in it at that time. Building in back gardens and demolishing one house and building 4 or 5 in its place means there are now over 200 homes in that same road and the traffic is getting worse and worse 24/7. The senior school has 2000 pupils but was designed for far fewer. Our children already have to travel miles for compulsory 6th form education at vast cost to the parents in bus passes and to the environment in smelly buses that need to use the overstretched A27/M27. The area has reached saturation point and cannot be allowed to continue having every tiny space crammed full of new homes for people who don't know just what they're letting themselves in for.



The Genesis Centre is a fairly modern building which is an invaluable resource for the youth of the area. The Centre gives a service to teenagers whose options in this area are fairly restricted otherwise, keeping them from causing problems with anti social behavior when boredom sets in. The Centre is also used during the day by toddler groups, children's parties and Saturday stay & play, all of which would need to find an alternative accommodation. I think this is a very short sighted decision just for the sake of 35 dwellings. Quite honestly who would want to live so close to the Centre with its associated noice etc anyway.



I have in the past expressed my concern over any new houses being built in or around the Warsash area. I am unable to make the meeting at Victory Hall on 10th November so wanted to re-iterate my feelings:- Since moving to Warsash ten years ago, the area has seen too many properties being built. It has lost its charm and appeal. The roads cannot cope with any new added volume of vehicles getting to and from junctions 8 & 9 of the M27. In fact, the M27 can be far worse than the M25 now and every day on Wave 105 Junctions 9-5 are always mentioned. Parking in the Locks Heath Centre is getting far worse. Doctors waiting times are now ridiculous as they try to cope with the volume of patients. Schools will not be able to cope. All the green space will be taken which will impact on the poor wildlife. Please, please, please do not allow any more homes to be built in the Warsash, Locks Heath, or Park Gate areas. I appreciate we need more homes, but maybe completely new areas need to be considered with new amenities, schools & doctors surgeries if necessary. If feel very saddened by the changes that have already taken place and indeed with any possible new homes planned, and we are even considering moving if more houses are built in or near the village.



This centre serves the community and should not be replaced. The local infrastructure can not support more housing. There are no more surgeries, schools etc The roads are already heavily congested and cannot support more housing



No more housing needed in this area



Please preserve facilities for local young people, close to Locks Heath Centre where young people like to hang out.



lack of schools - cannot get a doctor's appointment now - not enough doctor's or dentists. Not enough parking available at the Locks Heath Shopping Centre. Roads are a nightmare - trying to get onto the motorway from junctions 9, 7 AND definitely 8.



I would like to formally object to this planning application for a number of reasons. This site proposes to demolish a building not that old, that is currently used as a centre for youth groups and those with special needs. It states that a new centre will be built as a replacement but surely this is short-sighted as at present, it is useful and also surrounded by at least a little green - necessary for both the environment and helpful for state of mind in young children and those with special needs, in an area already mainly buildings, car parks and concrete. Strategic Gap - In-building on this site will further reduce any remaining natural breaks in and around Locks Heath and loses any remaining open green areas around the already overbuilt community of Locks Heath. Countryside – This site is one of a small remaining open area of landscape, which are all being squeezed out of the immediate area - particularly as this is one of a number of similar sites. There are plenty of brown field sites in Fareham that should be developed first. Furthermore, many of the sites are closer to Fareham centre, more accessible to Fareham and less intrusive to already overbuilt areas. Local Services - Pressure on local services is already at breaking point, the proposed plan for extra homes which will naturally bring a large number of additional children to the area - but the local primary schools and secondary school are already oversubscribed and at maximum capacity. They are also already large enough: so without additional investment in schools, namely the inclusion of both new primary and secondary schools, the local infrastructure cannot support the development. Local Medical Centres are also already full. Traffic congestion - Today the local roads already cannot cope with the current traffic and some key areas are already at maximum capacity, so if such numbers of further houses are built it will lead to increased massive local congestion, which is shown by the long delays already at Brook Lane and Locks Heath Road every morning/evening. This proposed site will increase significantly the traffic through a road system that is already over capacity, and without the space to enlarge roads. There will also be increased risk of accidents as these are the roads used by school children to and from the local schools. Development – The site plan is not in keeping with local area i.e. it doesn't have off street parking for 2 cars, it doesn't have wide roads and it doesn't have green vergers & trees etc. Play areas? Open spaces? Wildlife passages??? Increased pollution from car fumes. Increased light pollution - in an area already overdeveloped. Loss of wildlife; the reduction of local wildlife natural habitat is an ever marginalised space; the loss of these small remaining pockets of less developed land will put them under increased pressure to survive. Not enough consideration has been made for wildlife - even just the inclusion of wildlife passages, particularly given that this is just one proposal amongst many in this immediate area that do not seem to have communicated with each other or the council and together, they will reduce any remaining green spaces around Locks Heath and Warsash to an absolute minimum. Warsash and Locks Heath are not well linked with Fareham centre by public transport and as such, areas to the north of Fareham, which have access to more schools and motorway links, and are far closer to Fareham itself are far more appropriate as developments for Fareham, rather than submerging a village under such increased development that any features that allow for a village status are lost; any remaining green breaks with surrounding townships are lost and yet no infrastructure is included in this, or any of the other similar local developments, that will allow the area to absorb them without it causing substantial difficulties in all areas of schools, surgeries, traffic, and other services required by the community.

