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Fareham in Bloom 2024


To vote for your favourite, look through the entries below and email with your choice, including the category of 'community' and the number of the image.

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Community - 1

"I look after the patio area at Barnfield court, I love gardening and spend a lot of time getting the area to look nice my fellow tenants have started to enjoy sitting on the patio. going forward it would be lovely for them to get involved and do some planting with me.
doing the garden help my wellbeing and makes me feel happy to see other enjoying the end results."

Community - 1

Community - 2

"I spend every day keeping the lawn and flowers watered . 
I have grown the flowers from seeds inside my flat on my window seals , I feed the lawn regularly and commit my self daily to looking after the front of my garden . The petunias I think look so beautiful as lots of different colours make it look so pretty."

Community - 2

Community - 3

"Hi I am a nursery practitioner who is blessed to be looking after some aspiring gardeners! Our 3 and 4 year olds have been fascinated with growing a variety of fruits, veggies and wildflowers since last September. They have grown strawberries, a couple of varieties of tomatoes, cabbage, runner beans, broadbeans, potatoes, carrots, peppers, squash, pumpkins, sunflowers, lemon balm, rosemary, mint and lots of wild flowers! 
They tried growing many other things but learnt that sadly some things do not take but as you see many things did! They keep an eager eye out for signs of new growth and care for their plants but watering them regularly. It''s been a wonderful project to do, teaching about growing and wildlife. They recently learnt about beneficial bugs like ladybirds, bumblebees and butterflies."

Community - 3

Community - 4

"The garden area around Portchester Library was in a bad state so a group of three volunteers took it on as a community project to instil some civic pride in the area, working a total of 12 hours per week.
After clearing the area of ivy and weeds that had taken over, we started enriching the soil and planting any flowers we had in our gardens and bulbs which people and local shop owners of Portchester donated to us.  Mainly we have used perennial flowers with a nice amount of colour, but we rely on the community to donate what they would like to see there,
Doing this has helped the community as other Portchester groups have become involved providing a real community spirit.  All in all, it has improved the area, making it more open and loved, for all the users of the Health Centre, Library and shops."

Community - 4

Community - 5

"We have a small patio garden with just pots that my husband planted, all of the Hydrangea are cuttings my husband did. I'm in a wheelchair and love looking out at my beautiful garden."

Community - 5

Community - 6a, b and c

"Burnham Wood and Tangle Wood is a small community in North Fareham consisting of 37 houses. Everyone in the community contribute in some way to the up keep of the whole road. We mow the grass verges all year, clean and weed the gutters and pavements. In the summer time the flower borders around the council trees in the entrance are planted out with Geraniums, and bedding Begonias and in the late Autumn Pansies and Daffodil bulbs. All the house owners keep their gardens in immaculate order and are all very enthusiastic to enter Fareham in Bloom. It is very difficult to capture the whole road in three photos, so please come and view yourselves.

All the residents that are able get involved in keeping the roads weed-free and tidy, including a working party to tackle the common areas. Individual gardens are diverse, but this year we chose geraniums and begonias for the eight beds at the entrance to the road as they are drought resistant. We all pass the beds daily and enjoy how pretty they are. Working side by side to keep our environment nice brings our community together and encourages us to keep our own gardens looking good. The photos here are just a tiny representative sample, but we love it when visitors compliment our work, so feel free to come and see what we achieve for yourselves."

Community - 6a

Community - 6b

Community - 6c

Community - 7a, b and c

"We are a voluntary association of 12 likeminded neighbours that over the past 2 years have worked to improve Sarisbury Green by planting and maintaining shrubs and flowers in a number of areas including the Parish Rooms, Memorial, Small Green outside parade of shops, Play Park, Sarisbury Green Community Centre, A27 road islands etc.  We meet regularly as we all enjoy it from a social perspective, but we also have great satisfaction in the work we complete and it's especially nice to receive compliments from passers by as we are working.

Our main projects this year have included:

The Sarisbury Green War Memorial, where following its extensive damage and subsequent repair, we have planted Forget me Nots, Rosemary, Primroses, Hydrangea and shrubs. 

Sarisbury Green Parish Rooms, where the frontage had been unattended for years. Here we improved the soil and planted Daisies, Fox Gloves, Geraniums, Marigolds, Honeysuckle, Lavender and Verbena. We had two large planters donated, which we have located at the Parish Rooms.

Corner of The Green, Sarisbury Green, - this is being rewilded and we have planted 3 trees and planted over 400 native bluebells, as well as primroses, cyclamen and daffodils. We've asked the FBC to only mow paths through the grass to encourage wildlife. Six insect habitats have been put high up in the trees here to encourage bees etc.

Sarisbury Green Community Centre - we have built a low timber wall in the rear garden to help frame the amazing views over the Hamble Valley and planted the area for the benefit of those groups regularly using the gardens with plants such as winter jasmine, lilies, lavender, ferns, hosta and roses. 

We are regularly donated plants from the community, including, Hibiscus, Roses, Hydrangea, which we have repurposed in the area. We also now have our own compost supply which we've matured over the two years, using grass cuttings from our work at the Community Centre.

As we are working in community areas, all local residents, businesses and visitors to the area have the benefit of the work we have completed. We have our own Facebook page - Keeping Sarisbury Green Team, where we regularly post pictures of our work, give wildlife/planting tips and encourage locals to join us on our tasks throughout the year."

Community - 7a

Community - 7b

Community - 7c


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