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CF1 - Community and Leisure Facilities


I currently have to wait 4 weeks to get an appointment at my local GP surgery in Portchester. All GP surgeries in the area are overstretched, mainly due to a shortage of Doctors. The local plan barely mentions any additional pressure on GP surgeries as a result of the additional house building and the increased population in the Fareham area that will result from this. I see some vague mention of working with the NHS to 'encourage' them to improve access to healthcare. What does this mean exactly? I also see some vague mention of having the developers pay for better infrastructure. Does that include training more GPs? I have no idea if the Welborne development will include a GP surgery as that doesn't appear to be mentioned anywhere in the plan. It would, however, be of little use without adequately trained healthcare staff of which there are a shortage both locally and nationally. Does the Council have any plan to address this shortage?



My concern is for the health services available to the existing residents and proposed new residents. I am very concerned that I can not see this within the draft - it is the most important element of everyone's life. The existing Drs surgeries are already unable to offer acceptable appointment times due to over demand. There is clearly a shortage of Drs meaning even when you can get an appointment you often feel that you can not stay and discuss your situation properly due to the Drs obvious workload - this is not necessarily their fault but none the less does not allow for the proper provision of a Drs service. The new community hospital is clearly not being used effectively and should be bought into full use for the benefit of existing residents and the proposed new residents. The developers should have to give an amount of funding for the provision of additional health facilities to ensure the Drs surgeries and community hospital can provide the additional staff required to support the additional residents.



Open spaces - are being deplete leaving few safe natural open spaces for family enjoyment. Intrastructure/transport - the existing infrastructure through the Portchester/ Paulsgrove would definitely improve the latter, funded by HCC for a trial period to test the premise. Medical facilties are already over-stretched, and adding to the local problem is that of further pressure on Queen Alexandra Hospital for investigation and hospital accommodation of and fareham community hospital services some 6 miles distant, with no direct transport links to either.



At present it takes 5 weeks to make a doctor’s appointment. We need more doctor’s surgeries now. How can we cope with so many more residents? Schools are already filled to capacity. Open Spaces All the available open spaces will be built on, where can our children play football? I’m not against building but this is too much, too quickly



Community facilities and retail is a must on all of Fareham's draft plan 2036 sites



Provision for Places of Worship. We are pleased to note that the Plan provides for these essential requirements in any Community under “Community & Leisure Facilities”. The provision of “new” facilities “within” the urban area boundary in accordance with CF1 often in practice proves very difficult, when consideration is given to potential vehicle movements, & other possible disturbances. We are therefore pleased to note that provision is also made for these to be located “outside” the Urban Area – which generally proves more appropriate & acceptable – particularly in transitional areas alongside or close to the urban boundary. Your continued support of this is valued.mmm

Postcode not provided


Doctors waiting list is 4 weeks now for an appointment. Schools at bursting point. There will be no open spaces for people to meet or children to play. The wildlife area will be non existent especially for the wild geese that migrate here every year.



The decision to build 800+ new homes in the Warsash area is unreasonable, unsustainable and unfair. It will increase the village population by almost 1/3 without making any provision for adequate local infrastructure or highways provision. The local roads, medical facilities, schools are not coping with the population growth at its current rate, an additional 800+ houses will be unsustainable and create a truly unpleasant place to live. 800+homes in Warsash will introduce 1000 – 150-0 extra vehicles to an already crowded area. 1000+extra vehicles travelling along Barnes and Brook Lanes at peak times to access the A27 and J8/9 of M27 cannot be considered a safe or reasonable proposal. There doesn’t seem to have been any consideration of the effect the additional volume of traffic will have on the local area. This is not a proposal that meets local needs. Reading through the Fareham Today plan for 2036 I can find no mention of the impact of traffic on the local area or any proposals to mitigate this impact. Fareham borough Council’s own brochure states that the population in 2036 will consist of 31% over 65s and yet there is no concrete plans to introduce additional doctors surgeries with the 800+ extra houses. It is already extremely difficult to arrange an appointment with a doctor, this proposal will only compound the problem. This proposal will result in a crowded, unpleasant, unsafe place to live that does nothing to meet local needs.



Community Facilities and Open Space There is a very clear imbalance in the provision of community centres/facilities in the Borough, particularly in relation to the population, with far more located in the west than the east. A replacement for Fareham Community Centre should be included in the Plan.

Anonymous submission


Large Format Response - Ref0080



Large Format Response - Ref0052



Large Format Response - Ref0052


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