Postcode not provided


This proposal for 35 dwellings is preposterous, in an area where there is already over-congestion, not enough school places and not enough Dr. surgeries. This area, together with HA9 are in an area that is particularly busy with Locks Heath Centre traffic at all times of day and this will just serve to make it worse. I live locally and am distraught at the amount of development that is being allowed in Locks Heath. Every road now has cars parked all over them, and it frequently takes me 20 minutes to reach Junction 9 in the mornings - a distance of 1.5 miles! This site in particular is astonishing, in that 35 dwellings (flats I presume) will be put right at the entrance to the shopping centre, where it is already too congested with buses, cars, deliveries, etc.. Your draft local plan is very, very short on evidence (it uses in the main the government guidelines, which are too generic. I hope this process gets to the specifics and brings some sense to this over-developed area) and hardly considers the impact on schooling, surgeries (the surgery right next to this proposed development has already closed it's doors to new patients, as are others in the area - so where are the new residents going to go for health care?!) and the utter frustration being felt by the local community here in Locks Heath, Park Gate and Warsash. The report is heavy on housing needs (un-evidenced in my opinion) and employment, but how does this meet your stated objectives to protect open areas, community spirit etc..... May I suggest that government guidelines are not the 'be-all and end-all' - do what is right for the people in this borough and not blindly follow what you are told.



This site should remain as it is 'the Genesis Centre'. It is used many times during weekdays, its convenient for mothers to bring their children and ideal for one to attend church on Sundays.



Hi, I would like to object to the development of the Western Wards in the Local Plan. Over development in these areas...would cause endless damage to the environment for the foreseeable future. The amount of air pollution that would be caused by well over a thousand cars within a relatively small area, could impact on peoples' health and possibly raise lung related diseases and asthma.. Our road structure does not allow for any real changes to take place, thus unable to accommodate all the cars in these new developments. Just adding even more chaos to the present difficulties. Habitat of wild life is very precious... Green open spaces with clean air is imperative for all ages for their well-being. If Welborne hadn't been delayed for so long. The council could possibly of built nearly enough homes for their Local Plan and may be wouldn't be looking at The Western Wards for so much development. Which really isn't the fault of the people who live here...Should we have it imposed on us because of this? I personally don't think so.



There is not enough infrastructure to support these new houses and tge traffic on the major and minor roads is already very bad without adding numerous extra houses. The m27 is also very clogged and even getting onto it by 7am doesn't mean you won't be sat in traffic. Building on green spaces and filling up every space avaliable doesn't seem well thought out. What about school places, drs surgeries and the roads.



Looking at the plan it looks if the car park adjacent to the Genesis Centre will be part of the development . Since this car park was re-opened following the welcomed arrival of Waitrose this car park is very well used and much needed and the remaining car parks will be totally in adequate for the centre users. Also what is to happen to the bus-stop next to the Genesis Centre.



see my comments on HA1 and 7



"I hope you enforce the requirement for replacement facilities to be provided by potential developers subsequent to demolition and redevelopment of this site. One would hope amenities for young persons is given more priority in Fareham. Recent reports about ""hacking"" and unsocial behaviour in Middle Road in the autumn edition of In Touch, might not have been an issue were young persons afforded the opportunity to access amenities similar to those of the Genesis Centre were funds properly provided."



Significant increase in housing will impact greatly on traffic, not only in the western wards but also on the main junctions to the M27. Already there is difficulty getting in and out of Warsash at peek times. There has been a noticeable increase in congestion since the recent strawberry fields development. More cars using cut through to get to key junctions. Due to more cars, walking to school is getting more difficult to cross roads. Increased pollution from increased numbers of vehicles. Loss of countryside will have a detrimental affect on lost habitats. More hard surfaces will impact on water drainage. Local amenities already have full car parks. Schools are close to capacity and doctors surgeries are stretched.



Significant increase in housing will impact greatly on traffic, not only in the western wards but also on the main junctions to the M27. Already there is difficulty getting in and out of Warsash at peek times. There has been a noticeable increase in congestion since the recent strawberry fields development. More cars using cut through to get to key junctions. Due to more cars, walking to school is getting more difficult to cross roads. Increased pollution from increased numbers of vehicles. Loss of countryside will have a detrimental affect on lost habitats. More hard surfaces will impact on water drainage. Local amenities already have full car parks. Schools are close to capacity and doctors surgeries are stretched.

Postcode not provided


How can the taking away of a Youth Centre to build 38 dwellings be a good idea with a proposed 1500 houses being built in the vicinity. There is certainly no incentive to youths in this scheme. Also what sort of a life do you plan for people sandwiched between a busy bus stop and a filling station.



[redacted] I would like to object to the plans to replace the Genesis Centre with Housing. These children regularly use this site for their clubs such as Taekwondo and [redacted]. Many more children will miss out if this centre goes.



