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The Hampshire Archaeology and Historic Buildings Record

The Archaeology and Historic Buildings Record (AHBR), maintained by Hampshire County Council, is an index to the known archaeology sites and finds, historic buildings, designed and historic landscapes, parks and gardens and industrial monuments of Hampshire. It holds records on archaeological fieldwork and excavations. Most information in the AHBR is held on a computer database which is linked to digital mapping. The database is supplemented by archaeological reports, articles and photographs, including aerial photographs.

What is recorded on the AHBR?

The AHBR includes sites and finds dating from the prehistoric to buildings of late 20th century. Records range from impressive monuments such as the Iron Age hill-fort of Danebury to the Bishop's Palace at Bishop's Waltham, to simple structures such as milestones. Many of the buildings recorded are listed, but often there is additional information. This might include artefacts recovered from excavations and single finds reported by people.

What is the AHBR used for?

The AHBR informs the advice that the County Council gives to planning authorities and developers on the implications of proposed developments. It provides information to manage, interpret and conserve Hampshire's historic environment. It is an important tool for academic and personal research and has a role in education, recreation and tourism, promoting interest and appreciation of Hampshire's diverse heritage.

Can you help us?

Although there are more than 37,000 records on the database, there is still much to be discovered or understood. If you have undertaken research on the archaeology, landscape or buildings of your areas, or found a new site we would like to hear from you. If you have found an artefact you can report it to the Finds Liaison Officer of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) based at the Winchester Museum Service who will pass the information on to the AHBR.

Consulting the AHBR

The AHBR is a public database that you can consult by appointment during office hours. Alternatively you can write, phone or e-mail us with your enquiry, giving as much information as possible about your enquiry (area, period, type of site etc) to enable staff to deal with it effectively. Information can be sent out in printouts, for which there may be a charge to cover staff time and any photocopying. We welcome enquiries from all areas of the community.


Historic Environmental Data Manager
Environment Department
Hampshire County Council
The Castle
SO23 8UD


Fax: 01962 832312

Portable Antiquities Scheme 01962 848269

Other archaeological databases in Hampshire

The AHBR covers the administrative area of Hampshire County Council. The unitary athority areas of Southampton and Portsmouth maintain similar records for their areas, known as Historic Environment Records (HERs) or Sites and Monuments Records (SMRs). Winchester City Council also maintains the HER for the Winchester District. Please visit the Heritage Gateway External Hyperlink (opens in new window) website for up-to-date contact details about all three HERs/SMRs, and other relevant information.

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