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HA12 - Moraunt Drive, Portchester


The impact on the Portchester infrastructure will be disastrous to the local roads, school places, doctor's appointments, wildlife and residents. Traffic in and out of both Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh developments will be via Beaulieu Avenue and Hatherley Crescent. Both are narrow residential roads never designed to take the high volume of today's traffic. Hundreds of additional vehicles from these two developments attempting to travel along these roads will create a complete traffic gridlock and make life a misery for local residents, emergency services will have great difficulty accessing the area. The palliative solution to change the traffic light sequence at the A27/ Downend junction will not improve the situation and could adversely affect the safety of the pupils and pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. Currently at peak times the traffic on A27 between Portchester and Fareham is at a standstill, an increase in traffic volume from this, and other proposed developments will aggravate this serious problem, increasing the already unacceptable levels of air pollution which this borough is currently experiencing. Local doctor's surgeries are already struggling to provide the required service to their patients. A waiting time at the Westland's Medical Centre of 3 weeks for a routine appointment to see a Doctor is the norm. The proposed increases in the population from Downend Road/Romsey Avenue/ Cranleigh developments will place a crippling burden on our already stretched medical resources. Before any proposal is even considered all infrastructure issues should be addressed, costed and fully resolved. The Developers should be made to contribute to the investigation/studies and implementation of all necessary changes.



Comments as per Cranleigh Road development



I and my wife would like to object to the building of houses on this site,for the following reasons. Wicor mill lane is unable to cope with the volume of traffic with parked cars in the evening and week ends,and the proposed entrance to the site in mordant drive is not suitable for the number of extra houses proposed.the infrastructure ie doctors surgery hospital schools are now at breaking point,and the area,between portchester and fareham has air is also a further loss of habitat,to the wild life that live on this green field site,batts slow worms foxes badgers and lizards.,plus many species of birds



[redacted] and the volume of traffic at the moment already makes it almost impossible for me to leave my driveway during rush hours. A new housing development will increase the flow of traffic heading towards Portchester Village to an unacceptable extent. The local GP surgery in Portchester is also at the limit of the number of new patients it can accept (I am confident this is correct because I am a local pharmacist and often talk to patients and newcomers to the area). I also understand that local schools are at their limit of how many new children they can accept. Also, I object strongly to the loss of green fields that support local wild life. Once these fields have gone, they will never be replaced. Finally, I would like to ask why 700 of the proposed new homes on greenfield sites have been assigned to Portchester. This is completely unacceptable.



You are destroying the village and the wellbeing of the people. There are plenty of homes for sale in Portchester – and plenty of derelict properties which could have a new lease of life. Why build on green space? I have taken living in Portchester for granted. I thankfully enjoyed a childhood where I could roam around the fields, woods, cycle on my bike and walk to school listening to the birds singing and watching the deer in the distance. This is why I moved my family back to Portchester - to enjoy what I experienced. To say that others could enjoy the same experience when the new houses are built – will not be true. It will never be the same place again. It will become a crushed and dirty town. To say I am sad about the proposal for more housing is an understatement. It actually brings me to tears. The noise of traffic will elevate, the air will be thick with car smog and the wildlife will no longer be spotted. I know this as fact - as it has happened already. The traffic is so bad along the A27. Most evenings, I have to park my car in the Birdwood Grove or in the Causeway and walk to Shearwater in order to get home. I collect my car later in the evening when the traffic has dissipated. [redacted]. They are full. I have zero faith in democracy which is evident every time the people's objections get rail-roaded. I do not even want to live in Portchester anymore. It has been my home, solace and community for 40 years. It is now to be a dirty, busy, overcrowded, polluted town. Schools cannot accommodate (and even if children from outside the catchment were omitted – it would still be too many). Doctors surgeries – I have to wait 4 weeks for an appointment Air pollution increased! Traffic increased to tremendous levels which is dangerous, noisy and unhealthy. Wildlife destroyed! Ancient land destroyed! All these points cause frustration and anger. Who would want to live hemmed-in to their neighbours?



I'd like you to be in my house at school times, the traffic is terrible to get in and out, I get abuse if I want to get in or out my drive. Are you going to make another road other than Hatherley Drive? I am already worried for the safety of the children walking along the pavements and trying to cross the road. If here are already cars and lorry's parked how will the emergency services get through? All the extra cars would impact and could cause a further risk to life! Its already an issue without the extra cars.



The impact on the Portchester infrastructure will be disastrous to the local roads, school places, doctor's appointments, wildlife and residents. Traffic in and out from the proposed Moraunt Drive, Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh developments will be via Beaulieu Avenue and Hatherley Crescent. Both are narrow residential roads never designed to take the high volume of today's traffic. Hundreds of additional vehicles from these two developments attempting to travel along these roads will create a complete traffic gridlock and make life a misery for local residents, emergency services will have great difficulty accessing the area. The palliative solution to change the traffic light sequence at the A27/ Downend junction will not improve the situation and could adversely affect the safety of the pupils and pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. Currently at peak times the traffic on A27 between Portchester and Fareham is at a standstill, an increase in traffic volume from the four proposed developments will aggravate this serious problem, increasing the already unacceptable levels of air pollution which this borough is currently experiencing. Local doctor's surgeries are already struggling to provide the required service to their patients. A waiting time at the Westland's Medical Centre of 3 weeks for a routine appointment to see a Doctor is the norm. The proposed increases in the population from Downend Road/Romsey Avenue/ Cranleigh/ Moraunt Drive developments will place a crippling burden on our already stretched medical resources. Before any proposal is even considered all infrastructure issues should be addressed, costed and fully resolved. The Developers should be made to contribute to the investigation/studies and implementation of all necessary changes.



All the local primary schools are full and have waiting list for places, Fareham Borough councils own prediction for surplus capacity in schools for Portchester for 2018 is 12%. There are no schools places for primary aged children 2014 figures from office for national statistics show Fareham as Britain most dependent town, 1500 would be using the A27.



