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Water Quality

Water quality at Hill Head bathing beach is checked on a weekly basis by the Environment Agency.

The Solent Water Quality Award scheme has been in existence since 1992 to provide a simple and readily understood indicator of satisfactory water quality at bathing beaches and, where feasible, in recreational waters around the Solent.  The Award applies to areas within a 200m offshore limit.

The Award is given where the bathing water reaches or exceeds the standards specified in the European Community Revised Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) and is based on the microbiological standards for bacteria in the water (intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli)) required by this directive.

The results displayed on the award plaques located at Monks Hill Carpark and Salterns Road Carpark at Hill Head are based on the bacteriological standards contained in the European Council Revised Bathing Water Directive -

Excellent: meets the higher standard

Good: meets the minimum standard

Poor: fails to meet the minimum standard.

To report an emergency pollution incident please call the Environment Agency hotline on 0800 807060.

More information on the standards can be found on the Environment Agency External Hyperlink (opens in new window) website.

For information on general bathing water quality please see the European Union External Hyperlink (opens in new window) website.

Further information on beach cleanliness and other marine standards can be obtained from the Marine Conservation Society External Hyperlink (opens in new window) website.

For information on bathing and recreational water quality in Fareham Borough please contact the Council's Environmental Health Pollution Team by telephone on: 01329 236100 or by email via this link.

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