A relatively 'new' facility which is very versatile and has great facilities for all age groups.



I understand there is demand for housing in the area but to knock a building down which is at the heart of the community is not the answer. I attend the rock Christian fellowship which rents the hall on a Sunday and during the week. The Genesis Centre is valuable to us and to many other people renting the place; along with all the kids who use that place to hang out rather than the street. Also why would you knock down a building to find another site to build exactly the same thing with the same purpose? Absolute waste of money! This housing project will also add extra strain to the already under pressure GP Surgery next door. Totally against this development.



I believe the Centre provides activities enough for young and old people. Moving it to a different location will make it difficult for those that use the Centre.

Anonymous submission


Infrastructure not in place



Southampton has one of the highest air polution problems in the country , as reported in the press. Also trafic in the area is now among the slowest re travel time through a city centre. The two are obviously linked. Schools cannot cope now, even using government figures of 0.25 children per adult,again as reported, schools in this area cannot cope today, let alone with another influx, and of course doctor, hospitals and other local amenities will be overwhelmed



I am objecting to the development in this area . The roads can't cope with the volume of traffic. The Doctors surgeries are busy . The schools are full . And the wildlife , deers badgers & foxes where will they reside

SO31 9


The centre is used as a local children's centre, and serves the local community. The development will put a strain on the gp surgery, schools and roads. The area has been over developed there is lack of infrastructure for any further development.



I wish to object to the extensive planned housing development and the impact it will have on the existing residences, local infrastructure and the negative environmental impact it will cause. The amount of increased traffic and all the associated problems including the obvious air pollution is unacceptable. The stress on the local infrastructure will have a further negative impact on the local community. It takes weeks to get a GP's appointment, schools are overcrowded, the roads are at standstill at rush hour and our local wildlife is having its habitat ripped up and destroyed. Whilst I understand the need for new housing developments, this excessive planned development does not consider the existing residences and the environmental impact. Warsash and the surrounding western wards are having every piece of land snapped up. Where there was a plot that had one house now has 2, 3, 4 or more. I have lived in the local area since 1995 and I have seen the continual erosion of space and the massive increase in the local pollution. Yes, we do need to build new housing which is sustainable and affordable housing but do it sensitively for the existing residences, the local infrastructure and the environment. Give us space to breath and enjoy where we live and bring up our children safely. Building such a vast number of homes across many separate plots within a few miles of one another is inappropriate and poor planning for the good of those who will live in that area. Significantly reduce the volume of housing on these plots and spread the loading across a wider area with infrastructure that can support the required developments.



I do not believe the local infrastructure can cope with the volume of propsed houses and that this will have a detrimental affect on community life within Warsash.



Lockswood centre is thriving nowadays. Please use this site to add to the facilities offered there, both commercial and for the community. If development of other sites proceeds this will be essential.



The Genesis Centre is an invaluable resource for the local community. It provides a location for groups during the day and a youth club, which is much needed in an area with such poor transport links. Without somewhere for young teenagers to go to issues amongst this group are likely to increase. Whilst an alternative may be proposed it will be difficult to establish the reputation that this one has.



Alternative facility to replace Genesis Centre is required as there is little facility for young people in this area



This is at present the Genesis Centre and provides valuable community facilities, how do a few houses take priority over this ?



This is at present the Genesis Centre and provides valuable community facilities, how do a few houses take priority over this ?



The infrastructure can not support the proposed level of housing



The Locks Heath Centre is already struggling to cope with the number of cars trying to park there. it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a space to park to visit the Surgery or to go to the shops. The surgery is oversubscribed as are the local schools. The infrastructure needs to be in place before more housing is built in this area.



It is a youth centre! Keep it that way!!



I am concerned about the loss of this local facility which is used by all ages.The site is not in the best position for flats as it is on the bend of the access road to Locks Heath Centre. Any new building development on this site is likely to lead will even more difficulty accessing the Locks Heath Centre car parks which are always busy .



No comment received

Anonymous submission


We all know that there is nationwide shortage of housing but it seems up and down the country that councils have been given the task to meet a quota in order to tick the box that they have done their bit towards meeting government targets. The problem is that all too often the herd of elephants in the room are the lack of joined up thinking, the lack of infrastructure, roads, doctors, schools etc. This seems an inappropriate site, right on top of regular flow of traffic, which would impact the health of any potential residents! It is also taking away an existing facility which the Council have been only too happy to promote in the past.



To close the Genesis Centre would be a backward step as it is used a lot for community facilities and to demolish and build houses/flats is a ridiculous option.



Like already mentioned in my previous comment on the Greenaway Lane proposed development, two issues are at the forefront of my mind when objecting to the proposed local plan: - maintaining what's left of the character of the Western Wards, without letting it drift into a soulless semi-urban conurbation (think Southampton and its 'burbs) - acknowledging that the infrastructure can't cope with further developments; traffic on the A27 and its feeder roads at rush hour is horrendous; schools are oversubscribed or asked to grow even bigger (no wonder there's drug and anti-social issues around such a large secondary school); doctors' surgeries are unable to deal in a satisfactory way with the patients on their books. Enough already, thank you!



these are more and enough cars in Locks Heath Centre and people coming and going on roads. Unless they build really affordable houses, I mean with no cars. I object.



