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Changes of use of offices to dwellings

For a period of three years, between 30 May 2013 and 30 May 2016, it may be permitted development to change the use of a office to a dwelling(s) so long as:

a.   The building was used for a use falling within Class B1(a) (offices) of the Schedule to the Use Classes Order immediately before 30th May 2013 or, if the building was not in use immediately before that date, when it was last in use;
b.   The use of the building falling within Class C3 (dwelling houses) of the Schedule to the Use Classes Order must have begun before 30th May 2016;
c.   The site is not nor forms part of a safety hazard area;
d.   The site is not nor forms part of a military explosives storage area;
e.   The building is not a listed building or a scheduled monument.

This grant of planning permission is subject to Regulations 73 to 76 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended) which requires the Council to take into account whether the development would either on its own, or in combination, have a significant effect on a European Site. Where it is concluded that a significant effect on a European site would be likely the change of use would not be permitted development. You are strongly recommended to seek the opinion of Natural England as to whether your proposal is likely to have a significant effect on European sites.

We have produced an application form  External Hyperlink (opens in new window)for you to complete and send to us, to seek a determination as to whether prior approval will be required from Fareham Borough Council or not.

The form sets out the legislative requirements for an application. However, you should be aware that the Council can request further information to allow it to assess the impact of the proposed development.

To avoid this and consequent delays in determining the matter, it is recommended that the following information is also submitted at the outset:

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