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FTC2 - Market Quay


Being a commuter who travels out of Fareham to work each day I can safely say that the queues of traffic both inbound and outbound is horrific - At peak times it often takes 30 minutes to get from junction 11 to the Tesco roundabout. This is exacerbated by the endless queues in both directions along the M27 from Portsmouth to Southampton (and onward to the M3) at peak times and often during the day. My daily commute from Fareham to South Winchester regularly takes approx an hour each way to travel 22 miles. I have not seen anything in the supporting documentation that would be a feasible solution to this situation. The FBC council history on traffic solutions is abysmal - for example the number of time the roundabout & junctions around the station & Gudge Heath Lane areas have had to be reworked at a huge cost to the tax payer prove that the council are incompetent of providing realistic workable solution to traffic issues. The overall plan (excluding Welbourne) show around 8000 properties being added to the local area over the next 20 years. The increase in traffic issues that will bring the town and surrounding areas to a stand still and the additional pollution element is enough for me to object against the building of further housing in the local area.

Postcode not provided


Parking is going to be a huge issue. I purchase a permit from yourselves for zone D and already struggle to find a space when I return from work in the evenings, at weekends and in school holidays. Zone D is very small and allows anyone 40 minutes parking and all day on sundays. The disruption caused by redeveloping market quay and the civic area will undoubtedly push more traffic into Zone D, including people wishing to park. When I asked if you could make Zone D bigger, or restrict Zone D for permit holders only you advised that I should buy a permit for the Lysses Car Park, which you are now building on as well, therefore creating a bigger issue. Where do you expect residents to park? The poor parking is why many retail units are empty, with drivers opting for Portsmouth and Southampton and yet the parking will be majorly disrupted. With more residential areas being built, many will be large residences with one parking space. Equally the new market quay roundabout style arrangement may have eased the traffic coming out of gosport but to the expense of those trying to come into fareham from the m27 or cams hill, if more people will be living in fareham, this unsuccessful road layout must surely be addressed first?



"My main area of concern is the Market Quay development but it isn't limited to just this area. As a Fareham resident I am finding it increasingly difficult to park, we had a permit for zone D on High street but as it is open to all for short stays and free on Sunday when the permit expired it didn't seem worth re-investing. When we contacted the council with the suggestion of making this area for local residents only we were advised to purchase a new permit for the Lysses long stay car park. Now I see that there are 24 dwellings proposed for this site as well which will surely push more cars into the already crowded town centre and hinder the people who actually live here even further. With the Market Quay under development for shops, cafes and housing above, Lysses car park gone and the civic area car parks built on where do people park? I can't see how this will invite shoppers into the already dwindling area. When we attended the CAT meeting in Ferneham Hall to see the planned development areas we were told ""Fareham is a growing area"" but this seems to be a self fulfilling prophecy if you're just building more and more. I realise you have government targets to meet but surely the 6000 home Welborne development should satisfy that need."



from this car park is the last remaining new from to of the quay area. Once it is built over it is lost for good. Do something ambition and build an attractive leisure complex over looking the Quay, I realize its needs to be higher than the figure put cars underneath & restaurants on top.



• To say that the proposals for this site are ambitious would be an understatement. Yet another hotel, a multi-storey carpark, 100 new homes and a new town square. The place will be a building site for months. • It is difficult to see how highway improvements will have any significant impact other than disrupting further the inadequate traffic flow in this area. I guess that an additional flyover from traffic from the west of Fareham to the M27 is out of the question?



I wanted to comment more generally on the whole of Fareham town centre plans - so I 'll guess I'll just copy and paste this for each section?. Broadly I think the plans for the town centre are good - there is less need for shops than the number of shops existing, and there is more need for suitable housing close to station and bus station. It would be good to see plans to reduce Fareham's car dependency - so making these sites suitable for people who choose not to have a car, (but to have a car share available for the limited times they need it) would make great sense in this area. Higher density housing - more specifically flats with lifts suitable for the rising number of older people (especially widows and widowers) - some of whom are/will become virtually house bound, when they can no longer drive - due to limited public transport availability, (higher density would be possible if car parking was not required).



You say you are going to increase the retail area. If you can’t improve the shopping as it stands, which is shocking, you needn’t bother. We need some decent shops in the precinct as it is, no more phone,hairdresser, cheap jewellers, charity shops, cafes or estate agents. Some individual shops or a decent store would be good as there is nothing to bring anyone to the town.



Large Format Response - Ref0043



Although I do not object to Brown site development we do not need any more retail development when the town centre and Fareham shopping centre already have many empty units.


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