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Football and cricket pitch bookings Map of recreation groundsBurridge Recreation Ground Allotment Road Recreation Ground

Weekly pitch availability
Using sports pitches and associated facilities
Making a booking
Booking cricket at Allotment Road
General information
Invoicing and payment
Safety announcement - Hunts Pond Road - Archery
Safety announcement - Sarisbury Green - Cricket


Fareham has 29 football pitches, nine cricket squares and two rugby pitches, one of which is floodlit. Please note that the floodlights are not available for hire by FBC.  Most of these sporting facilities have purpose-built changing and shower rooms as well as car parking. The pitches are available for booking through the Council in most cases or directly with the clubs.

Football/Cricket - Weekly Pitch Availability:   

Football is open for the season, please visit this site for updates on a weekly basis

March - Pitches are on 

Pitch Availability
Wicor Rec 




Seafield Park   On


Hillson Drive On
Holly Hill On
Locks Heath 


Hunts Pond Road On
Titchfield On
Sarisbury Green  Cricket off 

Please ensure that you book through the Council if you wish to use the pitches on 01329 824831 (Monday to Friday) or email

Using sports pitches and other facilities

All new clubs and leagues must complete a registration form PDF (91 KB).

Please note Pre-season games may not be covered by the League's insurance. Clubs should contact Hants FA to request a copy.

All bookings and cancellations are subject to the Terms and Conditions of Hire PDF (118 KB).

Fees and Charges PDF (968 KB)


Making a booking

Once your Club has been registered, you will be able to make a booking by emailing or calling 01329 824831 with your requests.

Booking pitches directly with clubs (Allotment Road)

To book a Cricket match at Allotment Road Recreation Ground please contact Elaine Smith via email at

General information

The following pitch booking times apply to all grounds:

The Hirer shall be responsible for their team and the opposition for keeping the pitches and premises, both inside and outside, clean and tidy and for ensuring that all lights, taps, showers and other equipment in the changing rooms are turned off; doors and windows are closed, gates and security shutters to the sports ground (where applicable) are shut before leaving.

Should portable electrical appliances be used in any changing rooms, the Hirer should ensure that the item of electrical equipment has a current PAT testing certificate.

Invoicing and payment

Invoices for football games played will be raised twice during the season – at the end of January for the period of Sept to December and in May for the period of January to May – and September for cricket games. Please contact the Streetscene team on 01329 824831 or e-mail

You can pay in these ways:

Safety announcement - Hunts Pond Road - football/archery

All clubs must observe these conditions and pass them to all teams playing here:

Safety announcement - Sarisbury Green - cricket

Cricket may only be played at Sarisbury Green if the protective netting system is put in place before each game and stays up during it. If this is not possible, you must not play. Failure to comply may result in a team no longer being allowed to play cricket at Sarisbury Green.

For more information please contact Customer Services on 01329 236100 or e-mail


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