Where are all the schooling and shopping facilities for housing development going to be What routes and roads direction is traffic to travel to & from? Total distraction of open spaces & woodland. How are people going to live in affordable housing when all the properties are 3+4 bedrooms.



The wild life has been devastated on the allotment area at Seafield road, so I have no faith in any development here being carried out safely. There are not enough schools, doctors etc to take any more housing in this area. The roads will not be able to cope with any more traffic as it bad enough now.



I object to these proposals for the housing on the Seafield rd site. The proposal for Cranleigh and Romsey would be taking away green areas between portchester and fareham. portchester was a village this would make it an extension of fareham. if you have 120 houses that would near on average 240 new cars on the road. potentially 480 children needing education where are they to be schooled? doctor surgerys are over worked with too many patients getting new surgerys. the whole development is crazy.



Destruction of environment - loss of trees insufficient road structure. Schools and Doctors.



I object to development to Romsay Ave & wickham Farms as this will be detrimental to Traffic flow green spaces facilities. impact on doctors, dentist, schools, hospital Wild life Health (additional Exhaust fumes) Loss of grade 1 agriculture ground



Road access & infrastructure not good enough for safety & without causing over loads & why always Porchester??. We have to suffer traffic on going for yrs before this will be completed also seen sites within Fareham Borough which are just as suitable but why are they over looked.



1- Increased traffic-Portsdown Hill rd is already busy & winnham Farm traffic will only exacerbate this. 2- Romsay Ave will have to be accessed from A27 and surrounding roads, increasing danger, noise and nuisance in a residential area. 3- Portchester Infrastructure cannot support these developments - putting further pressure on Fareham recourses. 4- I am concerned about additional traffic using Shear water Ave to access the facility ( dog walking area) , it can be dangerous and busy at times with existing people using it.



These sites are totally unsuitable for housing. The infrastructure is not in place. Doctors surgeries are already overstretched without these additional properties. The access roads are inefficient in size to allow the volume of traffic likely to be generated. The wildlife in the area is already being peeled away. Emergency services cannot achieve their response time, to do already gridlocked roads and this site would add to this already dire situation. Portchester's open spaces, thanks to this pathetic planning is slowly being swallowed up.



Portchester 's habitats are being destroyed for all this new housing, its dangerous! The green parts that are left are being destroyed! Porchester is already too busy on the roads and will be an added strain on police , schools and other services.



There is a lack of cohesive planning for the area resulting in gridlocked roads, increasing pollution levels, emergency services being unable to cope with increased demand and traffic jams preventing them from reaching their response times. There are over subscribed schools, doctors and hospitals. Consequently there is a decline in the well being of the local population resulting in illness, depression and increased demand on health services. This opportunity to plan well for the future needs to be strategic and well balanced over the whole geographic area.



Portchester has enough housing already. The roads cannot take any more traffic and most importantly we must conserve the wildlife on these sites.



no money allocated for extra schools places needed, No money allocated for extending present schools to accommodate extra children . All roads rear to take new housing areas will be jammed with cars going to & from schools, roads are already very busy at schools opening/closing times congestion will be paramount. Parking of cars outside new homes & nearby roads will cause further congestion of the neighborhood. No Provision for new surgeries or expansion of existing surgeries. These surgeries are already at bursting point, WHERE will new home owners go when they ill.? Why is Portchester & surrounding areas of grass and farmland green sites being targeted for housing which will destroy wild life/natural habitats/ open spaces. Once gone they will never return. Residents of Portchester were not consulted or even informed of local plans. This is not good practice . we as residents, deserve the right to be fully informed /consulted & allowed to offer their opinions before any plans are drawn up.



Draft Local Plan – The Portchester Civic Society's Response The Portchester Civic Society is struggling to agree with the draft plan for proposed housing developments at Romsey Avenue, Winnham Farm East and Moraunt Drive. These are all greenfield sites and we would be going against our Constitution if we agreed to these sites being developed. However, we do realise there is a need for housing, especially affordable properties. Our problem is the high quantity allocated to Portchester, which will struggle to cope unless the infrastructure is first put in place. Roads, doctors' surgeries, schools, etc. are already at capacity and pollution is rising. In addition the impact on wildlife on these sites must be fully investigated before any development is allowed.

Anonymous submission


All these are 'technically' greenfield sites and should remain as such. In the FBC area there are hundreds of derelict buildings and sites that are all 'Brownfield' and should be used first, e.g. Wickham House school – now derelict.



I live on [redacted] and the volume of traffic at the moment already makes it almost impossible for me to leave my driveway during rush hours. A new housing development on Downend Road East will increase the flow of traffic heading towards Portchester Village to an unacceptable extent. The local GP surgery in Portchester is also at the limit of the number of new patients it can accept. also understand that local schools are at their limit of how many new children they can accept. Also, I object strongly to the loss of green fields that support local wild life. Once these fields have gone, they will never be replaced. Finally, I would like to ask why 700 of the proposed new homes on greenfield sites have been assigned to Portchester. This is completely unacceptable.



There is a lack of infrastructure including schools, doctors and access to and from the proposed new development. The development will result in a number of extra cars. This will make access to the A27 difficult a lot of the time. The additional pollution of cars stuck in traffic waiting to get onto the A27 is a massive concern to me!


There is a lack of infrastructure including schools, doctors and access to and from the proposed new development. The development will result in a number of extra cars. This will make access to the A27 difficult a lot of the time. The additional pollution of cars stuck in traffic waiting to get onto the A27 is a massive concern to me!



I wish to object because of the lack of infrastructure on these new proposed developments. At the moment you have wait 3 weeks or more to see a doctor and the extra people will only make matters worse. Traffic is already gridlocked and this is already causing pollution. The schools are full to capacity already. There is also the issue of some areas in Portchester being within the Bedenham blast area.



The entrance to this site is too small. The traffic will be horrendous as it is already a problem in this area. The pollution will be greatly increased because of the queuing - this will impact on the health of the community in Portchester. I cannot understand how they would come up with this plan it just seems foolhardy to me! This is a green field and of local natural beauty, in my opinion it should be kept as such. The doctors are full and cannot cope already and neither can the schools.



