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EA3 - Solent 2, Whiteley


lack of schools - cannot get a doctor's appointment now - not enough doctor's or dentists. Not enough parking available at the Locks Heath Shopping Centre. Roads are a nightmare - trying to get onto the motorway from junctions 9, 7 AND definitely 8.


lack of schools - cannot get a doctor's appointment now - not enough doctor's or dentists. Not enough parking available at the Locks Heath Shopping Centre. Roads are a nightmare - trying to get onto the motorway from junctions 9, 7 AND definitely 8.



This proposal to develop a further 23,000sqm of commercial B1 space is alarming. Whiteley, in terms of both commercial business premises and housing is already full and traffic levels are at such a level, that it is untenable. Yet, you are proposing this development and EA4, both of which will increase the gridlock that is already evident on a daily, almost round-the-clock basis around J9 and the M27 in general. Put this together with Welborne and the M27 and all surrounding areas become a car park. The Road Safety report just published shows the M27 area around Fareham Borough to be among the worse in the country and you are proposing to make it even more hazardous! Your draft local plan is very, very short on evidence (it uses in the main the government guidelines, which are too generic. I hope this process gets to the specifics and brings some sense to this over-developed area) and hardly considers the impact on the wider community and the utter frustration being felt by the local community here in Locks Heath, Park Gate and Warsash. The report is heavy on housing needs (un-evidenced in my opinion) and employment, but how does this meet your stated objectives to protect open areas, community spirit etc..... May I suggest that government guidelines are not the 'be-all and end-all' - do what is right for the people in this borough and not blindly follow what you are told.



Whiteley is chaotic now without this



Until the following issues have been adequately addressed it is difficult to support any building, tackle these issues and many people may be more positive about building proposals, we know that more houses are needed but there has to be a much more holistic approach!!! I am against any large scale building in the Western Wards area, I feel this way because: 1) I am extremely concerned about the impact this will have on increased road traffic. 2) That increased road traffic will increase congestion, and subsequently increase air pollution. 3) That little concern has been placed on these issues 4) That infrastructure issues, and services are already inadequate and will not be sufficiently increased to meet the demand 5) That up and down the country the same issues apply. The Government needs to adapt an holistic approach, look at providing jobs across the country, not just in the South. The government need to look at infrastructure and services across the country. 6) The South is turning into one big car park, making getting around miserable, and ultimately having a significant impact on the health of its residents! 7)There is inadequate public transport - buses in and out of Whitely are an absolute joke



WARSASH Please see my objection to the following planning applications. HA3 - 400 dwellings My reasons for my objections to this development are as follows 1) As a regular commuter who has to drive on the M27 and M3 the local area is already gridlocked from 7.00 AM and during peak hours. Since the new Strawberry Fields, Hunts Pond and Coldeast developments it has doubled the time for people to get onto the A27 and M27. Currently, residents are not able to actually join the major M27 due to the excessive local road congestion in less than 30 minutes! Local roads such as Brook Lane, Osborne Road, Warsash Road and Barnes Lane cannot be made wider, they were built to service the traffic and community of small villages and the resulting influx of 2,000+ cars in such a small square area will lead to more accidents and a totally unacceptable journey for anyone trying to leave Warsash in the morning or returning in the evening. We need the council to properly monitor local traffic flow. Warsash specifically is on a peninsula and the only roads in and out are Brook Lane and Warsash Road. Emergency vehicles are already unable to ensure safe response times - during rush hour it is likely they will not have space to get to their destination. The consequences could be fatal. 2) The local area is already presently in trouble for very poor air quality due to the amount of rush hour traffic and pollution from ships in Southampton water. Warsash cannot cope with another 2,000 cars and there will be more cases of asthma, lung disease, and related illnesses. Doctors, schools, hospitals and emergency services are already stretched to breaking point. If the plans go ahead there will be hundreds of children needing school places which are not available. 3) Child safety: Children walking or cycling to Brookfield already face a perilous journey due to the amount of traffic on Brook Lane. The dangers will increase hugely and without question this will lead to a fatal road accident due to a further 4,000 cars driving thru the village over 24 hours. 4) Local Surgeries: With Brook Lane, Lockswood, Jubilee and Whiteley surgeries struggle to cope with the number of patients they have. They wait an unacceptable amount of time for routine appointments often over two weeks. Emergency appointments are becoming harder to book as there are not enough doctors or time. The very young, elderly and chronically ill are already vulnerable and bearing the brunt of this - add another 1,500 homes with 6,000 residences and these overstretched surgeries will be at crisis point. 5) Care Homes: There will be an increased need for care homes, for which there is just no space. Residents' health will be at risk and possibly their lives? Common sense needs to prevail rather than Fareham Borough Council trying to overdevelop a small village to gain building grants from developers. 6) Warsash is a place of outstanding natural beauty and home to precious wildlife such as badgers, bats and deer. The Greenfield land proposed as the area for development also provides a defined strategic gap between neighboring villages. Residents have the right to breathe clean air, have facilities, space and sufficient infrastructure and the assurance that emergency vehicles have access and can meet response times in life-threatening situations. Fareham borough council have a legal responsibility to look after the health and safety of people in Warsash and the Western Wards and I strongly urge the council to reconsider the proposed application due to the points I have raised above. I have historically supported a conservative council and MP however if the over the development of Warsash were to go ahead I will remove my personal support for the conservative party in future.



Large Format Response - Ref0043


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