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Planning Applications

Guidance On How To Comment

Planning applications often involve proposals which will change the local environment. These include new buildings, extensions, changes of use, advertisements and tree pruning and felling.

In considering applications, the rights of individuals to use or develop their property are balanced against public interest and concerns.

Fareham Borough Council encourages public participation in all aspects of planning and comments and views are welcomed.  Anyone can object to or support a planning application irrespective of where they live or how they learned of the proposal.

How can I view an application?

Comments are best made after you have studied the application, when you are fully aware of what is proposed.

You can view submitted applications, plans and supporting information on the Council's website at  You can also see any comments already made about the application there.

You are also able to view the application by visiting the Civic Offices (Civic Way, Fareham, PO16 7AZ) during opening hours Monday to Friday 8.45am - 5.15pm.

If you are having difficulty viewing application documents or would like to discuss the proposals, please contact the named officer on the letter you have received.

How can I comment?

If you want to comment on an application, you should do so in writing so that your views can be formally taken into account.

You can comment in any of the following ways:

You should ensure that your comments are with us no later than the closing date given on your notification letter.  Please provide us with your full name and postal address for your comments to be taken into account.

You might also like to send a copy of your comments to your local Councillors to make them aware of your views. Details of all of Fareham's Councillors are on Fareham Borough Council's website, or you can call us and we will let you know who they are.

What can I comment on?

Your comments should be based solely on planning considerations.  These include for example:

Things which are not planning considerations, and cannot be taken into account when deciding applications, include:

All comments received will be published on the Council's website, unless they are inappropriate, so you should only include material you are happy for the public to see online.

What else should I tell you?

Along with your comments you should also include:

Please note: If you do not provide us with your full name and address we will not take your comments into account.

Fareham Borough Council collects this information in order to perform the service of deciding planning applications, and if further information is needed in order to do so, you may be contacted using the details provided. In performing this service, any information you provide may be shared with other organisations or departments. More detailed information can be found in Fareham Borough Council's 'Privacy Policy' which can be viewed on our website at: /privacy.aspx, or on request.

What will you do with my comments and information?

The Council has a duty to make all comments it receives on planning applications publicly available. We will normally display the comments we receive on Fareham Borough Council's website.

Before comments are displayed on our website we will remove any personal information that has been included. Please note it would be advisible to not add any personal details within the body of your comments.  Endeavours will be made by the Council to ensure this information is removed if included.                                                                                                    

How will my comments be taken into account?

Your comments will help bring certain issues to our attention and will tell us how important those matters are to you and other residents.  This will help us to decide how much weight should be given to a particular issue.

Applications are not necessarily refused just because an objection has been received or permitted because support is received.  If a number of representations are received this may reveal strength of feeling, however a single representation is just as important as multiple representations.  The content of your representation and the planning matters you raise are what we will have most regard to when making decisions.

What happens next?

Once you let us have your comments we will write back to you to acknowledge that we have received them.  We will keep you informed on the progress of the application.  For example, if changes are made by the applicant which we think you should know about we will be in touch.

How will a decision be made?

Once the period for commenting on the application has ended and all relevant information has been gathered, a decision can be made.  Many applications are straight forward or non-contentious and are decided by officers of the Council.  When written comments are received about an application, it may be decided by members of Fareham Borough Council's Planning Committee, which is made up of elected Councillors, who normally meet once a month.

If an application you have commented on is to be considered by the Planning Committee we will write to you with further information including where and when the next meeting will be and how you can attend and speak at the meeting if you would like to.

If you have commented on an application we will always write to you after a decision has been made to let you know the outcome.

Will I get another chance to comment?

Once the period for comments to be received has ended you may not have another opportunity to have your say.  If the application is changed significantly then we may write to you again to invite you to comment further.  If the application is to be decided by the Planning Committee you have the opportunity to speak at the meeting.

In the event that an application is refused the applicant has a right of appeal.  We will forward any comments received to the Planning Inspectorate; the government body responsible for deciding appeals.

I don't want to comment.  Will you still keep me informed about this application?

If the application is significantly changed then it is likely we will write to you again. If you do not comment on an application and no significant changes are made to it, we will not normally write to you again.

You can still follow the progress of an application online at the Council's website if you would like to do so.  You can also contact the officer handling the case to find out more at any stage and ask them to keep you informed.

Can I organise a petition?

If you feel a lot of people have the same views as yourself, you might like to organise a petition as a way of providing comments on an application.

A petition should clearly set out a statement making reference to the application to which people then add their name, signature and postal address.

To enable us to take into account the points raised you should ensure the signed petition reaches us before the end of the period for commenting.  We will keep the first signatory on the petition informed of the progress of the application.

Other useful information

What are Building Regulations?

Building Regulations legislation sets out technical standards required for the design and construction of buildings.  They cover matters such as the structural stability of a building, fire safety, thermal insulation and more.

The requirements under building regulations and the process on notifying or applying for consent are entirely separate from the planning process.

The Building Control Partnership provides a service on behalf of Fareham Borough Council, Gosport Borough Council and Portsmouth City Council in relation to Building Regulations.

Telephone: 01329 824 823


Website: Hyperlink (opens in new window)

What is the Party Wall Act?

Where proposals involve work on party walls or excavations near neighbouring properties, there may be measures required under the Party Wall Act 1996.

Whilst Fareham Borough Council is not responsible for enforcing the Party Wall Act, leaflets explaining its requirements are available at the Civic Offices or can be viewed online at: External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

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