The loss of natural habitat and species of animals that are being disturbed is not acceptable. The wildlife and its habitat have been established for over 30 years. The ancient hedgerows need to be protected as they provide vital habitat for insects, birds, hedgehogs, badgers etc. The way its been dealt with so far is unacceptable and should be checked by an independent authority. The number of cars that this will add to the already congested roads, the size of the roads are not big enough to cope. The local services are not ready to cope with the extra people this will bring to the area. It concerns me that these houses will not end up affordable and will not be offered to local people.



It is not feasible and object due to the traffic and that these houses are close to other properties and the infrastructure and schools can't cope with the number of houses being built in portchester



when we brought our house in Fareham it was a lovely place to live. Countryside & coast, now we have to fight out way down country lanes ( Try Pook lane at 8.30am) down the A27 along the M27. Fareham has become a traffic nightmare we don't need all these houses. You have Whitley , Knowle and the dreaded Welborne. We keel trapped I a concrete jungle, dictated to by the volume of traffic as to when we can go out. Why should we build more & more to accommodate the millions of new comers let in by last government uncontrolled migration. Put the existing residents of Fareham just we don't need these hundreds of houses here . Ensure the houses youre building in the town centre are low cost or low rent (even Council houses)- now there's an idea.

Postcode not provided


Development allocation HA12 – Moraunt Drive, Portchester I OBJECT to this site being included in the Draft Local Plan for the following reasons: Infrastructure ROADS – Portchester should not have to bear the brunt of so much extra housing when no thought whatsoever has been given to road improvements to a road system that is already overloaded and is in gridlock situation, especially now that the Cranleigh Road (HA6) site has been given planning permission for 120 houses. SCHOOLS – All the Portchester primary schools are filled to capacity, and again there is no provision for all the extra children that this development would bring



I OBJECT to this site being included in the Draft Local Plan for the following reasons: All my comments are based on the TOTAL LACK of Infrastructure of even the PLANNING for Improved Infrastructure in Portchester by either Fareham Borough Council, Hampshire County Council or even proposed Developers, for both the Road network and the provision of school places. In reality NO ONE has got any idea what to do to fix or alleviate the problems that WILL occur, and it always seems that the problems raised are always the responsibility of someone else. All the Proposed Portchester sites (HA4, HA5, HA12) 624 Dwellings (This is on top of the Approved HA6 plan of 120 dwellings at Cranleigh Road) – this give 744 dwellings There are NO plans to do anything about the traffic congestion There are NO new Roads other than those integral to the planning proposals There is NO widening of the Roads The is NOTHING Only the developers may be asked to make a financial contribution The are NO Plans, as neither Fareham nor Hampshire Councils have any clue how to fix the problems. There is NOTHING in the Draft Local Plan to even suggest how these problems could be fixed The A27 westbound towards the Delme Roundabout is currently gridlocked morning and evening and often around midday It is common for the Gridlock to stretch back along the A27 as far as the Condor Avenue mini roundabout This Delme junction feeds directly on the Slip Road to the M27 Junction 11 which in itself is also totally gridlocked, particularly late afternoons at the finishing of school / work finishing times There are No New Roads nor any planned improvements Airborne Pollution The A27 between Portchester and Fareham has currently very poor air quality These 3x proposals for Portchester will add around another 1500 cars that would use the road and this will greatly increase air pollution. This is a serious health problem, for which Fareham Borough Council will be wholly responsible if it goes ahead with these plans. Portchester Proposed Developments Primary Schools All four infant / junior schools in Portchester are full. There is a Legal Limit of 30 children in the three Key Stage1 classes (YR,Y1,Y2) A recent parent who moved into Portchester with a Year 2 child was refused access to all 4 schools as they all had 30 per class. The nearest school with a place that Hampshire County Council could offer was Redlands Primary off Redlands Lane the other side of Fareham. The mother does not drive, HCC may pay for a taxi both ways every day, which we as the Council Tax payer will pick up. [redacted] who approved the Cranleigh Road development, in his report estimated that for the 120 dwellings at Cranleigh Road that this would require 31 primary and 22 secondary school places. Working on a pro-rata from his numbers in his report this will mean that the addition 624 dwellings would require: For Primary School 624/120 x 31 = 161 extra places For Secondary School 624/120 x 22 = 114 extra places These are both over and above the Cranleigh Road development school numbers According to Hampshire County Council Schools latest Strategic Plan for 2017 to 2021, the only plan for changes at any schools in the Portchester area is for 2 extra classes in Portchester Northern Junior School in 2019. This will give 60 extra places at Years 3, 4, 5, 6. These extra places are to accommodate children already in Years R, 1, and 2 and NOT for numbers over and above that from the proposed developments.. There are NO extra planned places in Years R, 1, 2, which according to the HCC Strategic Plan shows 0 places available by 2021 Secondary Schools The Winnham Farm and Romsey Avenue development proposals are in the catchment area of Cams Hill School. This school is always over subscribed Cams Hill School is its own Admissions Authority, so HCC cannot allocate pupils to Cams Hill These are no plans for Cams Hill to increase the pupil admissions number Portchester Comprehensive is the next nearest school. According to its Strategic Plan, HCC has currently NO plans to extend this school to increase the pupil admission numbers to accommodate the estimated additional 136 pupils that the proposed developments will bring.



I object to the proposed developments as they will fill in the remaining open spaces in Portchester. I do not believe that there is the infrastructure to support the increase in people. The A27 will be more grid locked. I was under the impression that Wellborne would meet the housing demands of the borough and I am disappointed that there now seems to be a free for all. Developments need to be carefully planned to provide a nice environment for people to live. I don't think any such thought is being given with these developments.



In the draft infrastructure delivery plan, it is stated that additional capacity would be needed at existing GP surgeries in Portchester at an unknown cost and with an unknown source of funding. Schools are full to bursting and GPs are stretched. The roads around the areas are already busy without additional cars adding to the existing constant congestion.



