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Press Release

27 January 2017

Plans to extend Holly Hill Cemetery

Plans to extend Holly Hill Cemetery will be decided on at a meeting of the Council's Executive Committee on Monday 6th February 2017.

Holly Hill Cemetery is the only open cemetery serving the Western Wards and there are currently no burial plots available.

The proposals would see the existing cemetery extended onto land to the south west, creating space for 377 new burial plots (and 240 cremated remains). The estimated cost of the works is £300,000.

To allow for the works some trees will need to be removed, however all the significant trees will be retained. A programme of planting will also be undertaken around the proposed site and on land at Coldeast to mitigate the loss of trees.

Executive Member for Streetscene at Fareham Borough Council, Councillor Tiffany Harper, said: "Holly Hill Cemetery was opened in 1957 and has been a very popular location for burials due to its pleasant and tranquil surroundings. Any decision to extend the site will need to be carefully considered, as we seek to ensure adequate provision of burial plots in the Western Wards, while balancing environmental needs. I would encourage those with an interest to take a look at the proposals on the council's website."

If the plans get the go ahead, it is anticipated the first phase of the extension would start around autumn 2017, with a view to being available for burials early 2019.




For further information contact:

Lorna Tipper, PR and Marketing Officer, Tel: 01329 824518


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