I support the regeneration and development of the Genesis Centre, even though it will mean a period of disruption as it will provide a better amenity IF, as Councillor Woodward committed to do, there is a new building properly designed, built and opened for the current users of the Genesis Centre BEFORE the old one is closed or scaled down.



The traffic situation for links to Warsash are dreadful and as each new housing development is completed, the traffic increases. I have to travel to work in Southampton from Warsash before 7am and need to leave work around 4pm, but even then the roads are often in grid lock, from Windhover roundabout A27 down to Burseldon. The other routes on the M27 and rat runs are all just as bad. It takes over 1 hour to travel 10 miles each way. Also, the schools, doctors and dentists are all filled to capacity and the shops are inadequate for the number of residents already living here. This leads to a very unhappy population.



All the points we have made about the proposed housing development adjacent to Locks Road and in Raley Road apply to this area as well.



We wish to object to the above planning application as we feel that there is enough building work going on in or around Warsash to cause the current infrastructure to become overloaded as it is. Our particular concern is that in conjunction with the planned construction of housing at Brook Lane, there are several hundred new homes being built at Coldeast, further South of Greenaway Lane, Strawberry Fields and several smaller plots. These combined with the very high number of houses being built in Eastleigh Borough along the A27 and Hamble Lane will severely overload the local infrastructure (roads (particularly at rush hours) schools, surgeries, parks, social amenities etc,) which is already stretched to the limit! In addition services such as sewerage, water supply, electricity and (we suspect) gas are reaching similar limits. We therefore consider that this application should be denied until such time as the Council can ensure that the issues above can be satisfactorily resolved. Furthermore, we gather from the 'InTouch' magazine for Warsash that housing development in Warsash is being used to alleviate the poor planning that the Council has carried out for the Wellborne site and that we appear to be being used to help achieve targets that were apparently ill conceived in the first palce. We do not agree with our village being used as such a scapegoat!



The proposed development, due to its size and scale and also with awareness of all of the other proposed developments in the area, will impact in an unacceptable way on the following areas: 1. This site is already a well used local community centre with green space and some parking surrounding. 2. Local Services - Pressure on local services is already at breaking point. Local primary & secondary schools are already oversubscribed and already substantially enlarged in the case of some primary and the secondary school. Without substantial additional investment in schools (although further enlarging would make them unmanageable or reduce their outside space too greatly), the infrastructure cannot support this development, particularly when considered with the other local proposed developments, in an area that has in recent years already been developed to near breaking point. Doctors' surgeries are full and struggling already to provide an adequate service. Such an influx of houses will stretch these to crisis point. There is no mention of further provision for care homes. 3. Traffic congestion - Today the local roads cannot cope with the current traffic so if this proposed development is allowed, even without considering the other numerous planning applications in the area, it will lead to massive local congestion. Traffic is already a significant problem, often gridlocked every morning and evening; there is finite space so limited opportunity to enlarge roads to cope with more traffic. Emergency vehicles will be unable to ensure safe response times. There are limited jobs in the area so these houses would be for people who would then need to travel to work, further increasing this problem. 4. Significant impact on air quality through substantially increased pollution from car fumes. Fareham is already struggling with poor air quality and so many more cars in the Western Wards can only further this issue. 5. Increase in light pollution. 6. Loss of wildlife; It is now recognised that more than 1 in 10 of the UK's wildlife species are now threatened with extinction; the Uk's endangered insects and creatures' numbers have dropped by 2/3 since the 1970s. The loss of the few remaining open or undeveloped spaces will result in further fragmentation and reduction of wildlife by destroying habitat and reducing any corridors of movement further.



As a frequent user of the current Genesis Centre (redacted] our choir hires the hall every Sunday and also mid week), I would have no objection to the development of necessary housing and infrastructure AS LONG AS the development INCLUDES A NEW COMMUNITY FACILITY THAT MATCHES OR ENHANCES that provided currently by the Genesis Centre, in the near vicinity of the Locks Heath shopping centre.



Far too many houses for the area to cope with. Traffic is already and a standstill at certain times.



"Too many cars - not enough spaces at the moment - the ""Waitrose effect"" has brought more people to the Centre, but in turn because of the limited parking, actually reduces the footfall into the shops etc, resulting in a loss of income, or at least marginal growth."



My main reason for this objection is simply - this area seriously can't cope with more, traffic, people, houses. Just look at the reasons for the objections on all the other proposed sites. This area is being ruined on every level, it's not big enough and it can't cope.