The 4 sites allocated in Portchester and Fareham is significant at peak times. Fareham Borough Council should not have allocated 4 sites so close to this road.



Congestion on the roads, particularly on the A27 between Portchester and Fareham is significant at peak times. Fareham Borough Council should not have allocated 4 sites so close to this road. School placements are hard enough to get at the moment.



Doctors, schools overloaded. Wildlife areas not enough. Traffic is horrendous now. Not affordable for first time buyers.



This is one of 4 sites in Portchester, all of which are greenfield, now allocated for housing. The proposed 700 new homes are within the area so bigger than the square mile and where road and services infrastructure is already under great pressure. The proposals increase pollution, worsen locals well-being and destroy important wildlife habitats. FBC are acting like bullies and thugs in allocating so much of the green space in Portchester to housing development.



1. Infrastructure including transport 2. Already schools are at max 3. Medical practice overloaded



1. The infrastructure in Portsmouth is unable to cope with the extra demands 2. Already schools are at maximum capacity 3. Medical practices are overloaded 4. Parking in roads now excessive ie Cranleigh



Totally unacceptable. 1) There is no way any meaningful Mitigation of Traffic can be initiated. Traffic from this allocation would feed onto an already congested road network which is already a nightmare to negotiate at peak times, with side roads would become mere rat runs. 2) Educational and Healthcare facilities expected to serve this housing allocation are already full or under strain and there is no realistic prospect of significant infrastructure coming forward. To say otherwise is just being dishonest. 3) Why should Portchester be the sacrificial lamb with regard to greenfield housing allocations when the same arguments being advanced in support of housing allocations within Portchester can equally be applied to sites which have not been allocated in other parts of the Borough. 4) The Draft Local Plan is unbalanced in that, it is completely unacceptable to allocate housing chiefly in only three key areas. Warsash Town Centre Portchester 5) Portchester is entitled to have a green buffer similar to other communities and this allocation plays an important part in giving character and essential openness to the area. This allocation is a major wildlife habitat, with Brent Geese actively using the Southern Part of the site. There is a large number of deer with one major active Badger Setts and countless of other wildlife species, some are classified as protected. There are high numbers of slow-worm present on the site which the present ecology report indicating such numbers are low. Utter nonsense. 6) The landscape sensitivity classification has been downgraded from high to low. WHY?



The road system ion this area is very tight Moraunt drive & Wicormill lane is to narrow and with all the extra traffic will cause trouble, are there to be extra money for schools extention with all the extra children also extra Doctors will be required at Westlands Health centre. It is not easy to set get an appointment now , also sewage is not to good in this area, and what about the fire services in Porchester.



My comments are aimed at Moraunt Drive but are equally applicable to all areas of Portchester that are under threat of development. Whilst I support and understand the need for more housing, some consideration must also be given to the local population that have to live with the consequences. Having fought The development at Cranleigh Road for over 20 years the Council now seems to be willing to allow every proposed development in Portchester to go ahead, with no regard to the consequences on its residents, which is simply not acceptable from our elected representatives. If the number of homes needed were spread equally across the 15 wards in the Borough, each ward would take about 150 new homes but the allocation to Portchester is over 700. This is clearly an unacceptable and unfair burden on an area where the infrastructure is already creaking at the seams. There is, based on FBC's own figures, a 12% shortfall in primary school places for Portchester in 2018. In addition there is a chronic lack of GPs (resulting in a 3 week wait for an appointment) absolutely nothing for the young people of Portchester to do in the village and a road network that simply can't cope at peak times of the day. The road traffic, associated pollution and delays at peak times between Portchester and Fareham must be the worst in the Borough and this is going to get much worse if this plan goes ahead. I am not against development but simply ask that some common sense prevails and a more even distribution be considered. Many of the sites that have been rejected for reasons of ecological importance or landscape sensitivity appear to be no better or worse than the Portchester sites and should be reconsidered. All I ask is for some degree of fairness and consideration given to the impact on the lives of Portchester residents. [redacted]



We are alarmed at the inclusion of this planning application in the Draft Development Plan and the way in which the land owners have reached this application stage and object to these proposals for the following reasons (which we have detailed further in our objections to the planning application); The land that is being proposed for development is countryside and open space and is not appropriate for the number of new homes that are being proposed. The proposal to build 49 homes is far too great a density and is totally incompatible with the existing roads infrastructure. The proposed development has an unsuitable single point of access via Moraunt Drive; this is a narrow section of road with a traffic calming 'pinch point' which only allows single vehicle access past the junction with Cador Drive. The ecological survey undertaken by the proposed developers has not considered the true ecological nature of the site due to actions carried out on the site by or on behalf of the landowners prior to the ecological survey commencing. The plans are for an inappropriate use of the site; we understand that there are several landowners and developers involved in this project and as such their individual agendas have driven the plan to become that which has been submitted. In our view, this planning application is for an entirely unsuitable use for the land west of Seafield Road and Moraunt Drive and we would urge you, for the reasons given above, to either reject the inclusion of this application from the Draft Development Plan at the earliest opportunity and retain this land as one of the few remaining natural areas in Portchester or delay the planning application until after the Development Plan has been considered in 2019. Further we are of the view that there should have been public consultation on the plots of land bought forward to form the Draft Development Plan so that a fair and proper process of considering all the viable options could have been followed. It is of vital importance that a structured approach is adopted to address the shortfall and failings of the Welborne project and that a democratic decision should be reached with input from the residents who are directly affected to adopt a plan which best meets the needs of the borough while protecting our open spaces and makes best use of our current infrastructure. The Draft Development Plan does not address these issues by adopting a piecemeal approach and ignores potential sites within the borough which could better address future housing needs. For these reasons we object to the inclusion of Moraunt Drive as an individual case, but also reject the approach taken to form the Draft Plan as a whole.



