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How to apply for planning permission, listed building and other planning consents

This section is about applications for planning permission, listed building consent, advertisement consent, work to trees, certificates of lawfulness and other related planning consents.

The application form

Please note that Fareham Borough Council requires only one set of application forms, documents and plans when submitting a paper application, not three copies as stated in the checklists.

Once it is clear that you need planning permission (and/or another consent) you must submit an application to us. You can do this electronically through the planning portal.

Local Information Requirements

As well as the national requirements set out on each of the forms, we have our own local information requirements and guidance PDF (90 KB). We will only accept applications if these have been satisfied.   Please note that Fareham Borough Council requires only one set of application forms, documents and plans when submitting a paper application, not three copies as stated in the checklists.

Design and access statements

Design and Access Statements are short reports that accompany and support planning applications and are a statutory requirement.

Ordnance Survey extract/site plan

Most applications must be accompanied by an up to date Ordnance Survey extract at a scale of 1:1250. These maps are available from External Hyperlink - Opens in new tab

Application fees

Most applications will need to be accompanied by a fee.  Please see the guide to fees External Hyperlink (opens in new window) to find how much you need to pay.

Further help

For more help on submitting your application, please telephone us on 01329 236100.  You are also welcome to visit the Civic Offices and speak to a planning officer between 8.45am and 5.15pm Monday to Friday.

Other matters to be aware of

Granting of planning permission does not override other legislation or required consents. Here is some other legislation you may need to be aware of:

The building regulations

You will need approval for almost all new building work and structural alterations under building regulations. This is separate from and in addition to any planning permission.  For help, see the Building Control Partnership website External Hyperlink (opens in new window) or contact it at Fareham or Gosport Council offices on 01329 824823 or e-mail:

Party Wall Act

You must give notice to your neighbour of excavations within three or six metres (depending upon depth of the excavation) of a neighbouring building, new building at or astride the boundary line between properties or work directly to an existing party wall or fence wall. For further information contact the Building Control Partnership External Hyperlink (opens in new window).

Works affecting a public sewer

Southern Water Services Ltd External Hyperlink (opens in new window) normally require land within three metres either side of a public sewer to be accessible. Connections to the public sewer also need their agreement. Contact them online or write to SWS Ltd, Southern House, Sparrowgrove, Otterbourne, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2SW or telephone 01962 714585.

Council Tax:

If your proposals involve creating separate living accommodation you may be liable for additional Council Tax. The fact that a unit shares common services and cannot be sold on its own does not prevent it from being classed as self-contained. You should contact the Southampton Valuation Office, Overline House, Blechlyndon Terrace, Southampton, SO15 1GW, or phone 023 8053 8500) or visit External Hyperlink (opens in new window) to check if works to create separate living accommodation will be liable for Council Tax.

Ownership and rights over land:

Getting planning permission does not give any title or rights over land. You should check your title deeds before you start work.


These are needed for running private hire and hackney carriages. Contact us by email at or telephone 01329 236100.

Works to the highway

These must be agreed with Hampshire Highways on 0300 555 1388 or by e-mail at

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