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Submission of details pursuant to planning conditions

Many planning permissions are granted subject to planning conditions. Some of these need further details to be submitted to us for approval. You must pay a fee to us when you submit details about planning conditions. The fee payable is £116 per request to discharge conditions (or £34 if the discharge of condition relates to a planning permission for extending or altering a home or other development in the curtilage of it). You must pay the fee when you make the request. Until the fee has been paid, we will not carry out any work on the submitted details.

You must make all requests for discharging planning conditions in writing and ideally on the national application form designed for this, which can be submitted electronically via the planning portal External Hyperlink (opens in new window) or a paper copy External Hyperlink (opens in new window) printed. If you submit details on paper, you must supply one copy of any supporting plans or information with your submission. If you send a covering letter rather than fill in the application form you must ensure that all the relevant information requested in the application form is in your covering letter. If you submit details to discharge a number of conditions at the same time, one fee of either £116 or £34 is payable. If details to discharge conditions are submitted on a number of separate occasions, you must pay either £116 or £34 each time.

We will send an acknowledgement letter to you confirming we have received details. We will aim to provide you with a decision as soon as possible. If we refuse your submission or if we do not make a decision within eight weeks, you have a right of appeal to the Secretary of State. If we do not provide you with a decision within 12 weeks, we must pay back your fee.

Where possible, we will contact you to discuss details we are unhappy with before making any decisions. However, if we consider that an application falls short of what is required by Government guidance (e.g. a superficial contamination assessment is submitted for a site with known contamination) we will issue a refusal notice without discussion. A further submission would require another fee. If you do not know which level of information you should submit, contact us so that we can discuss it with you.

For more information, contact us by email at

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