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Press Release

14 June 2017

Sainsbury's awards funding to Fareham Borough Council

A partnership led by Fareham Borough Council has received a grant of £30,000 from Sainsbury's as part of its 'Waste less, Save more' campaign to fund an initiative to reduce food waste.

The retailer has unveiled a pioneering 10-point plan, which includes a further £1million investment to support 29 UK-wide Discovery Communities.

As well as the Council, the partnership includes local schools and colleges, Housing Associations and community groups. Many people do not realise just how much food is wasted, so we will be asking residents to keep a simple diary for a week, and note down any food thrown away. Tips and ideas to help use up any excess will help families save money on food bills.

New tenants will be provided with Welcome Packs to help make the most of the food they buy, and Packed Lunch Rescue will help parents providing packed lunches for school to avoid wasting food.

Executive Member for Streetscene, Councillor Tiffany Harper, said: "We are delighted to have been chosen as one of the Sainsbury's Discovery Communities. We are keen to address the levels of food waste in the Borough and receiving this grant will allow us to raise awareness of the issue and get more of the community involved."

Although this initiative is being run primarily in south Fareham, residents from across the Borough who are interested in getting involved should contact the Council by email or engage with us on social media.

'Waste less, Save more' was launched by Sainsbury's in 2015 to help combat the growing issue of food waste.

Paul Crewe, Sainsbury's Project Lead, said:  "We've learnt a lot over the last 12 months about how we can help households waste less food and save money, but we're now casting our net wider to see the innovative ways communities up and down the country tackle food waste."


For further information contact:

Holly Tripp, PR and Marketing Support Assistant, Tel: 01329 824510


This and previous media releases can be viewed on the Council's website:


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