I am opposed to the removal of the youth centre. With proposed increase in housing stock in the area including many units aimed at families it is a bad idea to remove facilities for families especially teenagers and young adults that may not have access to out of school activities. A proportion of the new housing proposed is 'affordable' or 'social' housing. Particularly these lower income families may not have affordable access to out of school activities and support for their teenagers and young adults. The Genesis Centre provides access to trained youth workers to provide the afore mentioned provision and is a benefit for the wider community assisting social cohesion, keeping young people happy and off the streets (better for the community and police).[redacted] we use the facilities at the Genesis centre from time to time for groups, parties and community events. This plan covers the childhood years of my son and I would be very disappointed it the centre was closed. Whilst I appreciate more housing is needed, youth facilities are equally if not more important considering the demographic of the area. The youth centre could be relocated. However, I think it's central location makes it more accessible to young people and is also an area in which youth people do tend to congregate out of school.



I'm becoming increasingly aware of the current local traffic trying to reach the a27 and m27 during rush hour periods of the day, more houses equals more cars and congestion. The site proposed on Raley road is of concern to me because the road is too narow to accept more traffic as it's already become a single lane road due to parking down one side. I'm also worried about the pollution from loss of green spaces and more houses/cars in the area. With more housing and residents in the area comes more children, schools in the area are already at a maximum, and with [redacted] it's already worrying that we may not get our preferred school due to the amount of children applying and this can only get worse for local residents. The current state of the gp surgery's in the local area can't handle the volume of patents at the moment let alone when more people will be moving into the area. In conclusion I don't feel the current infrastructure of the western wards can't handle the plans FBC has proposed and I object to all proposed sites in the area.



"I am writing to object to the number of homes proposed at each of the sites HA1, HA7, HA9, HA11, HA14, HA15, HA17, HA26, HA3,HA13,HA19 in the Draft Local Plan. Having read the National Planning Policy Framework which talks from the offset very clearly about Sustainable development, ensuring better lives for ourselves and future generations as well as looking after our natural environment to promote both our own well-being and and that of a diverse wildlife habitat. Every paragraph of the NPPF is at contradiction to the selection of sites listed above for so many homes. Paragraph 6 clear states "The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development", having seen first hand the development known as Strawberry Fields the idea that 700 homes on this site would be sustainable is hard to believe. Paragraph 7 talks about the need for three dimensions of sustainable developments, these three dimensions being economic, social and environmental roles. Highlighting that the plans should contribute to "building a strong, responsive and competitive economy" including "by identifying and coordinating development requirements, including the provision of infrastructure" that is "protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment" whilst is "accessible local services that reflect the community's needs and support its health, social and cultural well-being" Warsash is a peninsular with finite resources to support infrastructure. It has a small and vertical economical offering due to the waters edge on two sides and most employment opportunities are out of the borough requiring use of the M27 motorway or north of the A27. Public transport services are limited, the nearest train station has limited reach for travelling north of the county or London, often requiring a change at Southampton or Fareham. However particular consideration should be given to the local roads and the A27. The main roads around and supporting HA1 will be Lockswood road and Brook Lane both extremely busy roads already. Brook lane whilst wide at the southern end becomes very narrow towards the northern end where a very large (1800 pupils) secondary school is located. Ironically the only way to increase the width of Brook lane along this stretch of road would be to remove houses counteracting against the desired effect. Hampshire Country Council have admitted on various planning applications that all three junctions onto the A27 would be over capacity with any development however neither Hampshire County Council or Fareham Borough Council appear to have demonstrated how this over capacity could be addressed. The area is also under resourced in the provision of health care and school places both of which have very little scope for expansion. The land allocated in the proposal is also the last space keeping settlement identification for the historic village of Warsash. Paragraph 8 goes on to say that all three dimensions must be considered together further strengthening the objection to this site selection. Paragraph 9 goes on to talk about "making it easier for jobs to be created in cities, towns and villages" and "improving the conditions in which people live, work, travel and take leisure" which I believe I have already demonstrated would not be the case with a housing estate of 700 in the proposed area. Paragraph 10 then says "Plans and decisions need to take local circumstances into account" which again I believe strengthens my objection, Warsash has special local circumstances in the fact it is a peninsular with two roads in and out. Access is heavily restricted and boundaries on two sides are finite defined by ever raising waters edge. Paragraph 37, 72 and 162 talk specifically about education and the need for a Local Plan to minimise journey lengths and resolve key planning issues before applications are submitted and specifically Local planning authorities should work with other authorities and providers to assess its ability to meet forecast demands. I don't believe this has been demonstrated or is even deliverable for sites listed above. I could go on with the NPPF which outlines a need for planning to empower the people and communities to ensure rural areas such as Warsash are left with more then just housing, but creating healthy, inclusive communities that have the right mix of high quality housing supported by sustainable transport, communication infrastructure that are facilitating social interaction. I also spent time reading Fareham Borough Council own requirements for site selection when it comes to the choice of sites listed above. I looked at EV13 (Background Paper: HOUSING SITE SELECTION), which states: "The purpose of this paper is to explain, in broad terms, the processes undertaken to inform the selection of housing sites for the Draft Fareham Local Plan 2036" I have also associated referenced paragraphs from the ""National Planning Policy Framework"" (NPPF) However, looking at the list of ""Refining Points"", I find nothing but contradiction in the selection of these sites: 1. Maximise any developable brownfield opportunities inside the existing urban area. These are not brownfield sites. 2. Look positively at any developable brownfield opportunities outside of the urban area. As per point 1, these are not brownfield sites. 3. ""Consider and include regeneration and redevelopment opportunities inside the urban area"" FBC then make reference to Section 2 of the NPPF, in particular paragraph 23, which states: Planning policies should be positive, promote competitive town centre environments and set out policies for the management and growth of centres over the plan period. In drawing up Local Plans, local planning authorities should: recognise town centres as the heart of their communities and pursue policies to support their viability and vitality; define a network and hierarchy of centres that is resilient to anticipated future economic changes; define the extent of town centres and primary shopping areas, based on a clear definition of primary and secondary frontages in designated centres, and set policies that make clear which uses will be permitted in such locations; promote competitive town centres that provide customer choice and a diverse retail offer and which reflect the individuality of town centres; retain and enhance existing markets and, where appropriate, re-introduce or create new ones, ensuring that markets remain attractive and competitive; allocate a range of suitable sites to meet the scale and type of retail, leisure, commercial, office, tourism, cultural, community and residential development needed in town centres. It is important that needs for retail, leisure, office and other main town centre uses are met in full and are not compromised by limited site availability. Local planning authorities should therefore undertake an assessment of the need to expand town centres to ensure a sufficient supply of suitable sites; allocate appropriate edge of centre sites for main town centre uses that are well connected to the town centre where suitable and viable town centre sites are not available. If sufficient edge of centre sites cannot be identified, set policies for meeting the identified needs in other accessible locations that are well connected to the town centre; set policies for the consideration of proposals for main town centre uses which cannot be accommodated in or adjacent to town centres; recognise that residential development can play an important role in ensuring the vitality of centres and set out policies to encourage residential development on appropriate sites; and where town centres are in decline, local planning authorities should plan positively for their future to encourage economic activity. Warsash is very much not part of the town centre. The community is poorly serviced by public transport, and accessing the nightlife in Fareham town centre is impossible without private transportation. I do not remember the last time my family used Fareham town centre, due to other resoruces providing much better facilities, which are very much more accessible to us. 4. ""Achieves housing supply in the short/medium term in order to address housing need"" With reference to paragraph 47 in the NPPF, which states: To boost significantly the supply of housing, local planning authorities should: use their evidence base to ensure that their Local Plan meets the full, objectively assessed needs for market and affordable housing in the housing market area, as far as is consistent with the policies set out in this Framework, including identifying key sites which are critical to the delivery of the housing strategy over the plan period; identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years worth of housing against their housing requirements with an additional buffer of 5% (moved forward from later in the plan period) to ensure choice and competition in the market for land. Where there has been a record of persistent under delivery of housing, local planning authorities should increase the buffer to 20% (moved forward from later in the plan period) to provide a realistic prospect of achieving the planned supply and to ensure choice and competition in the market for land; identify a supply of specific, developable sites or broad locations for growth, for years 6-10 and, where possible, for years 11-15; These sites may support family homes, but they are not sites that support the growth of children aged 6-10 or 11-15. I suspect most families moving into the area will need to travel out of the ward to access education, as neither Hook with Warsash nor Brookfield have the scope or ability to expand further. FBC have certainly not provided any evidence suggesting otherwise. 5. "Avoid further sites that rely on wider significant infrastructure delivery where the timing of the work and/or funding are be"