The impact on the Portchester infrastructure will be disastrous to the local roads, school places, doctor's appointments, wildlife and residents. Traffic in and out of both Romsey Avenue and Cranleigh developments will be via Beaulieu Avenue and Hatherley Crescent. Both are narrow residential roads never designed to take the high volume of today's traffic. Hundreds of additional vehicles from these two developments attempting to travel along these roads will create a complete traffic gridlock and make life a misery for local residents, emergency services will have great difficulty accessing the area. The palliative solution to change the traffic light sequence at the A27/ Downend junction will not improve the situation and could adversely affect the safety of the pupils and pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. Currently at peak times the traffic on A27 between Portchester and Fareham is at a standstill, an increase in traffic volume from this, and other proposed developments will aggravate this serious problem, increasing the already unacceptable levels of air pollution which this borough is currently experiencing. Local doctor's surgeries are already struggling to provide the required service to their patients. A waiting time at the Westland's Medical Centre of 3 weeks for a routine appointment to see a Doctor is the norm. The proposed increases in the population from Downend Road/Romsey Avenue/ Cranleigh developments will place a crippling burden on our already stretched medical resources. Before any proposal is even considered all infrastructure issues should be addressed, costed and fully resolved. The Developers should be made to contribute to the investigation/studies and implementation of all necessary changes.

PO16 8


The infrastructure and services in portchester cannot cope with all the additional homes being proposed



The roads cannot support the level of traffic currently, the infrastructure is at saturating point. Quality of life will be affected significantly , wildlife will be affected.

Postcode not provided


There is no infrastructure in place for these additional houses. My granddaughter moving to catchment could only get a place in Wickham (10 yr old) as there are no current vacancies in Portchester or Fareham. How will they be able to accommodate all the extra children with these additional houses? The traffic is chockablock at the moment, access to the A27 is awful at the best of times and the extra people and cars will only make it worse. Its already difficult to get a doctors appointment we wait at least 2 weeks to see one. Emergency services use our road as a through road and it is increasingly busy which I feel will potentially cause risk to life with delays in getting through.



There is no infrastructure in place for these additional houses. My granddaughter moving to catchment could only get a place in Wickham (10 yr old) as there are no current vacancies in Portchester or Fareham. How will they be able to accommodate all the extra children with these additional houses? The traffic is chockablock at the moment, access to the A27 is awful at the best of times and the extra people and cars will only make it worse. Its already difficult to get a doctors appointment we wait at least 2 weeks to see one. Emergency services use our road as a through road and it is increasingly busy which I feel will potentially cause risk to life with delays in getting through.



My main concern is the lack of infrastructure that will be effected by all these extra houses. The issues with extra children impacting on the already full local schools. Families who require dental and doctors appointments. These services are already struggling to cope with the number of people newly arrived in the area so the situation can only get worse. The parking is an issue already as is the traffic locally. Exiting onto the A27 from Westlands Grove can sometimes take as long as 10 minutes at busy periods.



The infrastructure is already broken and this will only make it worse! The local schools are already full! The roads are already full! The doctors are already full! The dentists are already full! There will be no untouched land left for the animals to enjoy without human contact. The emergency services already struggle to get down the roads - there is potentially a risk to life already without adding additional people/cars. There are already several new housing estates being built on brownfield sites we simply cannot take any more. The pollution levels are already too high which has already been publicly stated. Further pollution could cause a risk to life expectancy. There used to be a strategic gap between Fareham and Portchester which is disappearing before our eyes. These sites contravene the NPPF ie agricultural land & SSSI's.



The infrastructure is already broken and this will only make it worse! The local schools are already full! The roads are already full! The doctors are already full! The dentists are already full! There will be no untouched land left for the animals to enjoy without human contact. The emergency services already struggle to get down the roads - there is potentially a risk to life already without adding additional people/cars. There are already several new housing estates being built on brownfield sites we simply cannot take any more. The pollution levels are already too high which has already been publicly stated. Further pollution could cause a risk to life expectancy. There used to be a strategic gap between Fareham and Portchester which is disappearing before our eyes. These sites contravene the NPPF ie agricultural land & SSSI's.

Postcode not provided


I object to the development of above site as Wicor Mill Lane will not be able to cope with the extra traffic. Also, I am very concerned about the existing wildlife and the way it will be and has been affected. There is not enough room for more traffic, not enough schools places and the doctors are at their limit already.



The area is far too crowded already. The infrastructure is not in place to support this many new houses and cars. The Traffic during rush hr is horrendous already. This will damage the environment and reduce quality of life for those already in the area, Please STOP

Anonymous submission


The roads cannot cope with the additional traffic, there is no infrastructure to support the additional places required for school places, doctors, dentists etc. The roads surrounding the proposed sites are already gridlocked during school times and there are insufficient school places to cope with extra families. The space between Portchester and Fareham town centre will be further eroded with such a large development.



The government pledged to protect the environment. I would contend that the environment of Portchester is being devastated by over saturation of housing. Portchester is NOT an urban site, it has always provided a balance between natural habitat/shoreline and community housing. Soon the former will be a concrete wilderness and then urban decay sets it - with all that that entails – raised crime (with no adequate policing) no adequate places in the school/doctors surgery etc The biggest crime destruction of the beautiful shoreline, fields and woodland, when can people go to relax – breathe fresh air?? Where can children play naturally – not in hideous primary coloured play parks, they need wilderness – we all do! Then there is the obvious problem of the roads, the endless traffic, the grid-l;ock for at least three hours in the evening and early part of the morning – not to mention the fumes – the parking problems. Why do the greedy property developers lie about the existance of wildlife? Why does the council roll over, wake up Portchester we have reached saturation point.



There is inadequate infrastructure to support this building. The roads are overcrowded now, school, doctors & hospitals are oversubscribed. Open spaces are needed for air quality and wildlife needs protecting.



Other sites within the borough which consist of grassland, farmland, scrub, bramble or immature self seeded trees have been rejected for reasons of ecological importance or landscape sensitivity. These appear to be no better or worse than the Portchester sites. Radian Homes already have demonstrated an arrogance to the environment. In addition to the Environmental aspects of such developments on greenfield and farmland will not protect farmland as stated in the Natural Environment section of the plan (9.10) Congestion on roads, particularly on the A27 between Portchester and Fareham is significant at 4 sites so close to the road. Schools are over subscribed.



