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Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers

Notification of Cooling Tower and Evaporative Condenser Regulations 1992

Cooling Tower Notification External Hyperlink (opens in new window)

Over recent years there has been a number of outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease associated with wet cooling systems (cooling towers and evaporative condensers), which have often resulted in serious cases of infection and fatalities in about 12% of cases.

Such outbreaks also give rise to considerable public concern and take up significant enforcing authority resources.

It has frequently been found that poor maintenance of such plant and poor compliance with the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations and Approved Code of Practice on the prevention or control of legionellosis, gives rise to the potential conditions in which outbreaks can and do occur.

It is because these wet cooling systems pose the most serious risk from outbreaks of legionnaires' disease if not properly looked after, that the regulations were brought into being in 1992 requiring the notification of cooling towers and evaporative condensers to the appropriate local authority.

The regulations require those in control of premises with wet cooling systems to register them with the local authority within which they are located and to also notify changes, including when plant ceases to be in operation.

The principle purpose for this notification process is to identify where potential sources of risk are located and allow for easier identification, monitoring and inspection by the enforcing authorities.

Whilst the task of maintaining records of wet cooling systems under the regulations rests with local authorities, and in this particular case Fareham Borough Council, responsibility for enforcement in respect of standards of assessment and control is split between the Health & Safety Executive ( a government agency) and local authorities, depending on the main activity of the premises.

Operators of installations should be aware that both the local authority and HSE will undertake a number of visits to their premises to ensure standards are met and will take enforcement action where appropriate.

If you have any queries about premises within the area of the Fareham Borough that have notifiable devices in operation, or wish to notify the Council of new or closed plant please contact us as detailed below.

If you wish to register or notify the council of a cooling tower or evaporative condenser then you can use the online form.

More information can be found at the following websites:

For further information or advice on any of the above please email us at or telephone us on 01329 236100.

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