I find it upsetting that a community centre that is well used by the community already should be changed to dwellings. It makes no sense whatsoever. The genesis centre should remain to be used for the local community. With all the houses proposed in the local plan, it is these areas that the larger community will need!! Homes for the aging population are needed. Therefore, why aren't there bungalows proposed in the local plan in the areas assigned?



We visit this place once a week for Jiggy Wrigglers. It is in walking distance from my house. Town is lovely already busy plenty of old peoples homes in the area.



Where will mums / children / teenagers be able to go?



It's a fantastic space for the local community - very well used space for all sorts of events and classes.



This building is well used by babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, teenagers, adults throughout each day. A great venue in an amazing spot to support all of the above. 0 - 5 year activities and support for young parents, excellent youth centre for teenagers. Please don't close this valuable community building.



We need more places like this for our children. There are enough old peoples homes around but not enough of these.



At present this is a great community centre used by mums / babies, teenagers and adults and health visitors alike and with childrens 0 - 5 activities a well used building for the community which would be much missed by the families in the area and beyond and a retirement home is being built very close by at Park Gate.



This centre is well used by a number of groups. It is very accessible and a great space for meetings of all ages. It does not need to be changed there are a number of plans for retirement homes in the local area already.



I've been using the centre for 7 years since my children were babies and for various clubs as they've got older and for fitness classes for myself. There aren't many places that are a safe indoor environment for them to grow up in and to lose it would be very sad and a big loss to the community.



The Genesis Centre is a fantastic very much used facility and a big part of the community.



Much needed and enjoyed community space.



Site used for family, childrens groups / weigh in.