There is no more space, too many people, too many cars, not enough roads or facilities, ie doctors/schools etc



The Residents of Fareham did not have the advantage of an issues & options stage of public consultation before the draft local plan was produced & presented to them. It is good practice & many other local councils give their residents this opportunity. In the Natural Environment section it is stated that -development may be permitted where it can be demonstrated that protected & priority species & their associated habitats, breeding grounds & foraging area are protected. They are not being protected on the Portcehster sites at the moment despite continued complaints to Fareham Borough Council & There is no confidence that they will be protected in the future.



We need to conserve all our current open spaces for natural habitat. Protect the environment from the traffic pollution which would be incurred if these builds go ahead OR DO WE INTEND to be wearing protective masks in the future like some other over populated areas.



As Fareham is already one of the worst congested towns in the country. Would we not be better off solving traffic problems before introducing another 16,00 cars to roads that are already at a standstill.



Too many homes have been planned for Portchester. The sites are not spread evenly across the Borough. 750 homes is unacceptable for Portchester. Traffic is already at saturation point on local roads – all sites in Portchester Cornoway Lane, Cranleigh Road, Wicor Mill Lane, Westlands Grove etc A27 already congested at peak hours. No point in travelling from Portchester to Fareham after 3pm as traffic at a standstill and polluting the environment. There could be in excess of another 1500 vehicles if these applications get the go ahead. The doctors surgeries are already over subscribed with up to one one waiting lists. The sites put forward are all green sites. Not enough consideration has been given to the natural environment for wildlife and woodlands, hedgerows and open spaces. All sites are adjacent to SSS1 and Ransor sites. These Portchester sites are more environmentally important than other sites in the Borough that have been rejected for the very reason.



The site development allocation proposals are unevenly balanced towards Portchester. Portchester sites which are on farmland, grassland, and close proximity to Portsmouth Harbour SPA are allocated, yet other sites in the rest of the Borough have been rejected for these very reasons. Portchester is not 'highly urban' as Fareham BC states. It merits the presence of its current village status and to carry through all of these proposals in Portchester alone would severely compromise the character and landscape that Portchester currently provides.



I object to those planned buildings. we do not have the Doctors to cope with the people living in these areas as it is. No room in the schools either. How will the QA cope. I drive home from Gosport everyday from work to Birdwood Grove, the traffic, build up is getting worse and I can often be found sitting in a traffic jam from the bird estate roundabout to my Birdwood turning longer than it takes me to travel home from Gosport ferry. How Bad will this become with the extra houses.



We were told to support the Welbourne plan because it would mean all the smaller local developments would not be required. Now we are being told, just because Welbourne is now running late, all the smaller local developments have to go ahead regardless. We are being told the housing need is too urgent, and cannot wait for Welbourne. This is totally untrue. If this was the case, no house in Portchester would ever be on sale for more than 24 hours. A simple case of supply and demand. The additional pressures on local roads, schools, doctors' surgeries from these developments will bring misery to the lives of existing Portchester residents, and affect property values and quality of life. Our roads are clogged enough as it is. The residents of Portchester, and the other Fareham wards, should not be punished or have their home lives affected and properties devalued, simply because Welbourne is running late. The fact that Welborne is running late is not our fault, and we should not be expected to pay the price as a result. Hands off Portchester – wait for Welbourne!



The LA is suggesting allocating 700 new home builds within an area of approximately one square mile within the Portchester district. All of the proposed sites, including Moraunt Drive are green field sites. Portchester East only has a natural greenspace surplace of 8.5% and Sarisbury has 86.9% surplus The local plan therefore propose an undue burden of new build allocation within Portchester. If the number of required new homes was spread equally across the 15 Fareham wards then each ward would have around 150 new homes whereas the plan is that Portchester has 700. Portchester retains its 'village' character despite the leader of the councils assertions that it is hardly a village when it is current comprises 6000 + homes. The LA claerly view the residents of Portchester with contempt. The Moraunt Drive development has to be taken 'in the round' with the 28 houses currently being built in Windmill Grove and 3 properties at the top of Wicor Mill Lane, along with the housing proposed at Cranleigh Road and Romsey Road. Increased congestion on already congested roads with the increased pollution it creates and stresses on overburdened public services will bring detriment to a place that retains its friendly outlook. Increasing urbanisation of this degree will result in damage to trees and wildlife habitats through air and noise pollution and increased pedestrian activity. Other sites in the borough which consist of grassland, farmland, scrub bramble or immature self seeded trees have been rejected for reasons of ecological importance or landscape sensitivity. They appear no better or worse than the Portchester sites. The access to the development on Moraunt drive will be via Wicor Mill Lane as will the access to Bishops Gate in Windmill Lane. That is 76 properies with 2 cars per houshold so an additional 150 vehicles per day traversing Wicor Mill Lane. Across a standard 8 hour day that is another 20 cars an hour along a road that already struggles to have cars maintain the speed limit. There are many children who walk this route to Cams and Wicor Primary and safety concerns must be an issue.



Portchester seems to be at risk of loosing it's valuable green spaces and the wildlife that live there, this site next to Wicor Copse was home to many wildlife before the clearance work began. The local infrastructure is not suitable to cope with all these developments so close together.



