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Press Release

16 February 2017

The Great Easter Egg Hunt

Fareham's popular Easter Egg Hunt is back this year on Saturday 1 April at Holly Hill Woodland Park.

Alice in Wonderland is the theme for this year's event. Children can search the woods for Easter treats and may even bump into the Mad Hatter on the way!

Executive Member for Leisure and Community, Cllr Sue Bell said: "This Easter event is great fun for all the family and is getting more and more popular each year. It's always a sell-out so get your tickets quickly."

The first session starts at 11:30am with phased entry times throughout the day. Last entry is at 3pm. Fancy dress is optional and remember to wear sturdy shoes as the woodland park may be muddy.

Tickets cost £6.00 per child and can be booked from Ferneham Hall by calling 01329 231942 or by visiting External Hyperlink (opens in new window)



For further information contact:

Becca Bennett, PR and Marketing Support Assistant, Tel: 01329 824609


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