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FTC4 - Fareham Station West


This is a small green area to screen the railway station, without this it would look like any other station in the country, please keep it green.



Fareham station west is earmarked as a transport interchange for the eclipse /trains and is awaiting funds from central government for its construction this is vital land to be reserved



• Road access to this site is already poor and it is difficult to see how the redevelopment of this site will adequately improve this • The train station and local traffic is busy for much of the day. This is likely to have an adverse impact on the residents of the proposed 94 dwellings.



Southern Water is the statutory wastewater undertaker in Fareham Town Centre. Development Allocation FTC4 allocates 94 dwellings at Fareham Station West. In line with paragraph 162 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG), we have undertaken an assessment of our infrastructure and its ability to meet the forecast demand for the proposed development. That assessment reveals that additional local sewerage infrastructure would be required to accommodate the proposed development (involving making a connection to the network at the nearest point of adequate capacity). Southern Water has limited powers to prevent connections to the sewerage network, even when capacity is insufficient. Planning policies and planning conditions, therefore, play an important role in securing the necessary local sewerage infrastructure in parallel with the development. Specific policy provision would be in line with the NPPF. For instance, paragraph 157 of the NPPF states that Local Plans should 'plan positively for the development and infrastructure required in the area to meet the objectives, principles and policies of this framework'. Also paragraph 177 of the NPPF outlines that it is important to ensure that planned infrastructure is deliverable in a timely fashion. Accordingly, infrastructure and development policies should be planned at the same time in the Local Plan. Insufficient capacity is not a constraint to development as extra capacity can be provided. However, it is important to give early warning to prospective developers regarding the need for local sewerage infrastructure. Early warning will facilitate delivery of the necessary infrastructure as it can be incorporated early in the planning process. If the requisite infrastructure is not delivered, the sewers would become overloaded, leading to pollution of the environment. This situation would be contrary to paragraph 109 of the NPPF, which requires the planning system to prevent new and existing development from contributing to pollution. Our assessment also reveals that there is existing underground wastewater infrastructure that needs to be taken into account when designing the proposed development. An easement width of 6 metres would be required, which may affect the site layout or require diversion. This easement should be clear of all proposed buildings and substantial tree planting. Accordingly we propose that the following criteria are added to policy FTC4 (new text underlined): Planning permission will be granted provided that detailed proposals accord with the policies in the Local Plan and meet the following site specific requirements: [...] j) Provide a connection at the nearest point of adequate capacity in the sewerage network, in collaboration with the service provider. k) Provide future access to the existing underground wastewater infrastructure for maintenance and upsizing purposes.



Large Format Response - Ref0083


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