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Fareham in Bloom 2024

Businesses and Schools

To vote for your favourite, look through the entries below and email with your choice, including the category of 'businesses and schools' and the number of the image.

You can view entries in other categories here:

Best Garden
Something Small
Sustainable Garden



Businesses & Schools - 1

"We are a Special Needs Day Service that has a Horticultural base for our service users to engage in. They have various disabilities that are encouraged and supported to work in the gardens as well as engaging in other activities within the community. They grow on plants to maturity and work within our garden with general maintenance, grass cutting, weeding and producing vegetables and fruit that they use in their cooking groups."

Businesses and schools - 1

Businesses & Schools - 2

"We have worked really hard with the preschool children to create a special area for planting. They have helped to plant sweet peas, herbs, wildflower seeds and vegetables. We are enjoying watching them grow and change!"

Businesses and schools - 2

Businesses & Schools - 3

"We have been working on rewilding a section of our school grounds and making it a wildlife haven. We have redone our pond, built a bug hotel, have a wild meadow area, a polytunnel, fruit cage and an outside flower bed. We are growing flowers for the bees (we have two bee hives in this area too) as well as:
Watermelon, cucumber, tomatoes, courgettes, basil, onions, beans, peppers, strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, recurrants and goosberries. 

Our bug hotel and fruit cage have mostly been constructed using recycled items. The pond is already attracting wildlife and we have had dragonflies, tadpoles and one random fish!"

Businesses and schools - 3

Businesses & Schools - 4

"This planter is at the front of our Pupil and Main Receptions.
They are looked after by our site team who have nurtured them to give a pleasant and colourful start to everyone's day. It is the first piece before you reach our Well Being Garden where we have an abundance of colour and is used by staff, pupils including our accessible needs pupils."

Businesses and schools - 4

Businesses & Schools - 5

"We are a small committee run preschool based in Titchfield Common. We are aware that some of our children do not have access to a garden at home so we strongly feel that our outside area is a very important part of our provision. We are a little limited due to space and having no surface we can actually plant things in so we have improvised and created our own little growing area. We have planted wild flowers alongside bedding plants and we are currently growing strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, runner beans, sweet potatoes, lettuce and herbs. 
The children have gained so much knowledge through planting bulbs, seeds, etc and tending to the plants while learning what plants need to help them grow. They help to water all our flowers, fruit and vegetables daily and help to repot things when needed. All our Little Sunbeams seem to be enjoying the whole experience of becoming little gardeners."

Businesses and schools - 5

Businesses & Schools - 6

"We are a charity led nursery, the children in our family room range from ages 2-4 and they have shown a great interest in growing their own herbs, fruits and vegetables. We have created a little allotment in our nursery garden to support this interest. We are currently growing strawberries, potatoes, squash, pumpkins, peas, runner beans, broadbeans, garlic carrots, peppers and many herbs from lemon balm, thyme, lavendar and peppermint! 
The children are very proud of all the wonderful things they are growing and we thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to showcase that. 
We have lots more photos of their mini allotment area that may better show their hard work."

Businesses and schools - 6

Businesses & Schools - 7

"The garden has evolved over the past 50 years with various members being involved with its development.  Dick Francis is head gardener who has only been recently joined by Ian Wilson and Lorna Jackson in past couple of years. The gardens have been built through love and dedication from donations of plants and memorial gifts from members past and present. The garden is an oasis of quiet and tranquillity and comfort. A place to relax and reflect in the beauty of nature."

Businesses and schools - 7

Businesses & Schools - 8

"Our Gardener, Dave has worked at the hotel for more than 10 years.  He works 30 per week keeping our grounds spic and span for our guests.  He chooses the plants every year and always does an amazing job."

Businesses and schools - 8


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