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Local Land Charges Fees

The Council's Fees and Charges for the Local Land Charges Service are set annually by the Full Council. Given below are the fees and copying charges that apply for the financial year 2024/25.

These fees and charges are subject to review at any time throughout the year as deemed appropriate.



Search fees from 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025 Residential and Commercial 

Basic search fee (LLC1 and Local Enquiries)     -  £258.00 (Includes £35.50 VAT) 

LLC1 only (whole or any one part)                      -  £45.00 (Not subject to VAT) 

Local Enquiries                                                   -   £213.00 (Includes £35.50 VAT) 

Optional Enquiries                                              -   £36.00 (Includes £6.00 VAT) 

Extra parcels of land (maximum of 16)               -   £63.00 (Includes £10.50 VAT) 

Commons Registration Searches                       -   £36.00 (Includes £6.00 VAT) 

Solicitors own enquiries – Please contact the relevant department direct who will contact you regarding the cost. If you are not sure who to send your enquiries to, please contact land charges on 01329 824705 in the first instance.

Copying Charges

Copy planning permissions, Legal Agreements, Tree Preservation Orders – No charge where the documents are returned by e-mail. There will be a charge for documents sent out in the post; please contact the planning section on 01329 236100 or for details.

Building regulation approvals, completion certificates - £10.21 each (Inc. £1.70 VAT)

The standard supply of copy documents is 5 working days.

For copies of s.38 Agreements, Dedication Agreements and other agreements made by the County Council, please contact Hampshire County Council, Highway Land Charges Team, Environment Department, The Castle, Winchester, Hants. SO23 8UD, e-mail, or telephone 0300 555 1388 or External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

For further information regarding searches, please contact the Local Land Charges Service by telephoning 01329 824705 or by emailing


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