Moraunt Drive ( site 3032) , is part of Portchester's allocation despite being designated countryside. It is also the subject of a live planning application This land is bordered by Wicor Copse, lies adjacent to the Portsmouth Harbour Special Protection Area which is also a RAMSAR site and protected as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It is a habitat for many species including protected species. Local residents have recorded all these species on the site—badgers, slow worms in abundance on warm summer days, lizards basking and they have also completed a bat survey. An ecological appraisal report in 2014 recorded 97 species of notable bird including red list species. In the ' Natural Environment' section it is stated that - Development may be permitted where it can be demonstrated that : protected and priority species and their associated habitats, breeding grounds and foraging areas are protected. Development on this site would not allow this. Jon stokes, a Portchester resident and Programme Director for the Tree Council, said "as a complex, the wood, scrub, amazing ancient hawthorn hedgerow ( which supports one of the rarest fungi in the UK.) and one of the largest elder trees in Britain, makes the area the most important ecological site along Portchester shore. "Policy NE1—Landscape states : 'Development proposals must respect, enhance and not have severe adverse impacts on : trees, ancient woodland and hedgerows'. This site is next to ancient hedgerow and woodland. The planned urbanisation would result in damage to the trees and the habitats through air and noise pollution and an increase in pedestrian activity. Policy SP5 ( appendix A ) states " Development outside the urban areas will be strictly controlled to protect the countryside and coastline from development that may cause adverse harm to its character and appearance. " However the Strategic Environment Assessment maintains of this area that with proposed development "Moderate negative effects on the landscape (SEA3) are predicted over the long term. ." The units for reporting landscape sensitivity are defined by The Local Landscape Character Area. In the Rational for Site Selection and Rejection the reason for this site being selected is given as : accessible edge of urban area site with low landscape sensitivity. This bears no relation to the statement given in the Sustainability Appraisal, Strategic Environment Assessment and the Detailed Assessment Matrix... " Overall, the Local Landscape Character Area is of moderate to high landscape quality. Hampshire County Council's document - 'Assessing Landscape Sensitivity SDA at a Strategic Level'- states that decisions about landscape sensitivity must be made by people from a range of disciplines who can make judgements based on professional expertise, local knowledge and comparison. How, when, why and on whose instruction was this site down-graded at a late stage to ' low landscape sensitivity ' perhaps to make it more acceptable for selection ? The owner of part of this site had all the trees felled in the nesting season last year. This was wanton destruction -done without an ecology report. Some wildlife died from stress, physical injuries and probable poisoning. Local residents prevented further unlawful clearance and some wildlife survived. Although the area is coppiced and has a changed state of management, it remains a viable habitat for various species with signs of badger activity and evidence of bats. In allocating this, Fareham Borough Council has condoned this 'ecological vandalism' giving the message to other landowners and developers that this is a profitable and acceptable way to deal with sites of ecological importance. This site should not have been allocated.



I refer you to my arguments in connection with the planned Romsey Avenue development. The same applies for Moraunt Drive.



No more building in Portchester please. The infrastructure cannot take it.



This proposal should be rejected as the development of two and three story houses will overlook and remove the privacy of the bungalows which border the site. The development would increase the number of vehicle movements by 300+ per day along Moraunt Drive and Wicor Mill Lane and this does not include the extra 100+ vehicle movements daily from the Windmill Grove development under construction on Wicor Mill Lane. Moraunt Drive is too narrow. This development would destroy the last wild area in Portchester and reduce the amount of wildlife permanently visible in the borough to residents and visitors. If this proposal is approved the single vehicle entrance/exit must be increased to improve access and for emergency vehicles.



The roads in this area of Portchester are already over loaded. On street parking on all the access roads to Moraunt Drive make them single file roads. White Hart Lane and Cornaway Lane are always busy.



I object to Seafield being added to the local draft plan. My reasons are at present this site is classified as countryside and open space and should remain so. The access road via Moraunt Drive is totally unsuitable, the site is and has been for many years the home to a vast variety of wildlife and is one of the last sites of it's nature in Portchester. I object to all of these proposed developments on the basis that Portchester does not have the infrastructure to support any of these developments being added to the local draft plan. The schools are already at maximum capacity, the waiting list for doctors regular appointments is currently 2-3 weeks. The roads are at peak times already congested. If an accident happens on the motorway Portchester becomes gridlocked, so yes I object because we do not have anyway of improving the infrastructure at all.



This whole development plans for our area is an absolute NO NO. Our surgeries overloaded, as is schools. Traffic is a nightmare now, 740 more cars (or 1480) would cause CHAOS. Wildlife so affected by development. Emergency Services have trouble passing through traffic. The A27 is so congested now. Most housing will have 1 or 2 cars. What is classed as "Affordable". When 1 2 bedroom showing on Right Move as £299,000. Pollution is at High Level now, can only get worse. All sites within Portchester should be REJECTED. FBC & Planning have failed to support the community. Sad that our local wildlife will be gone! Community facilities not even thought about. FBC should leave Portchester out of the mass Development Plans. Asbestos and oil pipes have been noted in the past from MOD as being buried under Cranleigh site.



My objection is as follows: 1. There is very little 'green space' left in the area as it is without concreting that which remains. 2. The road infrastructure is inadequate as it is and Welbourne as yet to rear its ugly head. Any further development will overwhelm the road layout. Downend Rd with its narrow rail bridge will cause problems for vehicles and pedestrians alike. 3. Medical facilities within the Portchester area are overstretched. QA hospital is nigh at saturation point without Welbourne let alone any other development. 4. The current schools would appear to have any spare capacity and no magic wand will cure that. 5. I am not convinced that the Portsmouth Water Company has additional reservoirs to satisfy future needs let alone extra houses. 6. The state of the drains in the area is at best poor and more houses will not improve matters. 7. The police in the area are stretched and more people having a demand on their services will not improve matters. 8. The comments re the police applies equally to the Fire & Rescue Service. 9. The residents were informed that with the Welbourne development would safeguard what green remained. This would appear to be a lie!! 10. The M27 has difficulty coping with the current loading so more houses (more cars etc) will not help. 11. Please wake up & listen to the electorate for once!



This site is designated as countryside and open space and supports an abundance of wildlife. It abuts woodland and adjacent hedgerows and is visible from the coastal path to the south. Vehicular access from Moraunt Drive only will crease increase traffic activity in a location which a present is a quiet cul-de-sac enjoyed by many elderly people in the bungalows on the north side of Moraunt Drive. The number of dwellings is excessive and the house types are out of character with surrounding properties. All additional traffic will converge on Wicor Mill Lane which is already congested and there are already 24 homes under construction in Windmill Grove, further adding to the problem. Proposals also include the destruction of wildlife habitat to the south of Wicor path and the creation of an amenity space – Portchester already has many 'parks/recreation grounds' which are significantly underused. The land to the south of Wicor Path is frequently used all year by dog walkers and ramblers and should be preserved in accordance with the wishes of the majority of local residents. The proposed allocation of sites put forward in the draft local plan places unfair burden on both Portchester and Warsash with no proposed improvement of infrastructure and for these reasons I feel that this site should be discounted for development.



