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Press Release

21 September 2017

Meet your local emergency services

Come along to the free 999 Day event on Saturday 21 October in West Street, Fareham from 9am – 4pm and meet your local emergency services. 

There will be free activities for children, plus the chance to get up close and see how emergency vehicles work, with an opportunity to meet the crew and learn what they do on a day to day basis.

Executive Member for Leisure and Community, Cllr Sue Bell, said: "This is always a very popular event, children will have the chance to climb inside various emergency vehicles and ask the crew questions about the important work they do. Maybe you have always wanted to know how fire hoses work or what makes the blue lights flash, come along and find out!".  

For more information about this and future events please visit or call 01329 824593.


For further information contact:

Lorna Tipper, PR and Marketing Officer, Tel: 01329 824518


This and previous media releases can be viewed on the Council's website:


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