No comment made



Community Centre used by many young people children and parents leaving no local options. Teenagers will have nowhere to go. also provides health visitor support to new mums.



Genesis Centre is used by the community for the community including a place for young teenagers & adults. (Where will they go except to parks & end up drinking & drug taking). This needs to stay a retirement home/village is being put up near Holiday Inn and is still in the area.



We attend a toddler group, Jiggy Wrigglers, every week and this is beneficial for both adult and children, socially, mentally and physically. It would be a great loss if this were to finish.



Well supported and essential site to local community



I would object to any further development increasing the housing density in warsash, locksheath, park gate, sarisbury, titchfield common etc. The area simply can not sustain any more housing/traffic. I live on brook lane and work in Segensworth. Last week it took be over 45 minutes twice to drive the approx 1.5 miles. I regularly queue from outside brookfield shcool all the way up brook lane to get out at the roundabout in parkgate. The volume of traffic simply can not get through park gate. I would walk/cycle to work however i need my car during the day so this is impractical. people need their cars and the carry can not sustain any more of them. Traffic has been noticeably worse since the construction of strawberry fields near the proposed site.



I would object to any further development increasing the housing density in warsash, locksheath, park gate, sarisbury, titchfield common etc. The area simply can not sustain any more housing/traffic. I live on brook lane and work in Segensworth. Last week it took be over 45 minutes twice to drive the approx 1.5 miles. I regularly queue from outside brookfield shcool all the way up brook lane to get out at the roundabout in parkgate. The volume of traffic simply can not get through park gate. I would walk/cycle to work however i need my car during the day so this is impractical. people need their cars and the carry can not sustain any more of them. Traffic has been noticeably worse since the construction of strawberry fields near the proposed site.



On no account should the GENESIS CENTRE be demolished for housing. This is an important community asset. Locks Heath Centre Car Park is often full already.



Large Format Response - Ref0081



[redacted] We regularly attend toddler groups. We have also used this centre for her birthday parties and it has been enjoyed by so many.



This facility is used by groups of all ages for a variety of reasons. It would be a great shame if this facility was no longer available.



This is such a well used centre. Both my children attend and have attended over the years. We attend every Friday morning.



The centre is used for local amenities, children's pre-school classes. There are enough retirement homes (not here please).



The centre is well used and will be sorely missed by the many adults and children that use the centre regularly.



No comment provided

Anonymous submission


Not to pull it down for WHAT it is needed - where is it meant to go - its been here for 20 years.



It should not be allowed that Genesis be demolished for more housing as their is enough housing in the area.



The centre is key to the community and serves so many sectors. Housing on the site will not be beneficial and will take away this fabulous facility.



We use the centre for our children



The Genesis centre is a much used community facility. Crucially, it is well sited at the heart of the local community. I believe that a new centre is to be erected elsewhere. Therefore, why can't the proposed dwellings for the Genesis site be erected on that site and leave the Genesis where it is.



We use this centre and its perfect.



This center caters for all ages across the board which is beneficial for everyone.



Genesis Youth Centre hosts the Hampshire & Isle of Wight NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (delivered by Ingeus) on a weekly basis. Participants who attend are at risk to getting Type 2 Diabetes and the course is designed to support people to reduce their risk of getting the condition. The Genesis Centre provides a safe an comfortable environment for our participants that is also convenient and local for them. We would like to express support for the Genesis Centre in remaining open in the future.



I object to the knocking down of the Centre to use the site to build 35 retirement flats. I feel this is unnecessary as it is a shopping and a community centre and we need community buildings in the area. This is mainly used as a Youth Club which I attend and there is no other suitable facility in this area. The Centre is in good working order and needs no attention from Fareham Borough Council at the moment, unless to advertise it in a positive way.



This Centre is used by so many. Parents need a place to meet other people in the same situation and helps so many.



We frequently use the Genesis Centre and our children love coming here. There are too many houses going up in the whole area. There are not enough public services for the amount of people in the area. Schools and doctors are overcrowded. The wildlife in the area has no-where to go. There is little for children to do in the area as it is and you want to take something else away form them. Therefore not giving them any choice apart from hang around on the streets causing trouble.



I oppose the removal of the Genesis Centre strongly. It stands in an ideal position for use by not only youth but all of the community. It would make no sense to me to demolish and move it to another location.



The Genesis Centre provides a community facility for all ages. It does act as a meeting point, particularly for the young people in our society who struggle to have a safe haven to meet. We are quick to target those who meet in groups on the streets yet propose to knock down their available safe place. Also young mums and dads with families meet here. We have regular sessions, play sessions and by getting rid of the building you are affecting the community NOT for the better.



I feel that some open space and the community facilities are vital for people of Locks Heath, to meet for social events, to encourage people to get out and enjoy the company of each other. So much goes on at the Genesis Centre for all age groups - good for health. I have made new friends through the meetings held. Surely a good health reason. I am elderly and so a place for community in my neighborhood is a good thing, also & especially mother and young children's' needs. If the open space behind the community Centre could have seating, but not for games or dog fouling.