The extra traffic in Portchester from hundreds of extra homes. Will add immensely to the pollution particularly outside school as the traffic creeps down to Delme roundabout it's bad enough now. There are many sites put forward for development on the other side of Fareham which have good road systems, and room for improvement.



The road for this estate is too narrow to cope with the extra vehicles. Not to mention any construction traffic. Wicor Mill Lane will be badly affected too, unless both these roads are widened. Many people park on the roads so there will be chaos during the rush hour and accidents. There are many children around & elderly with scooters.



Large Format Response - Ref0043



The land should never have been included in the local draft plan as it is classified country and open space. Having overlooked this site for over 30 years and seen the abundance of wildlife, I strongly object to this being included in the local draft plan 2.



This development of 49 houses - purported to be for 'social housing' causes me great concern. The access to this site is in a very small cul-de-sac in Moraunt Drive off of Wicor Mill Lane which is also a small road. Wicor Mill Lane is extremely busy with roads [redacted]. Cars parked half on the pavement. With the development of already taking place on the old clipper factory in Windmill Grove, the additional traffic such as construction vehicles has increased the noise levels and additional dust. I have had to go out of my home to get away from the constant noise and my peace and quiet is seriously affected. The Windmill site is around 25 houses so the ones to be built in Moraunt Drive will double air pollution with double traffic. I fail to see why HCC Highways has not made any suggestions as to this development on highways issues. The wildlife has already been destroyed when the trees and bushes were willfully destroyed on Bank Holiday Monday August 2016.



As I understand that this land is classified as country and open space. On that basis, it should not have been included in the local draft plan. I have lived overlooking this site for 30 years and have walked my dog over this area 1000s of times and I have seen the abundance if wildlife. Further the infrastructure (Doctors, schools, dentist etc). Cannot support the development nor can this road's further this additional pollutions, due to increased traffic is a major concern. The Council have already said they need to reduce pollution on this development contradicts that statement, I strongly object to this site being included in the draft local plan. Further to my comments RE: Seafield and Moraunt drive, this same is objections would be comments here. I would add in support as I understand it this local schools have no spaces they have waiting lists and no real possibility of increase class rooms or having the teaching staff for those class rooms, where will the children of these families on those new developments go to school? 'Gosport?' which means more traffic, more pollution, more grid lock at peak times 'a nonsense' this last times I wanted to see my Doctor I had to wait 3 weeks! There must be other sites which would not cause overcrowding with better access and spaces to provide a school doctors surgery etc. If you are going to allow a development do it properly and full with plenty of planning in all areas including protection of Wildlife Brownfields first not greenfield sites first. I strongly object on every count.



Portchester is known for its Roman Castle and its green spaces where much wildlife and fauna have made their homes some of which are protected species. This is what attracted me to the village and why I chose to make my home here more than 35 years ago. The local coastal walks from the castle along past the golf course are a favourite frequent walk for us and I shudder at the thought of the threat of the blight of the landscape of so many new houses which will destroy this. Points in addition to the above are as follows: *Traffic The new scheme will attract another 1500 cars which our local village roads will not be able to cope with along with the pollution level that they bring them. *Schools The number of new pupils will put further pressure on the existing oversubscribed schools and remove any choice from parents as they will be forced to apply outside of the village for places. *Agriculture The government recommendation is that urban developments should be built on brown fields and not grade 1 or 2 lands like we have in Portchester so this is contrary to the National Planning Policy. Medical *The GP surgeries are already struggling to meet their government objectives and wait for a GP appointment is already up to as much as a month. *Strategic gap Portchester is a special village with its own identity and to maintain this, it is vital that the strategic gap between it and Fareham is retained. *To conclude, in 2011, only 60 houses were recommended to be built in the village with a guarantee that there will be no additions to that figure til 2026. Nothing has changed by the way of infrastructure or circumstances since then. The plan in its existing form is unsound and unsustainable and should be scrapped unconditionally.



I object to this site being included in the Local Draft Plan 2. My reasons are, at present this site is classified as countryside and open space, the is also a live planning application and changing the classification will negate any objections that people have already made! I have lived overlooking this site for 30+ years and have walked it many times with my children and dogs. I have seen and more recently recorded an abundance of wildlife that need to be protection from any proposed development this site is one of the last habitats in the area, a site that at present has badgers, slow worms, lizards a variety of red alert birds the presence of bats which I have done a complete recording of. Access through Moraunt Drive is totally unacceptable the road already has congestion with one side housing the elderly who have carers attend several times a day. Wicor mill lane is also congested 80% of the day! With regard to the land at seafield/ Moraunt by giving the go-ahead to change the classification to for development, you the council are not listening to the residents at all. This land has been treated with no regard for the wildlife in fact the way the wildlife has been treated is shameful, we are all aware that people need homes, but at what cost destroying one of the last remaining untouched for over 30 years areas In Portchester. Myself and another resident visited many sites that were rejected on ecological grounds one resembled a fly tippers paradise of which I took photographs others looked no different to the moraunt route so why are you putting Moraunt in the Local Draft Plan? A site that has an ancient hedgerow to one side a footpath on the definitive map through the centre and one of the oldest, tallest elders in the country! My objections to 700+ houses built in Portchester are as follows, Portchester does not have the infrastructure in place nor can I see how this can be achieved. The schools already at maximum capacity with the local draft plan predicting by 2018 Portchester school will be 12%. The doctors already struggling to cope with regular appt taking about 2-3 weeks! The road there is as far as I can see no way to make any changes to accommodate the amount of traffic that these developments will cause pollution in the area is already at one of the country's highest how do you propose that is going to be reduced with more congestion. Cars sat idling in traffic + more pollution.



Large Format Response - Ref0100


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