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Access All Areas

Beat the boredom this summer and take part in some great activities across Fareham!

Access All Areas is for young people aged 11-16 years old that live and go to school in Fareham.

This year we are working with some fantastic organisations to put on lots of different activities.

Spaces on these activities will be limited and offered on a first come, first served basis, so please make sure your parent/guardian registers you early to avoid disappointment.

What's on offer?

Register online


Terms and conditions

Activity requirements and consent forms


What's on offer?

A timetable of activities can be viewed below. All activities must be booked in advance and a maximum of three activities per person can be selected.

All activity requirements and any relevant consent forms can be found on this page. Please read these carefully before booking activities. Any additional consent forms will need to be completed and returned to the event organiser on the day of the activity.

Register online in advance

Registration opens on Monday 1 July and will close on Friday 26 July, unless all of the activities become fully booked before this time.

Please read the terms and conditions and activity requirements before booking and paying for any activities.

Register below!

You can select and pay for your activities through TicketSource. Plese click this link to take you through to Ticketsource External Hyperlink

You can take part in 3 different activities throughout August, but you must get your parent/guardian to register you online first. Please pick 3 different activities to allow everyone to have a fair chance of taking part. If you pick one or more of the same activity, we will contact you to change your request, however please note that the activities you would like to take part in instead may not be available at the time of contacting you.

There will be a one-off, non-refundable fee of £10 (including VAT) to cover all your sessions. It will still be £10 whether you decide to take part in one, two or three activities.

Once you have booked and paid for your activities you will receive an email from TicketSource confirming all activities that have been booked.


Find an accessible version of the timetable here PDF (2 MB).

AAA timetable

Terms and Conditions

Please read the below carefully as some things may have changed from previous years.

Who is eligible to attend?
How can I sign my child up?
What is included in this year's Access All Areas?
How much does it cost?
Where can I find activity requirements and consent forms?
What safety measures will you be taking?
What else do I need to know?


Who is eligible to attend?

Participants must live in the borough of Fareham, attend a secondary school based in the Borough of Fareham or be about to start in September 2024.

Participants must be aged 11-16 to take part. We hate to be mean, but if you are found to be younger than 11 you will not be able to take part in the event and will be asked to leave. This is for the safety of young people.

How can I sign my child up?

A parent or guardian must register their child online in advance for Access All Areas through the online booking system.

If you are booking more than one child they will each need a separate form completed for them.

You will be able to select activities and pay £10 by card there and then. You will receive email confirmation from the booking system once your payment has been successful.

Please be aware that you will not be able to change any of your activities once you have booked and paid for them online.

What is included in this year's Access All Areas?

All the activity options can be seen further up the page.

You can choose up to 3 different activities throughout August. Please be aware that activities have limited spaces available and will be booked on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you pick one or more of the same activity, we may contact you to change your request, however please be aware that the activities you would like to take part in instead may not be available at the time of contacting you.

Anyone not booked on the session (including any parents!) will be asked to leave as we don't want to encourage lots of people to congregate.

How much does it cost?

There is a fee of £10 (including VAT).  The amount will still be £10 whether you decide to book just one session or all three for your child to participate in. The fee is non-refundable, and payment is taken by card through the online booking system.

If you can't afford this fee, we are taking referrals from our partner agencies for free spaces.  These spaces are limited and are offered on a first come, first served basis. Referrals can be taken through social workers, youth workers and schools. They will need to contact the Leisure and Community Team by phone on 01329 824593 or email 

Where can I find the activity requirements and consent forms?

Once you have received your email booking confirmation, please read the conditions and requirements carefully for each of your booked activities.

Please be aware that some activities require a signed consent form which must be brought with you on the day. These can be downloaded on the above page or can be sent by email, in the post or collected from the Civic Offices upon request. Failure to provide the relevant signed consent forms may mean that your child cannot take part in the activity.

What safety measures will you be taking?

Trained providers will run their activity in a safe manner.

Council Officers will also be on site for the duration of each activity, to make sure your child and our partner organisations are safe and have a great time. First aiders will be on site in the unlikely event of any injuries. Please ensure you provide up to date emergency contact details on the booking form.

What else do I need to know?

If you have any questions about the scheme, or would like to run an activity, please contact the Leisure and Community Team on 01329 236100 or email



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