It is false economy to demolish a building that is well used by all age ranges in the community on a daily basis, in order to erect homes. The Genesis Centre occupies a strategic place at the Centre of the 4 wards and to suggest that this can be continued on an alternative site is absolute nonsense. However to shift the proposed homes to be built on this site perhaps to the proposed site for the new 'Centre' would work especially if that were to say the HA9 site, where the homes would still retain easy access to the Locks Heath Centre and the various activities provided at the Genesis Centre. It cannot be cost effective to build something similar to the existing building elsewhere when to leave it where it is costs nothing! It shouldn't be about money! It is a major concern to me that so many houses are proposed for development when I fail to see how the local roads can accommodate the additional traffic that will be generated especially at peak times. I am also concerned of the additional pressure that will be placed on local doctors surgeries, dentists and not least schooling. The pressure is already immense, appointments are very difficult to get now therefore more homes will create more pressure. I read your repost regarding housing density; you make it worse as one house is demolished to make way for four or five in its place. The borough has one of the highest 'Built up' percentages in the country at 38%. I can see why sites such as HA3, HA1 and HA9 are identified and are sensible, but most of the developments are likely to fill the pockets of the developers and be of detriment to the community. N.B HA1 700 homes is far too many just how will the roads alone handle the additional vehicles and the residents will bring extra pressure on local services.



This is at present the Genesis Centre and provides valuable community facilities, how do a few houses take priority over this ? I note that there are areas within the borough where the nitrogen dioxide levels are above the legal limits and that the council has been tasked with improving the air quality , adding the proposed volumes of housing in Warsash and Portchester will only add to this problem. My suggestion would be that the housing allocation is spread more evenly across the borough.Including the Newlands farm proposed development would appear to be a way of achieving this. The proposed Newlands Farm development includes community facilities and has much better access to highways thus maintaining traffic flow.I believe the reason it has not been included in the plan is because of the impact on the landscape ! How can this reason take priority over the chaos that will result if Warsash is developed in the proposed manner. Whilst my comments have concentrated predominantly on the reasons why HA1 should not be included in its entirety, I would also like to make some comments to be considered should the reverse prevail. The traffic surveys included in the planning applications already submitted for these areas have identified that at peak times we have junctions that are already functioning at over capacity, this must be addressed. Safety of the Brookfield school attendees must be paramount, there have been a number of accidents in Brook Lane in the past year involving school children, to continue with these developments without considering this would be reckless and foolhardy. Could some consideration be given to improving the access to Swanwick Train Station, at present there is no direct bus route from Warsash to the station, I am sure addressing this would encourage better use of public transport. The plan suggests that developers restrict housing to 2.5 storeys , I would like to ask that this is limited to 2, a lot of the surrounding homes on Brook Lane are low level (1 or 1.5 storeys) anything higher will dominate the landscape and further ruin our lovely village. With regards to providing accommodation for older residents throughout the borough, the trend seems to be for blocks of warden assisted flats , I would suggest that many older residents would much prefer to live in their own homes with accessible facilities . I appreciate that profit is the developers primary concern but could we not encourage the building of more bungalows with small gardens and room for guests and pets, thus promoting prolonged independence and quality of life amongst this important demographic group. This in turn will surely impact in a positive way on health service requirements. Councillor Woodward mentioned at the Warsash meeting that I attended that there were benefits to be gained in allowing larger developments in terms of the contributions that could be levied on the developers towards community improvements, ie schools, highways, health service. My final suggestion would be that all developers building more than 1 house on a plot should be required to pay a charge into a community 'pot' to cover improvements needed as a community expands ,if this was paid as a set fee per house and based on number of bedrooms (ie expected capacity) regardless of the size of the development, then there would always be funds from which CCGs HCC and Highway agency could pull from as required.



Main concern here is the loss of this facility which appears to be well used by the community. Can it be demonstrated that "the facility is no longer needed" as stated in Policy CF3? What guarantee is there that this facility will be replaced with something better? I am also concerned about the vehicular access in to Centre Way which is already very difficult to cross at certain times of the day.

Postcode not provided


We use the Genesis Centre to attend Jiggy Wriggles and a number of other clubs for our family. If the facility was to be closed down, it would detrimentally impact our family and many others. Also, the local area is already so built up that the infrastructure cannot cope. Traffic is awful, and you can't get a doctor's appointment.



After moving here over 2 years ago I feel like the site should stay here as it is a big part of the community. I come here at least every week.



1. Unsuitable site for housing. Surrounded by busy road and bad night lines – area dangerous enough now. 2. Genesis Centre reasonable modern, ideally sited, well used. Criminal use of public funds to build new just for housing – where are you going to relocate the Genesis Centre? 3. Would be better to extend current adjacent medical facilities which are already stretched to braking point and should not accept new patients. 4. Now that the swimming pool is at Sarisbury, why not use the site in the Locks Heath Centre for the housing you propose on the Genesis site? 5. Is this affordable housing type? If not, why not? 6. Where are the extra facilities (Schools, sheltered housing, surgeries etc) going? They're needed!


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