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Press Release

17 March 2023

Council launches two planning consultations

Fareham Borough Council is launching two separate planning-related consultations on Friday 17 March, both of which relate to requirements that will be placed on future developers in Fareham.  The first is for a proposed change to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which is a planning charge on new development used to fund infrastructure; the second relates to Planning Obligations. 

Earlier this month, following an independent viability assessment that concluded a new CIL rate could be applied without negatively impacting on development, the Council’s Executive Committee approved a proposal to consult on a new charging schedule that includes revised rates for residential and some non-residential development.

The Council also put forward a proposal which was approved for a review of the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).  Planning Obligations are used to secure new or improved infrastructure, and their maintenance, and the SPD provides guidance to assist developers when planning for the inclusion of items such as affordable housing, public open space, outdoor sports and children’s play equipment and, importantly, environmental mitigation in new developments.

Cllr Simon Martin, Executive Member for Planning and Development said: ‘The Council is proposing an update to two schemes to reflect up-to-date viability and infrastructure requirement evidence.  Once finalised, these documents will set out how the Council will secure delivery of infrastructure associated with future developments across the Borough.’ 

Both consultations will be available on the Council’s website from 17 March until 11.59pm on Monday 1 May.  See


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