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Fareham's pop up beach 

Sponsored by Everyone Active

Open now!

The much-loved giant sand pit is back once again in Fareham Shopping Centre, free for families to use all year round! 

Located inside the shopping centre, near B&M, the pop-up beach also has a 'grassed' area where children can play with a range of lawn games throughout the year, free of charge. It will be here right the way up to October this year.

Opening times of the sandpit are during Fareham Shopping Centre's opening times: Monday-Saturday 9am-5:30pm and Sunday 10am-4pm.

Free activities

Free lawn games will also be available alongside the pop-up beach on the following dates:

Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd March

Tuesday 22nd - Sunday 27th April

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th May

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th June

Monday 21st - Sunday 27th July

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th August

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th September


Plus Everyone Active will be there on the first Friday of every month with family friendly activities!

We hope you have fun but we kindly ask that everyone follows our rules to keep the pop-up beach clean, tidy and safe for everyone.


- Supervise children at all times

- Use rubbish bins provided

- Keep the sand inside the sandpit

- Leave any buckets, spades or toys in the sandpit so others can enjoy them too

- Please remove any loose sand from clothing and shoes before exiting



- Consume food or drink in the sandpit

- Throw or remove sand from the sandpit

- Move the deckchairs

- Let dogs in the sandpit


Fareham Borough Council, Fareham Shopping Centre, Everyone Active and Mountjoy cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings. Fareham Shopping Centre's visitor code of conduct must be adhered to External Hyperlink - Opens in new tab


Proudly sponsored by Everyone Active, who will also be at the pop-up beach on the first Friday of each month with activities and promotions.





With thanks to Mountjoy for constructing the sandpit.



If you have any comments about the pop-up beach please contact the Leisure and Community Team on 01329 236100 or email 

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