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Local authority pollution prevention control

Part B Permits

Some industrial and waste management activities could harm the environment or human health unless they are controlled. Pollution prevention and control (PPC) is a regulatory regime for controlling pollution from certain industrial activities such as foundries, petrol stations, dry cleaners, concrete crushers, vehicle re-sprayers and printing operations. Since 6 April 2008, it has been incorporated into the framework of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2007. This created one single regulatory system by streamlining and integrating the PPC and waste management licensing. Where an operation falls within the environmental permitting (EP) regime, the operator must either obtain a permit or register a waste exemption.

The EP Regulations identify what needs an EP. Currently these are:

The operator must pay a fee and make an application for a permit. We can then issue a permit in line with government guidance. The permit will include conditions to ensure that emissions to the environment are minimised.  There is an annual charge once the permit is issued and we will visit the installation at least once a year to ensure that the conditions are being met.

Since 6 April 2008, new operations have been required to obtain a permit or a waste exemption before they could operate lawfully. For operators who had a waste management licence or a PPC permit, these automatically became EPs on that date. The Environment Agency and local authorities enforce the EP regime across England and Wales. The Environment Agency regulates what are known as Part A1 installations (otherwise known as Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control - IPPC) and we regulate Part A2 (otherwise known as Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control - LA-IPPC) and Part B installations (otherwise known as Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control - LAPPC). The system of IPPC and LA-IPPC applies an integrated environmental approach to the regulation of Part A1 Part A2 installations respectively. It involves determining the appropriate controls for industry to protect the environment through a single permitting process. This means emissions to air, water and land plus a range of other activities with an environmental impact must be considered together. Installations regulated under LAPPC (Part B installations) are those whose air only emissions have been regulated by local authorities under similar such controls since 1991. We are responsible for permitting and inspecting all Part B installations within our boundaries, including air emissions from a crematorium, several vehicle re-sprayers and a foundry.

Guidance notes

You can see full guidance on the website of the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). This link will take you to the appropriate page of the website: 

How to apply

You can find an application form for a permit in the general guidance manual External Hyperlink (opens in new window)


The fee for applications may vary depending on the number and type of authorisations applied for. You can see details of the fees and charges on the Defra website External Hyperlink (opens in new window). Please enclose a cheque made payable to "Fareham Borough Council" with your completed application form.


We keep a record of all Part B permits issued within the Borough. This information is public. You can see the public registers by appointment or at register of Part B permits granted

Contact us

If you would like further information or advice about any issues, please email us at or telephone us on 01329 236100.

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