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EA5 - Standard Way, Wallington


Land at Standard Way 06HA (EA5-2036) Utterly ridicules! We do not need any more business/employment.



This site would require access on a 'blind' bend, making it an extremely dangerous junction. Large commercial vehicles are accessing the SITA site at the top of the hill and often show little mercy to other vehicle or pedestrian traffic using the road. There are no footpaths on the road, making access for pedestrians extremely dangerous. The site currently provides an open space for the absorption of harmful NO2 and CO2 from traffic on the overly congested M27 motorway. Noise levels for residents living there would be unbearable around the clock.



We strongly oppose to the planned developments, both housing and employment. we have concerns with regarding the local infrastructure and how it would cope with the increased local & new 127 houses. In the 4yrs we have lived on Drift Road it has been dug up every yr (4 times) to repair the already overloaded water pipes. Wallington has a long history of flooding and the WVCA have worked tirelessly with the council to reduce the risk of impact of this. These plans undermine this work, as we cannot see it possible that the flooding will not worsen as a result of the planned build.



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Wallington village, the river and the existing industrial / commercial sites of Standard Way and Fort Wallington reside at the last leg of the Wallington Basin, through which vast quantities of water can flow after short periods of heavy rain. So any proposal to build on the open fields in the latter part of the Wallington Basin, where this plot resides, will have a highly negative impact on the flood risk to the Wallington village environs. Essentially, the balance of flood risk hangs delicately in the area, meaning that the plans for Welborne will be effected: 1. Any building work in Wallington will have to be factored into the anti-flood measures and other data for the proposed building of Welborne, which will surely further delay the beginning building of in Welborne. Locals will be given a route to make a valid objection regarding the effects of Welborne upon the latter part of the Wallington Basin. 2. Any building work in Wallington will also undermine all of the work done by the Environment Agency, as they will have to re-calculate all of the data concerning the levels of flood protection offered by various kinds of work, meaning that all planning will have to be resumed from the start again. December 2012 was a period of heavy rainfall where the river came to within just a few centimeters of the top of the flood defence walls (See May 2013 also had high water which did not make the headlines because it occurred in the middle of the night. Continued building on the Wallington Basin tips the balance in favour of water flowing into the river ever more quickly, making the risk of flood far higher. This means that it would be unreasonable act of incredible folly and ignorance to build upon the open land in Wallington, as this resembles a fraction of the soak away which previously existed in the area. At what point does local government stop heeding the interests of the local populace? Will those who might accept these building proposals be around to answer the critics if the Wallington area floods in future? Or the directors of the building companies? I very much doubt it. Yet those who live here will have to live with any ill-fated and unwise decisions that they make.



Wallington – the jewel in Fareham’s crown, living and being associated with the village for over 50 years, I have seen the village and life slowly eroded by new housing developments with no far seeing thought into the future, I appreciate the need for housing, isn’t Welbourne enough. Traffic through the village is at a premium with no thought for speed (even the locals), the run off down Pinks Hill after the development causing traffic problems. More traffic through the village roundabout Hotel roundabout problems. This village was here before Fareham, you have erased it away over the years. Wallington Way, before public protests there other routes that planners had put through with the motorway build, this area was water meadows for the village. Sainsbury, Poundland developments Grade II listed properties removed, money certainly talks, again water meadows for the village. Clifton Yard Brewery Brickworks developments more added congestion for the village with Shez Box houses. Fareham as a whole seems intent on making the move towards ‘Solent City’ a reality. Many of us believed this 40 years ago, what a reality this has become, for once say NO we don’t want it. Respect and understand what Fareham has and regard it as FAREHAM’S JEWEL IN THE CROWN.



Due to traffic already having difficulties in leaving the village by the Delme roundabout a very high percentage of villagers and pub visitors leave by the North Wallington/Standard Way junction. Coupled with vehicles from both Standard Insurance Industrial site and the Fort Wallington Site this has become a very busy and at times quite testing junction. By its very isolated situation anyone living on the proposed site would need transport thereby increasing the flow of traffic and exacerbating the already difficult problem of parking. Surely the Wallington Village has already got more than its fair share of offices and industrial premises. We are almost completely surrounded by them. To leave the village during ‘rush hour’ is already a problem with most roads gridlocked. To add to the problem is insane. It seems sites are appraised in isolation with no regard to the village to which they are to adjoin. If you take away these few remaining buffer zones then the Wallington Village is in danger of losing its identity and will become another charmless addition to the Fareham conurbation.



