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If you are concerned about flooding you should contact Floodline on 0345 9881188.

The Council has a limited supply of sandbags for use in emergencies and will try to help as many properties as it can where threatened by flooding.

If your house is under threat and you have no sandbags, you can improvise by using the following:

Flood protection products will not make a home flood proof, this is impossible, but their use may slow the flow of flood water into a property giving you more time to move your belongings to safety.

The Environment Agency External Hyperlink (opens in new window) has a booklet - Preparing for Floods External Hyperlink (opens in new window) - which gives practical advice on making your home more flood resistant. You can also ask the Environment Agency to send you advance warnings of flood risks. This service provides alerts as soon as the Environment Agency early warning systems detect a flooding risk. To apply for this service either ring the Floodline telephone number, or register for Floodline Warnings External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Hampshire County Council has information on their website providing flooding advice External Hyperlink (opens in new window), which you may also find helpful.

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