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Hook Conservation Area - Article 4 Direction

Fareham Borough Council has made a Direction under article 4(1) of the General Permitted Development Order 1995 in order to manage the exercise of permitted development rights relating to provision of hard surfacing. At the bottom of this page is a link to the article 4 direction which includes a map showing the land affected. This came into force on 23 November 2013.

What are Permitted Development Rights?

Permitted development rights allow some types of alteration or demolition to be undertaken without having to make a planning application. In a Conservation Area these rights can be problematic as insensitive alteration and demolition carried out without the impact on the character of the conservation area being properly considered can lead to harmful changes to its character and appearance.

What is an Article 4 Direction?

An 'Article 4 Direction' is used to remove permitted development rights where they might be harmful. The effect of a direction is to make a planning application necessary which in turn allows the Council to consider any impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area and whether the proposed work should proceed. The direction does not necessarily mean that development cannot occur but requires a planning application to be considered.

How does the Article 4 Direction affect a property?

The Article 4 Direction removes permitted development rights from a property making a planning application necessary in the future for the works specified. The permitted development rights removed and the properties affected is set out in the article 4 direction.

If you have any queries relating to how the Article 4 Direction affects your property please contact the Conservation Planner at Fareham Borough Council on 01329 236100.

Article 4 Direction PDF (913 KB)

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