Not a good idea for more employment premises, its right on a hill on a bend – opposite an already sited industrial/office space. Traffic consistently speeds up this hill so introducing more vehicles is nuts – an accident waiting to happen. Also access to and from this area is limited and already overused for the type of road. Pinks Hill leading up to it is very dangerous already and once again I have seen accidents here and many near misses, joining the dual carriageway at bottom of Pinks Hill is also inadequate. Coming from the other direction past Sainsburys is also overloaded at present. The whole of Wallington is NOT designed for cars and is currently at breaking point without adding more. A most ridiculous area to consider for housing. The road is already a nightmare with big industrial lorries speeding up and down the hill. It is ludicrous to even contemplate bringing more cars in and out of Wallington. I’ve lived here 20 years and seen many incidents involving cars in Drift Road. The wall outside our house was demolished when a car collided with it and there have been numerous occasions when big lorries have become stuck in Drift Road and police have been called to assist them backing up all the way. Military Road is not designed for cars and indeed I have known several accidents on the bend including one involving my daughter. There are no pavements here so even walking is dangerous and its only one lane wide. It is just mental to think the road from Military Road/Drift Road can accommodate more vehicles. Once again totally stupid plan to place houses on this junction. The road into Wallington cannot cope with the cars currently using in and there are often case of road rage here on this junction when residents by the river have to leave their cars parked to the side of the road and two directions of traffic also have to use the road and again – no pavements for dog walkers or pedestrians. Wallington cant cope with the number of cars at the moment without adding more. Access in and out of the village is already very dangerous with all the cars that park in front of the cottages facing river which only allows one direction of traffic – not two! The road is also prone to flooding during winter and high tides. Standard Way is currently a nightmare during the week when the burger man parks his van and then that whole side of the road is choccablock with big lorries and again the road is only big enough for one direction of traffic – I’ve seen many near misses on this road from the corner in question up to Loc’N’store, so only an idiot would encourage more people and more cars.



Road access and safety on already heavily congested roads. Concerned about air and noise pollution Another development will put pressure on local amenities, Harrison School and the Health Centre particularly Flood risk is high less ground to soak rain water and more concrete creating run offs into Wallington



This site provides an open space amongst a huge industrial developments along Standard Way. The local area is already heavily industrialsed and surrounding the village of Wallington. This development on a site would only provide more noise and traffic to the area that already saturated with similar developments.



The industrial site traffic, heavy goods vehicles accessing this site will further increase the noise, air pollution to the detriment of local residents. Access is poor - on the already busy road with high speed vehicles and HGV’s. It’s is a buffer and appreciated small green site on the edge of a mixed business/residential. The large vehicles at the existing (expanded) Suez site often cross the road to turn into it on a blind bend- it is not safe on fast small road accessed form one side by a private road up Pinks Hill.



I object to the proposed development of Wallington Village the proposed housing scheme will change the village aspect of Wallington, which is already over housed. I would rather pay more rates than have our village environment ruined. There are not enough jobs, nor health support nor schools to support an increase in the population. Drift Road & Military Road aspects enable Wallington to maintain a country environment. Building in Gauntlets Field will affect the water table. Trees are already dying south of the field and the Council was adamant that a tree line be maintained in Wallington. Pinks Hill is likely to invoke subsidence because of the clay soil and likely to affect the motorway slip road which Standard Way is already well used by heavy industrial traffic making either side of the road an awful place to reside. Fareham Council allowed “The Woodlands” development against harsh criticism. As such this development has denied people access to an important wildlife habitat.



Large Format Response - Ref0043



"The Solent Protection Society which was formed 60 years ago exists to ensure the ecological and environmental well being and wise management of the Solent area , its natural beauty , so that these may be enjoyed by future generations. The Society has long been concernedabout the view from the Solent and its Rivers of any development along its coast and banks, and have commented onmany developments. We note that Policy E5 ( Boatyards) statesthat development""should not cause unacceptable harm to thelandscape character of the coast when viewed from the land orwater"". We support this policy but suggest that it should be extended to cover all development on the Rivers and Coast within Fareham and not just apply toBoatyards.This would have the effect of giving protection tothe character of the Special Protection Area (SPA) and itssurroundings. It may be of interest the the Isle ofWight Planning Authority has included the view from the sea asa material consideration when considering coastal planningapplications and we would be grateful if Fareham wouldconsider doing likewise."

Anonymous submission


If Zebra waste could be relocated next to suez recycling their lorries would only use Pinks Hill and cut the dust and pollution from Broadcut. The Delme Roundabout at peak times is already busy and a nightmare to enter it, how can more vehicles use it i.e. if they can get down North Wallington in the first place?



Large Format Response - Ref0074



Large Format Response - Ref0085


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