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Fareham in Bloom

Something Small

To vote for your favourite, look through the entries below and email with your choice, including the category of 'something small' and the number of the image.

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Something Small - 1

"A wild bird and bug bee garden"

Something Small - 1

Something Small - 2

"An Antique Marquetry wooden planter found at a farm sale, filled with lobelia,Petunia, Osteospernum in purple, yellow and rose."

Something Small - 2

Something Small - 3

"I have a very small garden on the corner of a road, where I live in a small flat with my husband. My garden is my little sanctuary which I spend hours in. I relax in it as much as possible and receive a lot of feedback about how lovely it is, by many passers by. I have no plan and I let everything grow and come back every year where possible. No colours are off limits. I fill my little space with as much colour and scent as possible and always add plants for butterflies and bees. I particularly like scented Nemesias, lavender and clematis. It is a very important space for me to potter about, enjoy the scents and watch visiting creatures enjoying it all. I also have many water features as I enjoy the sound of running water & it also gives the creatures somewhere to cool off. My garden is my little piece of heaven."

Something Small - 3

Something Small - 4

"A splended corderline tree flowering in Campion Close Warsash."

Something Small - 4

Something Small - 5

"This small border is at the front of my house. The plants in it are cornflowers, mallow and purple toadflax. The toadflax self seeds and is great for the bees, it is perennial and adds height to a border. There are tall ox-eye daisies which insects such as butterflies, bees and hoverflies like."

Something Small - 5

Something Small - 6

"I like to keep the flowers up together to provide some colour to the High Street."

Something Small - 6

Something Small - 7

"This is my happy place. I spend as much time as possible in the garden along with my friends."

Something Small - 7

Something Small - 8

"We enjoy spending a lot of time together in the garden, we like to reuse and repurpose as much as possible, our planters are discarded rain water hoppers planted with trailing begonias plants now in their third year, we have also donated plants to the lions club of warsash many people also come round to visit our garden."

Something Small - 8

Something Small - 9

"Corner courtyard with picture of a holiday destination, Sorrento. Plants include fuchsias, clematis, Busy Lizzie and lobelias."

Something Small - 9

Something Small - 10

"My little girl has a real passion for nature and growing things, this year she's grown tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, pumpkins, peppers, peas, broadbeans, chillis, garlic and lots of flowers and herbs too from sunflowers, roses, lavender and thyme."

Something Small - 10

Something Small - 11

"I have made a small garden out of the communal space outside the block of flats where I live.  It has taken me many hours to do, but everyone who walks past comments on how lovely it looks.  It really brightens up what was a quite a dull area.  I have also made a garden in the space out the back of the flats."

Something Small - 11


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